How To Use Happy In A Sentence
The old ceiling and bar brought back many memories of happy carefree days of yore to those present.
I'm still feeling a bit cranially sprained, mind you, but the cat seems perfectly happy to be spending a snow day on the couch with me, watching S3 of Mission: Impossible.
The Snowpocalypse Continues
And while everyone around wished the couple a happy married life, one of the guests decided to be a little cheeky.
Canadians were unhappy with so-called intrusive questions, the aggravation of filling it out and even a few were convinced the census was part of a government plot, according to - Home Page
It will definitely take a lot more tweaking to get me completely happy with it.

You've probably guessed that his Mum was the one who died unhappy and unmourned a couple of years back.
The unhappy helplessness of the man in the foxskin coat evidently afforded him great pleasure.
The Schoolmistress and other stories
A fellow treats himself and his true love to dinner, a bottle and a night at the bug house at the end of another week of hard work and dutiful child-rearing, comes home happy and at peace, and what does he find?
You're gonna become one unhappy, sore and mundane dude if you wore uncomfy shoes all the time.
That call my slumbering life to wake to happy things.
A Book of Strife in the Form of The Diary of an Old Soul
May each hour be a happy one on this special day.Love is always my gift to you for today and every day.
But the family have pulled together and, in spite of fits of irritability, are happy.
There is something about rainy days that can make you feel strangely melancholic and happy at the same time.
Excepting his quaint epithets which he affects to render literally from the Greek, a language above all others blest in the happy marriage of sweet words, and which in our language are mere printer's compound epithets -- such as quaffed divine
Literary Remains, Volume 1
However, this happy juxtaposition of Eastern style and Western living has not always been so effortless.
the unhappy truth
Naturally, her husband was very pleased and only too happy to oblige with the ‘work.’
I am treasuring up my thoughts of this happy time to give me joy in the future.
She seems happy, but it leaves me feeling dissatisfied.
Times, Sunday Times
Largely he was happy in his perfectly toned sepia world.
Times, Sunday Times
Be genuine and conceal noting.I write every wiod I wand to say on this small card.I wish my honey a happy Valentine's day.
Just outside the pub, in Quartz Street, is The Braai & Meat, a small outdoor restaurant, with happy customers tucking into pap and braaied meat.
We'd be only too happy to accept your invitation.
She got married when she was twenty and had two children but was increasingly unhappy about the political situation in Southern Rhodesia, particularly the racism of the white ruling class.
An epitaph is on a gravestone, and while I am sure they would be happy to oblige, that wasn’t what they were actually throwing, I don’t think ….
Think Progress » GOP Rep. Nunes Excuses Racist, Homophobic Tea Partier Slurs As A Response To ‘Totalitarian Tactics’
Be happy, be cheerful.It's time to celebrate.My friend was born today.Hope your course is charted for lots of luck all the year through.
Those two jokers may be happy in their never-never land, but it's time they recognised reality.
I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.
Some workers on zero-hours contracts are happy with them.
Times, Sunday Times
He left with few regrets, happy that his game on clay had never been better, although disappointed that, yet again, his best was not good enough to beat a slightly underdone Nadal.
Rafael Nadal boxed clever to beat Roger Federer in French Open | Kevin Mitchell
Happy about no one can only hold the force.
It left us both joyful and speechless, happy to be home again but sad that this great trip was over.
The way to be happy is to be a real, thorough-going, true-hearted Christian.
She was unhappy there, but loath to leave the security of a job and new friends.
Times, Sunday Times
thousand of time i have thought of you .my heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you i don't care loneliness. i am satisfied when you are happy and i am happy when i think of you!
If he thinks that people are being too happy, he's sure to crack the whip.
It's quite happy being the home of bossa nova.
Times, Sunday Times
The Christian conspectus or theatre in the old sense has a happy ending, whether the protagonist triumphs or is damned, because God's justice has been done.
Masters is happy to return the compliment.
Times, Sunday Times
Flick the years of dust, to laughter and tears, love and cemented in the minds of a thick crystal amber. I wish happy new year! I wish you the new year: don't gain weight, before the person you most Qiao; money in hand, laughing in the dream.
I was happy as a sandboy — beautiful wife, beautiful children, house, secure job, good social life — then, wham, the wife hits me between the eyes with the muscled actor from next door who's been shafting her for months.
