How To Use Harmonica In A Sentence

  • I play the piano, so it is natural for me to think ‘harmonically’ a lot of the time (one can hear harmonies instantly on a piano; also mainstream jazz is extremely harmony driven).
  • She played the tambourine, the xylophone, and the harmonica, all to our swooning hearts' delight.
  • He has here at home a harpsichord, forte-piano, harmonica, guitar, violin, and German flutes, and at Williamsburg, he has a good pipe organ. Colonial Children
  • The band has a strong emphasis on vocals and harmony with guitarists, concertina, keyboard, accordion and harmonica backing.
  • But Andrew had never thought the harmonica was a toy. Yolonda's Genius
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  • There is an electric guitar, drums and a harmonica. The Sun
  • Our harmonica player and singer finally resorted to roadying to make ends meet.
  • He was a banjo, guitar and harmonica playing fan of the blues. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, the key of B, with five sharps, is enharmonically equivalent to the key of Có, with 7 flats.
  • I airport parking at luton been blabby a lot sociobiologically ended harmonica screening and what scamp the firsthand from the bad from the cephalopodan. Rational Review
  • He began playing the guitar and cuatro at 14, and later mastered the vibraphone and the harmonica, which became one of his signature sounds.
  • But the secret and symbolical hint was the harmonical nature of the soul; which, delivered from the body, went again to enjoy the primitive harmony of heaven, from whence it first descended; which, according to its progress traced by antiquity, came down by Cancer, and ascended by Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • The sitar also has resonator strings that vibrate harmonically with the main strings and adds sustain to the main strings by the same principle, aka feedback.
  • On his cheerful records - like ‘I Remember You ‘- he ululates with glee when the mood demands, a happy harmonica backing him up.’
  • He wheedles his harmonica - a horrible sound.
  • Weekly programs include exercise classes, mall walking, noon meals, choir and orchestra practices, harmonica band practice, bridge, whist, cribbage and table games.
  • The harmonica is a staple of American blues, beginning with the Memphis jug bands of the 1920s. NPR Topics: News
  • And the music: not guitars and plaintive harmonicas but the brain-deep electronic thud of rave.
  • I'm listening to Beck and his band rocking Hamburg last August, beatboxing at the same time as he plays ‘One Foot in the Grave’ on harmonica.
  • Fluff plays a worldly, battered guitar, while Billy accompanies on his harmonica, making a tuneful jingle which feels special because of the supreme effort of the two hard-up men.
  • Mr Mort was replaced by some light salsa music interspersed with incredibly sad harmonica riffs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The kalintang resembles the sticcado and the harmonica; the more common ones having the cross-pieces, which are struck with two little hammers, of split bamboo, and the more perfect of a certain composition of metal which is very sonorous. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • Finally he turned around, a harmonica pressed up against his mouth as he blew in and out.
  • I can play guitar, bass, drums and harmonica (also kazoo, but anyone can do
  • And this was thought no small peece of cunning, being in deed a matter of some difficultie to finde out so many wordes beginning with one letter as might make a iust volume, thought in truth it were but a phantasticall deuise and to no purpose at all more then to make them harmonicall to the rude eares of those barbarous ages. The Arte of English Poesie
  • He also recently traded in his harmonica for a role as a hard man in a television drama.
  • * Trombone: A powerful brass instrument of the trumpet family, the only wind instrument possessing a complete chromatic scale enharmonically true, like the human voice or the violin, and hence very valuable in the orchestra. God's Trombones Seven Negro Sermons in Verse
  • Doc has a wide, fat harmonica sound, combined with a warm, grainy voice, and has been a favourite at the Blues Festival.
  • Jamie is well-known for being a bit of a maestro on the harmonica.
  • The sheer volume of sounds and flavors orgiastically mix harmonically in this album.
  • The smoke-filled room was invaded by sexy, sensual snarls of guitars and harmonicas and a fantastic drumming beat throughout.
  • At the age of 6 he began to play the harmonica. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the one instrument on which he was nonpareil was the harmonica, which he mastered himself.
  • Armed with flowing harmonica, bass lines and gentle drum beats, and amping it up with a bluesy/roots feel, there really isn't a lot to fault in this guy's work.
  • Mr. Avery apparently plays the harmonica and augments the chords with simultaneous beat-boxing.
  • Johnny's shrill harmonica joined the whang of the guitar to make a sound powerful enough to bring the walls down.
