How To Use Hannah arendt In A Sentence

  • The philosopher Hannah Arendt concluded that evil lay in the refusal to think.
  • For those readers who have followed Hannah Arendt's writings and who may have wondered about occasional differences of style and clarity from one to the other, there is a postface by Miss McCarthy that describes in fascinating detail the 'Englishing' of Hannah Arendt. Stopping to Think
  • As Hannah Arendt said of Eichmann at Jerusalem (in paraphrase): she was astounded at his inability to see his own crimes for what they were, to follow a simple syllogism. Ron Paul Goes “Respectful” « Blog
  • The antinomies of brotherhood surface in the Bible, and fraternal violence may lie at the origin of the city or of political organization itself, which Hannah Arendt suggests. Bloodlust
  • The calamity of the rightless," wrote Hannah Arendt, "is not that they are deprived of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, or of equality before the law and the freedom of opinion -- formulas which were designed to solve problem within given communities -- but they no longer belong to any community whatsoever. Aldo Civico: Colombia: The Calamity of Displaced People
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  • When naming female philosophers, only two initially come to my mind: Ayn Rand and Simone de Beauvoir, but Hannah Arendt (1906-1976), was one of the 20th century's most innovative political theorists.
  • If his memoir has any enduring value, it is not as another offering of hollow excuses for an unjustifiable war but rather as a study in what the famed historian of European fascism, Hannah Arendt, termed the "banality of evil. Robert Scheer: Deceit of Shakespearean Proportions
  • Eichmann, like the Wannsee Conference, was a testament to what Hannah Arendt described as the "banality of evil. Never Again, for Now
  • Hannah Arendt numbered him among the few who confronted the reality of the three great abominations - the Holocaust, the Gulag and Hiroshima.
  • The level of petty detail pursued by island officials calls to mind Hannah Arendt's phrase, the ‘banality of evil’.

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