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How To Use Haste In A Sentence

  • With the loss of so many illusions at once I cannot remember when I have felt so vulnerable or chastened, but neither can I remember when I have felt so alive.
  • HPL lived and died in genteel poverty, and some biographers have suggested that poor diet brought on by poverty may have hastened his death. Someone Is Angry On the Internet
  • It ain 'fittin' fo 'you-all to say anythin' ag'in 'Dr. Morgan, whatever he may _se_-lect to do," asserted Bud, combatively, and Pink hastened to hedge. A Tar-Heel Baron
  • [From Vivaculus:]… I hasted to London, and entreated one of my academical acquaintances to introduce me into some of the little societies of literature which are formed in taverns and coffee - houses.
  • Who has no haste in his business mountains to him seem valleys. 
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  • People followed these advanced thinkers with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • But government does not have the freedom to make proposals in haste and repent at leisure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Make haste, and come down this moment. Pride and Prejudice
  • Instead of being crushed at once, as perhaps the writer expected, it darted forward, quite briskly and cheerfully, at six or seven miles an hour; requiring no spur or admonitive to haste, except the shrieking of the little Egyptian _gamin_, who ran along by asinus's side. "[ Heads and Tales : or, Anecdotes and Stories of Quadrupeds and Other Beasts, Chiefly Connected with Incidents in the Histories of More or Less Distinguished Men.
  • Haste is the great enemy of constitutional thinking, since issues tend to be interconnected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Make haste, and come down this moment. Pride and Prejudice
  • Hastening across the parapet from the opposite direction was a bowman as young as the man he'd shot. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Several herbs also help rebalance the female endocrine system, including angelica (dong quai), licorice root, black cohosh, and chasteberries.
  • Eva would want to know, but the kiss was too private, too perfect, too wonderful, too pure and chaste to be shared.
  • The writing on the wall was clear - never act in haste to repent at leisure.
  • Truly, somebody needs to post this stuff on everything from billboards to buses (and perhaps even urinal cakes) and post-haste. Jason Kitchen: When Pondering Life's Greatest Questions, Look no Further Than Yahoo!
  • Her chasteness was somehow the outward proof, the external manifestation, of a potential for sexual abandon all the more alluring for being hidden, invisible.
  • The chasteberry (also called vitex) fruit was used for centuries to quench sexual desire, particularly in monks.
  • House Speaker Dennis Hastert was told directly by the president on Saturday that this would be happening, and then this morning, I'm told by his aide that he says his mind is very focused on the men and women, the sailors, the soldiers, carrying out this mission, and he wishes them -- quote -- "Godspeed" -- John. CNN Transcript Oct 8, 2001
  • There are fathers and mothers who urge their daughters to make haste to occupy every coigne of vantage, and gradually advance into the heart of the enemy's country. Girls and Women
  • By the time we arrived around 1 p.m., though, even the greens were gone — but, unlike the Seattle markets, where eggs sell out post-haste, we still could have scored a basket of pastel beauties practically custom-laid for Easter. Vashon Farmers Market and La Boucherie
  • The effort by the defendant to present Ellen as an "unchaste" woman would not have disproved Catharine's suit, as the action was for compensation for loss of household services only; however, he may have been hoping to lower the valuation for Ellen as "damaged goods. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • He would find himself banished, posthaste. MORE TALES OF THE CITY
  • I left the rest of my shopping and ran for the car, knocking over a display of biscuits in my haste to dodge people and escape.
  • ‘A Different Kind of Republican’ was the way the Washington Post Web site bannered the story after Hastert picked Dreier.
  • He is the chastest prince for women that ever was, for he would often swear that he never kissed any other woman than his own queen. Will gay unfriendly Southern Baptists expel King James?
  • Subsequent work helped to hasten the loosening of government control over broadcasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Supper ended Pocahuntas was lodged in the gunner's roome, but Iapazeus and his wife desired to have some conference with their brother, which was onely to acquaint him by what stratagem they had betraied his prisoner as I have already related: after which discourse to sleepe they went, Pocahuntas nothing mistrusting this policy, who nevertheless being most possessed with feere, and desire of returne, was first up, and hastened Iapazeus to be gon. The Story of Pocahontas
  • Overweight barmen slosh mojitos on the counter at great haste and orders are shouted against a backdrop of salsa and rumba.