  • Thus we may say that F sharp and G flat (on keyboard instruments at least) are enharmonically the same. Music Notation and Terminology
  • She was playing the harmonica and I was playing the honky-tonk piano. Mike Ragogna: HuffPost Premiere: Wild Palms' "To The Lighthouse," Plus A Conversation With Susan Werner
  • We usually have two guitars, two banjos, a mandolin, a big ole homemade washtub bass, a washboard, a harmonica and many kazoos.
  • He was a banjo, guitar and harmonica playing fan of the blues. Times, Sunday Times
  • A half hour's nap followed the luncheon, the party being "lulled" to sleep by Washington's harmonica. Grace Harlowe's Overland Riders Among the Kentucky Mountaineers
  • For this reason, certain modulations from one key to another one, adjacent to it can only be accomplished enharmonically. Principles of orchestration
  • He played a tune on his harmonica.
  • While my contemporaries were boogalooing to the stuff on this list, I was in my room with my Kay acoustic and harmonica holder working through the Bob Dylan songbook.
  • There's a weekly guitar and harmonica jam, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • The phenomena of medical cupping-glasses and of the swallowing of drink and of the projection of bodies, whether discharged in the air or bowled along the ground, are to be investigated on a similar principle; and swift and slow sounds, which appear to be high and low, and are sometimes discordant on account of their inequality, and then again harmonical on account of the equality of the motion which they excite in us. Timaeus
  • Yet many of his scores make a feature of unconventional sounds - distorted electric guitar, harmonica, prepared piano.
  • The final measure vividly transmutes the symphony's opening theme (full of upward fourths) to an idea both melodic and harmonically cadential and thus brings the work to a great, substantial close.
  • She has managed to put her shoes back on, albeit on the wrong feet, and has slung her miffy bag containing a book, her water cup, two cars and a plastic harmonica over her shoulder. Burnt fingers
  • Amplified harmonica, foot thumping guitar and screechy blues hollers and shouts are immediately distinctive, taking you back to an era before blues turned slick.
  • He published three books of poetry, painted landscapes and abstract expressionist canvases, and played what he called cowboy harmonica for just about anyone who would listen.
  • Easy to use and learn, it works as a close-up, hand-held version of a harmonica.
  • They are also accomplished musicians too, playing saxophone, trumpet, trombone, harmonica and acoustic guitar.
  • Largo has its Radiohead cover tune ( "Paranoid Android") all right, but this time Mr. Mehldau's choices serve his larger project of hammering out an original jazz-pop fusional language, harmonically spare, percussive and beautiful in its rather severe way. Just Remember These: Most Desirable Discs of 2002
  • They are also accomplished musicians too, playing saxophone, trumpet, trombone, harmonica and acoustic guitar.
  • ‘Leaving town’ is an ominous return to the fray, hollow like vocals reminiscent of Nick Cave top acoustic guitar swirls, parps of harmonicas and littered with pregnant pauses that belie an icy charm comparable to early Bad Seeds outings.
  • There is not a sound, apart from the faint wheeze of someone playing a harmonica.
  • He lived in a couple of trailers up in the mountains in Arizona and played his guitar, fiddle, and harmonica in dry-gulch saloons all over the state, occasionally taking little Stevie along for the ride. ɘloЯ
  • Music-wise, it's me with an electric piano, small analog synth, drum machine, and vocoder with the occasional conga or harmonica add-in.
  • Page view page image: necessary to start enharmonically from the keys of B, F sharp or C sharp, major. Principles of orchestration
  • My dad is the type of guy who'll only sing at Christmas, but he has a knack for getting out his harmonica at unexpected moments.
  • From there I will add both real instruments that I can play pretty well like mandolin, lap steel, Irish bouzouki, various electric guitars, harmonica, and glockenspiel as well as virtual instruments in Logic like organ, piano, strings, and synthesizers that are played via a MIDI keyboard. 20 Questions with SciFi Songster John Anealio
  • After the likes of such instruments as guitars, drums, bass guitar, and harmonica, the band whipped out the allusive Australian didgeridoo.
  • John also plays a mean harmonica, guitar, ukulele, tambourine, cymbals, as well as all the bells and whistles.
  • The smoke-filled room was invaded by sexy, sensual snarls of guitars and harmonicas and a fantastic drumming beat throughout.
  • Mr Mort was replaced by some light salsa music interspersed with incredibly sad harmonica riffs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Buy a kazoo or plastic harmonica for every family member for a little added accompaniment.
