How To Use Hanoi In A Sentence

  • Ohin loron, loron ALEGRIA nian ba timor oan hotu. iha loron ida ne'e ita sei hanoin fila fali tinan sanulu liuba (30 de Agosto de 1999) nebe ita hotu decidi atu liberta ita nia nação husi ocupação indonésio. Global Voices in English » East Timor: “Happy Day” of freedom vote
  • On March 30, 1972, Hanoi launched its own major offensive across the demilitarized zone.
  • One of the returnees, Nguyen Van Khang, was detained on arrival in Hanoi for allegedly stealing state property.
  • President Mitterrand arrived in Hanoi yesterday to bury old colonial and cold war enmities.
  • The tour visits Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Halong Bay, Hoi An, the Mekong Delta and a visit to the ancient archeological site at Hue.
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  • Periodically, after an engagement had liteen tidily finished and the casualties removed from the gfeerie. they would be summoned to Hanoi, nearly four fears 'flight away, addressed by the Commander-in-Chief, lodged for one night in a Press Gamp where they boasted that the barman was the best in Indo-China, flown over the late battlefield at a height of 3,000 feet (the limit of a heavy machine-gun's range) and then delivered safely and easily back, like aschool-treat, to the Continental Hotel in Saigon. The Quiet American
  • And it left open the fourth option, to step up military action against Hanoi and otherwise escalate the war.
  • Resembling a modified version of the Towers of Hanoi, the work consists of brushed-aluminum bands stacked on top of each other and held in place by slender aluminum strips and rivets.
  • I own two French presses, a stainless steel Cuisinart grinder/drip, a retro De'Longhi espresso machine, an Italian Vev Vigano moka pot, and a Vietnamese drip that I purchased in old Hanoi for making ca phe sua nong . The Coffee Fix: Can the $11,000 Clover Machine Save Starbucks?
  • But most people in Hanoi could not afford consumer luxuries, and even acquiring necessities was a full-time job.
  • This nontoxic gel containing naturally derived ethanoic acid can clear nail fungus and restore normal nail growth in about twelve months, even if you’ve had fungus all your life. The Truth About Beauty
  • Starting tomorrow we will travel to both Da Nang and Hanoi. Rabbi Steve Gutow: Why Is This Rabbi in Vietnam?
  • The contrast between the ascetic, carceral Hanoi of the 1980s and the sensuous, lively Hanoi of the present is exemplified in the following comments made to me by a Hanoi resident.
  • If relations between Hanoi and Washington begin to normalise, anything is possible.
  • For example ethanol loses two hydrogen atoms to give ethanal and when an oxygen atom is added to this the product is ethanoic acid.
  • Mr Clinton was horribly late for a night at the Hanoi opera house, keeping everyone waiting.
  • They have discussed setting up a military hotline between Hanoi and Bangkok.
  • After the invasion of my country by the army of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam I reminded the leaders of Hanoi of the assurances of "eternal gratitude" and promises of "unswerving respect for the independence, neutrality and territorial integrity" of my county, given many times orally and in writing by the leaders of Hanoi, to remind them of their commitments. Cambodia in Modern History: Beauty and Darkness
  • This is ours by right, by history, and the cat sort of went out of the bag in the wake of Hillary's - the secretary of state's meetings in Hanoi, when a Chinese military official spokesman in a public setting said China has quote, unquote, "indisputable" - and then he use the magic word - sovereignty - over the South China Sea. What's At Stake In The South China Sea
  • And it left open the fourth option, to step up military action against Hanoi and otherwise escalate the war.
  • Acetic acid, CH3COOH, also known as ethanoic acid, is an organic acid which gives vinegar its sour taste and pungent smell. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Colonel Bud Day, a fellow P.O.W. in Hanoi: This backhanded slap is one of the more surprising insults in my military history. McCain, Supporters Slam Clark and Obama Campaign - The Caucus Blog -
  • One of the returnees, Nguyen Van Khang, was detained on arrival in Hanoi for allegedly stealing state property.
  • This presumably would come as news to the judges in Hanoi and Haiphong who, earlier this month, sentenced nine democracy activists to jail terms of up to six years in a series of short trials.
  • People on motorbikes, the most common means of transport in Hanoi, slowed down and rubbernecked.
  • The week-long plenum that opened April 10 in Hanoi has signaled that preparations are well under way for next year's party congress (one is held every five years).
  • It is freely miscible with ethanol, diethylether, acetone, and acetic acid (ethanoic acid).
  • The guzzlers of Munich's beer halls are the stuff of bacchanalian legend: now they have to contend with rivals hailing from the bars and street stalls of Hanoi and New Delhi.
  • She marched against the war; she cheered Jane Fonda's visit to Hanoi, while her mousier roommate kept her subversive thoughts to herself and read literature and went to chamber-music recitals and thought about getting an M.L.S. degree after graduation and then finding a librarian's job in some quiet liberal-arts college. Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
  • Actually his affair with East Asia started in 1977 when he was posted at the Czechoslovakian embassy in Hanoi as cultural and press attaché for two years.
