
How To Use Hastily In A Sentence

  • Bush and his war cabinet, including Rumsfeld, Cheney and Powell, hastily convened at the White House to consider an airstrike to "decapitate" the Iraqi leadership. 'I HAVEN'T SUFFERED DOUBT'
  • Perhaps you shouldn't brush the idea aside too hastily.
  • The engineer hastily tore away the paper and took up five or six glass photographic negatives, of a half-plate size, which were damp, and stuck together by the gelatine films in couples. Martin Hewitt, Investigator
  • Improvising hastily, the papal legate Guala is said to have crowned the new king with a chaplet of flowers.
  • Like Los Alamos, it was cradled by mountains and hastily built in order to win a war from an odd angle.
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  • He hastily opened the missal and started the opening prayer.
  • Keen to dampen down any rumours and to reassure staff that all's well, he tapped out a hastily written memo to his staff using his Blackberry.
  • Canvas tents and hastily assembled lean-tos disappeared in favor of nylon tents complete with metal poles and nylon stakes.
  • A pair of slipshod feet shuffled, hastily, across the bare floor of the room, as this interrogatory was put; and there issued, from a door on the right hand; first, a feeble candle: and next, the form of the same individual who has been heretofore described as labouring under the infirmity of speaking through his nose, and officiating as waiter at the public – house on Saffron Hill. Oliver Twist
  • The meeting was hastily summoned to resolve the dispute over the promotional rights of the tournament when two Cape Town promoters vied to stage it.
  • He found her in a white cymar of silk lined with furs, her little feet unstockinged and hastily thrust into slippers; her unbraided hair escaping from under her midnight coif, with little array but her own loveliness, rather augmented than diminished by the grief which she felt at the approaching moment of separation. Kenilworth
  • Generally, though, this is mainstream music with a spooky gown hastily thrown over it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The strength of local feeling was such that they were hastily withdrawn.
  • Still, Fed officials agreed on the emergency move during a videoconference call convened hastily Monday evening by Mr. Bernanke. Fed Rate Cut Halts Market Free Fall,
  • This gave me time to bop him on the nose to get him off me and hastily escape before he came back for more.
  • Merino, cashmere, Angora… these luxury yarns were too expensive to be hastily turned into just another scarf.
  • He and others: while again Mirabeau, we say, is cast forth from it, happily incapable of being replaced; and rests now, irrecognisable, reburied hastily at dead of night, in the central 'part of the Churchyard Sainte-Catherine, in the Suburb Saint-Marceau,' to be disturbed no further. The French Revolution
  • Like so many failed expeditions before them, Sir John and his men would be fleeing for their lives, dragging longboats and whalers and hastily clabbered-together sledges across the rotten ice, praying for open leads and then cursing them when the sledges fell through the ice and the contrary winds blew the heavy boats back on the pack ice, leads that meant days and nights of rowing for the starving men. The Terror
  • They hastily crept through the halls, towards the bridge of the ship.
  • I asked Sarza as she hastily stuffed water bottles, napkins, and granola bars into a tote bag.
  • The sentence here so hastily detruncated, stands thus in the Essay: Notes and Queries, Number 192, July 2, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • I query very much whether it is wise to act so hastily.
  • This is not only because the routine is relentless, the day-in/day-outness of hastily eaten meals, homework help and heart-to-hearts, things that must be done and done and then done again. A New Roof On An Old House
  • Exhausted, he slowed to a walk, hastily knocking tree limbs out of his way and gasping for air.
  • I left them hastily somewhere in the area of the mucous membrane of the small intestine ( "including that of the plicae circulares") and reverting to my rapidly proliferating list, journeyed back more than 1,360 tempting pages to chorion, only to find myself and it deeply involved with the fetus of mammals. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 3
  • The agenda had been hastily patched together and no one in the audience knew what was coming. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • -or, worse yet, for he'd been hastily reading about diseases of the nerves, Lou Gehrig's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ? THE TATTOOED GIRL
  • We all hastily clicked on the teaser shot featuring the car's taillamp and badging, and we'll take in the entirety of the CT 200h when the wraps come off at the dwilsonflyer 9: 16PM (2/25/2010) Autoblog Green
  • Should they hastily recast the role, maybe with an actor of proven quality? Times, Sunday Times
  • More than 100 people attended a hastily convened meeting called to object to the proposals. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tables were higgledy-piggledy, and the whole place was set out as if it had originally been as unlike a café as it was possible to be, and the owner had hastily attempted to correct this.
