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How To Use Harm In A Sentence

  • By the time harmony was a few centuries old, it began to shiver and shake from them.
  • I play the piano, so it is natural for me to think ‘harmonically’ a lot of the time (one can hear harmonies instantly on a piano; also mainstream jazz is extremely harmony driven).
  • Please be assured that eHarmony uses robust security measures, including password hashing and data encryption, to protect our members' personal information. Top Stories
  • But the world is not full of exclusively charming and likeable people. The Sun
  • The features in this home are just too many to mention such as coffered ceilings, multi-light windows, heavy door and window casings, and other elements that give this home great charm. - Business News
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  • It also discusses the harm in detail according to the comparison of acid gases between different. the research provides selection of fire-extinguishing agents in terms of harms.
  • One of these gentlemen just happens to be the madwoman's father, a charming chap who seems unfazed by most things in this day and age.
  • Had such a nice time, it was really charming in a slightly run-down way and on a beautiful little lake called Stoney Lake. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • The boracic powder was lifted in my absence from the _Pharmacie_ to try and get the first glimmerings of a slide on that sticky creosoted floor. Fanny Goes to War
  • He'd come up with some charming excuse: he'd left his long filbert brush, he couldn't go on without it.
  • Big Pharma : Assist a heavy in killing 30 enemies where neither of you die.
  • The new wing with its harmonising fine materials and fabrics create a stylish ambience.
  • This is a well-made wine that delivers sweet red and black fruits harmoniously integrated with ripe tannins and soft acidity.
  • Cheerful competition between strongmen is harmless enough in times of peace. Times, Sunday Times
  • What seems like harmless flirty fun to you is filling her with anxiety. The Sun
  • A similar attempt at reconciling Absolute Idealism and monadism had been made by Lotze, and in both cases it remains an open question whether this is not pre-established harmony in disguise. Francis Herbert Bradley
  • The passengers were badly shocked but unharmed.
  • His great-uncle started the business in the mid-19th century when he moved to Bradford from Turkey to trade in opium for the pharmaceutical trade, wheat, barley, fur and mohair.
  • she had a warm mesmeric charm
  • Unless these conditions are fulfilled, we consider any assistance given to the artels and the co-operatives not only useless, but definitely harmful.
  • I was right; this time the sonic landscape was less of a frequency battle and a much more harmonious experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • My fellow countrymen were killing and harming each other in ways that I previously could not have fathomed. Soiya Gecaga: Being the Change That I Wish To See In the World
  • The paddles turned out to be harmless slapsticks, with holes through the actual paddle part so they could cause a loud slapping noise without hurting.
  • A swarm of princesses totter on stage, got up like topiary on legs in every shade of scarlet, crimson, cerise, cochineal, each foolishly imagining Prince Charming must choose her as his red queen. Cendrillon; Rinaldo – review
  • As if to presage that there is a new dawn in the world, with the inauguration of President Barack Obama, the strong winds coming from the Sub-Sahara have manifested themselves in the form of what Ghana typically knows as the harmattan season. Accra by Day & Night
  • It is not unusual to find substances in illegal drugs that are much more harmful than the drugs themselves.
  • Screening programmes result in further tests that can do harm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rounds are no longer written in modern musical styles, and remain untouched by developments in chromatic harmony, atonality, jazz idioms, serial structures and folk modes.
  • When it was their turn to be served, the pharmacist gave them each a plastic beaker filled with liquid, which they greedily consumed.
  • *** Pharmaceuticals Sigma Pharmaceuticals said that it is likely to breach loan conditions with bankers after taking a charge of as much as 270 million Australian dollars ($253.4 million) from the A$900 million fire sale of its pharmaceutical division to South Africa's Aspen Pharmacare. Business Watch
  • A company should not argue the inarguable, for it only harms credibility and makes motives and priorities suspect.
  • Unlike chemical antiseptics, essential oils are harmless to tissue, yet they are powerful aggressors towards germs.
  • He was an immensely charming, kind, lovable man. Times, Sunday Times
  • To meet the inherent challenge of harmonizing a variety of capabilities in a group endeavor, Chicago proposed, and all the needleworkers agreed, to use the same background color fade, the same techniques and a common border.