  • Fregellae, the town which assumed the lead in the movement and either through overhaste or faulty information alone took the fatal step, [486] was a Latin colony which had been planted by Rome in the territory of the Volsci in the year 328 A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • There are people within the Catholic Church who might argue that those who label themselves ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian’ aren't necessarily living unchastely.
  • The isolation seemed complete, in the haste he had forgotten his companion and in recompense he called out his name.
  • ‘What is it?’ said I. ‘Why,’ said she, ‘since God is rightly believed to govern all things with the rudder of goodness, and since all things do likewise, as I have taught, haste towards good by the very aim of nature, can it be doubted that His governance is willingly accepted, and that all submit themselves to the sway of the Disposer as conformed and attempered to His rule?’ Consolation of Philosophy
  • His haste to return before the spring would prove to be a serious tactical error. JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
  • Callinicos, in his haste to counter aestheticism, reduces the aesthetic.
  • Only within a conjugal union could women be chaste and virtuous, and nurture a positive influence on children and men.
  • Haste is the great enemy of constitutional thinking, since issues tend to be interconnected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wagging tongues philandered from "Foley, who? and Hastert knew when?" to "George Allen's" Macaca "and Jim Webb wrote what? Crystal Syben Haidl: Fondling Democracy
  • In her haste, she almost ran over a ship's lieutenant, who flattened himself against the doorway as she charged past him.
  • I understand their haste but future generations may not be as sympathetic to our cowardice and laziness. Times, Sunday Times
  • And unless I make haste to circumvent this prepotent beast I am lost without recourse; and how well saith the poet, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The process is hastened by heavy inputs of chemical fertiliser and pesticides. Times, Sunday Times
  • In any event, the composer was badly shaken during this era, which probably hastened his death in 1950.
  • In their haste to escape, they left a loaded handgun behind. Times, Sunday Times
  • In haste, he fastens the door, then changes his mind and tries to make a run for it.
  • Tamara, without haste, with a pin refastens the fabric more conveniently on her knee, smooths the seam down with the thimble, and speaks, without raising the narrowed eyes, her head bent just Yama: the pit
  • The constant friction with his superiors probably hastened his downfall.
  • Reluctantly, therefore, but speedily, I arose, and induing my garments with all practicable haste, I described a course to Excerpts from the Diary of William S. Mullins, November 23 through 25, 1840
  • People round here dress so badly - except you, Justin, " she hastened to add.
  • The inhabitants were pursued and had to flee in haste, so that many froze to death.
  • Then did one of the Monstruwacans report that a new and terrible Influence was abroad in the Land; and by the instrument, we had knowledge that it approached; and some of the Monstruwacans called foolishly with weak voices to the Ten-thousand to haste; forgetting, and desiring only their safety from that which came near. The Night Land: Chapter 4
  • Down the gradual slope the scout hastened; his footfall was the only sound that broke the stillness after the answers to his call had ceased. Old Indian Days
  • Come a ‘chaste art festival’, then the distemper art rules the roost in major spots.
  • No doubt the school will feel suitably chastened by her absence.
  • For this aged, scholarly, conservative, uncharismatic Bavarian theologian will surely hasten precisely the de-Christianisation of Europe that he aims to reverse.
  • External pressure dressing was then applied to the stoma while apposing the skin edges to hasten spontaneous wound closure.
  • Certainly, the ‘no haste’ policy did not end the capital outflow.
  • It is at first perfect at the instant the kernel is going to send forth the acrospire, and form itself into the future blade; it is again discovered perfect when the ear is labouring at its extrication, and hastening the production of the yet unformed kernels; in this it appears, the medium of nature's chemistry, equally employed by her in her mutation of the kernel into the blade, and her formation thus of other kernels, by which she effects the completion of that circle to which the operations of the vegetable world are limited. The American Practical Brewer and Tanner
  • She saw his frown and hastened to explain.
  • Archbishop of Toulouse! answer all the three, with the clearest instantaneous concord; and rush off to propose him to the King; 'in such haste,' says Besenval, 'that M. de Lamoignon had to borrow a simarre,' seemingly some kind of cloth apparatus necessary for that. The French Revolution
  • She wore a chaste gold chain around her neck.
  • Tell him to have his infantry brigades press forward now with the utmost haste. Man of Honour
  • Pages and serving women hastened through it, each of them bearing an item of outdoor clothing.
  • Since 2000 he has scoured the globe for acquisitions to hasten growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vitex is another popular treatment for PMS. Also known as chasteberry, vitex was once used in monasteries to reduce sexual desire. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • These were not the dainty and chaste twirls and curtseys of the ballerinas at Lincoln Center.
