How To Use Handshaking In A Sentence
So it was with a flurry of paper gathering, desk clearing and eventually handshaking, I strolled out into the back lane for the last time.
This section will discuss Eye Diagrams, Jitter, 8b / 10b Encoding, Spread Spectrum Clocking, Common Mode signaling and Out-of-Band handshaking.
Clearly, handshaking is a symbol of declared friendship and is intended to put one at one's ease.
Strangers shake hands, and handshaking continues after the first meeting (Malays often raise the hand to their heart after shaking), though it is sometimes frowned upon between men and women.
One of Tokyo's best-know foreign correspondents accidentally ran into John and Yoko by accident near their room and asked to shake the former's hand, but was told, ‘I'm not really into handshaking anymore.’
‘Especially in LA, it's all about handshaking,’ agrees Hendrick.
Today, dressed in a dark grey pinstriped suit, Reynolds set out for some handshaking in nearby businesses on Marine Drive, trailed by four of his office staff.
Expect plenty of handshaking, pictures of camaraderie and announcements of friendships.
Politicians get elected with TV ads, not handshaking.
There is a rich future for those who figure out the protocols, handshaking, data transfer etc. around connecting these devices up, such that the user experience of listening effortlessly drifts across devices and spaces just as you do.
The democratic code adopted egalitarian etiquette norms, such as handshaking - a gesture generating warmth and mutual trust on the basis of touch - which became the customary American greeting.
There's lots of gift presenting, lots of handshaking and lots of photos.
On Saturday, Santa arrived at the new Shopping Centre, where he was met by the Centre Manager, Tim Foley who accompanied him on a tour of the shops and a round of handshaking with children and adults alike.
Expect plenty of handshaking, pictures of camaraderie and announcements of friendships.
A feast had been laid out but was soon demolished, amidst much handshaking, backslapping and reminiscences.
Conversations are marked by frequent exchanges of compliments and repeated handshaking.
With possibly the most transparent piece of obfuscation yet seen in blogging, Rodney hints at a pending announcement, for which much backslapping, cheering and firm handshaking is called for.
Kennedy arrives and does the usual handshaking and posing for photos.
The Bluetooth handshaking protocol would seem useful here.
There was a lot of laughing, handshaking, and embracing.
Fossett pumps his fist once, there's some handshaking, and it's over.
While individual signals were often used for handshaking and signaling special events on Parallel ATA and SCSI, on the new serial busses it is the ‘primitives’ that perform the handshaking and event signaling.
These voltage changes on the trunk circuit would cause pops or clicks that were audible to the subscriber as the electrical handshaking stepped through its protocol.
The scenes of handshaking between the delegates from the two sides at these different locations may make many people embarrassed, given the reality of the tense situation on the peninsula.
The deep resonant sound of the Alp horn and the happy pumping of an accordion followed us out onto the terrace where we stood almost within handshaking distance of that awesome peak.
Expect plenty of handshaking, pictures of camaraderie and announcements of friendships.
As dusk drew near there was a general handshaking, and the carrioles scurried off along the highway.
Coffee is fuelling an intense atmosphere of handshaking and exchanging of business cards.
Times, Sunday Times
A month into it, we revisited what he had managed to do and it amounted to two rubbish speeches and some handshaking.
Handshaking is the preferred way of greeting among traditional people.
A feast had been laid out but was soon demolished, amidst much handshaking, backslapping and reminiscences.
In addition to the data transmit and receive wires, a number of handshaking signals are used to control the flow of data, so one side is not talking too fast for the other to understand.
The A/D converter's serial port is synchronous; thus, its handshaking requirements are minimal and it only requires one wire for clock and one or two wires for data.
With its large memory, sophisticated low-power handshaking technology and high resilience, the chip is the first with a triple interface to be certified, and the first to be in volume production.
Casual conversations are initiated and closed with expressions such as ‘Good day’ and ‘Farewell’ without such formalities as handshaking or kissing.
It was during the 19th Century that the practice of handshaking became more widespread among ladies.