  • The previously undomesticated boy quickly realizes that half-measures like hastily buying his little cousin a pre-packaged lunch at a convenience store on the way to kindergarten can have traumatic consequences in a milieu where bringing in an amateurish or non-homemade bento is perceived as a symptom of a shamefully inadequate family. Daddies dearest
  • Nor do I hastily cork the melancholy bottle so we can all smile again. Christianity Today
  • Unfortunately, the problems Mike has had to deal with are skimmed over in a hastily produced final chapter.
  • Improvising hastily, the papal legate Guala is said to have crowned the new king with a chaplet of flowers.
  • There was nothing hurried or hastily thought-out about their earthworks. TREASON KEEP
  • So that when in February there came a blue, bright morning, the morning that suggests yellow crocuses and the smell of a mezereon tree and the smell of damp, warm earth, Daphne hastily got a taxi and drove out to the hospital. The Ladybird
  • Hastily I tossed the boy his fare, and his horses trotted off down the cobbled road.
  • Should they hastily recast the role, maybe with an actor of proven quality? Times, Sunday Times
  • Goldsmith to try them, which he did; wherefore understanding that he was brought present before you this day, I hastily commanded one of my servants to fetch the purse which he had sealed, and here I bring it unto you to see whether he will deny his owne signe or no: and you may easily conject that his words are untrue, which he alleadged against the young man, touching the buying of the poyson, considering hee bought the poyson himselfe. The Golden Asse
  • The agenda had been hastily patched together and no one in the audience knew what was coming. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • Immediately behind a hastily erected cordon of thick gold rope stands a scrabbling posse of paparazzi. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • Liza was in there, a dressing gown falling off her shoulders to reveal a hastily retrieved nightie and slippers that were so fluffy they were hardly distinguishable as shoes at all.
  • News of the shared experience of tear gas and of the police firing at them was spread in disbelieving, hastily transmitted messages from person to person to, and those who had not been present in the first moments of violence soon informed. 'I Saw a Nightmare …' Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
  • I hastily finished laying the fire before going down below the stairs to the kitchen.
  • E-mail is and hastily called symposia are ripples, says physicist Joel Primack of the University of California, Santa Cruz, are no less than "the handwriting of God. 'The Handwriting Of God'
  • She snatched her housecoat off the hook on the back of her door and hastily slipped it on.
  • In December he had sat stunned at a hastily organised and crowded press conference at Heathrow airport.
  • The product was hastily withdrawn from the market and all 2,000 copies had to be pulped.
  • Which seems less like a masterstroke than a tricky compromise hastily designed to quell a rebellion. The Sun
  • Brianna choked again, and I hastily placed an ashet on the table in front of her, just in case. Drums of Autumn
  • The tousled red hair and the small, slender bare feet showing beneath her hastily donned garments were all too obvious to both strangers. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • A battle-ravaged legion could have only two maniples, a hastily reorganised one could have ten.
  • They remained centres of the devotion of their flocks, and the "curates," hastily gathered, who took their places, were stigmatised as ignorant and profligate, while, as they were resisted, rabbled, and daily insulted, the country was full of disorder. A Short History of Scotland
  • So I took the said flask and went my ways hastily to my own chamber, and there I looked at the said flask and took out the stopple; and there was a liquor therein, white like to water, but of a spicy smell, sweet, fresh, and enheartening. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Whilst we were hastily inspanning and upsaddling, Theron came in from the right, bringing with him a captured Hussar. With Steyn and De Wet
  • Nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas. 
  • Parliamentary procedures are being hastily drafted to give it some effect.
  • I hastily stuffed three more forkfuls in my mouth, waiting for him to answer.
  • We hastily examined the despatched message to check that an obscenity or profanity had not somehow slipped in, or that a word could have been misinterpreted.
  • There he stood calling hastily for a drink; and her heart more than her eyes took in his, to her, consecrated signalment -- the riding-boots, short clothes, blue coat, cocked hat, ruffles. Balcony Stories
  • We hastily improvised a screen out of an old blanket.
  • I yelled as the freezing water soaked me, and I hastily scrambled out, toweling myself dry.
  • Her eyes went round as saucers at that thought that came out of nowhere, and hastily ducked her head, hoping her hair covered her flaming cheeks.
  • Luke took Hailey's hand in his, and the two hastily flew down the stairs and out of the lighthouse.
  • Seeing his brother walking away Benny followed hastily, rubbing off the damp sand from his hands on his shorts.