  • Harmonically, it's as if a weight lifter jerked 500 pounds and put it down in exactly the same spot.
  • It's only slightly larger than a rotary harmonica and about the same size as a one-handed cello.
  • Just as the pitches are enharmonically related, intervals that contain the same number of half-steps are referred to as enharmonically equivalent intervals.
  • Her harmonically exploratory, third movement cadenza sounded freshly composed on the spot, and her dreamy, exotically pitch-bent treatment of the concerto's slow movement (against very Middle Eastern-sounding color from the droning bass and skittering arpeggios on the lutes) proved an atmospheric delight. English Concert at Library of Congress
  • It's all part of Nige the showman's lumpy mix of music hall, jazz club Dvorák on harmonica, anyone? and rock concert, all chivvied along with lashings of bonhomie but set within the context of fiercely disciplined music-making. Nigel Kennedy/ Orchestra of Life; Sir Charles Mackerras Memorial Concert; Jonas Kaufmann
  • With acoustic guitar, harmonica and that distinct nasal whine, he became the mouthpiece for a generation. The Sun
  • Boris had the crowd enthralled with his dexterity on the whistle and harmonica.
  • He's the only one left who can play harmonica like this. The Sun
  • He began playing the guitar and cuatro at 14, and later mastered the vibraphone and the harmonica, which became one of his signature sounds.
  • Saying that Buxtehude is more harmonically adventurous than Bach is a bit of a non sequitur; like saying what the -? Fame, it's not your brain, it's just the flame that burns your change
  • I will not say, with Plato, the soul is an harmony, but harmonical, and hath its nearest sympathy unto musick: thus some, whose temper of body agrees, and humours the constitution of Religio Medici
  • Uniting with the ever-flowing current, they shake the courses of the soul, stopping the revolution of the same and twisting in all sorts of ways the nature of the other, and the harmonical ratios of twos and threes and the mean terms which connect them, until the circles are bent and disordered and their motion becomes irregular. Timaeus
  • It is shocking for a whole harmony to be inharmonical, or for a rhythm to be unrhythmical, and this will happen when the melody is inappropriate to them. Laws
  • I'm playing harmonica, which has nothing to do with either styles of music, but for some reason it fits really nice with the oud.
  • Mixing all manner of instruments ranging from harmonica, guitar, harp, synth, drum beats and piano to a squeezy toy.
  • He blew into his harmonica with the microphone pressed hard up to its air outlets.
  • Secret love – you still have chord sequences and harmonica twiddly bits which are quite impressive for a song-a-day! FAWM songs #3 and #4 « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • The harmonica in this song is perfectly placed and complements the Neil Young-style guitar so well that it almost makes you sigh.
  • He first started entertaining the other deckhands with his harmonica and then added the guitar.
  • There is a sister science of harmonical motion, adapted to the ear as astronomy is to the eye, and there may be other applications also. The Republic by Plato ; translated by Benjamin Jowett
  • Banjos, pedal steel and harmonicas lock into a lazy-afternoon groove without an ounce of irony to hide behind.
  • And being composed of the same, the other, and the essence, these three, and also divided and bound in harmonical proportion, and revolving within herself — the soul when touching anything which has essence, whether divided or undivided, is stirred to utter the sameness or diversity of that and some other thing, and to tell how and when and where individuals are affected or related, whether in the world of change or of essence. Timaeus
  • I must say that I find ‘Harmonica Dance’ more than just clever, and that ‘Clockwork’ merits more than description as another helter-skelter.
  • He moved from piano, to pedal organ, through several guitars, harmonica; other instruments too.
  • There's a guy outside Bay City Plaza in Geelong who busks by playing acoustic guitar and accompanying himself on the harmonica at the same time.
  • Smith's workshops on songwriting, vocals and harmonica take him throughout his home state of Victoria and the rest of the country, into schools, prisons, reformatories, music stores - and ABC studios.
  • The show starts, and I play my harmonica with the Nine Inch Males, and I was told that I "wailed". WIL WHEATON dot NET: 1.5: imported from Blogger Archives
  • Recording chromatic harmonica was trouble-free: I miked it from above the instrument, just above the top of the player's head, looking down at the middle of the harmonica about 10 inches away.
  • harmonically interesting piece
  • I mentioned the harmonica a while ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • Featured will be: William Galison, NYC extraordinary jazz musician who plays harmonica, multi-instruments, sings and composes; Rob Paparozzi, exciting blues and jazz harmonicist, frontman and vocalist for "Blood, Sweat and Tears" and Master of Ceremonies for the night; Paramus Post
  • He then acquired a harmonica of his own and drove the matron crazy.
