
How To Use Hardline In A Sentence

  • The Iranian voting public put a hardliner and a conservative pragmatist into a run-off election with their ballots on Friday.
  • Indeed, it was not at all clear that Eisenhower and Khrushchev could control the hardliners in their own countries.
  • The second scenario is a military coup d'état by the hardliners.
  • Justice demands a hardline approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since then, his reforms have largely been stymied by theological and political hardliners.
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  • Since then, his reforms have largely been stymied by theological and political hardliners.
  • However, the pink revolution failed with the victory of a hardliner.
  • But not all of us are familiar with the street lingo of hardline hackers. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • This section will be familiar to anyone who has followed recent events, so I have omitted it and also because it is the weakest and most poorly-written part of the paper, referring to Lu Hsiu-lien as a "hardliner" and using the Chinese code term "de-sinicization. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Fellow IFP MP Walter Felgate, labelled a hardliner, said the party's democratisation included necessary checks and balances to stop abuses of power under the new party arrangement. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A five-a-side game was going on and it suddenly struck the hardline boss certain players were simply going through the motions. The Sun
  • Since then, factions of moderates and hardliners have battled within the movement.
  • And a hardline approach will be required if County are to avoid a return to non-league football. The Sun
  • So far, his administration has failed to reach out to hardline Republicans.
  • Lu is a maverick who attracts the support of the pro-independence hardliners.
  • So far, every time the reformers have tried to open up the system, the hardliners have closed it back down.
  • For many pro-reform Soviet citizens, Nevzorov personified the hardline editorial shift in television broadcasting.
  • The veteran hardliner has been droning on about her political burnout for years, and has also long had to live with open speculation that her husband is an intelligence agent on the payroll of the French government.
  • There is a call for peaceful direct action that could leave the hardliners with a certain but hollow victory when the election results come in.
  • It also signals a softening in the Government's hardline stance on public sector pay. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a hardline right-winger in the early 1990s I was personally anointed by Margaret Thatcher as her chosen successor.
  • ‘I take part in all security cabinet meetings and never has such a plan been submitted,’ Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi, a noted hardliner, told military radio.
  • The reformists control the foreign ministry, the hardliners control the military.
  • Whether the hardliners in his party will is another matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • For this open rift in the leadership is likely only to stiffen the resolve of the hardliners to crack down harder. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a very hardline stance. The Sun
  • The reformists control the foreign ministry, the hardliners control the military.
  • USAN has been allied with the moderate wing of the national board, which has come to dominate during the past two years with the emergence of the Unite for Strength faction in Hollywood as it has taken over for the hardline Membership First faction.
  • The second scenario is a military coup d'état by the hardliners.
  • In a sense, the hardliners in the military and intelligence services are no different from a widow or widower who cannot accept the death of a spouse.
  • The fragile peace was hanging by a thread as thousands of hardliners took to the streets.
  • The never ending power struggles between the hardliners and reformers certainly does not help to cool their heads.
  • He fears that hardliners could initiate a conservative clampdown.
  • In recent weeks, German hardliners have exploited the anniversary of Dresden to gain political support.
  • One reason is Fehr, who is seen as an antimanagement hardliner because he led the baseball players through a strike that led to the cancellation of the 1994 World Series. - News
  • Masarat Alam, the hardliner portrayed as his successor, is vice-chairman of the Muslim League, "a constituent of our forum".
  • For one thing, the military itself is divided between reformists and hardliners.
  • The study reveals a continent-wide spread of hardline nationalist sentiment among the young, mainly men.
  • And a hardline approach will be required if County are to avoid a return to non-league football. The Sun
  • The group is well known for its hardline approach to animal welfare and racing has regularly been the target of its campaigns. Times, Sunday Times
  • On Thursday morning, the Indonesian Anti-Terrorism Special Unit Densus 88 was reported to be in the middle of shoot-out with a small Islamic hardliner group at the outskirt of Solo, Central Java. Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Most wanted man confirmed dead
  • Most KPPSI activists and hardliners come from UMI, where Abdurrahman Basalamah was once rector.