  • In general terms Spenser's female characters are praised for fulfilling the roles of supportive partner or chaste virgin.
  • If there's haste, it's a ravishment borne by yourself, not imposed by the medium's structure itself.
  • Only pensile hook of cap of a garment is afraid is the simplest porch is decorated, add a piece of taboret to be able to sit down rest, dissolved the insecurity that go out and haste.
  • Her heart beat quick and her face changed, yet she hastened, and was shod and stood up in knightly array by then he stayed his steps some five paces from her, and gave her the sele of the day in courteous wise; and she strove to think that he had not seen her, or at least noted her otherwise dight; yet her heart misgave her. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Forced to witness the collapse of everything they had once dreamed of and worked to achieve, they have emerged unchastened and unchanged in their destructive illusions.
  • But let us not move with too indecent haste from one challenge to the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • Easier said than done, I hasten to add. Times, Sunday Times
  • I noticed that the others were already moving towards the staircase without me, so I hastened to catch up.
  • The Bangladeshi left-handers, who had posted their country's previous best opening stand against England in the first innings, quickly demonstrated that was merely a 'sighter' as the tourists raced to 189 for two in only 43 overs off a chastened home attack. IcCheshireOnline
  • Since 2000 he has scoured the globe for acquisitions to hasten growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • And not just because it may hasten a new trade deal within the US and Britain. The Sun
  • News of the scandal certainly hastened his departure from office.
  • Learn from the vocabulary the difference between _aliquís_ and _aliquí_. mátúrandum sibi, 'they ought to hasten,' more literally 'haste ought to be made by them'; mátúrandum (_esse_) is the impersonal passive, and sibi the so-called dative of the agent. Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles A First Latin Reader
  • In the past, a woman needed to be chaste to make a good marriage.
  • Allowing Bradford's garbage to be dumped in Skibeden will hasten the day this landfill site is full.
  • I have a hard time with it, knowing that if my brother ever found out I was, you know, * festive*, he'd likely think I was too perverted to be near his kids and grandkids, even though I'm chaste and have been even back when I was a neopagan and didn't believe chastity was mandated or even all that great. Keeping the Riff-Raff Out of Heaven
  • As if there is any alternative to "institutionalised" celibacy in a religious institution besides married and/or unchaste priests. . . The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
  • The man had looked the threat, and Martin hastened to cry: — No, no; I've got it. Chapter 31
  • Matthew and I never talked about our desires, or even our chasteness, for that matter. Promise Me
  • Football keeps trying to'move forward' with undue haste when some proper reflection might bring some useful lessons. Times, Sunday Times
  • But government does not have the freedom to make proposals in haste and repent at leisure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The masses want an eye for an eye, the Law of Moses, implemented post-haste.
  • Calista, I swear to thee, by the spotlessness of thy own soul, by the brilliancy of thy immitigable eyes, by everything pure and chaste in heaven and in thy own heart, that I will never cease from following thee! The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
  • Montbrun hastened, with a courtier's smoothness, to recommend the red wine which, though Spanish, had a certain plangency, he thought, which Major Sharpe might find pleasing. Sharpe's Honour
  • Too little may hasten the arrival of age spots. The Sun
  • Just when she was ready to dip into her savings, Greg hastened to her rescue.
  • I hasten to congratulate you on the coming of your birthday.May gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your way.
  • He hastened to assure us that the press would not be informed.
  • Prudence dressed quickly and with Almira hurried to the girls 'rooms while Calvin hastened down the stairs to the scene of destruction. Prudence Crandall, Woman of Courage
  • As in real life, a managerial appointment made in haste could end up being financially costly in the long run.
  • Back, thou wretch, to meet thy brother miscreants, who are hastening hitherward. Anne of Geierstein
  • He works in a scratchy, unpolished drawing style that looks like something put down in haste right after the event.
  • The unmoved expression slowly creeping over Lily's face prompted him to continue explaining post-haste.
  • Enterprising men are hastening thither, and capital is flowing into the State from all parts of the country.
  • The Earth is indisputably getting warmer overall, and human activity is definitely playing a part in hastening that warming trend. Think Progress » Ask Obama and Daschle about global warming.
  • When Zulaykha tried to captivate Joseph by her ravishing beauty, the Almighty hastened to help him.
