
How To Use Hang around In A Sentence

  • What I did was hang around studios and get to learn the ropes.
  • The creeps are more likely to hang around waiting for unsuspecting victims in touristy zones like the Zona Rosa, so beware. Mexico City: Biggest city guide for the savvy traveler
  • They provide instant cosiness: hang around a mirror or picture frame. Times, Sunday Times
  • New York shot 60 percent in the third quarter, charging back to grab an 89-88 lead on Robinson's 3-pointer with 1: 05 remaining, about the time a disgusted Kenyon Martin began cursing from the Nuggets 'bench about letting the Knicks hang around.
  • The trick then was to get it into the hands of as many nice book-buyers as possible -- so I took it upon myself to hang around the books and pimp them like pimpin 'ain't dead. September 19th, 2005
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  • You can chase bulls or hang around the horse paddock - the one that's been converted into a great swimming pool. Times, Sunday Times
  • After his family moved from a home close to Parkhead to a flat near Ibrox, Dalglish befriended a young Rangers player called Alex Miller and it was not unknown for him to skive off school in order to hang around the club before cadging favours from a senior pro. Kenny Dalglish expects respect but no free ride from Sir Alex Ferguson
  • Bored youths hang around outside looking for trouble.
  • Unless you stay in cabins do not hang around late in the area. Any Chiapas backroad driving experts?
  • December 4th, 2009 3: 48 pm ET this adminstration is like christmas lightes,,, all they do is hang around, half dont work and the other half arent very bright ... CNN Poll: Obama approval under 50 percent
  • The umpires asked McCullum to hang around while they checked for the no-ball, but Tait was okay and so the dangerous McCullum is on his way, swishing his bat in frustration.3rd over: New Zealand 10-0 Guptill 0, B McCullum 8 Lee, 34 years young as David Brent would say, has started wonderfully here. Australia v New Zealand - live! | Rob Smyth
  • Don't hang around here when we are busy.
  • They hang around former presidents, smoke fat stogies and drink from silver goblets.
  • | Reply | Permalink the politics of fear indeed. how dare the new yorker make fun of fear! don't they know that democrats are too afraid of it for them to satirize it? boycott conde nast?!? ha! what a bunch of idiots you guys are.seriously. i'm becoming embarrassed to hang around here with you dolts. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • I've no inclination to hang around bridle paths, panting. Times, Sunday Times
  • But if you hang around long enough, you'll see me disappear.
  • A teenaged Barry Bonds considered him a role model and used to hang around his locker at the old Cleveland Stadium.
  • Anyway hydrogen is less flammable than petrol, and when it does ignite it doesn't hang around. Times, Sunday Times
  • They drink too much, stay up too late, hang around dodgy parts of town and consort with older men.
  • Don't hang around that shiftless guy. You don't know what he will do.
  • She'd hang around them briefly to make sure they were staying put, then would return to the house with a pleased smile and a satisfied swish of her tail.
  • They provide instant cosiness: hang around a mirror or picture frame. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Liverpool blue bunting hangs from the civic buildings, the locals have a swagger in their step and even the scowling scallies who hang around the street corners break into an occasional smile.
  • Let us not mind the drug dealers, the pimps, and the other riff-raff who hang around that sordid industry.
  • He's just going to give up the anchor duties after this next election, and then he's going to hang around and do dopey specials, so he is not going to go anywhere.
  • I hurriedly ushered them out but had to hang around waiting for a nurse to open the ward door. Times, Sunday Times
  • I thought I'd hang around for a while and see if she comes.
  • It was easy enough to hang around in the courtyard enjoying the soft splash of sunlight on her bare arms.
  • Once I even got to hang around backstage, but felt rather squeamish about being the hundredth idiot to say, "Gee, I like your music".
  • If you hang around with colleagues all the time you just end up talking shop.
  • They hang around former presidents, smoke fat stogies and drink from silver goblets.
  • Recently pupped makos will hang around this area for two years before ranging out to sea. Fly Fishing for Mako Sharks
  • They provide instant cosiness: hang around a mirror or picture frame. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whenever he came to the town on the mail truck from Billabalong, they'd hang around him while he joked and chiacked, breaking into laughter at it all.
  • They buy new clothes and hang around and get dragged into seedy parties like that. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • I hate to see young people hang around the street.
  • I did not hang around with gangs, did not do drugs and for the previous twelve months I shared a small flat with my grandmum and played countless games of canasta.
  • The people I used to hang around with were much older than me.
