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How To Use Hands In A Sentence

  • The final section of the traverse was a bit of a challenge: delicate, balancey moves with next to nothing for hands or feet.
  • My poor Lirriper was a handsome figure of a man, with a beaming eye and a voice as mellow as a musical instrument made of honey and steel, but he had ever been a free liver being in the commercial travelling line and travelling what he called a limekiln road — “a dry road, Emma my dear,” my poor Lirriper says to me, “where I have to lay the dust with one drink or another all day long and half the night, and it wears me Emma” — and this led to his running through a good deal and might have run through the turnpike too when that dreadful horse that never would stand still for a single instant set off, but for its being night and the gate shut and consequently took his wheel, my poor Lirriper and the gig smashed to atoms and never spoke afterwards. Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings
  • They missed it because they are too busy bootlicking ObamaCare, on their hands and knees. Political Instability and the Coming Defeat of ObamaCare | RedState
  • There is probably room for a touch more earthiness, a little more hardness in her approach to a Don José who is always going to be putty in her hands.
  • Frankly I don't understand why most companies don't follow the same policy as franked income in the hands of shareholders is worth a lot more to them than huge piles of franking credits mouldering away in the company's balance sheet.
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  • If the adventurers try to reach location 14 they will have to pass scores of biting faces and clutching hands.
  • I looked up to see Brody onstage, his dishevelled dark brown hair flopping across his forehead and both hands hanging onto the microphone.
  • But more needs to be done with stories like this particular one, if you want to see your hard work come to fruition in ousting George W. Bush from the White House, along with any other of his cronies who have blood on their hands, from George W. Bush†™ s futile ‘War On Terror†™. Think Progress » 60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002
  • Now the word "prayer" to non-Muslim readers will evoke an image of people perhaps silently clasping their hands together, leaning forward in a pew, and either silently, to themselves, or in a quiet tone, speaking heartfeltly to God. David Horowitz Freedom Center
  • Smith enforced a highly unpopular no-guns policy in the cowtown, and for the most part, made the law stick by beating the hell out of people with his bare hands. The Four Toughest Men of the Old West
  • Indeed, so many of us now possess a handset that mobile phone sales have collapsed.
  • He swept his hands up and down the smooth sides, trying to find a notch or groove.
  • OSE II in contrast can be used to wash your hands and is non toxic.
  • His young, handsome, tonsured head was exquisitely carved in stone. The pope is coming. Liberals, be glad
  • Matters went on pretty well with us until my master was seized with a severe fit of illness, in consequence of which his literary scheme was completely defeated, and his condition in life materially injured; of course, the glad tones of encouragement which I had been accustomed to hear were changed into expressions of condolence, and sometimes assurances of unabated friendship; but then it must be remembered that I, the handsomest blue coat, was _still in good condition_, and it will perhaps appear, that if I were not my master's The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 262, July 7, 1827
  • Her hands, drawn to the keyboard, floated into a long appoggiatura. THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • The best way to describe the pain in my hands and feet is during the morning, it is like a bad toothache.
  • She lifted her veil with both hands.
  • She writhed her hands till here fingers were wet with sweat or blood!
  • The famous boxer killed a fierce wolf with his bare hands.
  • By the time we had got the boat to the waist, the ship had filled with water, and was going down on her beam-ends: we shoved our boat as quickly as possible from the plank-shear ** A timber around a vessel's hull at deck line. into the water, all hands jumping in her at the same time, and launched off clear of the ship. The Greatest Survival Stories Ever Told
  • Ay, forsooth: but he is as tall a man of his hands as any is between this and his head; he hath fought with a warrener. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • The hands-off policy was extended to the structure of citizen participation and the social targeting provisions.
  • In her dying depositions she accused Osio of having pushed her in; and there seems little doubt that he did so; for while she was struggling in the water, he disengaged his harquebuss from his mantle and struck her several blows upon the head and hands. Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • As the match flared in his hands, something needle-sharp sliced through his jacket to touch his spine. THE KEYS OF HELL
  • It was so cold that nobody can make his hands naked.
  • Aaewin asked without thinking, clapping her hands over her mouth after the words escaped.