  • Chris Aronsten is a singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who plays guitar, fiddle, mandolin, spoons and harmonica.
  • An exquisite piece of workmanship, it is operated by a manual lever and recreates the sounds of the harp, harmonica and piccolo.
  • If you want to preserve the integrity of each scent, load 'em side by side, and run your nose across them in succession--as if your sniffer were a mouth and your arm a harmonica. Mixology #1: NK Violette over Ava Luxe Black Tea
  • The Bayou Brothers sound features a variety of instruments including the double bass, harmonica, washboard, kazoo, jaw harp, guitar and mandolin.
  • Stupid harmonical scales, touching human voices filled with emotion and heart - who needs em! Why records are getting louder
  • I mentioned the harmonica a while ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • With acoustic guitar, harmonica and that distinct nasal whine, he became the mouthpiece for a generation. The Sun
  • The homespun girl trio weaves melodies in and out on guitar, mandolin, harmonica, ukulele and banjo as vocals float across each note.
  • ONCE upon a time there were solitary folk singers, earnest people with little more than a humble acoustic guitar and perhaps a harmonica for company. The Sun
  • Various songs also make use of mouthbow, harmonica, sousaphone and trombone.
  • The record was by a group that has since faded into obscurity, The Harmonicats, three Chicagoans who played chromatic harmonicas.
  • All of these involved musical accompaniment, with fiddles, harmonicas, and later accordions.
  • He had the folk music with the harmonica, they thought that was proper music. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is very modern in his harmonies, the favorite colors on his palette being the warmer keys, which are constantly blended enharmonically. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • More fun to play than to listen to, the kazoo is the simple inbred cousin of the harmonica. Archive 2005-09-01
  • I've always loved Debussy for this refined, very velvety sonic palette, harmonically and timbrally. NewMusicBox
  • ONCE upon a time there were solitary folk singers, earnest people with little more than a humble acoustic guitar and perhaps a harmonica for company. The Sun
  • It was simply a case of a middle piece in the major key of the same tonic, with the notation changed enharmonically for the sake of simplicity, the key of D-flat being, for the majority of players, easier to read than that of C-sharp major. The Masters and their Music A series of illustrative programs with biographical, esthetical, and critical annotations
  • As a teenager he played guitar and harmonica with local bands and skiffle and rock ‘n’ roll groups.
  • Wilkes' trademark vocal sound is a dry megaphone rasp, and he alternates it with savage harmonica outbursts.
  • The harmonica music stopped and a trio of men with banjos, mandolins and guitars took over.
  • Here, Earle lets guitar, harmonica, and drums roll out a vibrant hymn to hope.
  • My dad entertained Callum with an array of musical instruments: a guitar, piano, organ, harmonica, and a tin can.
  • Unsurprisingly, harmonica worked a quite a bit better than sousaphone in this space.
  • Clutch played beefy, beery blues-rock, with vintage guitar riffs and growly vocals upholstered in harmonica and organ. Bonnaroo: Beery Blues-rock and Jazz Anarchy - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • All of these involved musical accompaniment, with fiddles, harmonicas, and later accordions.
  • The orchestra played the pulsing chords elegantly, with electronic synthesizer touches recalling the timbre of a glass harmonica. In performance: NSO with John Adams
  • So Mr. Williams fashioned a work that evokes the melancholic, calmly affirming, harmonically open-hearted world of Copland. A New Williams Work for a Momentous Occasion - The Caucus Blog -
  • Yet Franklin also invented bifocals, the lightning rod, the Franklin stove, a flexible urinary catheter, not to mention the armonica [glass harmonica], and, with his cousin, was the first to name and to chart the Gulf Stream. July « 2008 « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Since, however, we have (from the standpoint of the piano keyboard) five pairs of tones [19] which are enharmonically the same, it may readily be seen that the chromatic scale might be notated in all sorts of fashions, and this is in fact the real status of the matter, there being no one method uniformly agreed upon by composers. Music Notation and Terminology
  • The quality yo-yos infamously, because – besides the harmonica – the one constant is change. In praise of ... Forevery Young | Editorial
  • The bluesman Son House, a contemporary of Johnson, insisted he was a decent harmonica player but a terrible guitarist until he disappeared for a few weeks. Robert Johnson sells his souls to the devil
  • Her traditional sokay sound comes from the harmonica and a conga drum known as a balah.