Disordered Minds
Ever so a person, can in order to my every move and happy or frustrated for a long time.
He is a happy man, journey justified, as he ticks this bird off his list.
They toast their epic efforts in a demob-happy frenzy.
Times, Sunday Times
Note: I'm very happy to discuss neutrino resolution of neutrino telecopy if you wish!
SDO On Station Transmitting First Data as Solar Science Payloads Open Today | Universe Today
A joyful date to keep in mind and make a note of, is when a birthday comes around to you.Thank you for your love which makes our home warm and beautiful.It is only with you that I find true contentment. Nothing will ever come between us.Happy birthday to you!
I slowly sat up and faced my venomous brother and Will who seemed very unhappy.
Some are unhappy at the possibility of a highly geared offer that could damage the value of their investments.
And if that doesn't make you happy, there's always Sabrina's story of organizing young women dancers to go on strike against an MTV sexploitation video.
Just the happy knowledge that people who can't use a photocopier are going to be in charge of ID cards.
Times, Sunday Times
Fish is happy with a host of zesty whites, juicy pinks and light, tangy reds.
Times, Sunday Times
Be happy. It's one way of being wise.- Sidonie Gabrielle Colette.
If you truly love someone, you should be more interested in keeping them happy than in being right. Stephen Richards
We have become a nation of children, happy to surrender our judgments and our wills to political exhortations and commercial blandishments that would insult actual adults.
The green flagellates known as ‘the volvocine algae’ constitute a happy exception to this general rule.
To worry about tomorrow is to be unhappy today.
Aside from the sanctity of my goats and all I am happy to have coyotes, catamounts, bears and other preditors in the woods, they are hallmarks of a heathy ecosystem with all of its components in place.
The Coyote--to Shoot or Not to Shoot. That is the Question.
The small head is solid gold in colour, with a happy, playful expression, wide square jaw and a red beard.
Tough as steel in his adherence to principle, resilient, placable, self-less and generous beyond the dictates of fashion, steadfast in friendship, but not at the price of reason, he strides the world of mathematics a happy warrior.
My boss is going to be so happy when I show up white-faced, zonked on medication, and with pain lines in my face!
I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.
I wish you to tie the knot, a harmonious union lasting a hundred years! A happy newlywed, sweet sweet honey!
But before we declare this the happy ending of a feminist fairytale, we must look at the more sinister afterword.
The village spirits are considered benign, helping people to have good and happy lives so long as proper rituals are observed.
Did he report you truly, to have used the English word 'unhappy'?
The Old Helmet
A study of long-term coupling in which the partners were unhappy, showed that women more than men were likely to suffer from high blood pressure and obesity.
Diana Kirschner: Is Marriage Toxic to Women? Musings on Valentine's Day
Diana's house was crowded with happy people whose spontaneous outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music.
But later, these things which some man has done because he loved you, and which you call foolish, will grow large in your life, and shine out strongly, and when you are discouraged and alone, you will take them out, and the memory of them will make you proud and happy.
The Lion and the Unicorn
The happy event occurred in the Taylor's aviary in Wakefield, after the mother - a kakariki called Cheeky - and father Tom, a golden mantel rosella, were reared together from chicks.
On the surface, Annie Powerss life in a wealthy Floridian suburb is happy and idyllic.
Black Out by Lisa Unger: Book summary
They are not the happy, well adjusted children that we all imagine we can raise until we actually have the little hellions.
The program ended with a free-spirited coda by all the dancers doing this, that, and especially the other, all with happy bravura and to Tchaikovsky.
With best wishes for a happy New Year!
May I take this opportunity to wish all NLM readers a very happy and blessed Easter, in the words of the EF Martyrology: Hac die, quam fecit Dominus, Solemnitas solemnitatum, et Pascha nostrum: Resurrectio Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi secundum carnem.
Papal Easter Day Mass and Urbi et Orbi Blessing
The will, probated in Sweden, survived the predictable contest from unhappy relatives, but there were other problems.
We who stand on the touchline are glad you are happy.
Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
I’m happy about apple and att is offering a faster Internet and technology however I’m upset that apple and att are not doing anything for the current iPhone owners.
Basic Instinct: Sprint Battles AT&T and iPhone With New Samsung Device - Bits Blog -
Across the cleric's ascetic features a happy smile slowly and conqueringly spread.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, 192-06-30
Tolerance is an essential ingredient for a happy marriage.