  • So how, precisely, do I find myself the father of a teenage owner of one 5-year-old, skewbald, equine quadruped, about 13 hands tall, who answers, rather inattentively, to the name Buttons? Finding the Next Winner
  • I quit talking as his hands began to knead my tired, knotted muscles and one by one, I felt them all begin to slacken.
  • Above the clasped hands are a peace pipe and a tomahawk.
  • Our goal is be independent, but we will never be at peace through mindless violence - the blood of those killed in riots and fires are forever on our hands.
  • Part of the Islamic tradition is to set strict rules for ablutions, washing hands, arms, face and feet with running water before praying.
  • I certainly don’t think that Iranian popular discontent should be disregarded, but we’ve been hearing these sorts of arguments about the restive Iranian population for years, and while I have no reason to believe that they aren’t true, Khamenei and his allies have consistently proven expert at deflecting calls for reform and preserving their regime, the main levers of which remain firmly in Khamenei’s hands. Wonk Room » For More Tehran-ology
  • The franchise mode has been expanded with a scouting report and a minor league system that will let hands on managers cultivate talent.
  • Consequently a number of Navajo Indians were drafted into the US army as radiomen, and would have soldiers assigned to them to protect them and prevent them falling into enemy hands.
  • She stared at her own bloodied hands, unable to think or move.
  • Show your appreciation with a handshake or even a letter.
  • Rub in the butter with the hands, then add the low-fat cheese spread and work in with the hands.
  • From the association's secretary each member received a package of more or less gorgeous blanks, printed like a billhead, on handsome paper, properly ruled in columns; a bill-head worded something like this -- Life on the Mississippi
  • It was a strange spectacle to see the two former enemies shaking hands and slapping each other on the back.
  • Her blood-red lips and hooded eyes, her large hands firmly grasping the wheel, all convey a woman in control of her destiny.
  • This strategy suits hands which look to be strong in honour cards or have a long suit that may be run through without ruffs by the opponent.
  • The crew snarled like roused curs, and some made as if to stand, hands clasping the hilts of cutlasses and swords, daggers and stilettos.
  • In the winter her hands would be "chapped," and she would have a cough. In the Days of the Comet
  • I grasped his hands in mine, so tightly they almost cracked under the pressure.
  • Near the end of his reign, King Behanzin ordered his troops to burn the royal palaces rather than see them fall into French hands.
  • They shook hands in a very male, unaffectionate sort of way.
  • I found myself in a salon with a very well-painted, highly varnished floor; chairs and sofas covered with white draperies, a green porcelain stove, walls hung with pictures in gilt frames, a gilt pendule and other ornaments on the mantelpiece, a large lustre pendent from the centre of the ceiling, mirrors, consoles, muslin curtains, and a handsome centre table completed the inventory of furniture. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Kelsey fought to maintain control with the yoke that was trying to shake itself out of his hands.
  • It was no affair of his that she had left the London studio in the capable hands of her assistant.
  • As I watched him, he groaned and tried to raise his hands to his face; the chain from his wrist to his ankle manacles stopped him.
  • With a quick catch and lift, he passed Michael up and into unseen hands outstretched from the iron wall of the ship, and paddled ahead to an open cargo port. CHAPTER 2
  • He's not handsome - far from it.
  • Chiengmai; but it was curious, even amusing, to observe the serene contempt with which the "interlopers" were received by the rival incumbents of the royal gynecium, -- especially the Laotian women, who are of a finer type and much handsomer than their Siamese sisters. The English Governess at the Siamese Court Being Recollections of Six Years in the Royal Palace at Bangkok
  • Posting articles about ethical polyamoury on a philanderer's site is like putting pictures of hands on a foot fetishist site.
  • Tom swayed on his backswing because his hands drifted too far away from his body, pulling his torso with them.
  • Small boys waved their hands to us, the water-carrier carrying his tight goat-skin from the wells set his cups a-tinkling, as though by way of a God-speed, and then M'Barak touched his horse with the spur to induce the bravery of a caracole, and led us away from Djedida. Morocco
  • Then with a flourish the hands closed the bag with thick leather thongs.
  • Her hands shake constantly and she keeps dropping things.