  • A catechumen of the Archdiocese of Hanoi, Bui Thanh Hieu, who writes under the pen name Nguoi Buon Gio, which means “Wind Trader” has been arrested and detained for criticising the Vietnamese government's distortion of the Pope's speech to the Vietnamese Bishops at their Ad Limina visit. Solidarity with Vietnamese blogger
  • The two cities are vastly different, with Hanoi being what we call a city that possesses a unique character, its quaintness and those things aren't necessarily found in Ho Chi Minh City, which is a real metropolitan area, much more hustle-bustle than even Hanoi, if that would frighten you a little bit, perhaps. Press Briefing By Ambassador Douglas Pete Peterson
  • On March 30, 1972, Hanoi launched its own major offensive across the demilitarized zone.
  • In Hanoi, South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan called Saturday on the international community to take strong measures against North Korea's provocations, Yonhap news agency reported. N. Korea Vows Nuclear Response To Drills
  • Acetic acid, CH3COOH, also known as ethanoic acid, is an organic acid, which gives vinegar its sour taste and pungent smell. en Español Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Acetobacter species are used in the production of vinegar where they oxidise ethanol to ethanoic (acetic) acid, the substance that gives vinegar its characteristic sourness. Archive 2004-12-01
  • The carrier said it will add 40 weekly flights by the end of the year from its Singapore hub, including new flights to Beijing, Hanoi and Ningbo, China. Jetstar to Invest in Fleet, Expand Flights
  • Of course this is no promethium, but it could look like that: an otherwise typical lanthanoid, which however due to its radioactivity produces quite some heat and therefore on the surface quickly oxidizes to pink Pm2O3. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • We saw a water puppet show in Hanoi - a puppet show in which puppeteers stood in stomach-deep water behind a screen, manipulating puppets that skipped and skimmed on the surface of the water upstage.
  • Six of them -- Can Tho, Da Nang, Haiphong, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Nha Trang -- account for 40% of the country's sales, according to AC Nielsen estimates from 2007. Growing Up Fast: Vietnam Discovers The Consumer Society
  • The tours begin in Hanoi, where guests will visit the Museum of Ethnology, the old craft quarter and several pagodas and temples, including the Tay Phuong Pagoda.
  • The first thing you notice about Hanoi, the capital, is the incessant noise.
  • But he offered not only an iron fist to Hanoi there was a velvet glove also.
  • We don't write that we react ethanoic acid with sulfuric acid and ethanol to produce ethylethanoate. Lecturer Notes
  • Every night the news was broadcast on this station by Hanoi Hanna.
  • But, I understand, the great disturbers of the room where Mad. de ____ sleeps are two chanoines, whose noses are so sonorous and so untuneable as to produce a sort of duet absolutely incompatible with sleep; and one of the company is often deputed to interrupt the serenade by manual application _mais tout en badinant et avec politesse_ [But all in pleasantry, and with politeness.] to the offending parties. A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Complete Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • Over the past two years, from factories in Penang, Malaysia, to the recruitment agencies of Manila and Hanoi and the migrant worker camps of the UAE, we have seen firsthand how migrant workers are often the most at-risk workers in global supply chains. Chris Nolan&nbsp: Safeguarding the Movement of Migrant Workers
  • They have discussed setting up a military hotline between Hanoi and Bangkok.
  • Depart by flight from home city to Hanoi , the capital of Vietnam.
  • President Mitterrand arrived in Hanoi yesterday to bury old colonial and cold war enmities.
  • They managed to raise Hanoi last night
  • Left-wingers, rather than jingoes, should be the ones least willing to forgive "Hanoi Jane"; although her characteristically vainglorious, self-dramatizing decision to publicly oppose the war was the most morally justified one of her life, her judgment of how to put it into practice was disastrous. Calamity Jane
  • Two thirds of gluten protein is in the form of glutenins, which are insoluble in ethyl alcohol but soluble in a mixture of ethanoic acid, urea, and cetrimide.
  • The trouble with the first option, to simply end the war, was that Hanoi would not cooperate.
  • She published two volumes of reportage, Vietnam and Hanoi, protesting against American involvement in Vietnam.
  • My first full day in Hanoi I awoke at 4 a.m., but for once I was grateful for circadian dysrhythmia, otherwise known as jet lag. Tour of Hanoi
  • The overnight sleeper train from Hanoi to Hué starts off as a giggle, and ends up as an ordeal.
  • Right here in Hanoi we have all the fish and chips we could eat and I've even managed to source a pretty decent bangers and mash.
  • Michael Kappeler/DPA/ A florist cycled down a street Monday in Hanoi, her bike loaded with flowers. Asia in Pictures
  • On 5 May, they flew six of the transports, now bearing the tricolored roundels of the French Air Force, to Gia Lam airbase outside Hanoi.