  • The hardline austerity crowd remains impervious to experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • The country is internationally isolated, faces a growing economic crisis and is ruled by a faction associated with the “hardliners” that want to be the main beneficiaries of privatisation of state-owned companies. Global Voices in English » Lebanon: Bloggers React to Iran Crisis
  • So far, his administration has failed to reach out to hardline Republicans.
  • It is a hardline approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • So far, every time the reformers have tried to open up the system, the hardliners have closed it back down.
  • Recent pieces in the media had identified her as strong supporter of Taiwan independence: ("hardliner"), ("surprise choice"; "counter to the pervasive mood of thawing"; "pro-independence figure"). Archive 2008-05-01
  • The other, held by many republicans, insists that British thinking on the North is, in fact, indistinguishable from that of hardline unionists and loyalists.
  • It shows the depth of the anger at the way the hardline establishment is treating people. The Sun
  • The media rhetoric portrays newly appointed MAC chief as a "hardliner" because she wants to get tough with China and promote independence and democracy in Taiwan. Archive 2008-05-01
  • The president has adopted a hardline stance against abortion.
  • Wendy Doniger's compendious account of religious traditions that constitute an "ism" only in the broadest possible sense begins with an account of being egg-pelted by one such hardliner who objected to her suggestion that some Sanskrit texts are interested in divine female sexuality. The Hindus: An Alternative History by Wendy Doniger – review
  • Clinton's comments appear to reflect a new US pessimism on Iran following the June presidential elections, that brought an entrenchment by hardliners in Tehran.
  • Lu is a maverick who attracts the support of the pro-independence hardliners.
  • Some observers believe Kim Jong Il is now a captive of his military hardliners.
  • For this open rift in the leadership is likely only to stiffen the resolve of the hardliners to crack down harder. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet with the economic disparities, immigration issues, higher unemployment and Sarkozy the hardliner president enforcing the ban on women/girls wearing the 'foulard' scarf in the workplace or school who knows? Welcome Guest Blogger Cara Black!
  • All are hardline loyalists to the 67-year-old dictator, and one was his military attaché. The Sun
  • But not all of us are familiar with the street lingo of hardline hackers. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • On the other hand, we can see very clearly the fractions within the hardliner camp, again in contrast to what the pro-participation group is saying.
  • It admits that a third of its executive committee are Trots, and there does seem to be a hardline Bolshevik edge to the organisation's campaigning.
  • At the very least, it will badly damage the reputation of the hardliners.
  • And a hardline approach will be required if County are to avoid a return to non-league football. The Sun
  • We also have a statement from the JUI, one of the hardline Islamic parties here, whose leader today was put under house arrest saying this attack by United States is what they call justification for a jihad, a holy war, as they have been saying for the last four weeks and they are also calling for mass demonstrations tomorrow. CNN Transcript Oct 7, 2001
  • Of course hardliners of different political parties would have different views.
  • The Colombian president Uribe seeks to show in his internal politics that he remains a "hardliner," repudiating a possible reconciliation between the president-elect and maintaining hegemony over the social and military sectors he collected during his administration. Pravda.Ru
  • JAKARTA (Reuters) - Several hundred Indonesians rallied in Jakarta on Sunday demanding that the president do more to protect freedom of religion and to punish hardline Muslim groups which have attacked minority faiths. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Should we really let hardliners such as this wreak economic havoc without basic checks? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Iraqi government's council of ministers has voted to approve a three-year military pact with the United States, despite the bitter opposition of several hardline Shi'ite leaders.
  • It also signals a softening in the Government's hardline stance on public sector pay. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Eroglu, a nationalist hardliner who opposes reunification with the Greek part of the island, took 50.4% of the vote, while the incumbent, Mehmet Ali Talat, trailed with 42.8%.
  • The platform also takes hardline approaches to the issues of immigration and crime.
  • So far, his administration has failed to reach out to hardline Republicans.