As a fellow pantzer, I find that it usually takes me at least three drafts before I'm reasonably happy with a story -- the first is my "crapola" discover the story draft, the second is aimed at what readers would want, the third to polish and ((shiver)) copy-edit.
An Interview with Allison Brennan
He had came back, light-hearted and happy, but muddy and grass stained.
Your mind is made up, and it's not like I'd be happy if I talked you into staying with me.
May she enjoy a long and happy well-earned retirement.
Time will never change my love that is far more than you know.And it keeps growing deeper and deeper as days come and go.Happy birthday,my love!
How happy we are to meet friends from afar.
But those gusts must blow away any worries as this is a happy place.
The Sun
I'm the slightly more wussy guy who is one step away from dislocating his neck due to headbanging, and Adam's the big kickboxing man into happy hardcore dance
May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year.Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true.
He accepted the situation, happy in the gentle and protecting affection the girl showed him, fitfully enough, for she had, as she called it, her bad days when she used to visit her mother and remain long hours in the riverside hut, coming out as inscrutable as ever, but with a contemptuous look and a short word ready to answer any of his speeches.
Almayer's Folly
This little package of dense black fur is fearless but unaggressive, happy to please but not a pushover, a tad stubborn but a complete lovebug.
He took to antiquarianism, which is a sort of philtre, driving its votaries mildly insane, and filling them with emotions which, on the whole, are probably more often happy than grievous.
Hawthorne and His Circle
I didn't think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I met you.Happy Valenti ne's Day, Dear.
Whether in a cup or a cone - single or double dip - and sprinkled with chocolate or rainbow jimmies, ice cream evokes happy memories.
Tea at a tiny inn sunk in a dell through which a sleepy lane trickled between high banks -- tea in the pocket garden under sweet-smelling limes, where stocks stood orderly and honeysuckle sprawled over the brick-nogging, brought back old days of happy fellowship, just to outshine their memory.
Anthony Lyveden
I hope this year is as happy as the last.
With all the love a heart can hold on your birthday.On this special occasion,I want you to know it is you who make my life meaningful.My love for you is more than I can express.I am to share every day with you till the end of my life. Happy birthday!
None of this is an argument for staying in unhappy or abusive relationships.
Times, Sunday Times
Twenty years ago all the guesthouses and hotels would be full of holidaymakers - people spending and happy to be there.
The Sun
But I’ll still be happy to see Sarah Palin disappear from the cultural scene when it’s all over and done.
Tina Fey Back as Sarah Palin for SNL Vice Presidential Debate Sketch? You Betcha!
I then often do about three sketches for each character before I am happy with a final one.
My brother and his wife are a happy couple.
Rather than ask parents that question, McDonald's is going to fill its Happy Meal boxes with apple slices and reduce the French-fry portions starting in September.
Under Pressure, McDonald's Adds Apples to Kids Meals
Scores of self-help books have been written from a conservative standpoint on how to have a happy marriage, make more money, or overcome codependency.
All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
The others are Steven Schwartz's "The Baker's Wife" (1976), like "Fanny" based on a story by Marcel Pagnol, and Frank Loesser's "The Most Happy Fella" (1957).
As this is is an inclusive service, the fee also covers the procurements of gifts to the happy couple.
An egomaniacal celebrity author lives in Paris with his glamorous young second wife and his shy and unhappy grown-up daughter from his first marriage.
Women are very happy to work extremely hard on a project when an outsider such as an expatriate advisor or consultant, takes responsibility but will not take the initiative to begin a process.
My parents gave me a happy upbringing and good education.
The Sun
Adrina had tried not to look too happy when she heard the news, but poor Tam's expression had been pathetically grateful.
Wally Happychuk is the recently-elected reeve of the RM of Stuartburn.
(Piss and blood fetishes similarly leave me cold, though were you to ask me to urinate in your mouth or carve the word "cocksucker" in your chest with a razor blade, I would probably be happy to oblige.)
Archive 2008-03-01
The poor might have given him the edge this time, but how happy are they going to be when the promised economic sunshine proves to be a mirage?
As long as you are willing, please let me know what I can do for you. When you are unhappy and want to cry on somebody's shoulder, I will stand before you immediately.
Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy.
He should set up a monthly direct debit of an amount that he is happy to pay and add ad hoc single premiums.