  • There are supply worries because demand for rare earth metals is likely to increase between 10% and 20% annually from growing use of such lanthanoid elements as neodymium, used to make generators for wind turbines, and dysprosium, used to make parts for hybrid car motors. Purchasing - Top Stories
  • Last week, the Bureau of the IADL, meeting in Hanoi, presented President Nguyen Minh Triet of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with the final decision of the Tribunal. Marjorie Cohn: Agent Orange Continues to Poison Vietnam
  • Then there's the advanced defense ties with the U.S. Hanoi and Washington signed their first defense cooperation agreement this year, and two U.S. military sealift ships have undertaken minor repairs in Cam Ranh Bay. South China Sea Two-Step
  • If such longtime supporters abandoned ship, surely the gerontocracy in Hanoi was out of touch.
  • Shopping in Hanoi is a harassing and stressful business with all the people, bikes and hooters, pollution and dirt.
  • As has already been stated oxidation yields the aldhyde methanal, but further oxidation of this will yield the carboxylic acid methanoic acid.
  • The central bank's decision to sharply raise its rediscount rate is aimed at encouraging banks to hold more funds, after it said it wants to cut credit growth to less than 20% and limit money supply expansion to less than 16% this year," said an analyst with Hanoi-based Agribank. Vietnam Raises Key Interest Rates
  • She purchased a short-wave radio to listen to ‘Radio Hanoi,’ a Hanoi station that could be picked-up through a relay in Cuba, to collect any possible information.
  • The decision-making Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam started a plenum Monday in Hanoi to prepare documents for the party's congress scheduled for March next year, according to party sources.
  • In 1967 he was shot down and he was held as a prisoner-of-war in Hanoi for five-and-a-half years.
  • A French educational system was developed and a French university established in Hanoi.
  • Vinegar is an acidic liquid processed from the fermentation of ethanol in a process that yields its key ingredient, acetic acid (ethanoic acid). Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • We went to book our bus tickets on to Hanoi, and found out that the busses stopped running sooner than we had expected, allowing us only 24 hours in Hoi An. Bummer, but travelling in Vietnam during Tet is like trying to get around Latin America during Semana Santa. Hoi An and Hanoi « Wanderings
  • And it left open the fourth option, to step up military action against Hanoi and otherwise escalate the war.
  • On October 28, 2010, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with his Laotian counterpart Bouasone Bouphavanh in Hanoi.
  • In Hanoi, she spoke out against U.S. tactics in the war and was photographed, infamously, perched on an antiaircraft gun. Chameleon Jane
  • In his incomparable recollection of the American "extrication" from Vietnam his word former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger writes that the promise of "Vietnamization" served to confirm Hanoi "in its course of waiting us out. Petraeus and Obama's Uncertain Trumpet
  • This is ours by right, by history, and the cat sort of went out of the bag in the wake of Hillary's - the secretary of state's meetings in Hanoi, when a Chinese military official spokesman in a public setting said China has quote, unquote, "indisputable" - and then he used the magic word - sovereignty - over the South China Sea. What's At Stake In The South China Sea
  • Hanoi Riot police used tear gas to repel hundreds of drug addicts trying to escape a compulsory rehabilitation centre. Times, Sunday Times
  • In February 1947, following the Battle of Hanoi, France reoccupied Hanoi and the Viet Minh once again assumed the position of guerrillas, fighting in the mountains.
  • Acetobacter species are used in the production of vinegar where they oxidise ethanol to ethanoic (acetic) acid, the substance that gives vinegar its characteristic sourness. Archive 2004-12-01
  • Claims 1965 shootdown, (Marine Captain) held in Hanoi, stabbed guard and escaped! Heroes or Villains?
  • Also since it has only one lanthanoid/cerium, which itself is usually removed due to its potential tetravalency, lanthanum is basically easy to purify. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Nixon meanwhile began the Christmas bombing campaign against Hanoi.
  • The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, Regional Forum begins in Friday in Hanoi.
  • Tried in Hanoi on charges of sedition, he died under house arrest in Hue fifteen years later.
  • Hanoi is also home to great gourmet food on the cheap and boutique digs for less than 50 a night. Times, Sunday Times
  • HANOI — Vietnam's Communist Party reappointed Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung to its elite Politburo at a secretive congress Wednesday, in a move that paves the way for the nation's top leader to serve a second term, despite economists' concerns about his willingness to apply tough measures to tackle double-digit inflation rates. Vietnamese Premier Is Poised for New Term
  • American intelligence knew Hanoi's general intentions, but was wrong on the estimates of the time and place of the offensive.
  • Tried in Hanoi on charges of sedition, he died under house arrest in Hue fifteen years later.
  • In fact, local leaders in Saigon, now known as Ho Chi Minh City, began testing the new approach years earlier by tapping an ethnic-Chinese business class that Hanoi viewed as ideologically suspect. The Song of the South
  • But most people in Hanoi could not afford consumer luxuries, and even acquiring necessities was a full-time job.

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