How To Use Hard In A Sentence
Richardson, are proprietors of shows, and the berouged, bedraggled creatures who exhibit on the platform outside for their living.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
You would be hard pressed to find a young captain or major who hadn't flown combat sorties in the area of operations.
A lot of human nature can be traced to instinctive behaviors evolved in harder times.
ProWomanProLife » Why am I so skeptical?
Either the recession is biting harder than I had realised or a lot of people are confused about the boundaries between fact and fiction.
We've got a lot of hard work ahead.

There is probably room for a touch more earthiness, a little more hardness in her approach to a Don José who is always going to be putty in her hands.
Despite imperial successes at St. Gotthard (1664), Growardein and Neuhäusel in Hungary ceded to the Ottomans (1664, at Vasvár).
2. The Habsburg Monarchy
Its hard drive can store 100 movies, and an antenna receives new films via broadcast airwaves.
Although I have finally been given a small piece of work to do (nothing crucial, generous deadline), I'm finding it hard to apply myself after such a long period of enforced inactivity.
Now hardware is silicon chips and software is floppy disks.
Infinite in All Directions
Richard and his friends, he reminds us constantly, are wealthy, beautiful, aloof from the slings and arrows of dowdiness and paying bills and slogging it out in monotonous jobs.
I find it hard to get my tongue round these Polish names.
The "lawmen" in the Justice Department, etc, who are doing the hard work to bring these Wall Street criminals to the courthouse will be compromised.
Stephen Gyllenhaal: Goldman and Sachs and Lipstick and Rouge
The tranquility of Birch's daytime views hardly characterized the disputative climate surrounding the building, then and later.
Small businesses have been hit hard / hard hit by the recession.
When love beckons to you,follow him,though his ways are hard and steep.
The old, merry Whiting looked sideways at Richard, then the round face assumed an expression of diffident humility for Mr. Hanks.
Morgan’s Run
But more needs to be done with stories like this particular one, if you want to see your hard work come to fruition in ousting George W. Bush from the White House, along with any other of his cronies who have blood on their hands, from George W. Bush†™ s futile ‘War On Terror†™.
Think Progress » 60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002
But, outside the darker imaginings of the internet, it is hard to find such a person.
Times, Sunday Times
Soon the seeds in the inflated seed cases of the yellow rattle will be hard and rattle at a brush.
Richard and I proceeded through the customs check to the Swissair counter.
Small, hardcovered, complete with a beautifully illustrated dust jacket.
Narnia Fans
A drunk was standing in the middle of the street, swaying uncertainly and trying hard to stay upright.
It took yards of line off a hard-set drag, and it all but pulled me off my ledge.
Richard Harris delivers a riveting portrayal of Captain Tyreen.
The Bedroom In The Sky is three-quarters windowed and the last window blocked off with a hardboard offcut insulated, floored, plasterboarded, plumbed and wired.
April 1st, 2007
Some people believe that Richard III did not murder his nephews and was not the villain he is generally thought to have been.
She had sore feet from walking on hard pavements all day.
And the people who were subjected to hard yakka, slave labour if you want, or removal from islands because of drinking problems or fighting and they have complete hate and they've handed it down generationally.
Most systems default to booting from either the floppy disk drive or the hard drive.
The flat, white light made it hard to gauge distances.
It has made it far harder for determined and powerful figures to control how people see events and that can only be a good thing.
Then he looked me up and down as if it wouldn't work a footrule hard to measure me.
Before the Dawn A Story of the Fall of Richmond
I felt something akin to the tender hatred one can sense when staring hard at a photograph of oneself.
-- _More beautiful, most beautiful_, etc. can hardly be called degree forms of the adjective.
Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
We take a hard line with soft drinks - and cola is the worst offender.
Will they require huge hard drives and superfast broadband?
Times, Sunday Times
Richard got legal advice from a friend at the gym.
His second book came out in hardback last month.
Loman is a rather unpleasant figure throughout much of the play, a boastful blowhard, a bully, a coward.
The inner reef, where we do walk, is actually composed of coralline algae, calcium-rich plants that form rock-hard ledges.
And while ferrous metals are certainly not out of the picture, even from a consumer's perspective, it's hard not to notice the increased use of aluminum and plastic.
This is mostly true for fans, friends, and family of unsung folk hero Tim Hardin, the prolific songster who wasted his life living wasted.
Some may insist you sleep on mats on hard floors to straighten out the spine, but they are in a minority.
Modern processors have a special hardware facility, the Performance Monitor Unit (PMU), to collect the events related with the operations in the processor.
