- a royal German family that provided rulers for several European states and wore the crown of the Holy Roman Empire from 1440 to 1806
How To Use Hapsburg In A Sentence
- While war raged on the outside, the various nationalities in the Hapsburg Empire raged against each other on the inside. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
- Outside of Europe, the dominant forces outside France, in particular, were the feudalistic governments of the Hapsburgs and people like that.
- Having beaten off brutal attempts to bring them to heel, the Dutch now have little love for Hapsburg-ruled Spain or Austria. A distant Catholic emperor holds no appeal for them.
- In the heyday of the Hapsburgs, Viennese noblemen, for want of other diversion, amused themselves by firing cannonballs into the annual armadas of migrating beluga sturgeon that swam up the Danube to spawn.
- Easier to snare the Hapsburg fox with a morsel like Marguerite than negotiate endlessly over the price of the infanta. Archive 2009-04-01
- It was soldiers armed with targets such as these under the command of Gonzalvo de Cordoba who defeated the Hapsburg-Valois pike formations in the Italian wars.
- The pope went on in 1303 to confirm the disputed choice of Albert of Hapsburg as Holy Roman Emperor and announce that the emperor was overlord of all other rulers, including the king of France.
- We recognize the wonderfully painted peaches and pear suggesting the fleshy cheeks and nose of "Vertumnus" (c. 1590), note his peapod eyelids and cardoon moustache, then fleetingly manage to see this paean to abundance as a portrait of the robust Rudolph II, before losing ourselves in cabbage leaves, olives, a blackberry eye, and the glistening cherries of his protruding Hapsburg lip. The Proto-Surrealist
- Besides losing both world wars in spectacular fashion, near total destruction in the thirty years war, being Napoleons personal chess board, and spending half of this past century partitioned and garrisoned by the competing superpowers, Germany has spent most of its history as a collection of small principalities under varying degrees of rule by Hapsburgs. Matthew Yglesias » 18th Century Polish Strategic Dilemmas
- A slight man, round-faced with pale blue eyes, he has the usual jutting lower lip and chin of the blighted Hapsburgs. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer