How To Use Handwriting In A Sentence
Then I had to bring a branch of candles near it before I could make out the crabbed and faded handwriting.
Often each also has his own style of handwriting, announced gender, cultural and racial background, artistic talents, foreign language fluency, and IQ.
We could nohow make out his handwriting
As she leafs through the yellow pages, my eyes try in vain to grab a word or two from the looped, fastidious handwriting.
We need to ensure that handwriting is properly taught in our primary schools.

In his hand was a blue envelope with his parents' address written on it in his mother's fine, artistic handwriting.
As the present academic system is totally different, the importance of good handwriting has been relegated to the background.
For example: Handwriting contains many similarly shaped characters which must be distinguished from each other to achieve effective recognition.
People who are unfamiliar with keyboards could choose instead to interact with the computer using their normal handwriting.
Sellotaped to the top of it was a piece of lined notepaper, and written on it in shaky handwriting: Jim's last letter, received January 25 1915.
Most people have forgotten that Apple introduced its first handheld device back in 1993: the woefully bad Newton, which was about the size of a hard-bound Stephen King novel big! and had truly pathetic handwriting-recognition software - supposedly its biggest selling point.
How they sell you what you don't understand
I held it up to the light and read the slightly smudged neat italic handwriting.
She noticed some words scrawled in Dinah's handwriting at the top of her notes.
We need to ensure that handwriting is properly taught in our primary schools.
Her handwriting was clearly legible.
Yet defenders of handwriting face a difficult battle with their target audience.
Times, Sunday Times
Dr. Karimian testified that the printing in the statement of assets was not in his handwriting.
Judging the paintings, he said that straight lines, curves and equilateral triangles, involved in the drawing, could shape the children's handwriting.
The handwriting was immaculate, the spacing of the words almost perfect.
Have you dealt with the ‘science’ of graphology - the determination of a person's character by analysing their handwriting?
This technology enables computers to read handwriting.
Pratt Spencer traveled the country teaching students in special Spencerian Schools, his special method of writing, influenced much of that century's handwriting style.
The Reading of Good Books
Atop the videocassette was a note penned in blue ink in my brother's surprisingly crabbed handwriting.
If there is any credibility to graphology, then the characteristics of each person would influence the nuances of their handwriting individually, even if everyone learned the same system of writing.
I sometimes try to write in between the pictures but my handwriting does not seem to suit the style.
For a novel writer who may possess individual writing characteristics, unknown to the handwriting recogniser, performance can be low.
I don't have a compter or typewriter at home and my handwriting is pretty good.
Archive 2009-01-01
The handwriting and style were that of a class geek that Jeremy probably bullied into writing.
But it is still elegant and compleat, and Mama found room to underline or make comments in her copperplate handwriting, using peacock-blue fountain pen ink in delicate lines.
Archive 2010-01-01
I saw the handwriting on the wall last night and early in the show when the judges gave Donny 30 pts.
'Dancing With the Stars': The season 9 winner is.... |
The only other handwriting that we have been able to identify is the writing on the boards or doors at Mr Wilkins flat.
Halfway down the second page, my handwriting becomes illegible.
I wonder if anyone read that letter, written on pages torn out of a note-book in wobbly handwriting (my fingers were still partly paralysed) and still more wobbly Spanish.
Homage to Catalonia
It had no label, only a sticker scrawled with illegible handwriting.
The children were asked to choose their favourite poem and write it out in their best handwriting.
All memberships are now being recorded through the Internet, leading to huge savings in time and energy - not to mention the prevention of errors in retyping the bad handwriting of players…
The lengthy intermediate steps from handwriting or even typewriting to the most readable text have now disappeared inside microsecond - long electronic processes.
Students in the monolingual program receive handwriting books while my students get copies of the page to be done.
What does her handwriting tell you about her character?
The pages are yellowing, the leather worn, but the handwriting is still crystal clear.
E-mail is and hastily called symposia are ripples, says physicist Joel Primack of the University of California, Santa Cruz, are no less than "the handwriting of God.
'The Handwriting Of God'
The door was open, there were some books pilled up in his desk, along with messy papers filled with unreadable handwriting.
Elizabeth became a superb penwoman but the handwriting of one of her most famous subjects Shakespeare could hardly have been worse.
All of the handwriting data can be blown up, reduced and circumrotated.
The children were asked to choose their favourite poem and write it out in their best handwriting.