A person today who seems to have a great sense of self-esteem has his or her childhood days to thank for it. Stephen Richards
One sector that was particularly hard hit was computer hard drives.
Times, Sunday Times
The effect of these pressures is there to see if you look hard enough.
Times, Sunday Times
When his friends called him a coward his resolve was only hardened.
Times, Sunday Times
I do not know if that linkage can be proven, but my guess is the fee was the result of a number of actions that Harding took, over a period of years, which were favorable to Hevesi.
Henry J. Stern: Betrayal of the Public Trust
Meanwhile, the hard-working dweebs in his office who have not benefited from hypnotherapy get canned.
Back in the '60s and '70s I listened to Gordon Lightfoot a fair bit when I wanted to take a break from the harder rock that was the staple of my listening.
It was hard to believe that something so simple could be so tasty, a creamy potato flavour that was concentrated by long slow cooking in olive oil, seasoned with the sweet tang of long cooked onions all morticed with beaten eggs.
At My Table
On two consecutive nights of Hardball, Chris Matthews brought up this same trio as examples of Gore's "delusionary" thinking.
Going After Gore
By its nature it will be great for political rights management, because it's an enormously penetrative surveillance tool, and it makes it hard to do anything anonymously involving a computer.
The overall effect is hard to fault, but it is not that memorable.
When one loves one's art no service seems too hard .
Any adult who says `Chrissie" when he means `Christmas", and ` mozzie " for `mosquito", is hard to take seriously.
Manning turned slowly, a fallacious smile on his lips, his eyes hard.
I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions.
He had taken a hard line about any country that harbored terrorists, and by his definition Saddam was a terrorist.
Plan of Attack
In its scale and some of its details Smith's building has an affinity to Richardson's 1875-1876 Hayden Building in Boston.
A pupa covered by the hardened 3rd larval skin is known as a coarctate pupa..
However, it's hard to be seriously annoyed when you have a cat snuggling you and giving you gentle licks, as mine just did.
Yes, it means a re-think of the way we give, but it promises to truly lift up lives in these hard times and bring us back to the true definition of the word 'philanthropy,' which literally means "the love of humanity.
Melanie Lundquist: Time to Change the Way We Give
King Richard, as a just guerdon for all his fascinorous actions and horrible murders, was slain in the field.
He could hardly be said to have "devised a feasible method for regular use.
FINGERPRINTS: Murder and the Race to Uncover the Science of Identity
‘This is evident in a number of markets where rents are falling, but yields are not only holding steady, but in most instances hardening,’ he said.
The system hardware and software has been designed to realize a stable levitation.
The Act enshrines principles social workers fought hard to get on the statute book.
I believe the clunk was my rear diff. from the hard downshift??
Doesn't that place restrictions on the "hards", creating frustrations for them?
Low floor, high ceiling OR low floor, wide walls?
The lack of a back-and-forth "us-verus-Nasdaq" makes it hard to imagine what the exchanges, and the fees, will look like, said Neil Catania , co-founder of agency-only brokerage firm MND Partners, located on the NYSE floor.
Stock Traders Fear Fee Hit
And I owe much of my further understanding of Voltaire through his face to an essay invitingly titled Voltaire's Grin by Richard Holmes, the "total immersion" biographer whom I've praised before -- mostly for his work on the interlinked poets Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth.
David Tereshchuk: French Claim for Origins of Investigative Journalism
The culture that he describes is so different from mine that I sometimes find it hard to relate to.
His other films included Richard Fleischer's "Mandingo" (1975), Milos Forman's "Ragtime" (1981) and John Wayne's final movie, "The Shootist" (1976).
Prolific director Dino De Laurentiis dies
In Iowa, he didn't just win over the Democrats, the college-educated over $55K under 60 crowd, he won overjust about everybody that wasn't a die-hard Republican.
Hillary's NH Lead In Suffolk Tracking Poll Cut By Nearly Half
The lingering theory is credible because it is hard to imagine that the restaurant business in most cities and towns is anything but competitive.
Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
Most of the hard work was done by women, since many of the men had gone off to find employment.
But she is unlikely to be wearing baggy jeans and a hard hat.
Times, Sunday Times
Listening to this intense young man, there is little doubt he has done things the hard way; no favours doled out and none asked for.
In principle, file-sharing is hardly different from tape-to-tape recordings that we all made when we were kids.
The hard-throwing Weaver has a knack for challenging left-handed hitters in a manner that reminds me of a young Frank Tanana.
But it is hard to sustain that insistence on the preservation of the Catholic tradition on the one hand with a total insistence on the diminution of a Protestant tradition on the other.
His skin had felt deliciously cool against her heated flesh as his hard body moved against hers.
