How To Use Hao In A Sentence

  • Well, suddenly without any warning, a couple of weeks ago, men and machines arrived and started digging up the road and pavement and generally causing the usual traffic chaos.
  • A serious road accident caused traffic chaos yesterday.
  • Eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa, are characterised by morbid preoccupation with weight and shape and manifest through distorted or chaotic eating behaviour.
  • Using wire transmission, with long service life, and not sticky paste, silk or nylon thread transmission can be equipped with water-hao to justice system.
  • But amongst this chaos, Stewart has beamed down to promote Star Trek: Nemesis, the 10th instalment of the feature film series.
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  • When they replaced the ten-minute peak-hour ferry services with 20-minute sailings, in 1975, it was chaos.
  • Tanks often attacked the outskirts of the city in skirmishes with resistance fighters, adding to the chaos and unrest.
  • My disorganization was a chaotic river that I waded through every day, somehow coming out the other end dry only due to the comparatively placid pace of being a Londoner. Ed Zitron: Ride the Whirlwind: Making a New York Minute Last
  • It is probably a measure of the depths to which political conversation has sunk — all the more remarkable given the chaos that male leaders have through the generations created — that this non-gender-specific "ballsiness," as it were, is so frequently trotted out as a measure of high praise. Half-cocked
  • And there lies the secret: you are none of the above and your life is a chaotic mess. Times, Sunday Times
  • This week has been chaos on the railways as so many lines need to be checked and speed restrictions have been introduced.
  • The president's untimely death has thrown the country into chaos.
  • We are at least half way through the looking glass, on our way to utter chaos.
  • My life, as usual, is too busy, too near chaos.
  • The most popular story concerning her conception was that a golden egg tumbled out of Chaos in the beginning of the world.
  • The rocks are asymmetrically folded and overthrust to the west, with chaotic units and abundant evidence for coeval soft-sediment deformation.
  • Here and there amid the chaos, delicate things have survived by chance.
  • Her office was an oasis of peace and sanity amid the surrounding chaos.
  • However, on a bad day chaos reigns, and nobody can predict a likely departure time.
  • More and more men were transformed by the mutating power of the great clouds of Chaos magic drifting from the poles.
  • Medieval parties to celebrate saints' days would often descend into chaos or a protest.
  • The best way of summing up the situation in our office is to say that it is 'absolute chaos'.
  • Hao purrfekt, hoo but an evol kitteh wud maek a goggie ware gi-normus antlars n pull a sley all ovar taown? I must stop Christmas from coming… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The transport industry has been thrown into chaos by the strike.
  • I gazed in wonder at the chaos that ensued in the beer gardens at night, at the pure unadulterated fun that was going on at all times.
  • Flies swarmed in the kitchen, and everything was in total chaos.
  • Anyone from the mainland U.S. who has spent enough time in Hawaii often gets the message, "O.K. haole, come here, spend your money and then go home."
  • He sat among the great philosophers and the novelists of Western life like Steinbeck and Stegner and dreamed up a word for what Visa is: “chaordic” — complex systems that blend order and chaos. The Reading Class, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Such people often see their lives more effectively framed by the reality metaphors that modern quantum physics and chaos theory provide.
  • No one is privy to her despair, her chaos, and her shame. Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
  • We meet the commixture of materials and things in our excavation whose object is, among other things, to reorder, to abolish the disorder of collapse and dilapidation, to find significance and signification in the apparent chaos.
  • Thus, if the second-messenger network were to enter a domain of chaotic behavior, chaotic variation in membrane potential would result.
  • The smash follows Thursday's chaos on the M40 in Oxfordshire when two people died in a 100-vehicle pile-up - the biggest multiple accident on the road for 10 years.
  • We never learn from our mistakes and we are all, at any moment, standing at the edge of chaos.
  • In practice, the book is a rambling history of discoveries, geology, astronomy, palaeontology, chaos theory and graphing techniques with more than a few unqualified generalisations.
  • Liminal phases of rites of passage, carnivals, and fêtes are often pervaded by images of chaos and misrule.
  • Hao Town of walnut, persimmon, black urban and rural areas of china clay, are all known.
  • Happily, children are resilient and this sort of familial chaos will have no effect on them.
  • Under the Watchful eye of the demon, wander alone in the formless Chaos.
  • What followed, as the subsequent murder trial heard, was a short period of chaos.
  • Other options include Chaos, which whirls you into oblivion, and the Inverter, with its extreme G-force action. Las Vegas: Sights Beyond The Slots
  • In the middle of all this organized chaos were several minimal metal sculptures base on the form of a teapot and influenced by the ikebana style of flower arranging. Bill Bush: Ikebana Through the Eyes of Peter Shire: This Artweek.LA (May 2-8)
  • Pork braised with dried vegetable is a traditional ShaoXing dish.
  • Such men must be honoured and respected, lest chaos engulf the navel of the world yet again.
  • She attempted to impose some order on the chaos of her files.
  • Contrary to the sense of chaos and violence offered in unsourced Twitter feeds, Iranian protests have been largely peaceful
  • These sources give us valuable insights into her autodidacticism in all its profusion and chaos, as well as her modernity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But some fear it will cause chaos in the town centre and disrupt local trade.
  • Of course there will have to be a register: otherwise, the system will be thrown into chaos.
  • She peeked cautiously this way and that—there was no sign of the usual chaos caused by the goat's antics.
  • Chaotic himself, he had the obsessional nature which sees chaos in others ' mess but not his own. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • The award's presenters noted that in a nation known for its heavy dependence on coal, Rizhao represents an inspiring example of the mainstreaming of renewable energy sources.
  • A comedy about becoming fully conscious, AND SOPHIE COMES TOO follows the three Abramowitz sisters and their mother Sophie, who may or may not wake from a coma before her daughters take control of their increasingly chaotic lives: Barbara, a single lesbian, doesn't want her wacky family's calamity to interfere with her sex life or the pending adoption of a baby girl from China. Featured Content
  • What would that do except create chaos?
  • Born into a military family in Shaoguan, a poor city inGuangdong province, Ms Zhang came to the then colony in 1985 as an accountant with a Sino-foreign trading joint venture.
  • The mitraille vanished in shapelessness; the bombs plunged into it; bullets only succeeded in making holes in it; what was the use of cannonading chaos? and the regiments, accustomed to the fiercest visions of war, gazed with uneasy eyes on that species of redoubt, a wild beast in its boar-like bristling and a mountain by its enormous size. Les Miserables
  • Hurricane Katrina ‘is giving our nation a glimpse of the climate chaos we are bequeathing our children.’
  • As soon as the flash frames started strobing audience retinas, the soundtrack began adding layers of chaotic on-the-scene sound recordings.
  • Fossils of a previously unknown species, which is believed to have belonged to the herbivorous sauropod diplodocus family, were found along the banks of a tributary of the Amazon river in the northern state of Maranhao.
  • The team includes experts in pattern recognition, geodynamics, seismology, chaos theory, statistical physics and public safety.
  • It is perhaps apocalyptic only in its contiguity with the chaos of actual war and the apocalypse of the First World War.
  • Some insects even cultivate chaotic output to produce randomised behaviour.
  • What followed was a chaotic period in which Sparta, Thebes, and a renascent Athens jostled for power, with Persia stirring the pot.
  • The authorities must do what is necessary now to avoid the imminent chaos that is the likely derivative of a disillusioned faction of our society - disillusion aided by consistent disregard.
  • Drastic, unprepared liberalisation can lead to economic chaos, as in the Ivory Coast in 1988.
  • The Buddhism boundary named Damo for the "primary ancestor" of China Buddhism Zen and the Shaolin temple had named the "ancestor court"of Zen by praiseful.
  • There's lots of women and kids at Napoli, but there's also this atmosphere of chaos and madness too.
  • Lanes head in chaotic directions up and around steep hills. The Sun
  • Work is still chaotic, but at least I have my online friends to keep me occupied and entertained.
  • Her religion is an obscure chaos of theogonies as old as the world, treasured up out of respect for ancient customs; and of more recent ideas about the blessed final annihilation, imported from India by saintly Chinese missionaries at the epoch of our The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • Another legend of Taoism said Zhao Gongming originally came from Zhongnan Mountain and lived a remote and solitary life to practise his skills.
  • He had to create order and purpose in the midst of a terrible chaos.
  • Judd made no attempt to tidy up the sheer chaos of this music, presenting its many dynamic extremes without apology, never subduing its often seemingly random accompanying noises of bells, woodwind flutterings and bassoon growls.
  • This weekend, two orchestras will honor the men who made mambo: at Rose Hall, one outstanding Latin American bassist salutes another as Carlos Henriquez leads the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra in the music of the Cuban composer and innovator Israel Cachao Lopez 1918-2008. The Jazz Scene: Rhythm Kings and the Chairman of the Board
  • The chaotic state of the world as evidence of divine absenteeism is a topic for another day. The gods must be crazy | Her Bad Mother
  • Charity was a pronounced element in the show — the spectacle of this strange young soul, in despair or recklessness, chaotically seeking occasions for compassion: taking a bath with a homeless man (“Who gets trench foot in the year 2002?!”), or romancing an elderly lady. Brit Wit
  • In its absence China would retrogress into division and chaos, and modernization would become impossible.
  • Aaaaaaand time to call it a night. chaosreality is in dutch with his girl, dravengodvamp's chatting online, the booze has shifted from goofy laughter to deep introspective discussion, and I have to be at the rehab house in 5.5 hours to see Ray, so I better get my happy ass to bed. Voice Post
  • Security officials warned that actions by a small number of passengers could still cause chaos. Times, Sunday Times
  • CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez called off drastic energy rationing in Caracas after a chaotic first day of staggered blackouts angered his supporters, but the measures will continue across the country. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • She is loyal to her family, but her life was chaotic. Times, Sunday Times
  • After discovering these problems, changjiang Delta spring to defer to cooperate greenly with Zhao Song.
  • He added it was not a return to the freezing conditions which caused chaos last month. The Sun
  • Also, you have to bear in mind that a pullout cannot just be a chaotic one, a helter-skelter.
  • Anyway, the point is (to get back to Scrabble) that the Scrabble-player plays anagrams with the letters in front of him or her - order out of chaos again, you see.
  • Simply stated, if one believes the current chaos engulfing Iraq will eventually be replaced by a stable, effective government, then the dinar ought to be a good buy. Dinar Brokers Boom in Iraq Chaos
  • To investigate this possibility, a simple system can be designed to generate drip trajectories where the degree of chaos can be tuned.
  • There were scenes of chaos as hundreds queued to take buses to other destinations in France. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Eighteen Arhat Skills is one of the first elementary boxing series in Shaolin Kungfu.
  • Premier Liu Chao-shiuan said during a interpellation session in parliament that he would not rule out going to war with Japan, if Taipei and Tokyo fail to resolve the dispute over the Diaoyutai islands through diplomatic actions. Fishing Boat Accident Increases Tension over Disputed Islands
  • Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
  • The reason is that Chavez cannot tolerate that the spotlight is taken away from him and when that happens he always burps something out that is sure to send the country into a newer chaotic spasm since Chavez underlings are unable to discern what is a mere dissimulated form of swearing and what might be actually a state policy. Lapi, Chavez and private health care
  • Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads.
  • Anzheluo to revive her, tearing her clothes, will be in the spirits dumping her body, with hands desperately Guozhao, the exhaustion of a night time, he finally saved her life.
  • She contrasted this chaos to the relaxed and friendly atmosphere of Buala, which had no roads, no construction and no amenities.
  • Last year, Alipay President Shao Xiaofeng said the company needs to "globalize" its operations. PCWorld
  • Apparently Merton College had refused to take northern students and Oxford had been plunged into chaos and riot.
  • In the chaos, Charlie scooped the liberated lab rat into his pocket and caught a plane back to New York.
  • Experimental music is a term that is intimidating, evoking unlistenable sonic chaos meant only for academics.
  • The stage was being chaotically remodelled for the second spectacular of the evening.
  • Whether Shao remove it or not is irrelative to that steve should remove it. Treydte, Moberg, Soon and Baliunas « Climate Audit
  • This new dispensation is likely to strike many of us as chaotic -- Grossman is being disingenuous when he writes that "None of this is good or bad," since he surely knows most of his readers judge it to be bad indeed -- especially those of us who want some of those "conventional criteria for literary value" to survive. Principles of Literary Criticism
  • Yet the backdrop to my journey towards adulthood was one of economic and political chaos. Times, Sunday Times
  • This unstable region of Ulthuan has a strange other-worldly quality more akin to the realms of Chaos than to mortal lands.
