How To Use Harmonium In A Sentence

  • In "Music for Midsummer's Eve," time is an "untuned harmonium/That Muzaks our nights and days. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The pianist had grand piano, harmonium, honky-tonk piano and celeste, and the percussionist had a range of tuned and untuned percussion.
  • The guitar and what sounds like a wheezy harmonium played backwards contribute to an impression of technologised folk that makes surprisingly engaging sense.
  • Before the fairly recent introduction of the harmonium, qawwalis were usually accompanied by the sarangi. The Qawwals and Qawwali « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • His skills as a piano tuner, an accomplished violinist and a deft assembler of harmoniums stood him in good stead.
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  • Comprehensive reports on the physics of charmonium production are available.
  • Menacing clouds of reverberating discord give way to toy piano chimes synchronized with chirping melodica, booming bass drum, and mournfully wheezing harmonium, all oddly juxtaposed with Steinke's warm guitar melodies. Bill Bush: Distinct of a Decade and Definitive of an Era: This Artweek.LA (June 27-July 3)
  • In most of the cases the crime only came to light slowly, as the result of careful investigations which started off with the suspicions of neighbours or relatives; and in nearly every case there was some dramatic coincidence, in which the finger of Providence could be clearly seen, or one of those episodes that no novelist would dare to make up, such as Crippen’s flight across the Atlantic with his mistress dressed as a boy, or Joseph Smith playing “Nearer, my God, to Thee” on the harmonium while one of his wives was drowning in the next room. Decline of the English Murder
  • “So that particular show we experimented with all kinds of things, I brought a harmonium, there was a tabor daoul, oud of course, sitar, it was just an array of different instruments,” he added. Musician Malley Credits Music for Appreciation of Palestinian Culture
  • I did the harmonium and guitar track for that record at Abbey Road studios before one of the Beatles' sessions and then overdubbed a bass part.
  • The pianist had grand piano, harmonium, honky-tonk piano and celeste, and the percussionist had a range of tuned and untuned percussion.
  • I read Harmonium in '29 or' 30, and did not find it the kind of viaticum I look for in poetry. Orbis quintus
  • He signed off with a benedictory song on his favourite harmonium gifted to him in 1966 by the Don Bosco School, Broadway.
  • In this connection, a few Japanese groups, including mine, were investigating a four-quark model but were not able to predict the long lifetime of the charmonium state. Makoto Kobayashi - Autobiography
  • His music, instead of advancing, regressed; the songs became strangely lethargic; they featured a pumping harmonium but very little harmony.
  • The harmonium was droning on
  • The room was filled with the New York world music cogniscenti, Ahluwalia was in fine voice, and the band consisting of Abbasi on guitar, Kiran Thakrar on harmonium, Nitin Mitta on tablas and Nikku Nayar on bass, turned in a tight, exciting performance. Michal Shapiro: Kiran Ahluwalia Live At DROM, NYC (VIDEO)
  • Recent experimental results obtained at Beijing Electron - proton Collider sensitivity level hadronic decay puzzle in charmonium physics.
  • They include the drums, guitar, bass, keyboards, as well as many of the less traditional instruments such as block flute, harmonium and flugelhorn.
  • The chanting was in Sanskrit and Hindu, and besides the fact that the woman playing the harmonium was a regal blonde from California, we could have easily been in Varanasi. rss feed
  • Ms Joy Dhammapala plays piano and harmonium, keyboard music in the western and Sri Lankan traditions.
  • Both songs incorporate traditional Qawwali drumming and use of the harmonium.
  • Next, to their aural orifices, and the avenues audient of the brain, was borne a very melancholy sound as of harmoniums, hymns, organ-pianos, psalteries, and the like, all playing different airs, in a kind most hateful to the Muses. Letters to Dead Authors
  • Next, to their aural orifices, and the avenues audient of the brain, was borne a very melancholy sound as of harmoniums, hymns, organ-pianos, psalteries, and the like, all playing different airs, in a kind most hateful to the Muses. Letters to Dead Authors
  • With liberal use of glockenspiel, harmonium and mouth organ, it sounds like he found his instruments in a playgroup toy box.
  • Even John Adams, the transatlantic dean of minimalism, is at heart a maximalist, if the hectic massiness of his own essay in metaphysical erotics, Harmonium, is a guide.
  • a charmonium, which is a bound state of the c quark and its anti-particle. Makoto Kobayashi - Autobiography
  • But Carnatic music features singers -- vocalists make up more than half the festival bookings in Chennai -- and replaces the North's small tabla drums with a two-sided barrel called the mridangam, and the North's harmonium (a small reed organ) with the violin (a version of the instrument adapted from the West 200 years ago). Music-Mad Month
  • My father was a beautiful singer and harmonium player. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then chat gave way to the harmonium and the raucous singing of traditional and filmi songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • At this time she also took lessons for the traditional Indian instruments, tablas and harmonium.
  • She opened the chapel with the key she always carried, "swished" away an intrusive squirrel, left the door and window open for a moment, until the beating of frightened wings against the rafters had ceased, and, after carefully examining the floor for spiders, mice, and other creeping things, brushed away a few fallen leaves and twigs from the top of the harmonium. A Protegee of Jack Hamlin's and Other Stories
  • The measurement of the production rate of the J / and other charmonium mesons was a key indicator of possible new phenomena in the pioneering CERN experiments.