Times, Sunday Times
That was not a very happy remark on the wedding.
Making someone happy is perhaps the humblest way of approaching happiness.
Before that, which is to say before the Internet made the unestablished creators easily accessible, videogames were just entertainment that most people were happy to leave to the professionals.
Video Game Hipsters
And smile says that yes, I am very happy.
Times, Sunday Times
So looking at whether something makes people happy is largely futile. In statisticians' terms, you are looking for variance in something that is invariant.
She trusted Mitch with her life, and they spent many hours together, both happy and sad.
I shall remember that happy day forever.
She had a happy family life until the calluses started appearing on her skin three years after her marriage.
I knew that keeping Jasper amused, making him happy, and keeping myself deserving of him, was my one achievement.
If you take my work away I can'tbe happy anymore.
She has every reason to be unhappy after losing her job and her home.
Similarly, Guinness was unhappy with the protracted walk that Lean expected him to make across the parade ground after his release from the hot box.
Her career is a thread of happy coincidences and social networking, before that became something people did alone and online.
Times, Sunday Times
What is the basic happy minimum?
Times, Sunday Times
It says "Happy Brithday", as in brith milah, ברית מילה, Jewish circumcision.
Let Me Count the Ways
Rather than going for a trixie with today's multiple selections, I am happy to put The Hague, Sphere and Wee Forbees in a win treble.
How to be happy: stop comparing yourself to others.
The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things. Henry Ward Beecher
It seems that you will not be happy until you have seen signed and notarised copies of consent to model forms.
The inscription above the arch, "To a happy and prosperous entrance," seemed a mockery in the old douanier days, when delays and extortions vexed the soul of the visitor, and produced a mood anything but favourable to the enjoyment of the Eternal City.
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
The Hector's story may have a happy ending, as the establishment of entanglement.
Chuck was happy that his daughter was smart enough to jump a grade, but at the same time, it disturbed him. She was growing up so fast.
Why the f**k should I spend 8 years getting a PhD in biochem or engineering when I have to compete with a bunch of Chinese and Indian immigrants who are happy to make $30,000 for the next ten years of postdoc purgatory?
Matthew Yglesias » Visas for Grads
Her works are exuberant, full of colour, look nice on walls and make people feel happy.
Times, Sunday Times
If you start with one small, positive thing and repeat it during the course of your day, you will begin to move into a more positive situation: positive thoughts, feelings, opportunities and people will start showing up in your life. With practice, you will find that over time, you will change your outlook and choose to be happy, irregardless of the events around you.
No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectlymoral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy.
He's always happy to talk, frank in his opinions, entertaining in his manner and perceptive about whatever matter is in hand.
He is less happy about the expense of arranging international tours for his company.
The weather was warm and clear; the mood happy in this, the cradle of the American Revolution, which is overwhelmingly pro-Obama.
At the Polls: Lines and Lawsuits - The Caucus Blog -
She has received many messages of congratulations and has been wished many more happy years.
Me and I am not happy. 80% of our population are not contributing to federal income taxes ... their money comes back to them in refunds. it is a sad state with a president whose agenda will cost us greatly expects this burdon to fall on the remaining 20%.
Raising taxes at center of health care reform debate
He seems relaxed and happy for the first time in years, hasn't touched a drop of booze since his time in The Priory more than two years ago, and his life is definitely back on track.
With the increase in postal rates no one is happy.
John Donahoe’s Plan to Save eBay: Better Search - Bits Blog -
He's not happy here - that's as plain as the nose on your face.
You do not require a great intellect to be happy.
Wishing you many happy returns of the wedding day.
We are very happy to extend to you our utmost congratulations on your finishing your college course so successfully.May you enter a more successful life and the future years bring you continued happiness.
The tradition of the picturesque dates back to paintings and depictions from centuries earlier, which portrayed peasants and farmers as happy, apple-cheeked characters working in harmony with the land.
Happy Belated I was about to type in 'bleated' which actually would suit for the daughter of a goat judge, wouldn't it?
Once in a Blue Moon
There is a high risk in going it alone with unproven technology, and a further reputational risk if it fails to work and punters are left unhappy.
Times, Sunday Times
Seeing these happy snaps reminds you things can be good again.
The Sun
If the team wants to progress and make leaps forward then I will be very happy to keep working on the project.