  • In destinations such as Sharm el-Sheikh, which attract willing but poor hands from across the country looking for work, the effect is magnified. Egypt economy awaits its lost tourists
  • However, on first down our big fella fumbles the ball and it bounces right into the hands of one of the players on the other team.
  • But hey, I guess if we are operating under the assumption that soccer fans revel in unfairness at the hands of a central, arbitrary power, they they will probably love this change. The Volokh Conspiracy » How Jonathan Adler Gets It Wrong, and Soccer Gets It Right:
  • hands in the starting position
  • The handsome prince was changed into a frog.
  • Best Buy is promoting its Geek Squad, promising shoppers before they buy that complicated electronic thingamajig that its employees will hold their hands through the installation process and beyond.
  • As far as medea benjamin is concerned she has blood on her hands. Think Progress » VIDEO: Maliki Speech Interrupted By War Protestor
  • If you are dedicated to making sure women's views and perspectives get into print and keeping media in the hands of women, this is the place for you.
  • All we have to do is take malpractice out of the hands of private, for-profit attorneys.
  • I think that most of us would rather be called lynx-eyed than gluttonous, and certainly a lynx is a much handsomer beast than a glutton. Peeps at Many Lands: Norway
  • To undertake more sophisticated legal work through on - hands trainings.
  • Basically I just relearnt all the stuff from when I was 6 - not even scales or anything, just little tunes and only just beginning to play with both hands together. Sheepdip Diary Entry
  • She felt her eyes widen; undirected, her hands spread over his chest as he drew her to him. THE PROMISE IN A KISS
  • She hurried her hands to press the papers which were hiked up by a wind.
  • Figures were the same for a driver using a hand-held or hands-free phone and likelihood of a crash held true regardless of gender or age.
  • He set the computer aside and put his hands behind his back, sinking into the comfortable support of the cushions and allowing the memories to take him back.
  • The general thrust of these stories was that of some handsome, dashing and very young aviator who had a Parisian girlfriend, and between the two there is a torrid love interest.
  • She submerged her hands in warm water.
  • James would only wink at him, a secretive smile gracing his handsome features…
  • On an ancient stone stump, about three feet thick and three feet high, used for securing ships by ropes to the shore, and called a bollard or holdfast, an elderly gentleman sits facing the land with his head bowed and his face in his hands, sobbing. Back to Methuselah
  • Observe live bugs and even hold the creepy-crawlies in your hands. Times, Sunday Times
  • One visitor from Africa told me that whenever a group of men were standing around talking, their hands were usually busy dehulling egusi seeds. 10: Food science
  • In the hands of the untrained and unwary it can cause untold damage to your wealth.
  • The edification of this house is gradually to be perfected more and more till the coming of Christ, by laying the foundation of Christianity, in bringing men still unto Christ, and carrying on the superstruction in perfecting them in Christ in all spiritual growth, till at last the top-stone be laid on, the Church completed, and translated _to the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens_. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • Sclavonic blood, or from the descendants of Rurik's companions, differ little in regularity of feature and expression of countenance from the handsomest races of Europe. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • His greasy ingratiation irked the Watchkeeper and he clenched his hands to hide the claws that slipped from his fingertips.
  • His hands dropped to her waist, and he nuzzled her neck with his lips. At Hidden Falls
  • We embark, the ferryman hands us an oar, and the craft moves out from the dock.
  • Not in so many words, she viewed my new handset as just another exotic creation of a transnational technocracy using technology to get us to spend our obsessive consumerist, materialist dollars.
  • Dalmius nursed the invigorating fire-drink from a horn-flask, ensconced in leather, e'en as his thin hands trembled.
  • However, he conceded that the Government was yet to get a handle on the situation, as younger offenders were getting their hands on illegal guns.
  • Will sighed and turned around slowly, holding his hands up in a gesture of surrender.
  • The two women became friends, and when Jackson's health began to fail, she left her unfinished manuscript in Lotty's hands with instructions about how it was to be arranged.
  • He was wearing a red V-neck shirt with long sleeves that belled out near the hands, white jeans, and black slip-on shoes with thick white socks.