Quintus is aiming its product at the high-tech and software industry and hardware and software managers inside end-user organisations.
However, the measure intended to foster democracy will result in all three party leaders imposing a three-line whip on their respective MPs – a move hardly likely to ease the public's mistrust of Parliament.
European Union: The referendum is an absurd sideshow | Observer editorial
They have been tearing away at the rubble for a week now, and more than 10,000 tonnes has been removed, But it has hardly made a dent in the mountain.
She drove a hard bargain with the seller.
He stopped the seamen and dock workers joining the strike, but he did not take too hard a line.
Paul Williams is a master of talking horseshit, but even a guffer like him finds it hard to fill pages every week with shite sensationalism about the Irish criminal underworld.
Irish Blogs
We have endured hardship in order to provide continuous feedback.
And but so then the solo hits and you'd be way hard-pressed to call it anything besides countrified, wouldn't you?
This can be very important since some fish will inhabit silty area in preference to hard bottoms.
There was no doubt at all that every Brownie there was determined to think hard and hunt hard for a new Pack Meeting place.
The ink is hardly dry on young Hay's new three-year contract.
It often takes five or six years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.
It is very hard to match digital computing, which is designed for precise, accurate calculations, to this domain.
First he was writing, then he was hiking, then he went to Argentina to clear his head and drive along the coast (a two mile narrow strip overlooking the intercoastal waterway, hardly scenic).
Sanford visiting family in Sullivan's Island
Though as Richard Nash suggests, we're all indie now (except the big guys), so even the term indie doesn't mean much:
Hugh McGuire: Why "Self-Publishing" Is Meaningless
Then, suddenly, the house turned itself into a Richard Curtis film - the one in which all those hard-hearted world leaders listen to a young wee Scots lassie who tells them that, yes, they can make poverty history, now!
A reduction in the days that vessels can spend at sea means trawlers fish harder near their home ports.
Times, Sunday Times
I was too pleased with my own hard-won epiphany that the film's title is a palindrome to even notice that the credits had started rolling.
We decided to only soften the water that would be heated, since there were no other quality issues with hardness in the cold tap water.
I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.
When the water begins to simmer, set the timer for 6 minutes for a "squidgy" centre and 7 minutes for a hard centre.
Archive 2007-04-01
But this subtlety is swept aside in performances that are simply too hard-driven.
We bumbled around each other like Laurel and Hardy in the gloom, fumbling for a torch we couldn't find.
A subsequent kerfuffle (rather drawn out) sounding not unlike a fist fight interspersed with successive shards of glass falling.
Radial pressures exerted by roots on the surrounding soil are also believed to be a critical feature in penetration of hard soils.
A watercolour by Thundersley-born artist Richard Sorrell has made the collection.
The final episode of this hard-hitting series delves into little-known horrors behind history.
The Sun
Quinn specialises in smaller, high street firms that, because of their reliance on risky areas such as conveyancing, are seen as the hardest to insure.
Top stories from Times Online
A hard-nosed unmoveable man, who sacrifices his lovely daughter to ward off future kidnap threats on his beloved son.
Using encapsulated liquid tricyclic, like diolefin, and some kind of catalyst for quick hardening.
Archive 2009-03-01
Unfortunately, alternatives to bombing the North Vietnam were hard to come by.
This soft retained austenite can accommodate impact stresses better than the harder constituents.
The prominent winds and brass, and unusual sonorities like the harsh Chinese cymbals that convey Hippolyt's disgust at Phaedra's advances, increase the piece's hard-edge quality.
Divided Inside, in Theme and Structure
Now that grand finale will not happen, which must have induced sadness yesterday in all but the hardest of hearts.
Times, Sunday Times
At least Steven Pinker can tell us why we curse and why cursing is so goddamn hard to give up:
All Be Galdangit
He has been called everything from Fenty's godfather to 'consigliere' to 'vice mayor,' a gibe that he is the Richard B. Cheney to Fenty's George W. Bush.
DeMorning DeBonis: Sept. 10, 2010
The Green Paper is the result of an enormous amount of hard work by a large number of people.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Professional rugby is a hard way to earn a crust - and an uncertain one.
Hard graft and study of the score allowed him to master a wide repertoire without nationality kinships questioning his ability to conduct music from all periods.
The trick is that Juan graduated from a hard school and nothing fazes him.
A half-hardy annual, this variety produces tall stems topped with feathery pure-white flowers.
Times, Sunday Times
The work of the Hard-Edge painters, their first collective exhibition catalog in 1959 asserted, runs counter to a widespread contemporary belief in the primary value of emotion and intuition in esthetic experience … the [Hard-Edge painter] is not preoccupied with art as an opportunity to make autobiographical statements.