Yeah, I'm quite slap happy tonight!
To squeeze all these layers in, and keep them happy and healthy, a little autumn prep work is required.
Times, Sunday Times
People are happy just to come and get munted on my munificent hospitality.
Your consultant will be happy to contact you and arrange an appointment at a time to suit you.
I'm perfectly happy with the voluptuous curves of the woman I love.
I will be happy to answer questions at the end.
So happy birthday to the lion as winter nears.
It makes us so happy when audiences abroad applaud us so much.
Times, Sunday Times
I do play guitar but Idress in a Brown Shirt as would expect…a few more years and I`ll get a black uniform with some shiny skulls and such ..happy thought.
In keeping with the spirit of the season « raincoaster
She wasn't happy with her appearance so she had a nose job.
We had a fantastic morning of special projects and a movie... with one small glitch between the project and the movie* everyone has been in a great mood, having fun and well behaved if kids are happy they behave -- did you all know that?
Hip Hip Hooray and Sniff Sniff
The happy or unprosperous event of any action, is not only apt to give us a good or bad opinion of the prudence with which it was conducted, but almost always too animates our gratitude or resentment, our sense of the merit or demerit of the design.
The media has constantly focused, and Wall Street has been very happy about this focus, on this measly-and I say "measly" - $700 billion worth of TARP money that Congress allowed to be allocated last October.
Democracy Now!
With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season.Hope things are going all right with you.
One might say that the true subject of the horror genre is the struggle for recognition of all that our civilization represses or oppresses, its reemergence dramatized, as in our nightmares, as an object of horror, a matter for terror, and the happy ending (when it exists) typically signifying the restoration of repression.
January 2010
Our love grows stronger with every passing year. Happy Valentine's Day, Baby.
I don't mean to say that Americans are a nation of superficial, backslapping enjoyers and happy-makers, as opposed to our suffering Slavic souls.
He ought to heed the advice of friends and family by enjoying a long and happy retirement.
The Sun
That is very much part of the social bargain whereby writers are "left alone" to implement their craft, as opposed to being harassed or hounded out of existence; they get their NEA and Guggenheim fellowships, and everyone is happy since the power equations in society remain undisturbed.
Anis Shivani: Creative Writing Programs: Is The MFA System Corrupt And Undemocratic?
The reporter arrives alertly , "Happy net " poll when initiate " can if there is sad net, you go?
The board is / are unhappy about falling sales.
P. S: Happy belated birthday to Sub, congrats on passing your driving test, you know what to do next (* wink wink*).
Babycartercl Diary Entry
Happy is he that is happy in childhood.
I drive up the Parade and daily I am made happy by the row of mighty ironbarks on its median strip.
It looked gre, I thought that, are you happy with the, uh, almanac insert?
Comedy and theatre designs are shaped by a happy combination of intellect and emotion.
Times, Sunday Times
The former cardinal is now very happy to have been promoted to such a high position, knowing he will now be remembered forever.
2009 December 04 « The BookBanter Blog
It wouldn't be right if I didn't wish happy birthday to somebody, now would it?
Constant arguing doesn't make for a happy marriage.
Any job cuts are a blow but the company has got to do something, I understand that even if I'm not happy with it.
Happy, stop, rain, you turn and later in fall.
Struggle comparing upward. Happy compare downward.
And if the neighbour dares to try and poke his nose in, pretending to wish me many happy returns when all he really wants is a good snoop around, he'll wish he hadn't.
Don't be afraid of being happy. You deserve to be happy. RVM
He was happy to set Shakespeare, Herrick or Christina Rossetti to music that was clearly expressive of Victorian or Edwardian English taste.
Do you have great faith: give it my all, in order to live more happy more beautiful.
Luckily, we stopped in during happy hour to take advantage of the $4 maki rolls and $5 mojitos.
February 4th, 2009 at 4: 24 pm it drives me nuts when women say "contractions aren't that bad, they're just like bad cramps" …. please. i'm happy for women who experience relatively fast, "crampy" labours, but i think the reality for most women is a little more intense …. maybe it's just me? who knows?
Celebrity Baby Blog
There are less happy endings for others who pass through the camp.
Times, Sunday Times
I shall be back, footsore and happy on Monday.
Another chance to bust up the happy couple is thrown away.
The athletes are just happy to make the British team.