  • Brown, OTOH, is attractive and charming, with a compelling tie to the military – MASS National Guard Units (like everywhere) have been heavly involved in the wars over the last 8 years, and stories about them abound on local news. Matthew Yglesias » The Limits of Scott Brown
  • The fact that they are harmless plankton feeders in no way diminishes the adrenaline rush; the ease with which you can approach them makes that rare encounter even more exciting.
  • Then the pleasant little surprises of all kinds that we imagined; and the pleasant looks that greet us when we condescend to accept them; the patience that can translate our most unwarrantable "crossness", because there has been some trifling difficulty in obtaining the half of a star or the corner of a moon which it had pleased us to require, into "such a good sign of being really better"; and then our appetite (which the gods know is at that season singularly keen), how is it not tempted with unutterable dainties and friande morsels, all sorts of amateur cookery in our behalf, where Love himself has not disdained to turn the spit, and look into the stewpan! and all served up so gracefully on the small tray, covered with its delicate white damask cloth, arraying with more than mortal charms the moulds of crystal jelly and pure-looking blanc mange! Zoe: The History of Two Lives
  • But you remind me of the crackhead in the pharmacy.
  • I offered a charming smile of my own, showing pearly teeth.
  • The three struggle to maintain a harmonious working relationship as brash youth clashes with age and experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • He might be 900 feet tall, and gentle as a lamb in real life, but Micky Clarkskies has got a manic look in his eyes that reminds one of the bulging diabetical look Biggie used to charm the ladies. Our Top 10 Picks to Play Notorious B.I.G. | Best Week Ever
  • ‘The composer's operetta appeals to a less discriminating taste for melody, harmony and rhythm,’ he said.
  • But isn't there also a growing problem with counterfeit phony drugs, pharmaceuticals, as well?
  • Somebody could come to serious harm and anyone doing it could suffer very serious health side-effects. The Sun
  • A range of shampoos, emollient products and some topical steroid preparations can be bought from pharmacies.
  • you'll find vitamin C for sale at most pharmacies
  • It was for them a blameless activity, and involved a charming motif of the new art. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Mr. Barthel's homeland, nudism had taken root among young people as an expression of physical fitness and harmony with nature. Wearing Only a Smile, Nudists Seek Out the Young and the Naked
  • She played the tambourine, the xylophone, and the harmonica, all to our swooning hearts' delight.
  • Cleopatra asks Charmian for mandragora to pass the time while she waits for Antony to come back.
  • For a long time it was thought to be a harmless substance, but we now have proof/evidence to the contrary.
  • Throne of God, by tens, by hundreds, by thousands, the harmonious and multisonant salutation of all the Voices. The Captive
  • It does not call up the beast, and if it did it would not matter much, as a rule; the beast is a harmless and rather amiable creature, as anybody can see by watching cattle. Food and Drink
  • He has here at home a harpsichord, forte-piano, harmonica, guitar, violin, and German flutes, and at Williamsburg, he has a good pipe organ. Colonial Children
  • I thought of biochemistry in our neighboring sciences and of psychophysics, and more recently of psychopharmacology, as examples of fruitful splitting and recombination in our own science.
  • She recounts in detail her nervousness around him, her supposedly dangerous fascination with his charm.
  • It has planned a programme of district level meetings to mobilise public opinion in favour of democracy, communal harmony and peace.
  • But concord and harmony were the professed and accepted norm for the conduct of relations.
  • Objectively, a calumny is a mortal sin when it is calculated to do serious harm to the person so traduced. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • The best parts of Brian's talent are still here, as if this was the long-delayed sequel to Smile or something, as the close-cropped vocal harmonies, the thick arrangements, and his affecting, if quaky lead vocals are all here in force.
  • The musical instruments symbolize an underlying harmony behind nature's powers, to which the successful alchemist must himself be attuned.
  • In destinations such as Sharm el-Sheikh, which attract willing but poor hands from across the country looking for work, the effect is magnified. Egypt economy awaits its lost tourists
  • simple unstudied charm
  • Secondly, I would like to point out that we are not talking about sweeties, confectionery, or cakes, but about medicines and pharmaceuticals.
  • ‘She's naturally flirtatious and not exactly shy about being charming towards gentlemen ’, says one who has experienced her allure.