California Cool
Isn't there something revolting about catering to the imagined needs of a tiny group of spoiled ladies, a Marie Antoinette–ish situation that reached its apotheosis when John Galliano showed his infamous clochard collection—the word means bum or hobo in French, and the tattered gowns, hand-stenciled to look filthy, trailed pots, pans, and other refuse—at the 1997 Dior haute couture show?
Art in the Parks 3: Nan Kempner's Clothing
Perhaps tools like moviolas might have more efficiently weeded out the dabblers - it's hard to say since moviolas were part of a more elitist type of technology and denied many an opportunity.
The conductor worked hard for a first-class result, the cohesiveness of the entire composition leaving a most satisfying afterglow.
It's hard to say it to an older sibling because he often thinks that he is in the right.
Times, Sunday Times
Soft materials such as frits may require only 2-3 hours, whereas hard materials like quartz can take 24 hours or more.
8. Preparation of glazes
She pulled back hard on the reins, and the horse reared back on its hind legs.
Parmesan is a generic term used to describe a family of hard Italian cheeses.
From the first maxiskirt look, it was clear Richard Chai was on a healthy trajectory.
Jim Shi: New York Fashion Week, Day One: BCBG Max Azria, Richard Chai Love, Vena Cava, Ports 1961 & L.A.M.B. (PHOTOS)
China supplies at least 95% of the world's rare earths -- 17 chemical elements with hard-to-pronounce names such as praseodymium and yttrium -- essential for a wide range of high-tech devices and green technologies.
IndustryWeek Forums - Chain Reactions
His outlook could hardly have been helped by the cancelling of a perfectly good goal just after the quarter-hour, the linesman flagging for offside.
The wellingtonia in Orchard Close is thought to be 360 years old and part of an extended avenue planted to mark the route taken by the defeated King Charles after the Battle of Edgehill.
Also, that no man be so hardy to crye havock upon peyne that he that is begynner shall be deede therefore: and the remanent that doo the same, or follow, shall lose their horse and harneis ... and his body in prison at the king's will.
Notes and Queries, Number 44, August 31, 1850
The cooperative transport in a two-dimensional system of hard balls is studied, which is underdamped and under the deterministically flashing ratchet potential.
Internet loan companies are booming at the expense of hard-pressed consumers.
The Sun
whatsit", and then Dr Watson may decide that dumpreg. exe is itself unresponsive so it launches further instance (s) of dumpreg. exe to report the failure (s) of the previous instance (s), and the system suffers a fatal embrace and hardly ever looks at the mouse and keyboard to see me hammering away in desperation. Forum
He always wiped the dirt or snow off, tucked his ripped shirt-tail in, or went yuk-yuk-yuk as he rubbed his reddening ass-cheeks, and the hate hardly ever showed.
Richard comes across Mel in a bar and drags her outside to demand his credit cards back and frighten her off once and for all.
He picks up sensations, like electrical charges, from the hard inner walls that contain him.
Curtains that can prevent flying glass shards from injuring people, and new sensors for detecting biohazards activity are among the newest developments.
The hard labor of the farm was mostly done by them, and on the floor of the big kitchen, toward sundown, would be squatting a circle of twelve or fourteen "pickaninnies," eating their supper of pudding (Indian corn mush) and milk.
November Boughs ; from Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
If you run a small business it can be hard to find time to train your staff.
Sue is hard and resilient and, though she is the film's embodiment of civilization in much the way Grace Kelly is High Noon's, she's neither frightened nor morally repulsed when violence erupts.
Luckily, someone who wants to produce a bare-bones syndication feed does not need to work very hard.
The Iranian voting public put a hardliner and a conservative pragmatist into a run-off election with their ballots on Friday.
When standing on the dancefloor, I could have been in any typical club around Leicester Square or Piccadilly Circus… plenty of drunks, try-hards, sleazes, idiots, and easy girls all packed in.
APPLETON (Nov 4): Richard Lloyd Linscott was born Oct. 28, 2008, at Miles Memorial Hospital in Damariscotta to Lloyd and Beth Linscott of Appleton.
The oblique rays of the sun on the orchards create this typical landscape that traditional iconography would associate with an earthly paradise.
It could, so various spokespersons for Leichhardt council, have “endangered staff and/or public.”
Librarian Threatened to Stop Palestinian Exhibit
It was a far harder opportunity than the one he had spurned just seconds earlier, when he fired against the bar from five yards.
The Sun
They are only preparing them for the preferential treatment awaiting them when they become hardened criminals in modern jails.