  • The servants of Chaos were hunted down in the forests, and many wild and long-abandoned lands were re-settled.
  • Heavy rains could combine with high tides and runoff from the north into the Chao Phraya River, which divides the city known to the locals as Krung Thep or the 'City of Angels' in reference to the Thai kingdom's glorious past. Rainforest Portal RSS Newsfeed
  • In the ensuing chaos, not only defenders but a great many townspeople were killed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hooting matatu taxis add to the confusion with their somewhat tumultuous chaos.
  • THE chaos in debt-laden Greece deepened yesterday as unions vowed to fight government cuts. The Sun
  • [T] here are newcomer projects and new films by established directors - these include Joe Dante (e.g. Gremlins), Jorge Gaggero (Live-In Maid), Wang Chao (Luxury Car; The Orphan of Anyang) or Clément Virgo (Berlinale 2006: Lie With Me), as well as all-round talents such as Sarah Polley. GreenCine Daily: Berlinale. Jury, Panorama, Co-Production Market.
  • I keia hele ana o Kaonohiokala, hookahi makahiki; ia manawa, aole o kanamai o ka haohao o Laieikawai no ka hele loihi o kana kane. The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
  • There had been an exponential growth within, it seemed, of entropic chaos. SPLITTING
  • If you think Miller, Smith and Applewhite were unbalanced, how about the ridiculous apocalyptical predictions of doom in 1999 in the approach of the 21st century, when computer glitches were supposed to throw mankind into chaos? Jeff Schweitzer: The End Is Not Nigh: Take a Deep Breath and Move On
  • First time through I played a male lowborn dwarven rogue who was basically 'chaotic good' if a bit ruthless at times (esp. toward rich people). Weekly
  • A few detail tidbits, including 4% GDP growth, we will hear ad infinitum about revealed legal documents regarding the financial collapse, all with currencies "moshing" around in the pit of chaos. - Business News
  • His message was to strike, disrupt, riot, and create chaos until the Shah was forced to abdicate.
  • It's every bit as chaotic and mad as London in its way, with a creaking, uncomfortably, rattly Metro system.
  • It is a compelling answer in the post-modern era of nonhierarchical thinking, chaos theory, Wikipedia, the Internet and collective intelligence -- or collective folly. In Richmond, a Civil War expert seeks to emancipate history's narrative
  • August 5, 2008 at 4:30 am troo, bof are verree unpredicktabull, but alsew- ecksperiensed kittehs yooshullee noes haow to deel wif kidlets aka bai runnin awai ore skratchin onlee hard enuff to make tehm let go. Babysitting… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • If we are children of the time, you can stay there, sit together, listen to those who never old stories side HaoShou slowly.
  • For a long time MEN Hao-ran has always been regarded as an eremitic poet, but in recent years some scholars deem that MEN Hao-ran had a strong mind of being an official.
  • Cameron attacked Labour's record, blaming Brown for what he described as inefficient and chaotic public services. MercoPress
  • A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
  • Before orange hotel is submitting petition to the court also never with respect to this matter datival Linhaotai has had any negotiation, communicate or check.
  • Symptomatic, some would say, of the nebulous world of the continent's football, where administrative chaos and indiscipline are rife.
  • Coins are dropped into the top and bounce chaotically off clear spacers on the way down.
  • I can't tell you how much I'd love to read a Welsh account of Boudica's sack of Rome; in its absence, this will do nicely, and the first line of the text gave me a thrill of recognition: "Amathaon uab Don a oed arglwyd ar y seith cantref Dyuet ...
  • To dirt, chaos, maharajas, beggars, cows on the road, roaring rivers, fervid sunshine, unpredictability, and loud laughter.
  • Facebook refers to its own content presentation as a “stream”; Twitter’s is clearly streamlike; but both are random and chaotic, as well, and both must be seen as elements of the raw material level of the content cascade — bits and pieces that will be rejoined downstream in blog and wiki formats. The content cascade: How content will flow in digital news enterprises » Nieman Journalism Lab
  • The Government's car scrappage scheme started in chaos yesterday as some manufacturers refused to deliver new vehicles.