  • He is an equally adept performer on the harmonica, also on the harmonium, euphonium, pandemonium, saxophone, vibraphone, dictaphone, glockenspiel and catarrh. . . Storyteller
  • They include the drums, guitar, bass, keyboards, as well as many of the less traditional instruments such as block flute, harmonium and flugelhorn.
  • Today on BoingBoing Gadgets, we reviewed a 3G USB modem that works great on Macs and high-end canine gear; listened to The Harmonium; drank a strictly-conforming European pint; watched Belkin try to bring novelty to the world of mouse pads; built an ornithopter and a difference engine; guzzled yoghurt with a specially-shaped spoon; and listened to a beautiful boombox in a double-bass fiddle. Boing Boing
  • In later life when he had attained to wealth and prosperity the violin and the harmonium were a constant source of solace during long winter evenings in Greenwich and Peckham. A Book of Remarkable Criminals
  • The orchestration, rich with harmonium, celeste and harp, and aglow with fluttering woodwind and solo string writing, displays Massenet's hunger for throwing every musical meat, fish and fowl into his recipe, with uneven results. Cendrillon; Rinaldo – review
  • Featured vintage instruments including the wurlizter, harmonium and stylophone added to the organic, minimal production from Greenwald and Mathes make a glorious concoction. The Full Feed from
  • His music, instead of advancing, regressed; the songs became strangely lethargic; they featured a pumping harmonium but very little harmony.
  • Facial make-up, mehendi and impressive costumes enhance the expressive powers of classical dancers, as they unravel a tale of folklore and mythology to the accompaniment of sitar, flute, harmonium, tabla and tambura.
  • In collisions at high energies, charmonium particles come from the decay of b-flavoured hadrons and prompt production.
  • For an instant, his painted, red-nailed forefinger catches the light as it strikes middle C on his old, battered harmonium.
  • As the piece progresses, the gentle swell and ebb of harmonium and the pulse of fragmented walking bass seamlessly fades to a Feldman-esque cloud of harmonics from celeste and hand chimes.
  • From vocal music to violin, tabla to mridangam, flute to the rarely learnt harmonium, the school is out to find music in everyone.
  • Often, I come home and figure the chords out later, and then with some other ones, I'll be sitting down messing with the guitar or the harmonium or something and start a melody. Mike Ragogna: Songs From The South and How To Make Gravy: Conversations With Paul Kelly Plus Lisa Hannigan
  • Even now his concerts are done only with a tabla and a harmonium.
  • But in Victorian times it suffered a slow demise, as barrel organs and harmoniums replaced the bands, and a surpliced choir in the chancel tended to supersede the old gallery singers, bringing a return to conventional art music.
  • Many of the pieces contain that strange instrument, the harmonium - so unfashionable now, but an item in many well-to-do 19 th-century homes.
  • They start with an instrumental prelude where the main melody is played on the harmonium, accompanied by the tabla, and which may include improvised variations of the melody. The Qawwals and Qawwali « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • Before that he eked out a living repairing harmoniums and composing for amateur theatre productions. Times, Sunday Times
  • He structured his band to parallel a traditional Qawwali combo — with horns to mirror the voices, percussion, harmonium — and then added his own twist: bass and guitar. Finding a Rhythm in the Space Between Styles
  • The hadron is represented by an external color field and the charmonium is represented by a small color dipole.
  • In the second version the brass was replaced by a harmonium and the strings by a pianola and two cymbaloms.
  • Kris Davis, a pianist and composer who plays harmonium in the band, said she was attracted by the tightly structured spontaneity within the music. Finding a Rhythm in the Space Between Styles
  • Menacing clouds of reverberating discord give way to toy piano chimes synchronized with chirping melodica, booming bass drum, and mournfully wheezing harmonium, all oddly juxtaposed with Steinke's warm guitar melodies. Bill Bush: Distinct of a Decade and Definitive of an Era: This Artweek.LA (June 27-July 3)
  • The harmonium on which Mr. Povey used occasionally to play was still behind the door; and on the harmonium was the tea-caddy of which The Old Wives' Tale
  • Then she went out on the stage with her little harmonium without saying a thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Presently the profound stillness was broken by the harmonium -- "melodeon" is, I believe, the precise name of the instrument -- softly sounding a bar of music. Faces and Places
  • This sexagenarian does not have even a basic tool such as a good harmonium to aid him in singing to his heart's content.
  • One day I bought a "harmonium" kit at the street market in Bangalore. Boing Boing
  • Piano solos, duets, and accompanied songs were the mainstays, joined by novelties for concertinas and harmoniums, and, later on, the pianola.
  • The most common instruments are the harmonium, the tabla, and the sitar.
  • In the faint light we rose and sang hymns, accompanied by the organist sitting comfortably on the floor and using his right leg to pump the harmonium.
  • In a good way, the harmonium sounds like a French accordion managing to sound bitter, sweet and wry at the same time.
  • In the harmonium the action of the bellows blows air past the reeds.
  • I believe the only instrument not percussion in the ensemble is the harmonium, analogous to the Balinese flute ensemble.
  • Perfectly balanced with the unique voice are lovely, rising, symphonic chord sequences played on synthesisers and piano, as well as delicate samplings of dulcimer, bodhran, harmonium and cello.

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