  • But they, not sure of the voice they heard, sprang up and peered all round; then once again his bidding came; and when the daughters of Cadmus knew it was the Bacchic god in very truth that called, swift as doves they dirted off in cager haste, his mother Agave and her sisters dear and all the Bacchanals; through torrent glen, o'er boulders huge they bounded on, inspired with madness by the god. The Bacchantes
  • She handselled it, and hastening where he lay, cried in furious fashion, "You are unbound already. French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
  • At least this show isn't tearing through its war with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although he is now housed in an open prison, and he maintains a certain hearty cheerfulness, few doubt that Archer has been chastened by his prison experience.
  • The haste with which the trial is being conducted is alarming. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. The Sun
  • The deathbed struggles of the enemies can only hasten their own doom.
  • Or a few outstanding debts you chanced to mislay in your indecent haste to depart ?
  • But here the strained and unconvincing resolution arrives posthaste.
  • The man who is not currently a fornicator can only marry a woman who is not currently a fornicatress or a chaste woman from the people of the Book. Ave Sharia
  • Because of his position as official court historian, we may be tempted to regard Chastellains testimony as panegyrical embellishment. The Funeral of Duke Philip the Good
  • a polite public will no more bear to read an authentic description of vice than a truly refined English or American female will permit the word breeches to be pronounced in her chaste hearing. Vanity Fair
  • Suddenly, it dredges up ghosts weighted down and buried in haste after a fierce battle.
  • Influence was abroad in the Land; and by the instrument, we had knowledge that it approached; and some of the Monstruwacans called foolishly with weak voices to the Ten-thousand to haste; forgetting, and desiring only their safety from that which came near. The Night Land
  • At first it came idly, driftingly, as if it had nothing to do with haste. A Pagan of the Hills
  • The unmoved expression slowly creeping over Lily's face prompted him to continue explaining post-haste.
  • Left to herself, Saxon worked with frantic haste, assuming the calm she did not possess, but which she must impart to the screaming bedlamite upon the floor. CHAPTER XIX
  • In turning now more particularly to the work, or rather compilation, of Dr. Bisset Hawkins, let us see whether we cannot discover among what he terms "marks of haste" in getting it up for "the curiosity of the public" (_curiosity_, Dr. Hawkins!), some omissions of a very important nature on the subject of a disease respecting which, we presume, he wished to enlighten the public. Letters on the Cholera Morbus. Containing ample evidence that this disease, under whatever name known, cannot be transmitted from the persons of those labouring under it to other individuals, by contact—through the medium of inanimate substances—or throug
  • Not that dress, I hasten to add. Times, Sunday Times
  • Accuracy is not always compatible with haste.
  • You have chosen to act at the instance and behest of (activist) Ms Medha Patkar and others in haste and in a high-handed arbitrary manner, " the statement said.
  • The Paynim hastened to the dungeon, and brought forth the Count, bearded, unkempt and foredone. French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
  • But compared with what you hear in most school playgrounds it's positively chaste. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is it the turn of successful businessmen to do something similar now to catalyse and hasten progress?
  • Because," Lovell hastened to say; "because she can't go across -- no, that wasn't right -- why -- ahem! why does a hen go _across_ the road, Miss Cape Cod Folks
  • Again I think you spoke in haste, and I hereby give you the opportunity to recant.
  • Physically the Great Change did not do so very much to reinvigorate her — she had lived in that dismal underground kitchen in Clayton too long for any material rejuvenescence — she glowed out indeed as a dying spark among the ashes might glow under a draught of fresh air — and assuredly it hastened her end. In the Days of the Comet
  • The judges asked the pundits whether the woman is "enjoined" by the shaster voluntarily to burn herself with the body of her husband. Life of William Carey
  • The plans were conceived in haste by politicians trying to look tough in the wake of the banking crisis, in which hedge funds played virtually no role. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clean-shaven gentleman on the couch, with the excellent posture, the pastel golf shirt, and that strangely chaste yet fiery look in his eye?
  • Three weeks after they took it, artillery was slowly carried over to Cavite, which is connected with the mainland by a narrow isthmus, so the rebels hastened to construct The Philippine Islands
  • Bergson is a kind of chastened and spiritualized Herbert Spencer. In the Noon of Science
  • People followed these advanced thinkers with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • Douglas makes the concerto sound almost chaste in its clinical brilliance.
  • Their love of sumptuous clothes is simultaneously the inspiration for and the evidence of their ‘wanton, lewd, and unchaste behavior’.
  • Also, he reports that I blame the problems of the Latin missal on the haste with which it was assembled.
