How To Use Hands-down In A Sentence
Channing Crowder, hands-down winner of this week's chowderhead award for confusing Anne Frank and Helen Keller in a fit of pique, has struggled with history and geography before.
Channing Crowder hears from Le'Ron McClain over spitting allegation
a hands-down victory
Naeem Khan, who, FYI, is hands-down the best guest judge of the season so far because when he speaks actual sentences come out of his mouth that make useful constructive criticisms when strung together, says that the number one thing you learn in fashion is to let the fabric talk to you, and that Valerie "forced the fabric.
Una LaMarche: Project Runway Episode 9 Recap: Eyeshadow of a Doubt
This scene, this one moment of oh-my-god acting, sent a shiver down my spine, and it is, hands-down, the best moment of Season 3.
I love the ironweed seed heads and fothergilla is my hands-down favorite shrub for fall color.
Dying Well-Aging Attractively « Fairegarden
It is, hands-down, the best freezer accessory money can buy. 2 tips: make the bags extra-long so you can re-seal after cutting them open; and just buy the low-end unit (cheap!) unless you really need a built-in cutter or canister sealing hose.
Use Your Freezer Efficiently To Save Money (and Food) | Lifehacker Australia
The ghost ring rear sight is hands-down the best sighting system for a combat shotgun because it allows the precise placement of slugs and tight-patterned buckshot at close range.
Russia's Svetlana Khorkina did not qualify for any final, suffering a break on uneven bars, wobbles on balance beam, and a hands-down landing on floor exercise.
B, who is unofficial team cheerleader, perhaps the ultimate, all-time, hands-down cheerleader, takes the news in stride.