

[ US /ˈhæɹɪsbɝɡ, ˈhɛɹɪsbɝɡ/ ]
  1. capital of Pennsylvania; located in southern part of state

How To Use Harrisburg In A Sentence

  • The expo is in harrisburg, PA and I can't wait to go. The Tackle Show Eulogy
  • Reporting from the nearby town of Harrisburg, Ira D. Rosen captured the bizarre combination of altruism and gallows humor the disaster prompted in the community.
  • Political corruption and featherbedding in Harrisburg is your classic dog-bites-man story, and frankly it’s too bad more of the General Assembly hasn’t been sent to jail for “business asusual.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett Subpoenas Identity of His Critics, for a Criminal Probe
  • Harrisburg police say the pastors refused to obey their orders to stay more than 50 feet from the park.
  • Mrs. Sorett spent much of her early life in Harrisburg, Pa., where she became president of the League of Women Voters chapter. Felice H. Sorett
  • I know of many state workers in Harrisburg who continued working their daily jobs without pay and had to go to food banks to put food on the table for their families – all the while siphoning any savings they had in order to prevent foreclosure on their homes. Things you can’t do in PA on Thursday night – Brian Keene
  • I am a GOP political consultant based in Harrisburg, pa and have been in the business since 1984! Elections 2010: Will the Republicans take over House, Senate?
  • Eagle Consulting Group is a national Republican political consulting and public affairs firm based in Harrisburg, Pa. Elections 2010: Will the Republicans take over House, Senate?
  • Adding to the bevy of legal and financial challenges faced by Harrisburg, Pa., the company that operates the capital city's debt-laden incinerator sued the city Tuesday because of $1.9 million in skipped loan payments. Covanta Energy Sues Town Over Missed Payments
  • I remember seeing Obama at a rally in Harrisburg and the heavy security, including sharpshooters on all the rooftops. Live Blog from the Anchor Desk 09/30/09
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