  • The ruthless scenario was outlined by one hardline loyalist figure last week.
  • During that struggle, support tends to solidify around the hardliners, giving them an authority ordinary politicians lack.
  • Back came a hardline response that the order would be extended until August 2, the maximum period permitted by law.
  • Then, under the government of Ariel Sharon in fragmented into a more pragmatic Kadima faction and a hardline-nationalist faction led by Bibi Netanyahu. Matthew Yglesias » Israel: What a Center-Right Nation Looks Like
  • Rice is National Security Advisor to President Bush, his closest White House influence and a hardliner on foreign policy.
  • Most KPPSI activists and hardliners come from UMI, where Abdurrahman Basalamah was once rector.
  • Yet this is a nation still in the grip of hardline mullahs. The Sun
  • He has been swiftly replaced by a bearded cabinet minister, renowned as a no-nonsense, hardline political bruiser with the sort of right-wing policies you never dreamed you'd see from the Labour Party.
  • Typically, the opposing hardliners only strike a deal after a long and bitter conflict in which the terrible costs of continuing strife have been made unmistakably clear.
  • The only victors in a head-on clash between the president and the assembly would be the hardliners on both sides.
  • Hardliner Mutassim served as -national-security adviser until he lost his father's favor and was shipped to Egypt.
  • For him to warp my book in this way, while calling me, absurdly, a "hardliner" in quite a different context (Israel) and then conceding that I do not consider Muslims mystical anti-Semites, is surely an obfuscation of the whole discussion. 'The Great Hatred'
  • The hardline austerity crowd remains impervious to experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • In recent weeks, German hardliners have exploited the anniversary of Dresden to gain political support.
  • At the end, says Claire Spencer, a senior North African analyst at London think-tank Chatham House, Tunisians had had enough of Ben Ali's hardline regime. New Leader in Tunisia Calls for a Unity Government
  • The Communist Party, absorbed by a struggle between reformists and hardliners, feared its security forces were disintegrating.
  • It was a very hardline stance. The Sun
  • There should be hardline regulations for all tradesmen, whether repairing cars, building houses, plumbing or whatever.
  • Given the results of the vote, is this the end of the road for the hardliners in Congress?
  • For this open rift in the leadership is likely only to stiffen the resolve of the hardliners to crack down harder. Times, Sunday Times
  • The veteran hardliner has been droning on about her political burnout for years, and has also long had to live with open speculation that her husband is an intelligence agent on the payroll of the French government.
  • For example, until recently hardline bachelors and spinsters were seen as odd and eccentric - while today they have become mainstream, even positive figures.
  • The new hardline stance is already having an effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • When peace returned, the hardline message lost much of its impact.
  • The never ending power struggles between the hardliners and reformers certainly does not help to cool their heads.
  • Athletes who miss drugs tests will be hit in the pocket under a new hardline approach to doping. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some schools are taking a hardline approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Campaigners for wind farms are suspicious that the MoD has adopted a hardline policy some time after the scientific evidence was discovered. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the fact that Mr. McCain, the Presidential candidate most closely associated with immigration tolerance, has outlasted Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee and other immigration hardliners, should be an indication that other issues are foremost in the minds of even GOP voters. Illinois Politics
  • Their new Iranian president is described as a "hardliner" who is "fiercely anti-American" These claims are normally accompanied by quotes from unidentified sources who refer to a fictional nuclear-weapons program that is just months away from developing the bomb. The Inevitable War with Iran
  • Should we really let hardliners such as this wreak economic havoc without basic checks? Times, Sunday Times
  • Our erstwhile ska hardliners are now essentially a four-piece, with saxist Lorraine front and centre handling vocal duty.
  • The February 14 celebration named after a Christian saint is not officially banned but hardliners have repeatedly warned about the corruptive spread of Western values.
  • Banks are profiting well from this hardline stance - they made 2 billion in overdraft fees last year alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hardline austerity crowd remains impervious to experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was appointed to assume the political leadership as a hardliner who could deal with the growing Solidarno movement.
