How To Use Hard up In A Sentence

  • I'm a bit hard up at the moment.
  • If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor, that dwelleth with thee, thou shalt not be hard upon them as an extortioner, nor oppress them with usuries. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • Swaying in the wind, they're concerned about the timing in getting on deck, with the ship pitching hard up and down.
  • He blew into his harmonica with the microphone pressed hard up to its air outlets.
  • The editor of the magazine was hard up for material.
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  • In fact, pizza has always been a popular choice for people who are hard up for money. Times, Sunday Times
  • He thrust the muzzle of the gun hard up under Burnell's ribs. Somewhere East of Life
  • I'm a bit hard up at the moment.
  • He usually wore, in compliment to his nursing duties, an apron in front; but, as his various avocations pressed hard upon his time, and as his own personal outfit was ever the last to be attended to, Tiff's nether garments had shown traces of that frailty which is incident to all human things. Dred; A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. In Two Volumes. Vol. II
  • It was a philosophy designed to make a poor, agrarian economy into an affluent one, with rich regions extending helping hands to hard up ones.
  • The motion of the gallivat at once ceased, and, the grab slowly creeping up to her, Desmond had to put his helm hard up to avoid a collision. In Clive's Command A Story of the Fight for India
  • The editor of the magazine was hard up for material.
  • We get people who are hard up - young marrieds who start when the first baby's on the way.
  • He made the decision to lessen the angle of impact by closing the throttle, applying hard up elevator and full right rudder.
  • The family was always hard up so he paid for university by working on a building site and as a street sweeper. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't bear hard upon the pencil, it will break.
  • Without the will of heaven none is blest, none curst, I do maintain; nor doth the same house for ever tread the path of bliss; for one kind of fortune follows hard upon another; one man it brings to naught from his high estate, another though of no account it crowns with happiness. The Heracleidae
  • Most families are hard up already without this extra burden. The Sun
  • The city's intransigence has hardened already hard upstate opposition.
  • The ship started very well, but the wind "overblew the tide"; she caught in the dock-gates, and settled hard upon the ground, so that there was no possibility of launching her that day. Men of Invention and Industry
  • a strike followed hard upon the plant's opening
  • He thrust the muzzle of the gun hard up under Burnell's ribs. Somewhere East of Life
  • Don't complain of being hard up before me!
  • In such a case small liberality was shown in those days, even as now prevaileth, the object of all in authority being to be hard upon those who are out of it. Springhaven
  • We're a bit hard up at the moment so we're not thinking in terms of holidays.
  • The newspapers must be hard up for news if they've got to publish stories like that .
  • The BW Party is heartily sick of pensioners going on and on about how the country owes them and how hard up they are.
  • Catherine French and Rachel Doherty worked hard up front and Kate Bradley and Sarah Male were able to continually feed balls through to them.
  • Hardly had we secreted ourselves when we spied a flotilla of a Roman expeditionary force sailing hard upstream.
  • In fact, pizza has always been a popular choice for people who are hard up for money. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is hard upon Christianity and its “trinal God”: I have not softened his expression The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi
  • Don't bear hard upon the pencil, it will break.
  • I have to say, amigos, I was pretty hard up by the time I stumbled onto this plan.
  • Some were further guarded from prying eyes by sort of gridirons, politely called balconies, though, since the platform had been forgotten, and only the protecting railings were there hard up against the glass, the name was deceptive. The Good Comrade
  • You must have been uncommonly hard up for something to do. The House of Mirth
  • Others claimed that punters were just hard up, cleaned-out after the festive period.
  • The media are obviously hard up for stories.
  • On the contrary, It is written: “If thou lend money to any of myb people that is poor, that dwelleth with thee, thou shalt not be hard upon them as an extortioner, nor oppress them with usuries.” The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • He's always so down at heel; is he hard up or just slovenly?
  • The director pulled Richard up for being late again today.
  • Don't bear hard upon the pencil, it will break.
  • The editor of the magazine was hard up for material.
  • She is always hard up because she doesn't lay out her money wisely.
  • For me, the worst scenario was a light misting drizzle or light snowfall, combined with a hard uphill push.
  • #16 POSTED BY bill, Feb 7th, 2009 12: 30 am only issue i have with this list is “hard up for cash jimmy page”. as a diehard led zeppelin fan that brought up bad memories. i remember when they signed away the rights for diddy to make the horrendous song. i dont think hes strapped for cash though, hes been knighted and just put out another album. Top 10 Pointless Remakes » Scene-Stealers
  • The media are obviously hard up for stories.
  • We're a bit hard up at the moment so we're not thinking in terms of holidays.
  • Though reportage, Hamlet's words are hard upon the action's heels.
  • Standing against the front wall of the house, under the eaves and hard up against a projection to avoid the worst of the wind, I watched the surface of the water dimple, just a little at first, and then more and more.
  • I'm a bit hard up at the moment.
  • Most families are hard up already without this extra burden. The Sun
  • You must have been uncommonly hard up for something to do. The House of Mirth

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