  • The smaller of its hands occasionally slipped round on the pivot, and thus, though the minutes were told with precision, nobody could be quite certain of the hour they belonged to.
  • ‘Everybody, get your hands up,’ a mean-looking hombre shouted as he moved down the aisle of the middle car.
  • Wear a warm hat to guard against heat loss from your head and if your hands are susceptible to the cold then wear some thin gloves.
  • A Wistron NeWeb spokesman said the company was seeking vendors to badge the handsets.
  • In the countryside, on the contrary, more hands were needed to work the fields in grain-growing regions, and males contracted marriages at younger ages to increase the rural labour supply.
  • Mary wore handsome go - go boots to the discotheque last night.
  • Wash your hands after visits to the restrooms and breakrooms and also remember that shopping and any trips to public places can result in exposure to infections.
  • Perhaps as a society we believe the grubby hands of business should be kept off our organs, especially in death.
  • People living a hand-to-mouth existence are turning to ' buy-back stores' to get their hands on ready money.
  • In 1805, an extremely handsome young man, he went up to Cambridge, where he attended intermittently to his studies between extravagant debauches there and in London.
  • Imposition of hands was a ceremony used especially in paternal blessings; Jacob used it when he blessed and adopted the sons of Joseph, Gen. xlviii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Thou teachest "my hands to war and my fingers to fight" [361] against the invisible enemies of my salvation and blessedness; against the enemies of holiness and of the power of Thy glory; against the subcelestial spirits of evil. My Life in Christ, or Moments of Spiritual Serenity and Contemplation, of Reverent Feeling, of Earnest Self-Amendment, and of Peace in God
  • Participants are asked to wash their hands with a nonabrasive soap prior to having electrodes attached.
  • So how, precisely, do I find myself the father of a teenage owner of one five-year-old, skewbald, equine quadruped, about 13 hands tall, who answers, rather inattentively, to the name Buttons? History, Horses and the Luck of the Irish
  • [_CATTY sighs and groans, striking the back of one hand reiteratedly into the palm of the other -- rises -- beats the devil's tattoo as she stands -- then claps her hands again. Tales and Novels — Volume 08
  • Remember, when driving a car, the golden rule is never to take both hands off the steering wheel.
  • My private belief was that Combret had done it: one problem at least that he had been able to liquidate with his own hands. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • England, and she kept Susan Talbot and her children in what she called their meet place, in which that good lady thoroughly acquiesced, having her hands much too full of household affairs to run after queens. Unknown to History: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland
  • He further concluded that these cadaverous particles could adhere to the hands of physicians and thus be transferred to the women, thereby transmitting puerperal fever.
  • Or the leader you have been watching all the while on the idiot box, with his trademark election smile and hands joined in a namaste.
  • They are extremely handsome and sensual, and glory in a drunken brawl.
  • Fingers, hands, and the washboard supply the pressure, a process called fulling, and the warm soapy water shrinks the fibers into a compact form.
  • The body's energy pathways, called meridians, are connected to a corresponding point on the hands and feet.
  • Simples, don't watch trash like this and the stations will stop broadcasting it - it's in your own hands people!
  • They were nervy sorts, fidgety, who watched your hands as you used the mobile or hunted in your bag for something but would never catch your eye.
  • Gwen essayed to follow with equal skill, but the stile was a very steep and awkward one, and she needed both hands to hold the drake. The Youngest Girl in the Fifth A School Story
  • The king is trying to centralize all power in his own hands.
  • He was taller than me, handsome, an athlete of repute.
  • On a highboy in the corner of the dining room rests a handsome, black-and-white portrait of Jean, then a stunner in her early 20s, and James, clad in his Army uniform. Jean Stevens, Wyalusing Widow, Lived With Corpses Of Husband And Twin Sister, Say Police
  • Heath's eyes softened and he dropped his hands to his lap, shrugging his shoulders.
  • Several new varieties of metalwork also were added to the old, especially the aquamanile, i.e., a vessel in the form of an animal, used for washing the hands, and the metal structures placed upon the altar; other articles assumed new forms. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Wedgwood did not suddenly create and start selling his "basaltes" ware simply because it showed off white hands to advantage. "Selling was an intellectual pleasure, an art form" for Josiah Wedgwood.