  • The Blues Vein are great exponents of the Chicago blues style - the five piece band using the classic Chicago instrumentation of guitar, bass, drums, keyboards and harmonica.
  • Various songs also make use of mouthbow, harmonica, sousaphone and trombone.
  • You could do your funny voice and play the harmonica. CELEBRATING SECOMBE: A Tribute to Sir Harry Secombe
  • The group of five are trained to play percussion instruments, xylophones and an elephant-sized harmonica.
  • There's everything here from simple, sometimes amusing pieces, to more dauntingly experimental and harmonically challenging works.
  • For things become geometrical by the accession of magnitude to quantity; solid, by the accession of profundity to magnitude; astronomical, by the accession of motion to solidity; harmonical, by the accession of sound to motion. Essays and Miscellanies
  • He's learnt to train dogs and play a harmonica with his nose. The Sun
  • He recalled his amazement at seeing his friend play the harmonica with one hand while accompanying himself on the piano.
  • With its compact design, the rugged, industry standard IP 20 model is also compatible for mating with multiport 'harmonica'-style RJ 45 jacks. Electronicstalk - electronics industry news
  • As we got out of the van we half-expected to see some old boy in dungarees with skin like a sun dried prune, sat in a rocking chair playing blues harmonica.
  • The xylophone is a species of harmonica composed of strips or cylinders of wood, struck with two little hammers. Principles of orchestration
  • The Dead have several songs about an if not glorified then harmonical-romantic past. Sven Bachmann Essay
  • He played harmonica on a track for my last album. The Sun
  • Klezmer harmonica might be unconventional, but so is Fencioglu's playing style.
  • The judges see acts as diverse as brass bands, a harmonica and beat box player and a 21-year-old fiddle player. The Sun
  • Harmonically, the added notes are needed to provide a major or minor triad for each note of the diatonic scale.
  • Mr Mort was replaced by some light salsa music interspersed with incredibly sad harmonica riffs. Times, Sunday Times
  • A jug band is essentially a string band with a wind section - harmonica, kazoos, and the jug, of course.
  • The repetition of the original words at the close of the first stanza returns to the original music, but modulates to E minor, the D s of which shift enharmonically to E (flat).
  • In addition to playing the harmonica, he bends strings on acoustic slide guitar, banjo and an Indian instrument called the mohan veena.
  • He was a banjo, guitar and harmonica playing fan of the blues. Times, Sunday Times
  • With acoustic guitar, harmonica and that distinct nasal whine, he became the mouthpiece for a generation. The Sun
  • Dark harmonically and orchestrally, unfortunately it fails to develop a good musical idea into a more evolved work.
  • The harmonica prodigy kicks out a foot-stomping blues bonanza to break up the tender anecdotes.
  • In addition, the harmonica belongs to the family of aerophones which I did not know very much about at the time.
  • And this was thought no small peece of cunning, being in deed a matter of some difficultie to finde out so many wordes beginning with one letter as might make a iust volume, though in truth it were but a phantasticall deuise and to no purpose at all more then to make them harmonicall to the rude eares of those barbarous ages. The Arte of English Poesie
  • The crisp phrases of the robust seventeen-bar ground, with its harmonically stable fourths and fifths and harmonious consort of bass and triadic chords, clearly assert the traditional lineaments of the form.
  • He recalled that he'd flown the coup, aged 17, and learned to play the maracas, harmonica and guitar.
  • It was a real Chicago-sounding track, especially when Peter overdubbed a growling harmonica part, a la Little Walter. ɘloЯ
  • He's got all the tools he needs for the job too, a desk, an office, a hardbitten narration track and even some mournful harmonica music.
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  • There are certain dogs that sing whenever someone plays an accordion or a harmonica.
  • Jangly garage rock, incorporating bluesy harmonicas and a darkly relentless vocal. The Sun
  • Phil Caltabellotta, dynamic jazz and traditional chromatic harmonica player with a unique sound of his own and Enrico Granafei, celebrated harmonicist known for his mastery of playing the Hands Free Chromatic harmonica and guitar and bass guitar at the same time, plus vocals. Paramus Post
  • The crisp phrases of the robust seventeen-bar ground, with its harmonically stable fourths and fifths and harmonious consort of bass and triadic chords, clearly assert the traditional lineaments of the form.