You can also import a photograph and annotate it with your own handwriting or add text with Graffiti.
I continued reading past the scribbles, where the handwriting once again became legible.
The crabbed handwriting was identical to the one on the note.
Although I don't believe in god, I believe God is visiting his judgment on Americans -- only we haven't seen his handwriting on the wall (you know, MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN).
Stanton Peele: The Writing on the Wall: Why Americans Have to Be Brought Low
Do you remember how to do real handwriting or are you so rusty your scrawl resembles a doctor's prescription?
And the style of your handwriting at that point of time could bare your soul in the presence of others.
A graphologist should be given this information beforehand. Handwriting analysis is not a fortune-telling tool.
So what does irregular handwriting, with sudden loops, squashed sprawls, and verticals ticking like metronomes, say about the man?
This article was completely done on the basis of "the internal evidence," i.e., what the inscription itself said, as there was really no "external evidence" available at the time, except for paleography the second part of which was obviously by a different hand or a different handwriting style, as noted above, or fraudulent.
Robert Eisenman: The James Ossuary: Is It Authentic? (An Update)
In the case of Mrs Burdett, this seems unlikely: the extract fits neatly between other entries, written in the same handwriting, and so there is no evidence that it has been interpolated at a later date.
He squinted and turned the pad of cloud notebook paper over, trying to read her handwriting.
In one of the many shelters, a small rusted bell chinked against the worn door with a piece of cardboard with messy handwriting on it that read ‘OPEN’.
Envelope with my name carefully lettered in the handwriting I had long since learned to identify as Old Person, Angry.
Good in Bed
We had Rogan copy the letter in his own handwriting and matched the outside carrier font to his writing.
Not one of them is written in the type of small, utilitarian script, called current minuscule, which was the common form of handwriting used in liturgical handbooks and schoolbooks in the seventh and eighth centuries.
Now a report that handwriting tests could a competitor to the familiar, but unreliable lie detector.
He was also the treasurer of the Society for Italic Handwriting, his affiliation being reflected in his own exquisite copper-plate handwriting.
Grace and Vahn the title said, in Ellie's large, wobbly handwriting.
Do you remember how to do real handwriting or are you so rusty your scrawl resembles a doctor's prescription?
She was typing letters, envelopes and handwriting appointments onto paper planners that were stuffed in ragged edged file folders.
the writer of the anonymous letter owned up after they identified his handwriting
Both the water and the office are very, very cold, which is why the handwriting on this is so spidery: I'm shaking.
This petition was endorsed "negatived" in the handwriting of the secretary.
The Bay State Monthly — Volume 2, No. 1, October, 1884
Then of course is the corps who are always late, scribble on the back of envelopes, and expect others to read illegible handwriting.
A week or so after my review of Surprises of the Sun, I received a note from McAuley, in his fastidious handwriting, where each angular letter of each word was crafted as a calligraphic masterpiece.
As she leafs through the yellow pages, my eyes try in vain to grab a word or two from the looped, fastidious handwriting.
I'd recognise your handwriting anywhere - it's unique.
At one end there is a tiny pocket, containing a slip of paper upon which are some verses in diminutive handwriting with the date "Jany. 1792.
Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends
She says that the character of an individual can be assessed by the handwriting.
I'd recognise your handwriting anywhere - it's unique.
This painstaking process involved deciphering the handwriting of the census enumerators.
• ThB sigtiBtureB to this memorial are all in oue handwriting, and tha document itself is Hosted by Google
Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
LICORICE! that S had a safe trip back that my DSL is way faster than stolen wifi the lesson to ask WHY NOT ME? when faced with a desirable experience or accomplishment taking better care of myself that AKS was right (so far) re: European men and my handwriting impulse control (repeat) chocolate with chili (repeat) …
Archive 2009-08-01
She's the student whose handwriting is the best in my class.
He also devised a handwriting system using both small and capital letters for easier reading.
Christianity Today
I then showed it to the best experts in handwriting attached to the office, and called on outsiders to test their skill; but what the writing meant, _if it was writing_, was a conundrum that we all gave up.
Lights and Shadows of New York Life or, the Sights and Sensations of the Great City
Claudia Rose runs a thriving business as a graphologist who the local law enforcement recognizes for her forensic handwriting skills.