  • Pont's plan was to remould Sharma's javelin hurl into a biomechanically perfect round-arm sling, in the process creating a fast-bowling Frankenstein's monster. Why Samit Patel's cricket skill set carries so much weight | Barney Ronay
  • The stress marks might seem quaint to us; but McGuffey believed that rhythm and harmony have not only an aesthetic but also a moral value.
  • The idea of being a farmer had lost its charm for me by this time.
  • Compliance strategy seeks to prevent a harm rather than punish an evil.
  • There is the danger that the precautionary principle causes its own harm.
  • But it was the bowler's general bearing and neatness which charmed the young writer almost as much as the name he'd been seeking for his newly conceived character of a gentleman's gentleman. From Jeeves to Herriot: all creatures great and sporty | Frank Keating
  • To begin with the surface is coherent – now and again she smiles sadly at the charm he manages to bestow on that foul-smelling tannery – but as she turns the pages she sees it start to break down. Rachel Cusk | Portraits
  • Faces of great dignity and considerable charm.
  • Also, please keep in mind that in order to conceal my identity I'm speaking through a harmonizer--in reality my voice sounds exactly like Keith David's. Keeping it Reeled In: Hope or Delusion?
  • In spite of her off-screen antics, she remains the darling of Disney remakes, with her on-screen innocence and charm.
  • These people are experimental and sensorial, no surprise given the centrality of digital and pharmacological media in their lives. Globe and Mail
  • There is a general awareness that smoking is harmful.
  • But, whatever harm Macscruby thinks our flag might do to his beef jerky, McDonald's had no misgivings on its effect on the Big Mac.
  • This can entail harming companies that would be as efficient and as effective as Google is in these areas but for their limited access to consumers, creating a clear violation of Section 2 of the Sherman Act, of American law on monopolization, and on European competition law. Eric K. Clemons: One Click Away? Maybe and Maybe Not
  • The house retains much of its original charm.
  • I wish you to tie the knot, a harmonious union lasting a hundred years! A happy newlywed, sweet sweet honey!
  • It's an album that is as beautiful, harmonious and calm as a blue sky on a windless day.
  • Friday variety pack, now with Bonus! charming ichthyoid Friday variety pack, now with Bonus! charming ichthyoid
  • They include worm charming where two teams compete to entice the slimy creatures out of the ground. The Sun
  • The main theme returns to be transformed during the wonderful close - horns, tubas, and strings alternating their harmonies with quiet majesty.
  • Now he aimed and fired, lying "doggo" behind his favourite stone, while bullets from the enemy's trenches flattened themselves upon it, or buried themselves harmlessly in the dry hot soil. The Dop Doctor
  • Still can spread stick use at outside wall illuminative is small ceramic tile, but the attention does not change balcony outboard color, lest make local lose harmony with whole building.
  • Richard gere n diane have good on screen chemistry. harman on Oct 11, 2008 Diane Lane and Richard Gere in Nights in Rodanthe «
  • It was built on the track of an elephant trail and it was so rough that it rattled our bones and sent the radio antenna into a series of harmonic wobbles.
  • Hence, toxic substances in air can easily reach the lung and produce harmful effects locally and in other organs.
  • Their songs have a certain elegant charm and a quality of innocence that's genuinely disarming.
  • Have to take encourage as a lord, fix attention on development, establishment harmony of evaluation system.
  • Collaboration I would agree the word convening has its charms The pieces of the digital engagement puzzle at Helpful Technology
  • What makes Christopher Hitchens such a capable and persuasive debater is a mixture of his ides, arguments, and charm. Danny Groner: We Need Discussions, Not Debates
  • Making music: A percussion and music workshop for children takes place at Liverpool's Philharmonic Hall tomorrow at 11.15am.
  • His ring classicism has always argued so persuasively against excessive physical harm, his pride was beyond anything but a regal exit.
  • The defect in the software allows computers to be infected by programs concealed in seemingly harmless files or web pages. Times, Sunday Times
  • He began his academic career as a physiologist and pharmacologist.
  • Holiness answers audience questions addressing the situation of Tibet, goal of bodhicitta, nature of enlightened mind, future of the Dalai Lama institution, compatibility of Buddhist practices with theistic faith, universal purpose of human life, practice of patience towards harm-doers, subtle energy and mind, and the Heart Sutra mantra. Nagarjuna's Bodhichitta Commentary
  • He has also worked with symphonies and chamber groups from the Brooklyn Philharmonic to Zurich's Ensemble Fur Neue Musik.
