How To Use Harpia In A Sentence
- They include the harpy eagle Harpia harpyja, the largest raptor in South America, the savanna hawk Buteogallus meridionalis, the jabiru Jabiru mycteria, a large water bird; and the great tinamou, Tinamus major a large land bird. Canaima National Park, Venezuela
- The powerful eagles Spizaetus tyrannus, Morphnus guianensis and Harpia harpyja, the critically endangered blue knobbed curassow Crax alberti, six species of macaws Ara ambigua, A. militaris, A. ararauna, A. macao, A. chloroptera, and A. severa, among others. Magdalena-Urabá moist forests
- Over 375 birds have been recorded, notable species being king vulture Sarcoramphus papa, harpy eagle Harpia harpyia (LR), great curassow Crax rubra, crested guan Penelope purpurescens, scarlet macaw Ara macao, green macaw A. ambigua and military macaw A. militaris. Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras
- Over 375 birds have been recorded, notable species being king vulture Sarcoramphus papa, harpy eagle Harpia harpyia (LR), great curassow Crax rubra, crested guan Penelope purpurescens, scarlet macaw Ara macao, green macaw A. ambigua and military macaw A. militaris. Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras
- The powerful eagles Spizaetus tyrannus, Morphnus guianensis and Harpia harpyja, the critically endangered blue knobbed curassow Crax alberti, six species of macaws Ara ambigua, A. militaris, A. ararauna, A. macao, A. chloroptera, and A. severa, among others. Magdalena-Urabá moist forests