Written in Blood-Sheila Lowe « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
That's not my handwriting and it's not my signature! I've been framed.
terrible handwriting
On-line handwriting recognition requires some kind of digitising data tablet to capture the script as it is written.
It's always a problem deciphering his handwriting.
The elements in focus are legibility, neatness and artistic value of handwriting, in that order.
Instead, an old wooden pane was hung on its metal gate and bore the company's name in clumsy handwriting -- New Asia Strong Biochemical LTD.
Xiu Min Li: "Look for Self-Help in Time of Disaster, Not the Party"
A Basingstoke man was baffled when he found a 100-year-old set of local election results in copperplate pencil handwriting on his wall.
She pulled it out, sharply taking in a breath as she read the lovely handwriting of the letter.
Soon after, the strange day took another strange turn, when Whitman strategists again summoned reporters, this time onto a conference call in which they tried to explain away Allred's evidence. eMeg handler Rob Stutzman, who would neither confirm nor deny the handwriting was Dr. Harsh's, said: What we have here is a letter that is seven years old.
Phil Trounstine: Character in the CA Gov Race: eMeg, Nicky and the Smoking Letter
Despite many hours first of tracing, then of copying copperplate examples, my handwriting never became other than serviceable at best.
The Handwriting Is on the Wall
He produced a photocopy of the note, as well as a typewritten transcription of his handwriting.
He wasn't short of money and wasn't entangled with women, two of the most frequent motives for espionage at the time, but his superiors decided that the handwriting on the bordereau was his, and an Alsatian-Jewish scapegoat was convenient.
NYT > Home Page
I noticed that she neglected to sign it, and her handwriting was rather wobbly and etchy, as if her hand was shaking when she wrote it.
There is an exact parallel betwee the two; if free speech falls here with Human, “non-profit” newspapers will see the handwriting even before they apply for such status, and existing non-profits will find their speech rights chilled, or perhaps frozen.
Of Freedom of Speech, Gov’t Gag Orders and ABC News - Dan_Perrin’s blog - RedState
He could not bring his mind to bear on the distant world her handwriting suggested.
As I pointed out above, keyboarding itself lacks the expressiveness and variability of handwriting.
For anyone who has been unlucky enough to befall the horrors of my handwriting, firstly I say I’m sorry – but secondly – if I did that, I would have no idea what I have just written – much less the scrawl from a day ago. thank goodness for spellchecker as my typing is just as bad – but at least the letters are uniformly shaped.
Don’t panic « Write Anything
indecipherable handwriting
I have been a handwriting expert since 1975 and spent years seeking out relevant documents and using my expertise to try to solve the case.
The Sun
Irregularities include multiple signatures in the same handwriting, uncounted ballots, invalid absentee votes, interrupted polling hours, and voter intimidation or suppression.
They differ from pen-based computers in that the handwriting will not have to be translated or recognised by CPU.
He did cute tinted drawings of pussycats, cupids, flowers and ladies' boots, with texts in a kind of ornamental handwriting.
Across the photo, in handwriting she knows to be hers, is the name Harold.
Memory Wall
Although recognition of handwriting has received much less attention the task is simpler and promising results have been obtained.
Then I had to bring a branch of candles near it before I could make out the crabbed and faded handwriting.
I stared at the note, wishing that the mystery person had more legible handwriting.
I receive a letter, which, upon opening it, I perceive by the handwriting and subscription to have come from a friend, who says he is two hundred leagues distant.
I recognised her handwriting on the envelope.
Who should presume to doubt its administration by the Prisoner, when the label bore directions in his own characteristic handwriting?
The Dop Doctor
Don't dwell on handwriting and spelling, but read what your child actually has to say.
She has a beautiful white hand, but her handwriting is infamous; she writes fast and her chirography is of the door-plate order — her letters are immense.
Mark Twain: A Biography
The handwriting belongs to a male.
One is for the user to adapt even in pen-based computing, the standard character set their handwriting style, so that their characters are a used is ASCII as opposed to Unicode, which is the standar - closer match to the recognizer's pre-stored models; the dized character set that contains all characters of every other way is to adapt the recognizer's pre-stored models; to language throughout the world. be a closer match with the user's character forms
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The handwriting on both cheques is identical.
The address was in Anna's handwriting.
On the endpapers are my name and the address of the house where I grew up, in my mother's handwriting.
Fridge handles are placed on the left for right-handers; handwriting runs from left to right, forcing the left-hander to push the pen along instead of pulling.