  • What a charming possession of himself, that he could be in such a brangle, as I may call it, and which might have had fatal consequences; yet be so wholly, and so soon, divested of the subject; and so infinitely agreeable upon half a score others, as they offered from one or other as we sat at tea! Sir Charles Grandison
  • He was so funny and incredibly charming. The Sun
  • The results? About 90 percent of the participants pulled a switch to reroute the boxcar, suggesting people are willing to violate a moral rule if it means minimizing harm.
  • There is a very successful physician in London whose teaching is that gymnastic exercise does more harm than good.
  • The problem may not arise, but there's no harm in keeping our powder dry.
  • We are working to ensure women can safely cook, and don't put themselves in harm's way gathering firewood by providing safe, efficient stoves and teaching women to create fuel briquettes made out of organic waste. Josette Sheeran: We Can End Hunger: 10 Ways to Feed the World
  • But the mood music is more harmonious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doubtless the series will spark a rush of transsexuality-centred reality shows that, given the ready and infinite corruptibility of the form, will lose within a year all vestige of the charm of the original and become as mainstream, dreary and degrading to everyone concerned as its other reality brethren. TV review: My Transsexual Summer; Sorority Girls; and Imagine … Simon and Garfunkel: the Harmony Game
  • The crew braces for shock, the boat shudders and a giant plume of boat wash is the only mark left in the faint moonlight as the boat races forward into harm's way.
  • We shall then be in a much better position to state when and where screening does more good than harm.
  • Wyatt liked the city manager, his tiredness and efficiency and harmless irascibility.
  • Spin fantasies in your head, she's probably the most charming and intelligent creature on earth.
  • This unique gelling action enables the dressings to lock in exudate and its harmful components* (4,5,6). New In Vitro Study Data Shows Importance of Dressing Conformability to Action of...
  • True, Olbermann and Patrick would also make plenty of references to pop culture, but the references came across as charmingly haughty, as if the anchormen were showing us that they had interests that extended beyond the court or field. The Enthusiast
  • They were not very varied in design and the emphasis was on good luck charms such as four-leaf clovers, horseshoes and wishbones, again set with tiny diamonds.
  • Such women are mostly presented as sexless in that once their family is complete, they appear to lose all sexual desire and physical charm.
  • In this painting, the harmony of rich tones evokes a sense of the marital relationship it depicts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Imagine - the European Commission might want to harmonise uniforms and cap badges, or even metricate them.
  • Few pharmaceutical companies are now involved in antibiotic development, however.
  • He turned up at the swish hotel suite to meet us all by himself, with no fuss and no entourage, and was utterly charming. The Sun
  • When the active ingredient harmaline was first isolated, Colombian scientists called it telepathine. One River
  • The full force of the chromatic harmony was thrilling, as in such details as the cellos' dissonant flattened 6th just before the final cadence.
  • The absolute clarity of the orchestral texture allowed for the sometimes jarring harmonies and raucous percussion effects to be highlighted.
  • As he presented his fall 2011 collection recently, Mr. Gordon said, We line everything in silk charmeuse! Materials Girls: Designers Trim Hemlines, Costs
  • How well all its accessaries, all its decorations, are proportioned and harmonised -- growing lighter as they rise higher. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 61, No. 376, February, 1847
  • She mocks their employer savagely behind his back and displays a kittenish charm to his face.
  • The "Very Funny" cable network burned off the whopping nine-episode season of its sly charmer about Chicago sportswriter PJ (Jordana Spiro) and her pals on Sundays opposite such sky-high-profile cable competition as Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Mad Men — whose costar Joel Murray, aka rehabbed alky Freddy Rumsen, guested on Boys as the owner who sold the gang's hangout, Crowley's, to Brando (Reid Scott) in the season finale. Cheers & Jeers: My Boys to Men?
  • Merchants that accept debit cards "are substantially harmed" by the Fed's "misconstruction" of the Dodd-Frank law's provision limiting debit card fees, the plaintiffs said in the lawsuit. Retailers Sue Fed Over Debit-Card Fee Rule
  • The band has a strong emphasis on vocals and harmony with guitarists, concertina, keyboard, accordion and harmonica backing.