  • A painter who had been working on the clock tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!
  • Simon hands the cashier a ten.
  • Hundreds of parishioners were working with bare hands, shovels and harrows, extending the church by burrowing out a crypt.
  • He took Gonzo's instrument in both hands and blew it gently, resulting in a low moan.
  • This twenty-something Wood-elf is not what you would call devilishly handsome yet is never-the-less attractive in a somewhat boyish way. Undefined
  • from two handsome and talented young men to two haunting horrors of disintegration
  • I found myself a few minutes ago, by mistake, on a lolcats website. The lolcat is the essential representation of the malaise of contemporary life: people with too much time on their hands and no idea how to use it.
  • Bernice lay contentedly at the edge of a sand embankment white as driven snow, her chin cupped in her hands, watching half a dozen or more mullets drift and swing in the limpid clear water below. The Mystery at Number Six
  • And, as I trow, said Sir Sagramore, ye shall have the same handsel that he had. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Many hands make quick work.
  • Her voice broke and she buried her face in her hands, the memories that seemed to have been lost for some time finally made themselves known in her mind.
  • Additionally there will be handsome trophies and holiday packages to Sri Lanka resorts.
  • Amaiya opened her mouth to reply, but her hands flew to her ears as a banshee wail hammered the sky.
  • They issued an ultimatum to the police to rid an area of racist attackers, or they will take the law into their own hands.
  • Later on, after she'd heard my success story, Avril was putty in my hands. MR STARLIGHT
  • Unseen hands brailed the galley's sails up against their yards. Conan Of The Isles
  • In order to get what he wants Esko dirties, bloodies, his hands in the waters any real architect must swim in. An Interview with Richard Rayner about Cloud Sketcher
  • The carefully studied hands reveal the graphic origin of his designing, confirmed from the few drawings that have survived.
  • You will notice on your right a handsome house on a large lake. On the Trail of Merlin - a guide to the Celtic mystery tradition
  • She quickly ripped the paper free and thrust it into my hands.
  • She put her hands on her hips, a slight quirk in her lips.
  • In fact, it would put only a small amount of money into the hands of those who really need it.
  • He said animals had to be 16 hands 3ins minimum and a cross between a heavy working breed and a thoroughbred.
  • “I†™ m gonna go with ‘richer and handsomer than any of use …” I’m gonna spoil more of your Wolverine movie | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • ‘Say goodbye’ I say as I squeeze their mittened hands as a way of prompting.
  • Everyone in the cast was superb, a bevy of attractive young girls and handsome young men who could all sing, dance and act with such enthusiasm.
  • I could still smell him in the laundry, hear his footstep, and run my hands over tools he'd touched every day.
  • Kumble went round the wicket to bring the ugly miscued, sliced slog to mid-off's hands into play.
  • Her tennis game, filled with flat forehands and backhands, looks better-built for hard courts, rather than the slow, red clay of Paris. Li Na Wins French Open Title
  • I put my hands behind my head to prop my skull up so I had a clear view of the ocean.
  • Instead of the classic English handshake at the end of matches, players opted instead for the ‘bro, you wuz good out there’ upright handclasp more usually seen on the streets of Harlem.
  • The bookcases are handsome things assembled from varnished plywood.
  • Your hands will be shaking and they'll all be able to tell because you'll be holding your crib sheet.
  • My hands make their way to his head again and I begin to pat down his hair like I was doing before.
  • And put his clothes on in the blueback cold, then with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze. Lance Mannion:
  • They want control of the company to remain in true-blue hands.
  • This training is best when it provides hands-on practice of the use of fire extinguishers.
  • His super-soft hands and slick moves force defenders to back off and give ground every time he approaches the blueline and he has the vision to find linemate Erik Thorell once the D swarms. Red Line: Dominant start has Canadian Seguin atop draft ranks
  • He looked tall, handsome and healthy.
  • Tuck hands under small of back if comfier. The Sun
  • Over the door of a handsome brick building dated 1937, beneath a clustered family group whose adult held a caduceus, the lintel bore this inscription.