  • The dynamic equation and the dynamic trait of high-current ion beams, the main mechanism of halo-chaos formation and several main nonlinear controlling methods are summarized in the paper.
  • His billing system was chaotic and often generously discounted. Times, Sunday Times
  • In its absence China would retrogress into division and chaos, and modernization would become impossible.
  • But this new world faces a new threat of disorder and chaos born either of brutal states armed with weapons of mass destruction or of extreme terrorist groups.
  • Apparently Merton College had refused to take northern students and Oxford had been plunged into chaos and riot.
  • The central castings warehouse location is very efficiently maintained via chaotic warehousing and WLAN forklift terminals which are implemented in abas ERP. - Business News
  • Similarly, neither the Titans nor Dionysos are destroyed or annihilated by Zeus' thunderbolt; they, as Chaos, persist.
  • With love one can live even without haooiness.
  • Cornelius mashes sounds together like a child shaking a kaleidoscope mashes colours, but with a deliberation and precision that refute chaos.
  • A more ruthless woman would have let the whole place slide into chaos until he learned to do things for himself.
  • The fantasy of the undecorated house is Tuesday morning as it is actually lived, not as we would like other people to imagine it; it is the idea of energy, of chaos, of motion, of mess well, mess within very circumscribed and aesthetically pleasing limits: children lying in a pile of books, artfully unmade beds, one piece of clothing strewn across a couch. The Rise of the Personal
  • This results from the fact that it is so difficult to distinguish deterministic chaos from highly random behavior.
  • Chaos reigns supreme in our new house.
  • On Saturday, the chanteuse received a gift sculpture from Zhao Dongming, director of the cultural activities department of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG).
  • This precedent, if strictly honored in 1984, would throw the legal system into chaos.
  • When everything that's going on on-screen is so chaotic and crazy, it doesn't help when it's cut together with such lunatic randomness.
  • Granted, none of this is hermetic or chaos magic or even plain old wicca.
  • Customers do get us mixed-up however, which can cause a slight degree of chaos with orders!
  • Initially all was calm but when the storm struck, conditions inside the Superdome slid towards chaos and panic.
  • Did you know that the word child comes from the same root as the word chaos? Enough Already
  • A new course brings chaos from the off, with two tough new challenges involving floating tiles and spinning hoops. The Sun
  • His surprise attack routed the Chaos forces in the woods around the White Tower.
  • What can you do with this chaos but bring out moments of beauty and of drama? Times, Sunday Times
  • At first the seeds lay mingled without order; but nous set the unarranged matter into motion, and thereby created out of chaos an orderly world.
  • Vendors hawked their wares while gesturing wildly, and groups of dirty street urchins played amidst the chaos, laughing and catcalling to one another.
  • July 7, 2008 at 3:16 pm oh mai! thx for linkies! ai haz eeven bin to MusaydOrsay! but ai missded it sumhaow! I cannot brain today - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
  • Not unless she's begun taking fopling youths into her band," Machaon replied. Conan The Triumphant
  • Legend has it that a group of early chaologists in Santa Cruz would sit in cafes looking for strange attractors through the window.
  • Adn a happitayle burfday tew Bastet24, Specter267 adn evreewun else hooz muvvers hasnt let tehm furgit hao mush labur tehy wnet froo mumbledy yeers agoe tudae! *sigh* - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • In the chaos that ensued, the family used false documents and fled north. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • What he saw was a new form of human organization emerging amid the chaos of breakdown in the feudalistic order.
  • Fearnley-Whittingstall’s occasional efforts to explain butchery, like boning a leg of lamb (encouraging his readers not to bother with a professional but to do the 'hatchet job yourself — it’s quite easy to improvise'), reveal a tolerance for chaos ( 'It’s a bit tricky to explain') that may be without precedent among people who make An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • ‘If there was a Commission for Neds' Equality the courts would be chock-a-block with people not allowed into Archaos,’ he said.
  • Rhinos … WHOLE FKN KINGDOM IS IN FEAR … and well it fkn should be, for death and chaos, shall decent upon his skanky arse, wreak HAVOCK and fkn RETRIBUTION in biblical fkn scales. Cheeseburger Gothic » Brief note from Der Bünker.