  • The Iraqi government's council of ministers has voted to approve a three-year military pact with the United States, despite the bitter opposition of several hardline Shi'ite leaders.
  • It has made things more difficult for the reformers, boosting the hardliners and causing division and disturbances in the capital Tehran.
  • And Noor Huda said hardline groups are perverting the notion of Islam to take advantage of youths who are easily co-opted. As Indonesia Dismantles Terror Groups, Successors Pose New Risks
  • The fragile peace was hanging by a thread as thousands of hardliners took to the streets.
  • The significance of equality of sexes was merely advocated by ideological hardliners.
  • It's interesting when the bogans actually notice what the consequences of hardline ‘law and order’ policies actually are.
  • So at the moment those paramilitaries aren't being talked about, but it's clear that Dublin and London see this as an opportunity to get the hardline unionists and Sinn Fein together, whether or not they will.
  • It underlines the ruthless intent of hardliners in the administration to implement the reckless plans to balkanise the country into ethnic impoverished homelands," said the DP's ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Banks are profiting well from this hardline stance - they made 2 billion in overdraft fees last year alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The veteran hardliner has been droning on about her political burnout for years, and has also long had to live with open speculation that her husband is an intelligence agent on the payroll of the French government.
  • The hardliner who was once head of the police service, has scrapped his old military uniform in favour of dark glasses, trendy stubble and natty casual suits.
  • In a sense, the hardliners in the military and intelligence services are no different from a widow or widower who cannot accept the death of a spouse.
  • Established as a secular state by Mustafa Kemal, Attaturk (popularly known as the Father of the Turks), Turkey's political elite and military often defined and implemented their brand secularism (laic) as a hardline secularism, more autocratic than democratic, that was often anti-religion with little space for Islam in the public square. John L. Esposito: Post Turkey: Obama's Challenges and Opportunities in the Muslim World
  • Athletes who miss drugs tests will be hit in the pocket under a new hardline approach to doping. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some observers believe Kim Jong Il is now a captive of his military hardliners.
  • Police were called out to guard cinemas after protests by Hindu hardliners.
  • For one thing, the military itself is divided between reformists and hardliners.
  • Foreign investors quaked, worrying that a group of ex-KGB hardliners intent on renationalizing the Russian economy had seized control of the Kremlin.
  • NICOSIA: Hardliners are tipped to make a comeback in Turkish Cypriot parliamentary elections on Sunday, complicating the UN-sponsored talks on the future of the divided island they share with Greek Cypriots. Elections - fresh news by
  • The new hardline stance is already having an effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • This sort of political masturbation that the Congress wants to pursue is exactly the sort of thing that will be used by the hardliners in Iran to leverage their position. House expected to vote on Iranian resolution
  • Established as a secular state by Mustafa Kemal, Attaturk (popularly known as the Father of the Turks), Turkey's political elite and military often defined and implemented their brand secularism (laic) as a hardline secularism, more autocratic than democratic, that was often anti-religion with little space for Islam in the public square. John L. Esposito: Post Turkey: Obama's Challenges and Opportunities in the Muslim World
  • The president has adopted a hardline stance against abortion.
  • Campaigners for wind farms are suspicious that the MoD has adopted a hardline policy some time after the scientific evidence was discovered. Times, Sunday Times
  • During that struggle, support tends to solidify around the hardliners, giving them an authority ordinary politicians lack.
  • Given the results of the vote, is this the end of the road for the hardliners in Congress?
  • For some hardline individuals on a great number of issues there simply is no room for debate or a multiplicity of opinion at all.
  • The two rulings are a triumph for hardliners at the interior ministry who lobbied for tighter controls on nightclubs that they blame for leading Thai youth astray.
  • He was appointed to assume the political leadership as a hardliner who could deal with the growing Solidarno movement.