  • We ended up buying a GE front-loading pair, and they work like a charm (so quiet -- you can barely tell the washer is on!). Archive 2006-08-01
  • Sometimes they use rakes, which are especially harmful. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no evidence of any self harm or of threatening or aggressive behaviour towards others.
  • Do not spit everywhere, should phlegmy spit inside cuspidor, undertake alexipharmic next.
  • Using behavioral sensitization animal models, poly-drug abuse about tramadol and betel quid extract was investigated in psychopharmacological profiles.
  • Her charms would captivate me and make it difficult later to leave her.
  • The drought has caused great harm to the growing of wheat in the province, with more than about 733,000 hectares of wheat land unable to be sown.
  • And despite herself, Matilda gives in to Ric's charm - she's totally melting for the guy!
  • But it cannot be denied that, in his endeavors to harmonize universal grace with the fact that not all, but some only, are saved, Melanchthon repudiated the monergism of Luther, espoused and defended the powers of free will in spiritual matters, and thought, argued, spoke, and wrote in terms of synergism. Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • But John Gittins has never lost sight of the fact that man must work in harmony with nature.
  • This charming, home-loving, God-fearing young man was on early evening television, blaring into the living-rooms of millions of impressionable young people.
  • Along with the artist's renderings of badgers, each item is illustrated with easy to understand icons referencing water resistance, biodegradability (meaning you can go into a lake or ocean without harming the aquatic life), animal testing (none), and UVA rating. Marcia G. Yerman: Sunscreen Protection and Nail Polish: A Green Approach
  • A worker beyond belief, exuding charm and hospitality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Therefore, the calculus of benefits and harms has changed.
  • Also, bronchodilators may demonstrate different pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic characteristics during an acute exacerbation of asthma.
  • Pharmaceutical regulation is driven by horror stories like the sulfanilamide elixir and thalidomide. Technological Nightmares (Lecture)~ Six Concerns
  • He looks for answers in dharma, the moral law that sustains society, the individual and the world. Katherine Marshall: How Hinduism's Mahabharata Can Help Restore Ethics in India
  • We are confident that their reputation and persuasive skills will come in handy for the municipal authorities to collect taxes from defaulters, " said Bharat Sharma, a revenue officer.
  • Payers, including health insurers and governments, are trying to rein in healthcare costs, and pharmaceuticals are a prime target.
  • The pharmaceutical industry is clearly unable to meet the needs of people with neglected diseases.
  • Most people know pharma's blockbuster atypical antipsychotics Seroquel, Zyprexa and Geodon, off label marketed to kids, the elderly, the uncategorizable and the suggestible -- are you sure you don't have racing thoughts ask ads? Start Your Engines Drug Reps! FDA Panel Says Yes to Seroquel, Zyprexa and Geodon for Kids!
  • Hyperimmune responses, either at the initial immunisation challenge or in the amplification of immune response, can be observed in cellular mechanisms such as basophil degranulation, or at a molecular level, with changes in the levels of messengers such as leukotrienes; reduction of the intensity of these mechanisms are described in terms of molecular pharmacology, such as selective or nonselective inhibition of lipoxygenases. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Chilean reds don't hide their charms either. Times, Sunday Times
  • She also queried whether youngsters were being 'cocooned' by over-protective parents afraid that they would come to harm if they went outside the back-garden. Home | Mail Online
  • Like many vainglorious self-publicists, he probably thought he could charm the acid interviewer.
  • The really are the sweetest birds in existence - flightless, defenseless, harmless, big, green budgies.
  • When I picked up the case that had the deprogrammer in it, the case had Grene written on it (although Geenen is etched in the plastic of the actual deprogrammer, meaning my dentist got it right but one of the staff didn't), and when I got called to the pharmacy window to pick up a prescription, they called me as Grinnen. Table Tango
  • her resistance melted under his charm
  • Fetal exposures to this proliferating pollutant can harm newborn mice and rats, a new study shows.
  • Your pharmacist can advise you on simple medicines and/or gripe water that will help prevent colic.
  • So, while online petitions are useless, as everyone says, surely they can do no harm.
  • You can face Lionel with a clear conscience -- you've done nothing to harm him.
  • But a long way from endless fields of sunflowers and locals arguing charmingly about porcini. Times, Sunday Times
  • EXPLODE The bomb fell on a field and exploded harmlessly.