  • On the other hand, civilization, house-building, warm apartments and kitchen fires, well-stored larders, and especially exemption from rude toil, abolish these extreme caricatures; and keeping appetite down to a middling level by the rote of meals, and thus taking away the incentives to ravenous haste, they allow the mind to tutor and variegate the tongue, and to substitute the harmonies and melodies of deliberate gustation for such unseemly bolting. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866
  • Their departure was hastened by an abnormally cold winter.
  • she lived chastely
  • He was sure she was too overcome with emotion to answer, and while she sat in stunned silence, he stole a chaste kiss.
  • How come the only organ the left insists be chaste is the lung? Archive 2004-06-01
  • Their lips met, and for a second it was a chaste, innocent kiss, but suddenly something flared to life.
  • But his demise sparked bitter divisions, with the children of his first wife contesting his will amid allegations his death had been hastened by drugs.
  • With those championing their continued existence become fewer and fewer, that can only hasten the second phase. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of Johnny's friends saw in this promptitude a high mark of respect and affection; others felt a haste, almost undue, to turn the new erection into a bulletin of "actualities"; and a few surmised that had the work not been done with promptitude it might have come to be done in a leisurely fashion that spelled neglect: if it were to be done, 't were well it were done quickly -- a formal token of regard checked off and disposed of. On the Stairs
  • The word used for discipline in the Bible refers to the chastening, training, or instructing of our children. The Power of A Positive Mom
  • He shrugged out of his jacket and her hands went to his cotton shirt, fumbling in their haste to undo the buttons.
  • Captain Ross and his brother officer secured the swords of both men -- shutting the stable door, indeed, after the steed was stolen; in hot haste doctors were sent for; and 'mid the bustle and "strow" Eliott stumbled from the room and down the stair, "wanting his wig," as the landlady, whom he passed on the way, deponed. Stories of the Border Marches
  • I am seated with almost indecent haste and am handed a menu.
  • By using opiate analgesics and sedatives to provide comfort to a dying patient, we risk depressing respirations and causing hypotension, which may hasten death.
  • A tactical change may hasten the process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of being crushed at once, as perhaps the rider expected, it darted forward, quite briskly and cheerfully, at six or seven miles an hour; requiring no spur or admonitive to haste, except the shrieking of the little Egyptian gamin, who ran along by asinus’s side. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • The pictures taken in the first few days after the disaster were done in a frenzy of haste and chaos.
  • Which is better, post-haste posting or prior preparation and preening?
  • Those who have seen it are encouraged to purchase it post-haste.
  • Michael Stuhlbarg is a suitably chastened Xerxes, and Len Cariou is properly ghostly as Darius's minatory ghost.
  • Go placidly, amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
  • This nation is tired of doubletalk, of deliberate confusion, and of unseemly haste.
  • I made haste, hereupon, to nod my head twiceonce in the negative, meaning thereby that I would prefer not taking the other bottle at presentand once in the affirmative, intending thus to imply that I was sober and had positively come to my senses. Archive 2008-12-01
  • The third type of intervention is administration of cathartic agents to increase gastrointestinal motility and hasten the expulsion of the toxin.
  • From Whittaker's Almanac I learnt that all passports must be visaed at the Serbian Legation and thither I hastened. Twenty Years Of Balkan Tangle
  • As he passed her, he caressed her cheek with the palm of his hand and gently gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek.
  • We must make haste, yet try not to panic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The judges asked the pundits whether the woman is "enjoined" by the shaster voluntarily to burn herself with the body of her husband. Life of William Carey
  • His cousin the pandour died in Vienna, and, as Trenck believed that he had left him a fortune of some millions, he tore his tender ties asunder, and hastened to Vienna to receive this rich inheritance, which, to his astonishment, he found to consist not in millions, but in law processes. Berlin and Sans-Souci; or Frederick the Great and his friends
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Burlesques
  • Artificial heating hastens the growth of plants.
  • A good night kiss, as chaste and as innocent as it could be, just seemed the fitting response to that sensitivity.
  • Hence the virginal Elizabeth, who was chaste and civilised where her queenly predecessor was promiscuous and barbaric.