  • Although the Senate is almost certain to pass it, the vote in the House could be a nailbiter, facing opposition from both hardline Republicans and disenchanted, left-wing Democrats who feel Obama has conceded too much. Obama announces deal to end US debt crisis
  • Rice is National Security Advisor to President Bush, his closest White House influence and a hardliner on foreign policy.
  • Alas, when his connection retired, replaced by an ANC hardliner, she got the sack, and the government garnished his salary to pay back the treasury.
  • Maope however reflected a hardline and unconciliatory position regarding the powers which the transitional structure would have. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It is a hardline approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘I take part in all security cabinet meetings and never has such a plan been submitted,’ Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi, a noted hardliner, told military radio.
  • A Kremlinologist by training, Gates was one of the last American hardliners to comprehend the changes taking place in the Soviet Union. Tom Engelhardt: Victory at Last! Monty Python in Afghanistan
  • For many pro-reform Soviet citizens, Nevzorov personified the hardline editorial shift in television broadcasting.
  • He was a well-respected figure and considered a relatively moderate leader in a party ruled by hardline Muslim clerics.
  • A former Presbyterian moderator, he is noted for his hardline views and refuses to attend ecumenical services that include Catholic priests.
  • Rather than admit this, our dovish defeatists have turned themselves into the hardest of hardliners.
  • The fragile peace was hanging by a thread as thousands of hardliners took to the streets.
  • Back then the same arguments were used to invoke the people to vote, the same grim scenario of a hardliner-dominated regime who would stifle all the progress made were told and retold again and again.
  • The group is well known for its hardline approach to animal welfare and racing has regularly been the target of its campaigns. Times, Sunday Times
  • Palestinian leader Arafat earlier also called for "no more wars, " and expressed his belief that he can reach a peace agreement with the hardliner Israeli Prime Minister Sharon.
  • Some economists said it was a sign that the hardliners were in retreat and the ECB was becoming more dovish.
  • But now, an ultra hardliner has been elected president with a huge, if artificially augmented, majority.
  • Police were called out to guard cinemas after protests by Hindu hardliners.
  • He blamed hardline elements in the clerical establishment for obstructing his reformist agenda. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are different dynamics in dealing with a legitimate hardliner versus a legitimate moderate, but that doesn’t mean dealing with a hardliner is preferable to dealing with a moderate. Matthew Yglesias » Learning From Belfast
  • It wants ministers to stick to hardline public spending cuts but make an exception of the construction industry and expenditure on infrastructure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back came a hardline response that the order would be extended until August 2, the maximum period permitted by law.
  • All are hardline loyalists to the 67-year-old dictator, and one was his military attaché. The Sun
  • Cuban-American hardliners continue to reject any dealings with Castro.
  • It is feared that the anarchists and hardline revolutionary groups want to encourage people to use the peaceful protests to cause violence and disruption. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unionist hardliners warned the U.S. President he would not be welcome.
  • The Centcom leadership also briefed the chair of the US joint chiefs-of-staff, Admiral Mike Mullen: the gravamen was the pervasive view in the region that Israel's hardline determination to establish even greater control over the West Bank and Gaza was unopposed by an impotent Washington (see Akiva Eldar, Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • It has made things more difficult for the reformers, boosting the hardliners and causing division and disturbances in the capital Tehran.
  • Nam is well known as a hardliner -- some progressive groups in South Korea refer to him as a "neocon warmonger. Eric C. Anderson: Succumbing to "Worst-Case" Analysis of North Korea
  • But now, an ultra hardliner has been elected president with a huge, if artificially augmented, majority.
  • Some schools are taking a hardline approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course hardliners of different political parties would have different views.
  • Justice demands a hardline approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hardline leader slammed Western powers for what he called hypocritical and dangerous policies that can only lead to nuclear proliferation, according to remarks broadcast on state-run Press TV. - Articles related to US says old treaty disputes with Russia have no bearing on new nuclear arms treaty
  • For this open rift in the leadership is likely only to stiffen the resolve of the hardliners to crack down harder. Times, Sunday Times

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