  • We do so out of the conviction that scholars of the world are a community and that harm to the academic freedom of some in that community injures the entire community.
  • In this respect he forms the link between Wagner and Schoenberg, who was soon to complete the destruction of classical tonal harmony.
  • I will not intentionally injure you or harm you in any long-lasting way.
  • But people are taking steps beyond moving cows or horses out of harms way.
  • The next wave of Internet-related scams, however, may move from phishing to pharming.
  • That diamond horseshoe is her lucky charm.
  • This posting is about intercommunication among Zapoteco villagers in Oaxaca State and the notion that communications among various villages can be improved by foreigners introducing radio signal interrelationships to, supposedly, improve inter-village understanding and, perhaps, harmony. Radio stations in Oaxaca
  • The biopharmaceutical industry is an area in which the patent system is important because it makes a difference in whether firms will invest in research.
  • There is no use fighting intolerance by physically harming someone.
  • He had enormous charm and a great sense of humour.
  • Even more important, they might fail to notice a menace or threat which if not guarded against might harm or even destroy them, their regime, and possibly even the state as well.
  • Luke was everything she could've hoped for: sweet, charming and gorgeous.
  • Let me care for Hester in my own way so long as I do no sin and harm no one; and be you father to us, and bless us who else must go unblessed. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • And as an ancient sage once said, ‘Democracy is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike.’
  • Balanced: all the flavour components, such as fruitiness, acidity and tannin, in perfect harmony. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The present situation, of periodical outbursts in the press, is an inadequate way of fostering good relationships with the Asian community and does not encourage change and communal harmony.
  • We will improve self-governance among urban residents and build new-type and well-managed communities featuring civility and harmony.
  • He grinned; just another good-hearted carouser stretching a night of harmless merriment into the new day. Survived another workshop!
  • The apology must be delayed long enough to recognise the hurt felt by the offended victim - but proffered before there is lasting harm.
  • Now entering its first full season, the Hidden Springs Ranch offers a unique experience that blends rustic charm with spa-caliber amenities.
  • The castled crag of Drachenfels can be only a little mouldier for the delay, and I believe the mouldiness of these things is their principal charm. The Lovels of Arden
  • We were driving most unaggressively across a small plaza, with a driver and a friend on the box beside him to help keep us from harm, when a trolley-car came wildly round a corner at the speed of at least two miles an hour and crossed our track. Familiar Spanish Travels
  • Here is a guy who seemed like Prince Charming, but a number of women found out that Mr. Right was actually Mr. Very, Very, Very Wrong. CNN Transcript Mar 7, 2007
  • The wave equation having general forms of planar simple harmonic wave is deduced in this article. It is simple and accurate to solve wave equation by using this formula.
  • We could simply use the words unharmful or healthy. That morality test.
  • Presumably, the chief harm to others in torturing animals that are the property of the torturer is psychic. More Fun With Libertarian Animal Rights
  • I also loved the sophistication and harmony of jazz, the melody and, of course, the great solos that jazz cats played.
  • To many, it means students of all colors and backgrounds will populate our nations' universities in harmony.
  • I think he's the most charming, most considerate man I've ever known.
  • On Tuesday Fred and Charmaigne travel to Zanzibar, an island state within the United Republic of Tanzania.
  • Where necessary to render harmless and carry away noxious or flammable gases, line brattice or other approved methods of ventilation shall be used so as to properly ventilate the face.
  • As they closed a hatch, a dozen of men appeared on the platform, but their blasters could not do any harm to the metal shell of the vehicle.
  • In the Middle Ages the onion was used as a charm against evil spirits, the plague and infection.
  • In others, such as Alessandro Allori's image of a magnificently dressed and bejeweled, strong-minded young woman c. 1580s, the name of the subject is unknown, while in still others, such as Jusepe de Ribera's imaginary portrait of an ancient philosopher or Lucas Cranach the Elder's modishly attired 16th-century Saxon charmer, we are given an ideal or a general type, rather than a specific individual. See Their Worlds in Their Faces
  • If you enjoy an occasional drink this may do no harm but by cutting out drink altogether you avoid any possible risks.
  • But at times it was questionable whether he was doing more harm than good to the innings.
  • As someone who has self-harmed, years ago, but also more recently, I can really identify, as I'm sure thousands of others do.

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