  • She hastily withdrew her hand from his.
  • I copied down the words and hastily stuffed the paper in my pocket.
  • Faces half covered, long curving scimitars sheathed at their sides, they walked along the narrow, trodden path, from which all onlookers hastily cleared.
  • We were followed by a flock of reporters and camerapersons from around the world, most of them wearing their bulletproof vests with a hastily attached ‘TV’ sign on the front.
  • Joe nodded hastily and snapped his goggles back over his eyes, covering the two rings of unsoiled flesh they had left when he first lifted them.
  • Neilson was a remarkably generous and even-tempered person who rarely had anything critical or dismissive to say of anyone, yet there may be a trace of irritation in his tone when he hastily deals with the matter in one of his letters.
  • He swung himself out of bed and dressed hastily.
  • Call her down hastily, it's time for supper.
  • “This must certainly be the cat-tail rush!” hastily again replied Hsiang-yün. Hung Lou Meng
  • When the fighting died down, the Confederates hastily constructed breastworks to protect their gains.
  • The lifeless form was hastily conveyed under ground where had been the circus ring and where the chances of discovery and disinterment were remote. Archive 2010-01-24
  • Coins are tossed, hands are shaken, hastily-purchased tat from the club shop is exchanged. Tottenham Hotspur v FC Twente – as it happened
  • However, as it turned out in practice the hastily drafted law leaves many problems hanging in mid-air.
  • The village had been hastily abandoned.
  • I can almost feel the self-loathing wafting out of some of the hastily scribbled missives that arrive at this time of year. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Do, do,” said Mowbray, recklessly; “I thank you, I thank you;” and hastily traversing the garden, as if desirous to get rid at once of his visitor and his own thoughts, he took the shortest road to a little postern-gate, which led into the extensive copsewood, through some part of which Clara had caused a walk to be cut to a little summer-house built of rough shingles, covered with creeping shrubs. Saint Ronan's Well
  • While his energy is to be lauded, Avila's presentation consisted solely of a seemingly endless rambling account of unformed tales, hastily thrown together with little connection.
  • The hastily organized counterblow by the forces of the 14th mechanized corps of the 4th army at the left wing of the Western Front failed to produce any noticeable success either.
  • The hastily lowered ladder leaned at the back, looking as though it would come crashing down at any moment.
  • A few older men hurried home with hastily purchased groceries, battening down for a siege. Day of Honey
  • The look on my face must have betrayed my disappointment because he added hastily: "I'm in bathroom fitments, not ornamental cornicing, or anything. Gareth Southgate, Capello's job, and the art of ruling oneself out | Harry Pearson
  • The show was put together rather hastily, in a bid to raise moral and material support for the artist who is ailing.
  • While still a few steps from the officer she unfolded the kerchief and took out of it a white twenty-five-ruble assignat and hastily handed it to him. War and Peace
  • As Mom drove and rattled on endlessly about how wonderful her high school years were, I studied my class schedule which I hastily scotch-taped to the cover of my binder.
  • John Davis coolly sat on a powder-keg from which the top had been shot off, and was so found by an officer, who hastily censured him for his loafing -- "bumming" during recess. The Lincoln Story Book
  • Tyrrel turned away from the man, and hastily left the hotel — not, however, by the road which led to the Aultoun, but by a footpath among the natural copsewood, which, following the course of the brook, intersected the usual horse-road to Shaws – Castle, the seat of Mr. Mowbray, at a romantic spot called the Buck-stane. Saint Ronan's Well
  • "She was worried, but now she is assured, " Singh told a hastily summoned press conference here.
  • The book-table had been hastily cleared for a cloth, not over white, and, in consequence, the sole remaining table, which acted as sideboard, displayed a relay of plates and knives and forks, in the midst of octavos and duodecimos, bound and unbound, piled up and thrown about in great variety of shapes.
  • Every one scattered and began hastily pounding on the rock walls with their picks.
  • I opened it and found a hastily scribbled note smudged in places by water droplets.
  • The marines had been hastily deployed to evacuate British nationals from the anarchy.
  • Hastily formed forces like the U. S. Army's Task Force Smith resisted valiantly, but the infantry was overrun in desperate rearguard battles.
  • Reacting and creating legislation hastily is not good government. Obama to detail broad financial reform
  • He hastily boarded the bus and found the nearest vacant seat, flinging his bag on the window seat and plonking himself on the aisle seat, his favourite spot on the whole bus.
  • Dima was moving hastily up the street as he followed at a slower pace.