  • He used the Golden Legend, Huon de Meri's allegorical poem of the fight between Jesus and the Antichrist, Peter Comestor's Bible History, Rustebeuf's La Voie de Paradis, Grosseteste's religious allegory of Le Chastel d 'Amour, the paraded learning of Vincent of Beauvais in Speculum Historiale, and other works -- numerous and small signs of booklore, which are completely overshadowed by his illuminating comprehension of the popular side in the politics of his day. Old English Libraries; The Making, Collection and Use of Books During the Middle Ages
  • This caused the horses to stampede and the men to leave the ten acre enclosure in great haste. SIGNOR MARCONI'S MAGIC BOX: The invention that sparked the radio revolution
  • This was sent to her post-haste and we heard that it was the main attraction at a dinner, which included foreigners.
  • Rudeness is defined as: lacking delicacy or refinement; coarse; of untaught manners; uncivil; ignorant; lacking chasteness or elegance. Ed and Deb Shapiro: How Does A Waitress Deal With Rude People?
  • After the blackout of August 14, 2003, all of us in Ontario seemed suitably chastened in our attitudes towards electricity usage.
  • The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where hearose. The Volokh Conspiracy » “[I]n These Days, … The Intemperance and Malice of Men Increase”
  • Wad ye daur to sweir afore a leddy," she exclaimed, shaking her uplifted hands in pretence of ghasted astonishment. The Marquis of Lossie
  • The beautiful subalar plumage is then thrown out and cleaned from any spot that may sully its purity by being passed gently through the bill, the short chocolate-colored wings are extended to the utmost, and he keeps them in a steady flapping motion, at the same time raising up the delicate long feathers over the back, which are spread in a chaste and elegant manner, floating like films in the ambient air. In Nesting Time
  • The passage has an almost classical chasteness.
  • It matters that Morgan was dismissed with unseemly haste by corporate interests clearly waiting for the opportunity.
  • Incidentally, some years Great Basin bristlecone pines awaken in late June, discern (exactly how remains a mystery) that pending summer conditions will be inhospitable; drop back into dormancy drawing upon meager sugar reserves, enabling them to survive for another sleepy 12 months: Giving an entirely new meaning to Fastina lente or make haste slowly. Dr. Reese Halter: Saving the Ancient Pines by Reducing our Global Footprints
  • It is on this account that this class of woman are called unchaste women by voluptuaries. The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana
  • So, with profuse thanks, Ryle, who was by now extremely hungry, hastened towards the lift. DOUBLE DECEIT
  • After this, the old woman presented me to Chrysis; who was very glad she had recover'd her mistress's treasure; and therefore hastening to her, she conducted me to a most pleasant retreat, deckt with all that nature cou'd produce to please the sight. The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter
  • As lovely as this seems, there is a dark cloud threatening to corrupt this pure, chaste, unspoiled sensation.
  • Having inflicted a 15th place Kentucky Derby finisher on Out of Left Field readers, this chastened tout will perform the public service of not tipping any horse in the Preakness.
  • A scream from Theresa now told, that she knew Valancourt, whom her imperfect sight, and the duskiness of the place had prevented her from immediately recollecting; but his attention was immediately called from her to the person, whom he saw, falling from a chair near the fire; and, hastening to her assistance, — he perceived, that he was supporting Emily! The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • With the haste of a double-fee'd hostler did Julian exchange the equipments of his jaded brute with poor Dobbin, who stood quietly tugging at his rackful of hay, without dreaming of the business which was that night destined for him. Peveril of the Peak
  • Moving without haste, Randall leaned past Jamie to pluck a ha'penny nail delicately from the reed basket. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • With all the well-known illiberality of innovators, it is nevertheless remarkable to witness among some Israelites such a haste for innovation, such a rage for destroying.
  • She saw his quick frown and hastened to explain.
  • I must love all men, and never quarrel, nor be drunk, nor be unchaste, nor steal, nor tell a lie, nor be discontent with my condition.
  • Iago has already convinced him that Desdemona is unchaste.
  • His prodigal disposition of the box of matches impressed most of them as reckless dare-devilism; his haste, anxiety, and a single instance of mild profanity told others of his viciousness. The Daughter of Anderson Crow
  • He has been described as a 'charmless bore'-not by me, I hasten to add.
  • But let us not move with too indecent haste from one challenge to the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • Argentina's swift defeat hastened the fall of the military dictatorship and the restoration of democracy.
  • Little Malcolm won the Silver Bear at Berlin in 1974 Cooper's next movie, the sombre and chastening Overlord, won another Silver Bear in 1975, and the post-ceremonial bacchanals were memorable indeed. Eunarchy in the UK: George Harrison's first movie
  • With slantly-churning jaws and swallows down. "] [Footnote 38: The deities of Olympus, being immortal, have no need of strenuous haste. Poets of the South

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