His handwriting is simply terrible.
My handwriting was terrible and every English period without fail my teacher in my first year gave me the 'belt' until my writing improved.
The "slate" uses virtual keyboards that you poke at with a special stylus, or handwriting recognition that is hit-and-miss.
The most likely explanation, however, is that Nushu derives from a simplification of vulgar forms of Chinese characters used in handwriting.
My handwriting has never been very neat.
But when she beheld the letter again, she read again the opprobrious word "faithlessness" in her husband's handwriting.
Filipino Popular Tales
Further details of printed character recognition systems are not included here in order to concentrate on cursive handwriting systems.
MRS BELLINGHAM: He addressed me in several handwritings with fulsome compliments as a Venus in furs and alleged profound pity for my frostbound coachman Palmer while in the same breath he expressed himself as envious of his earflaps and fleecy sheepskins and of his fortunate proximity to my person, when standing behind my chair wearing my livery and the armorial bearings of the Bellingham escutcheon garnished sable,
He also devised a handwriting system using both small and capital letters for easier reading.
Christianity Today
The naivety and negligence of the negotiator necessitates an aide with neat handwriting.
For a moment Aidan only looked at it from across the room, not wanting to go near it, to see the words scrawled across it in his mother's spidery handwriting.
Handwriting and handwritten documents have become as a result increasingly demotic and spelling and grammar in personal letters appear to be increasingly seen as personal matters.
"It took me a week to decipher his handwriting, " Kilpatrick says.
Style, flair, neatness and layout of handwriting are the criteria that judges use to assess the entries.
It is from one of the Catalan's final faxes, when his handwriting was little more than a scrawl.
They certainly were cooperative in terms of providing hair and handwriting samples and that sort of thing.
In a trial that is set to captivate Hong Kong, handwriting experts gurus will also testify.
The handwriting was perfect cursive, every letter formed with care.
Another technique said to provide insight about humans is graphology, the analysis of character through handwriting, which was studied in ancient times and given a psychic significance.
At the antiquarian book and paper event I began contemplating a collection of examples of antique handwriting to complement my fountain pens.
The handwriting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature.
Her handwriting is abominable, like one-legged chickens tied together and walking from and ink well onto paper.
MRS BELLINGHAM: He addressed me in several handwritings with fulsome compliments as a Venus in furs and alleged profound pity for my frostbound coachman Palmer while in the same breath he expressed himself as envious of his earflaps and fleecy sheepskins and of his fortunate proximity to my person, when standing behind my chair wearing my livery and the armorial bearings of the
Then I had to bring a branch of candles near it before I could make out the crabbed and faded handwriting.
I rushed to the cubby room behind Elizabeth and sure enough, Ryan was leaning against his cubby reading the small scrap of paper with my handwriting all over it.
The annotations also mix Spanish, Italian and French with English, as well as secretary with italic handwriting.
Handwriting analysis, or graphology, is accepted as a genuine science in many countries.
Her handwriting was so tiny it was barely legible.
Zoom in on the pages - read Leonardo's handwriting [handy mirror tool supplied].
It' s impossible to read his microscopic handwriting.
There's been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting.
The Earl of Oxford, a young unthrift, whom Foster had more than once accommodated with loans on usurious interest, acknowledged, on this appeal, that he knew him as a wealthy and independent franklin, supposed to be worth much money, and verified the certificate produced to be his handwriting.
She took off a mark for bad handwriting.
How about help with writing a note to a teacher or improving handwriting, reading and writing letters.
The right-hand page shows in childlike handwriting the first lines of his poem “Pastoral”: “The little sparrows/hop ingenuously/about the pavement/quarreling.”
2009 January 28 « One-Minute Book Reviews
Although his composition was flawless, the teacher was always cavilling at his handwriting.
His handwriting is simply terrible.
It had notes on it in a spidery thin handwriting next to what must be Skade's writing, which was clear and firm.
She had beautiful handwriting, and she was writing a check and couldn't form the letter k right.
Christianity Today
The watermark on this paper depicts the royal arms of England, a design common through a large part of the eighteenth century, and the handwriting (seemingly the same for both poems) is also eighteenth-century in appearance.
However, for one step beyond bespoke, Anya Hindmarch in London offers a personalization service that puts the " p " in personal, allowing you to get a message in your own handwriting printed onto a vast array of products, starting from a £ 65 keyring to the pricier Ebury handbag, cufflink boxes, wallets and tote bags.