  • He knew where the meeting area was to be, and hastily rolled up the map and slipped it back under the folds of his mantle.
  • Amylin hastily scheduled a conference call with analysts and investors Tuesday to discuss the FDA's action. U.S. Delays Approval of Diabetes Treatment
  • Guided by popular media reports, we may hastily conclude that doctors, by overprescribing antibiotics for people, are solely to blame for growing resistance.
  • She packed up her books and hastily stuffed them in her bag, walked out the hall and headed straight for the door.
  • It was a busy season and as the librarian hesitated the clubwoman added hastily that the whole programme need not occupy more than half an hour. A Librarian's Open Shelf
  • The French president and German chancellor hastily convened a late-night press conference after holding what they called "tough and hard" emergency talks with the Greek prime minister on the margins of the G20 summit in Cannes. Euro stability more important than Greece, says Angela Merkel
  • I really fail to understand what actuated you to give up such a promising post so hastily.
  • But least any of the crownes should lacke weight or be found counterfeit, I willed him to scale the purse wherein they were put, with his manuell signe, whereby the next day we might goe together to the Goldsmith to try them, which he did; wherefore understanding that he was brought present before you this day, I hastily commanded one of my servants to fetch the purse which he had sealed, and here I bring it unto you to see whether he will deny his owne signe or no: and you may easily conject that his words are untrue, which he alleadged against the young man, touching the buying of the poyson, considering hee bought the poyson himselfe. The Golden Asse
  • Therese curtsied, oblivious to Hannah's searching gaze, and hurried to the kitchen, hastily retying her apron, and adjusting her hair.
  • ‘Here you go, sweetheart,’ she swooned as the kitten hastily lapped up the milk with its little pink tongue.
  • Perhaps you shouldn't brush the idea aside too hastily.
  • He read it hastily before stuffing it in his pocket.
  • Then he would hastily take down his ascensionist outfit and, swearing at himself, put it on. Tartarin On The Alps
  • The other men had come and hastily put a roof on, but the cabin as a whole reminded Roger of nothing so much as a pile of giant jackstraws, poised precariously on the side of the mountain and obviously only awaiting the next spring flood to slide down the mountain after its builder. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • The bedclothes fell away to reveal a soft, flannel nightgown, and she wondered hastily where her evening gown was.
  • Arsenal have now won eight of their past nine matches in all competitions to creep up the Premier League table to the fringe of the European qualification places and to suggest a side hastily rejigged on the eve of the transfer deadline is finally finding its rhythm. Robin van Persie raises the standard for revitalised Arsenal
  • Generally, though, this is mainstream music with a spooky gown hastily thrown over it. Times, Sunday Times
  • It sails smoothly throughout the majority of the running time but by the last few tracks, there is a feeling that things were wrapped up too hastily.
  • He hastily straightened his gleaming bronze cuirass and cuisse, settled his sword sheath and gauntlets more comfortably upon his belt, and entered the audience hall.
  • Instead it gives the audience small doses of emotion and hastily toughens up the typical abused young woman.
  • Roots are so easily masticable that if they are rendered more so there is danger of their being so hastily swallowed as to escape thorough insalivation, which is so necessary to ensure perfect digestion. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • Hearing voices in the entrance hall, Beth hastily tugged down her nightgown and crept into bed, arming herself with a book as an effective prop.
  • Marge trailed behind him with an armful of hastily gathered clothing.
  • ‘Lets not talk about it,’ he said, back-pedalling hastily.
  • Colbert hastily collected the old men and boys of the tribe, and ambuscaded the Creeks so successfully that not one of them escaped.
  • In literary circles this narrative might be termed a potboiler - a tale hastily conceived and executed with commercial profits foremost in mind. On Frozen Blog
  • ” I answered her troubled and hastily, fearing I should not have the leisure to reply unto her, saying, “Sweet lady, let thy works verify thy words; for if thou carriest a poniard to defend thy credit, I do here likewise bear a sword wherewithal I will defend thee, or kill myself, if fortune prove adverse and contrary. The Third Book. XIII. How the Curate and the Barber Put Their Design in Practice, with Many Other Things Worthy to Be Recorded in This Famous History
  • the hastily buried corpses
  • Deciding that I didn't have time for a shower, I simply washed my face with cold water and then hastily applied fresh makeup.
  • Arriving for a hastily convened press conference, he was momentarily stunned by how few journalists were there, before the seats quickly filled up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stu's writing was virtually indecipherable, pencil scrawls as if done hastily in the dark from an uncomfortable position. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • Geoff hastily pushed the drawer back into place.