The Sun
On the other hand, if you elect for the more expensive hardware option, much less CPU power is needed and often both the picture and sound quality are greatly improved.
Even two songs cut with hot producer Gavin Brown and ace keyboardist Richard Bell are merely passable.
A significant 2. 5-fold reduction in the added cellulase required for conversion of pretreated hardwood to ethanol; and
Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Process Promises Better and Cheaper Ethanol
The hardware has been redesigned to prevent damage caused by short circuits or power surges.
At one time food tended to be cooked in lard or goose fat, and this gave it a reputation for being heavy and hard to digest.
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C. Security: Coordinate installation of door hardware, keying, and access control with Owner's security consultant.
Possibly in a bid to allay fears that nationalism and protectionism were driving the agenda--though it's hard to wonder how they couldn't in a country whose motto translates as "we wish to remain what we are"--a Luxembourg minister said on Tuesday that the takeover law, which it plans to enact in May, was in no way aimed at creating impediments to Mittal's play for Arcelor.
Luxembourg Minister: We're Not Trying To Stop Mittal
It is hard to justify requiring companies to keep records of historical importance in a retrievable format when technological advances make retrieval increasingly difficult.
Hardly a day passes without more bad news about the economy .
Further evidence of China's increasing dismay with Pyongyang comes in a cable in June 2009 from the US ambassador to Kazakhstan, Richard Hoagland.
However, it is hardly an unsolvable mystery: remember that there were plants with sap, leaves, seeds, spores and pollen in the Paleozoic, long before flowering plants appeared.
Sorry Richard if I seem overexercised by Marilyn Frith on Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008 at 4: 23: 01 PM
The Clinton Firewall
The soft cushions were so much more comfortable than the hard bench of the wagon.
The sound of wooden chair legs screeched against the hardwood floors.
Christianity Today
"I'm an owner-driver and I know how hard it is to say no to them when you need the work," he said.
They also say that at the time the game was arranged it was hard to gauge the future political landscape.
The Sun
Garden irises are hardy, long-lived perennials that need a minimum of care.
The downshift hits workers of color particularly hard.
They are wholly unfitted, by temperament and training, for the cut-throat, hard-nosed commercial environment in which they now find themselves.
New hardware, software, networking gear, and wireless devices are being woven together by the connective power of the Internet into a potent, upsetting force.
We worked really hard to come up with money by doing everything from sumo wrestling competitions to washing cars.
It is enough to give the hardened British holidaymaker a complex.
Times, Sunday Times
I looked heavenwards as if hoping for a miraculous infusion of patience and tried hard to conceal my irritation.
Use oils and margarine instead of lard or hard fats.
Successful Fasting -the easy way to cleanse your body of its poisons
Army, 'the professors said one to another, as, hardly stopping for a moment at the stranger's entrance, they continued to' jangle 'among themselves.
A Book of Quaker Saints
This is hardly the time to discuss politics.
For me, especially the last two months have been really hard.
The Sun
General Ricardo Izurieta, the moderate army commander, is now being criticised for political naivety by diehard Pinochetistas.
Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage is on the lineup, as is outgoing Pentagon undersecretary for policy Eric Edelman and proliferation official Bob Joseph (he of the Sixteen Words).
We Look To The Horizon | ATTACKERMAN
The idea was to talk to survivors of life's hardships, from concentration camp victims to cancer sufferers.
Your imagination will burst out, no matter how hard you try to contain it so get in first and showcase your ideas.
The Sun
As it was, his expression hardened, the catlike sharpness of his pupils glinting dangerously.
He winks out of the corner of his eye at me and says, 'Your old daddy is tough isn't he?' and shows me the end of his thumb calloused and hard as the knurl of white oak; only fire could clean it to the original skin.
Confessions of Boyhood
A good man is hard to find.
Oily fish such as herring, kippers, mackerel, pilchards, salmon, sardines and trout, contain oils that can lessen the risk of thrombosis.
She had waited here in the orchard since dawn and she was prepared to go on waiting until moonset if necessary.
The Night Of the Solstice
They entered the market obliquely through the production of non-agricultural products such as barrel staves that they bartered for textiles, hardware and cheap consumer goods.
My grandfather's Purple Heart ," Frank replied with hardly a moment's hesitation.
After a pleasant trip, Richard and I alighted from the train at Kal.
I work very hard - in fact, I've had to work like a slave because I was a slave to drugs.
This utility allows you to alter images in such a way as to produce the best possible hard copy from your printer.
It was hard to see the colours under the layer of dust.
It would have hardstandings for six caravans for the travelling families, along with two toilet and shower blocks.