  • Now, all of a sudden, the idea of music that is harmonically more adventurous and rhythmically jazzier made everyone seem to think that the change back was a good idea. Mike Ragogna: From Graceland To A Galaxy To Further Explorations: Chatting With Jeff Lorber And Eddie Gomez, Plus Paul Simon's Classic Turns 25
  • In the 19th century glockenspiels were often made of glass under the name ‘harmonica’ or ‘armonica’, as used by Saint-Saëns in Le Carnaval des animaux for ‘Oiseaux’.
  • The Bayou Brothers sound features a variety of instruments including the double bass, harmonica, washboard, kazoo, jaw harp, guitar and mandolin.
  • Payne got his harmonica out and another guy was playing the piano.
  • Schweizer is a harmonically adventurous ballad player, a inventive explorer of under-the-lid strings sounds and percussive effects, and she plays Jimmy Giuffre's iconic cool-jazz groover The Train and the River with a freewheeling relish. Irène Schweizer: To Whom It May Concern – review
  • The music is a unique sound of Irish folk ballads, traditional tunes with vocals accompanied by bazouki, bodhrán, harmonicas and whistles.
  • Harry played an acoustic lap guitar, mohan veena, six-string banjo, harmonica, tambura and sang like a bird.
  • He is an equally adept performer on the harmonica, also on the harmonium, euphonium, pandemonium, saxophone, vibraphone, dictaphone, glockenspiel and catarrh. . . Storyteller
  • His melancholy voice and poetic talk of God and anarchists is compelling, especially with the retro-sounding organ, harmonica and horns.
  • The judges see acts as diverse as brass bands, a harmonica and beat box player and a 21-year-old fiddle player. The Sun
  • This will enable you to determine how well you play the harmonica.
  • The slapstick Brooklyn anthem "Seven One Eight" features a peculiar country-fried beat orientation and harmonica sample.
  • With acoustic guitar, harmonica and that distinct nasal whine, he became the mouthpiece for a generation. The Sun
  • They find occasion to celebrate just about anything from birthdays to new arrival days to Fridays to calendared holidays to "Irv plays the harmonica so let's hear him" days. Mary Walker Baron: Declining With Dignity
  • Harmonically the second half of the score tends to be built on rich static chords and pedal notes, which balance the structure after the energetic first half.
  • He had the folk music with the harmonica, they thought that was proper music. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of us actually have to come out the other side and lying there is still the old trusty harmonica. The Sun
  • Steel and acoustic guitars, fiddles, banjo, piano, accordion, harmonica, brass and upright bass create a bulbous, classic sound haunted by the quivers of musical saws and other alien devices.
  • So he took up harmonica, learning fiddle tunes and traditional bluegrass, and transferring them to his new instrument.
  • As a teenager he played guitar and harmonica with local bands and skiffle and rock ‘n’ roll groups.
  • The intervals are enharmonically the same as those of the chord in the first bar of Prelude -- F, A flat, C flat, E flat, = F, G sharp, B, D sharp -- but the treatment and surroundings are very different. Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"; an essay on the Wagnerian drama
  • In the courtyard was The Ugly Mug Jug Band, a fearsome foursome with a banjo, guitar, washboard, harmonica and jug.
  • These two meditations are based on ‘modes of limited transposition’, chromatic modes, used harmonically, whose strange colours derive from the limited number of possible transpositions.
  • E [sharp] and F are enharmonically the same, as are also C [flat] and B, Music Notation and Terminology
  • Some of the punters appear pleasantly surprised by the whole shebang, and after all, Dylan granted them a first half consisting solely of acoustic, harmonica-blowing tranquility.
  • It sounds like a saxophone, or maybe a harmonica, or even bagpipes.
  • On a bad-takings day, he'd show up with dark glasses and a white stick and blow his harmonica.
  • He thought of himself as ‘a classicist structurally, a romantic emotionally and a modernist harmonically’.
  • Sitake also plays guitar, ukulele, harmonica, and trumpet, and has recorded a compact disc mixing Tongan and western music.
  • Glissando passages in chords of the seventh and ninth, enharmonically obtained, are much more common, and as the above reservations do not apply, every dynamic shade of tone is possible. Principles of orchestration
  • Mr Mort was replaced by some light salsa music interspersed with incredibly sad harmonica riffs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The music is a unique sound of Irish folk ballads, traditional tunes with vocals accompanied by bazouki, bodhran, harmonicas and whistles.
  • He recalled his amazement at seeing his friend play the harmonica with one hand while accompanying himself on the piano.

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