  • When you come to the point where listing the components of one aspect of a poem requires more words than the poem itself it behoves you to pull back, hastily, as from a bed of fierce, fiery nettles.
  • He began to drink heavily, left London in 1914, and spent the rest of his life roaming around Ireland, living off meagre earnings from hastily scribbled articles and stories.
  • I had left her a hastily scrawled note about Ginger being sick.
  • Charging for waste disposal was one idea he threw out before hastily saying that that was not Tory policy.
  • And by the looks of that wall of water coming down on us just now, the sooner we climb, the better for us! "cried Jerry, suiting his actions to his words, and seizing the lower limb of a friendly oak, into which he clambered hastily, followed by his three chums, just as a five-foot wave swept under them, for all the world resembling a" curler "rolling in from the ocean and up the beach. The Outdoor Chums After Big Game Or, Perilous Adventures in the Wilderness
  • Yet one day, while Hátszegi was in the drawing room of the countess, paying his court to her most assiduously, Vámhidy entered _sans gêne_; whereupon the countess hastily springing up from her _causeuse_ asked leave of the baron to withdraw for a moment and there and then conducted The Poor Plutocrats
  • He splashed the liquid in the container over the couch and hastily returned to his car.
  • A young, arrogant veterinarian unable to concentrate on the needs of animals hastily euthanizes an ill horse.
  • What's there is a furling, shimmering loop of ice, whorled loosely like a bundle of ribbon, not neatly wound — instead hastily stuffed in a brown paper bag by a clerk. A Winter Gift
  • A pair of slipshod feet shuffled, hastily, accross the bare floor of the room, as this interrogatory was put; and there issued, from a door on the right hand: first, a feeble candle: and next, the form of the same individual who has been heretofore described as labouring under the infirmity of speaking through his nose, and officiating as waiter at the public-house on Saffron Hill. Oliver Twist
  • Vengeance ought to ripen slowly in the strong heat of intense wrath, till of itself it falls -- hastily snatched before its time it is like unmellowed fruit, sour and ungrateful to the palate. Vendetta: a story of one forgotten
  • But I know that moving in a universe operating on Balkan time, no question should be answered too hastily, and without deep contemplation.
  • The next sentence in the paper presumably explained that the butterfly was hastily netted, chloroformed and examined.
  • Strange behaviour really, considering they are being paid over and above normal wages to make this hastily arranged tour. Times, Sunday Times
  • He found Ribbons and Bows downing glogg shots at a hastily organized wake for Gumdrop. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • Another pause followed -- a longer one -- when he said in a tone quite low, "_General St. Clair shall have justice; I looked hastily through the dispatches, saw the whole disaster but not all the particulars; I will receive him without displeasure; I will hear him without prejudice; he shall have full justice_. Washington in Domestic Life
  • Perhaps you shouldn't brush the idea aside too hastily.
  • Cory hastily drained the bottle, recapped it and laid it in the barrow, then seized the handles.
  • Brianna suppressed a choke of laughter as the two boys stumbled into the room and hastily shut the door.
  • The girls hastily 'tidied' the room, which meant putting the chairs against the wall, and piling all the odds and ends into a corner and partly hiding them with the big leather arm-chair that Father used to sit in after dinner. The Railway Children
  • I decided that nothing should be done hastily, that things had to be sorted out carefully.
  • Emotion clouded his face as he hastily made his exit.
  • Some peasants outside predict a storm, and counsel us to get down into the valley as quickly as may be; so the chesnut is hastily put to, and we rattle off just as the first heavy drops come splashing down to a low accompaniment of very distant thunder. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • They backtracked hastily and asked simply to be able to publish a prompt response.
  • As by stimulating one branch of lymphatics into inverted motion, another branch is liable to absorb its fluid more hastily; suppose strong errhines, as common tobacco snuff to children, or one grain of turpeth mineral, (Hydrargyrus vitriolatus), mixed with ten or fifteen grains of sugar, was gradually blown up the nostrils? Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Maybrick's pulse flared like the lightning overhead as he stood there in the darkness, listening to the rustle of skirts and clothing hastily switched about, the sharp sounds of the dockhand shifting his hobnailed boots on the pavement as he pressed the cheap trollop back into a convenient corner, the heavy breaths and meaty sounds of flesh coming together, slow and rhythmic and hard. Ripping Time
  • Beth hastily pulled on her nightdress, while Louis frantically rummaged around for his pyjama trousers.