One step beyond the ordinary
Wednesday was never to come, and yet it did come, and what is more, it is perfectly clear, both from its tone and handwriting, that you were much happier, or, if you think the term preferable, less miserable, when you wrote it than when you wrote the last one before.
McClure's Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 5, April, 1896
In the meantime, traditional Latin and the severe cursive style was also abandoned in favour of a grammatically correct text and standard handwriting.
The words inside were written in black ink, in very neat and tidy handwriting.
The date, March 18, 1817, is in John Murray's handwriting.] [107] [So, too, Faust is discovered "in a high -- vaulted narrow Gothic chamber."] [108] [Compare _Faust, _ act i. sc.
The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 4
Ever have one of those days where your handwriting looks better in pencil than it does in pen?
Physicians are often accused of having unreadable handwriting.
I would sew into the poppet his picture and/or handwriting sample, a small piece of moonstone and malachite, and some healing herbs which induce sleep, like lavender and lemon balm.
It was hard and white, and the printing on top was someone's flawless handwriting to ‘Mr. William Gale.’
Poor handwriting is a liability in getting a job.
Likewise, in cursive handwriting it is often difficult to determine where one letter stops and another starts.
You can now have your own handwriting printed out via laser or inkjet in various colors.
I started reading what was scrawled across the page in handwriting that reminded me of his voice.
Candidates had to undergo a handwriting test with a graphologist and Access would often hire private investigators to check the background of executives.
A Lonely Lament From a Whistle-Blower
Amendments made by the Senate striking out words are in brevier, with brackets, and the words inserted in lieu thereof in the handwriting of the Clerk, are in SMALL CAPS.
Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
Yet defenders of handwriting face a difficult battle with their target audience.
Times, Sunday Times
The trouble is, without any material in his own handwriting, they were never able to defend him against the charge that his material was ghosted.
Today's computers can recognize faces, human speech and handwriting.
Soon after, the strange day took another strange turn, when Whitman strategists again summoned reporters, this time onto a conference call in which they tried to explain away Allred's evidence. eMeg handler Rob Stutzman, who would neither confirm nor deny the handwriting was Dr. Harsh's said:
Phil Trounstine: Character in the CA Gov Race: eMeg, Nicky & the Smoking Letter
Please excuse my bad handwriting.
The use of this kind of information by handwriting recognisers can improve their accuracy.
Products are available that do character recognition and handwriting analysis, including analysis of complex characters.
Mr. Sanchez was writing something on the board in large, ugly handwriting.
Ramses ' hieroglyphic hand was extremely elegant, in striking contrast to his English handwriting, which was practically illegible.
In the course of time and as a result of the vagaries of handwriting, P became joined with the superscript s, and the peso/dollar sign was born.
I was among them, marked with the shame of extra ‘handwriting’ lessons until I was 14.
We need to ensure that handwriting is properly taught in our primary schools.
Each cardinal votes in disguised handwriting on a preprinted Latin form, folds it, and walks individually to the Sistine Chapel's altar, where he places the ballot on a paten and slips it into a chalice so all can see that a vote was cast.
Each sheet was covered with small, neat handwriting.
And looking at the handwriting, the legibility is a direct correlation to the speed of the song at the time.
My Fun Filled Friday Night
The handwriting on both cheques is identical.
Models are then provided for copying and developing in various ways: usually the teacher's own handwriting and specimens in copybooks.
Wrapped in a letter-pressed, raffia cover, all the material is printed as is, with individual handwriting and unique syntactical quirks intact.
The marker was a scrap of paper torn from the scribbling pad and on it, in Knighton's stylized 'rondo' handwriting, were written a few lines of verse.
The Speaker Of Mandarin
We suspect that it may be fine for clearly printed characters, but less so for cursive handwriting.
Writing out lines was considered pointless and bad for handwriting.
Times, Sunday Times
Nifty handwriting recognition algorithms can translate the user's scrawls into print - and can shrink them to fit if necessary.
neat handwriting
Lined paper helps keep handwriting neat.
He had a good many papers in his desk at the Custom-House, which he produced and dissertated upon, and afterwards went with me to his sister's, and showed me an old book, with a record of the children of the first emigrant, (who came over two hundred years ago,) in his own handwriting.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 102, April, 1866
the unique existing example of Donne's handwriting