  • It seems to me a terrible slight against chaotic persons, such as myself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the early investigators of chaos were the American physicist Mitchell Feigenbaum; the Polish-born mathematician and inventor of fractals see fractal geometry Benoit Mandelbrot; the American mathematician James Yorke, who popularized the term “chaos”; and the American meteorologist Edward Lorenz. Exponential Growth in Physical Systems #2 « Climate Audit
  • Yu bee beeger dan mee…..hao canz ai fine mai wai… weel pway foar guy dance soes ai kann bee respek tibal kitteh wunce agin. I no wanna go to da fancee partee, - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • For a while, chaos and confusion reigned.
  • The phenomenon of chaos is still not completely understood and mathematicians work on it even today.
  • Many natural chaotic systems form fractals in the patterns that record the process.
  • In his rich, patrician voice he would spin soaring, painfully funny metaphysical yarns from the apparent chaos of his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads.
  • Professional jealousy vies with personal loyalty, to wonderfully chaotic effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • This topsy-turvy condition resulted in an expensive and chaotic quest for new artistic direction.
  • Later we will argue that some indirect effects occur due to cross-level interactions with chaotic population dynamics.
  • It initially had to be postponed two weeks out of concerns that the country's political chaos were unpropitious to success.
  • Sing Sing seems constantly on the cusp of chaos.
  • The chaos of haphazard buildings and ill-conceived new arterial roads were already causing concern and we were often called in to advise on remedial planting. The Education of a Gardener
  • It placated my brother and me for hours, despite the chaos going on around us.
  • It is in the nature of our animality - our sense organs and perceptual apparatus - that a true apprehension of flux, of living with the chaotic, is impossible.
  • Most scientists now blame emissions of carbon from coal and oil-fired power stations for increasing global temperatures and causing ‘climate chaos’ in the form of winds, floods and storms.
  • Now the ruling, which could open the way for new prosecutions, has thrown the issue into chaos.
  • A sacred meal was celebrated of bread and haoma juice for which in the West wine was substituted. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • It conveyed exquisitely the notion of the bouleversement de tous les sens: that state of neurasthenic excitement in which images whirled chaotically before the inward eye, impressing on the seer an overwhelming sense of their vividness and spiritual truth (Castle 159). Smoke and Mirrors: Internalizing the Magic Lantern show in _Vilette_
  • The overhead skylight had contributed its share to the chaos.
  • Probing the images by which we construct our world, he has managed to make the multitudinous and chaotic, if not completely comprehensible, then at least approachable.
  • In a situation described as udder chaos, officials at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) admitted in Parliamentary questions that 20,979 of the animals had been mislaid. Nothing To Do With Arbroath
  • The arrival of the Black Death brought social and economic chaos, from which not even the Minster was immune.
  • XAYKAOTHAO: Eighty-year-old Thai Helli (ph) was born in Xizang, South Korea, then joined U.S. forces as an intelligence officer during the war. Korean War Vets Return To The Scene Of Battle
  • With growth returning, policymakers need to stamp this out before chaos erupts again. Times, Sunday Times
  • All midwinter nights and saturnalian chaos, a schizoid descent into dreams and delusions. Archive 2004-09-01
  • One saw rescue from chaos through engagement with and commitment to life's processes.
  • If we give up our vague, devastating quest, I suspect the Iraqis will have a lot of suddenly frantic help from the chaos-sponsors and bystanders in their neighborhood, the countries which have been so deeply delighted at the ongoing spectacle of America's ignorant blunder, at the unhoped-for crippling of America, at the astonishing waste of American lives and resources. Frank Dwyer: Better Numbers
  • ZhongHao law office will act as legal counsel during the course of this campaign.
  • Sorry no photos there, cos it was during one of my initial maidless days, which was quite chaotic. Allthingspurple
  • They reported that the area is overcrowded with vendors, and is untidy and chaotic.
  • A train was derailed and a hospital was flooded as torrential rain caused chaos across the south and east of England. Times, Sunday Times
  • No wonder the meeting was plunged into chaos. The Sun
  • Upon reflection, we might wonder why such an economy does not collapse in complete chaos.

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