  • But to sum up hastily, and with minimal complexity: DragonCon was a blur of old friends, new friends, panels, rum, corsetry, and the best kind of geeking out ever. I’m back!
  • But a restless eagerness for knowledge urged me farther: I lighted upon the history of ancient literature, and from that fell into an encyclopaedism, in which I hastily read Gessner's Autobiography: Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life
  • He switched off the engine hastily and Tony removed the cowling. THE MYSTERY OF THE CHINESE JUNK
  • Later a hastily assembled identification parade of three sat before me.
  • I hastily stuffed everything into my backpack, crushing many important math assignments… whoops!
  • Earth and timber fortifications were hastily erected, whether in motte-and-bailey or in ringwork form, in new areas during the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
  • She kneeled hastily at his side, and put the enchanted brewage to his lips, but he could neither drink nor speak, for he was dead, as I have told you. French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
  • ‘I'm sorry,’ she said, coming so hastily to her feet her heel caught in her skirt and she lurched forward.
  • The government hastily denied any part in it. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's looks good for his age. Not that 55 is old, " she hastily added.
  • I thought that I must be mistaken, that they were blown by the wind, but again I bent to touch one, and saw it hop hastily away.
  • She stood up, too hastily, all of a sudden interested in neatening the bed she had left unmade for days.
  • Less than two weeks into the U.S. "intervasion" of Haiti, a hastily conceived plan that called for cooperation between Haitian security forces and U.S. troops was a shambles. Caught In The Middle
  • PART THREE I would not, in these hastily written pages, presume to unlock the mystery of love. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
  • And thus ends my hastily improvised day, which I couldn't have planned any better.
  • In the popular Revolution bar and club on Belmont Street, a hastily extinguished cigarette was lying on the floor in the ladies' loos.
  • Canvas tents and hastily assembled lean-tos disappeared in favor of nylon tents complete with metal poles and nylon stakes.
  • Sandbag-lined bunkers and hastily-constructed concrete pillboxes rose sporadically out of the churned land.
  • Central to the work is a big fir tree defined by hastily applied daubs of paint.
  • The rebels had even hastily built a shipyard station to repair damaged ships.
  • Strange behaviour really, considering they are being paid over and above normal wages to make this hastily arranged tour. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, a new leadership hastily jettisoned the Party's name, and soon began to repudiate most of its past.
  • Hastily, they'd written a bill to eliminate the right to divert a river for a kayak course.
  • He hastily scrawls a message on his class schedule and sends his letter.
  • One is hastily procured, and the first captain -- a great, brawny, good-natured fellow, who has spent years at sea -- deftly fastens the bight of the rope to the handle of the breechblock. A Gunner Aboard the "Yankee"
  • Beth hastily pulled on her nightdress, while Louis frantically rummaged around for his pyjama trousers.
  • He was in shorts, like one of the errant schoolboys he used to chastise, clutching a sheaf of papers, or hastily-composed homework, shaking his general defiance.
  • She recoiled hastily at seeing a snake in the path.
  • Lop-Ear, caught unawares, also hastily reversed, but did not win the protection of the trunk until after the Fire-Man had twanged the bow. CHAPTER VII
  • The tousled red hair and the small, slender bare feet showing beneath her hastily donned garments were all too obvious to both strangers. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Some of the villagers went into a panic, and hastily threw some clothing on and tried to run.
  • He hastily stripped off his old uniform and began pulling on the new one.
  • The defeated army had to retreat hastily from the field of battle.
  • Hastily, Cecilia put the crucifix back in the box and in the drawer on her nightstand.
  • There was no time for the diplomacy of muttered condolences or passing excuses about his wife, nothing that might help reestablish their precoital relations, nothing but an upturned galvanized bucket, a banging door and a car disappearing hastily into the night. Whispers Of Betrayal
  • Strange behaviour really, considering they are being paid over and above normal wages to make this hastily arranged tour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Emma felt uneasy under the close observation of those pale blue orbs and hastily looked away.
  • The agenda had been hastily patched together and no one in the audience knew what was coming. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • I gulp my tea down hastily. Times, Sunday Times
  • Making no further reference to the child, he sat listening by turns to a prolonged exposition of his sister's views on the management of children, and to the continued wailings which floated down from the room above, until, at length, as a more piteous cry than all frantically voiced his own name, "faver," his self-restraint gave way, and he rose hastily and went upstairs. The Golden Shoemaker or 'Cobbler' Horn

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