  • He felt snow-blind to his surroundings as he sat up and shaded his eyes with chained hands. A KING'S RANSOM
  • As they grunted and jabbed, Mr. McCain chatted with a few players and their coaches, shook a few hands and then headed to the sidelines. McCain Huddles With Marshall Team - The Caucus Blog -
  • I gaped unguardedly at the wad of bills in his hands.
  • The film centres around the amorous adventures/exploits of its handsome hero.
  • January, February, and March bring a great cold, and inhumane conditions of food and weather for the girls - long marches to church in the blistering cold wind, swollen and flayed fingers and feet, and chilblains on the hands.
  • She swallowed a humph, then nearly groaned aloud when, clapping her hands, Lady Hightham urged them to gather around for some music. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • She slipped her hands in side her brown fingerless gloves, and then laced up her big brown boots.
  • My friends being lushes, they also drink when anyone makes jazz hands or says something particularly stupid, which of course necessitates frequent refills.
  • She fell to her knees and tried to stanch it with her hands, but the blood poured through her fingers. DOLL'S EYES
  • One good head is better than a hundred strong hands
  • En fait, she was saying to me: ` Here is my trust, ma confiance, my honour as a woman; I place it in your hands, Blowitz. ' Watershed
  • Drummond hobbled off, returning with a cigar in his mouth and an automatic rifle in his hands.
  • Early in rheumatoid arthritis, joints in your wrists, hands, feet and knees are the ones most often affected.
  • He came within inches of a hat-trick and saving his side from defeat at the hands of the greatest collection of footballers ever assembled on one team.
  • He hugged hundreds of babies, shook thousands of hands and cut ribbons at new universities, high-tech factories and a hospital.
  • The term asymmetric warfare is bandied about, another few words, 'hands tied behind backs', would be more appropriate. logdon On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Under the rules outlined by the Pentagon, in the unlikely case that a tribunal hands down an acquittal or a light sentence, US authorities can overrule it and impose their own judgment.
  • The decision made, he turned and swaggered out of the door, idle hands swinging and dangling as he strode manfully toward the stairwell.
  • We in Jaffa used to hear news about Palestinian villages falling into Jewish hands as well as massacres committed by the Jews. Global Voices in English » Palestine: Remembering Shafiq Al Hout
  • Lying on my straw mat, 1 heard the music box playing that song 1 had grown to hate so much. 1 beard Miss Banner's door open, then clow 1 put my hands over my ears. The secret sense
  • For how are we to bring in the corn harvest with all those strong hands and strong arms gone?
  • When he saw me, he leaned on his shovel until I was near enough to shake hands.
  • So sought-after are high-ranking characters and the virtual trinkets that they amass that extraordinary amounts of real-world money are changing hands as they are traded.
  • Roy Round, whose dance photographs fill this handsome volume, is at his best when he is straightforward, when the subject seems to emerge from luminous, unpunctuated space, and when the challenge of pure movement is palpable.
  • A friend is one to whom one may pour out the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that gentle hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away. George Eliot 
  • In his hands he carried two sticks" Father Sticks, they were called" which he beat against the tree in a compelling, arhythmic pattern all the while he climbed. Speaker for the Dead
  • Both worked in a classified military training program known as sere — for Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape — which trains soldiers to endure captivity in enemy hands. Rorschach and Awe
  • Babies were born with hands and feet attached directly to the body, a condition known as phocomelia.
  • Actually, "splog" or "slog" are two common shorthands for "Spam Blogs"; as people linked to you using "slog", Google assumed is was to point at a wrong doer... Spam blog - SLOG
  • Pretty good, Miss Green, the advisor called out with her usual restraint, hands on the hips of her gray sweats, her expression thoughtful A compact woman with frizzy brown hair and a somewhat plain face, Miss Green had a husky voice that always sounded as if she had laryngitis. The Second Evil
  • On reaching into my shoulder-bag to locate my wallet my hands chanced to touch the package of shells.
  • He killed the lion with his bare hands.
  • Whatever they were telling her, Dakota was gasping and laughing, hands to her mouth. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • She chose to hide her face from Adrian's sight, burying it underneath her hands.

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