  • Her biological dad was a background figure who would hang around outside her school. Times, Sunday Times
  • Death is not something you want to hang around. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, for the next several days, they hang around keeping a mistrustful eye on each other, arguing, and waiting for Louis to call with additional instructions.
  • Used to hang around the school gates trying to intercept him till I warned him off. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • All she did was hang around ogling the men in the factory.
  • Used to hang around the school gates trying to intercept him till I warned him off. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • As any visitor to a safari park will tell you, it's not wise to hang around when driving through the monkey enclosure — the little thieves will strip your car bare, given half the chance.
  • I won't hang around in there too much though, so if you have a more urgent query then use the guestbook or email facility.
  • Her tether near its end, she told the attendant photographers to hang around and witness the biggest walkout in history. Times, Sunday Times
  • Early evening sundowners are popular but night owls might want to hang around for exotic cocktails and ambient tunes spun by house DJs as the light goes down.
  • He used to skip lessons and hang around the harbor with some other boys.
  • The one albatross it would be deeply unfair to hang around his neck is the one people seem to have already slain and roped for him.
  • Come over and help – don't just hang around on the sidelines.
  • Don't hang around — we have a train to catch!
  • But unless you are in high school, or at a tailgate party before a football game, or at a classic car concours d' elegance, parking lots are not the kind of place you want to hang around.
  • If you hang around with Deadheads long enough, eventually you will hear them talk about this book, or you will see it on their bookshelves.
  • Being a nonwriter I am mainly hang around because I like the humor here and a lot of the commentary is intellectually sound. What to Know Before You Ask Me to Read Your (Unpublished) Work « Whatever
  • As always, guys are nicer to hang around cause they don't seem to be as complicated as girls, and boy, do i hate the complicatedness of girls. Yanxious Diary Entry
  • Why hang around just to see him humiliate himself in front of the whole village?
  • As there are large numbers of tuna and jack fish at this exposed location, big pelagics frequently hang around there.
  • This smashing red will not hang around for long either, so if you fancy a gamey, rustic, plummy wine with a seductive, spicy, perfumed finish, move fast.
  • Even after the calf can forage for itself, it may hang around till the next calf is born.
  • He wasn't going to hang around Pickwance another day, not by a jugful he wasn't. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • I presume it was the acoustic mix of ‘Insania’, but I didn't hang around to find out, preferring instead to loiter about the deserted cafe and eavesdrop on the celebrity chit-chat.
  • Let us not mind the drug dealers, the pimps, and the other riff-raff who hang around that sordid industry.
  • Go and pack but don't hang around - we have to go in an hour.
  • You could say they hang around her unadorned throat like pearls. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm sick of having you hang around that library.
  • It was easy enough to hang around in the courtyard enjoying the soft splash of sunlight on her bare arms.
  • Her tether near its end, she told the attendant photographers to hang around and witness the biggest walkout in history. Times, Sunday Times
  • You hang around with riff-raff like the Weasleys and that Hagrid and it'll rub off on you.
  • The smell of burnt powder seemed to hang around him in a cloud.
  • Hang around the JSA car park gates at dawn hoping that you'll be picked for a "giro" award? If ever there was a government out of touch, then New Labour is it.
  • I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. Charles M. Schulz 
  • All she did was hang around ogling the men in the factory.
  • They only hang around if there is something to eat. The Sun
  • But unless you are in high school, or at a tailgate party before a football game, or at a classic car concours d' elegance, parking lots are not the kind of place you want to hang around.
  • Combine any of these - the more the better - in muslin or hessian bags, and hang around the house.
  • Since being with my wife even the junkies I hang around with say they've noticed a big difference in me.
  • This just goes to prove that if you hang around long enough, and keep taking the pills, your short-trousered fans will eventually grow up to be TV executives who will hire you in your dotage.
  • Like, that members of republican groups tend not to hang around in gangs on balconies wearing dark woolly jumpers and darker expressions.
  • It'd be astonishing if those elements didn't hang around in my thoughts long enough to pop up in my dreams.
  • The homecoming corsages wilt and disintegrate but the yearbooks, in all their forms, hang around for a lifetime reminding us all of the worst and the best of those adolescent years.
  • You can chase bulls or hang around the horse paddock - the one that's been converted into a great swimming pool. Times, Sunday Times
  • Used to hang around the school gates trying to intercept him till I warned him off. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • Bored youths hang around outside looking for trouble.
  • A burned-out building is framed by a church and a truck, but it is too distant for a clear shot, and this is no place to hang around.
  • Hang around boats and marinas long enough and it also becomes clear that some breeds take naturally to the water.
  • This smashing red will not hang around for long either, so if you fancy a gamey, rustic, plummy wine with a seductive, spicy, perfumed finish, move fast.
  • Her red hair is cut flat and short, and it occurs to Rose that if the girl waits long enough it'll actually come into fashion, especially if she had a tendency to hang around at the Snakepit and be a widgie.
  • Go and pack but don't hang around - we have to go in an hour.
  • Games start patronizing lot of fans to hang around in Akihabara.
  • Hang around a while. There are some books ashore there I want to read.
  • Hang around much in rightie and hard-core Christian circles and one theme you hear repeatedly is that Europe will be dead in a generation, or at most two. Easter Lemming Liberal News
  • All she did was hang around ogling the men in the factory.
  • One of the owners, Gus, even dresses in yellow plaid sport coats and canary-yellow pants, just so you won't confuse him with the traditional blue-blazer crowd known to hang around the box seats at America's racetracks.
  • Bored youths hang around outside looking for trouble.
  • You could say they hang around her unadorned throat like pearls. Times, Sunday Times
  • They provide instant cosiness: hang around a mirror or picture frame. Times, Sunday Times
  • She hated being a bottle-oh. "Don't screw up your nose, Pen. It's for an important cause. And we need heaps of bottles, so you can't just hang around the picnic tables here."
  • You hang around with riff-raff like the Weasleys and that Hagrid and it'll rub off on you.
  • Some personal ionizers run on batteries and hang around your neck.
  • The pair were verbally abused and had stones thrown at them when they confronted the gang, who continued to hang around for more than an hour.
  • A young, bubbly crowd, happy to hang around (the service is a bit slow) and mingle to the music coming out of a state of the art bar.
  • Many of the town's dropouts hang around the square.
  • Many of the town's dropouts hang around the square.
  • The ones left outside hang around in the hope that they may be opened again. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this new shape, it can accommodate molecules called G-proteins, which hang around inside the cell.
  • It was a bit too cold for me to go in the water as it was windy, but warm enough to hang around wearing bathers.
  • It's a legacy which will hang around the country'sneck for some time to come.
  • He used to skip lessons and hang around the harbor with some other boys.
  • They only hang around if there is something to eat. The Sun
  • At ‘OK’ parking, groups of young people with foam cups in their hands hang around the open doors and boots of cars from which beat music pulses into the darkness.
  • Her biological dad was a background figure who would hang around outside her school. Times, Sunday Times
  • As any visitor to a safari park will tell you, it's not wise to hang around when driving through the monkey enclosure — the little thieves will strip your car bare, given half the chance.
  • I presume it was the acoustic mix of ‘Insania’, but I didn't hang around to find out, preferring instead to loiter about the deserted cafe and eavesdrop on the celebrity chit-chat.
  • As I don't regularly hang around the gay community I also didn't realize that the term homosexual is now a perjorative description. Barney Frank: Justice Scalia "makes it very clear that he's angry, frankly, about the existence of gay people."
  • The Editor has been holding a steward's inquiry and it seems that one sports executive, in a hurry to get home, put in an earlier, uncorrected version of the story and didn't hang around to check it.
  • I've no inclination to hang around bridle paths, panting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ones left outside hang around in the hope that they may be opened again. Times, Sunday Times
  • You hang around me, Mike, " he said, " you're gonna hear things you don'
  • I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. Charles M. Schulz 
  • I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. Charles M. Schulz 
  • I hurriedly ushered them out but had to hang around waiting for a nurse to open the ward door. Times, Sunday Times
  • You hang around with your old Chicago school chums.
  • He hobnobbed with them, drank with them, and loved to hang around them.
  • They would hang around doing nothing except eating everything in the fridge.
  • However, one of the many plusses of being a calligrapher is that you get to hang around with some quality writers. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • It was now a huge task for the 20-year-old Russian, and the title favourite did not seem keen to hang around, making it five games in a row to move 3-0 ahead in the second set. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Some shine bright, but never seem to hang around for long.
  • The latter contain higher concentrations of toxic fermentation by-products called congeners, which add taste but hang around longer in your body.
  • You hang around here in case he comes, and I'll go on ahead.
  • Its majestic branches drooped dramatically, some nearly touching the ground, but all providing a cozy little curtain whenever the crew decided to hang around at its grassy base.
  • Lots of fulmars and gulls, even a bonxie (not sure how you spell that) although it did not hang around for long.
  • In an effort to clamp down on the production of such copies, Linchtenberg hired a private investigator to hang around furniture markets in the city and other areas to spot copycats.

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