
How To Use Handicapped In A Sentence

  • The bad weather severely handicapped their performance in the race.
  • He'd been working at the local hostel for the handicapped on a voluntary basis.
  • But his army was handicapped by its undermanning, and chronically troubled by leadership problems, which were also the cause of the notorious indiscipline of Canadian aircrew. Overlord D-Day And The Battle for Normandy
  • He bought lottery tickets from handicapped people.
  • Undoubtedly, public acceptance of the physically handicapped will be easier to achieve.
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  • The bad weather severely handicapped their performance in the race.
  • They knew they were trying to ride a very weak and handicapped candidate to victory, and he went down to a much worse defeat than they had anticipated and so I think right now a lot of Democrats are stunned.
  • Immediately, offers poured in -- from a taverna in the wealthy neighborhood of Kolonaki, from a big baked goods chain, from green grocers in the wholesale market of Rendi, from caterers with leftovers from weddings and baptisms -- and were directed to orphanages, old age homes, halfway houses for the handicapped, soup kitchens run by churches and municipalities all over the Athens area. Diana Farr Louis: Food Aid Takes Off in Athens
  • I'm going to work two days a week teaching handicapped kids to fish.
  • Mentally handicapped man in motiveless gang attack.
  • Alex was mentally handicapped.
  • I have been involved in local community organisations for nearly thirty years now (I've got two handicapped sons).
  • Seles' game is not suited to fast grass courts and she is handicapped by her awkward two-handed volleying style, where she approaches the net as though about to bludgeon someone with a frying pan.
  • The changes might include a handicapped parking space or a phone voice amplifier.
  • This agency is handicapped, however, because its funding is voluntary and contributors may earmark their donations for specific programs.
  • Our concern here is to emphasize the billions of small wrangles that were altering the collective thought, to summon out of the past, for an instant, an elfin clamour of now silenced voices that prepared the soil for revolution, the not-at-all-lucid propagandists at street corners, the speakers in little meeting-houses, in open spaces and during work intermissions; to recall the rustle of queer newspapers that were not quite ordinary newspapers; and the handicapped book publications that were everywhere fighting traditional and instinctive resistances. The Shape of Things to Come
  • The need for the adequate provision of permanent residential homes increases substantially as the mentally handicapped child grows up.
  • Like other mentally handicapped children, Down's children can achieve considerable educational improvement through a consistent programme of education and care.
  • The incidents related in her story, however, are drawn from actual experiences of visually handicapped pupils.
  • This preparation eased the way for further integration of physically handicapped children into the mixed ability secondary school.
  • I'll cover a variety of things, and I tend to like House elections better anyway, but I expect to write about the Bush campaign and I don't expect to be handicapped in it.
  • It happened during a performance by a newly setup amateur dramatic group, all of whose members were mentally handicapped.
  • It turns out that she is handicapped — birth trauma, anoxia. Shambhala SunSpace » 2009 » April
  • The social worker advised them to put their handicapped child into care.
  • That means meeting the needs of the exceptionally gifted as well as those of the physically handicapped and socially deprived.
  • That, though the occupations named are entirely normal to all well-ordered states, descendants of persons in those occupations tend to become "subnormal" -- so runs the cant of it -- something handicapped by that haphazard bullet of a lifetime since, fired to advance the glorious cause of -- foreign commerce, or the like. Copper Streak Trail
  • Caught in the dragnet are the handicapped adults who used to line their wheelchairs along a stretch of the boulevard leading to the presidential palace in downtown Dakar. Home RSS feed
  • therapy for the handicapped.
  • This preparation eased the way for further integration of physically handicapped children into the mixed ability secondary school.
  • The chances of having a severely mentally handicapped child are one in 200.
  • I wonder how the average handicapped person with false limbs or a pacemaker is going to like on that scanner … EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - This is how you look to the TSA
  • However at this stage John has decided to hang up his boots and devote his time to working in the L' Arche community in Dublin - an organisation which looks after handicapped adults in a home environment.
  • The need for the adequate provision of permanent residential homes increases substantially as the mentally handicapped child grows up.
  • There is one called the "ejector" seat when the squeaky clean white family is entitled to a seat in the church but the minority, handicapped, gay, single worshippers are all removed from the church by ejector seats that fling them into the air and through the roof of the church. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • So, what I want to know, is who is taking care of the children, including the handicapped child, while Palin is galavanting around the country talking about family values? Poll: Iowa Republicans like Palin, but have doubts
  • Well, as I remember Bullhook Willy telling it, the Texas Rangers was a program in the old United States that gave employment to the mentally handicapped. Elephant Song
  • The physically handicapped youngster faces severe problems in finding employment.
  • Dozens of teenage volunteers were bussed in on Tuesday evening for a dance with mentally and physically handicapped patients.
  • There are some practical considerations that must be faced in terms of support for visually handicapped pupils who are being educated in resource situations.
  • I'm going to work two days a week teaching handicapped kids to fish.
  • It was also that Government which was willing to fight Marie O'Donoghue in the courts, who was seeking to get appropriate education for her young handicapped son, Paul.
  • It's almost inconceivable that a handicapped girl is very independent and lives all alone.
  • He joined the staff at St Lucia's School of Music and soon after was hired to teach music to handicapped children at the Special Education centers in Castries and Vieux Fort.
  • Those hand rails in handicapped bathrooms suddenly make so much sense. Ow « Dyepot, Teapot
  • We think of the fecundity in artifice with which those of better brain,. no matter how they were handicapped by law, would still outwit those of poorer brain, showing an intensified bitterness born of the class struggle in whose ruthlessness they had been bidden to believe. The Present Challenge to British Imperialism
  • The bad weather severely handicapped their performance in the race.
  • Unless handicapped by any chronic ailment, he or she will have a hearty enough appetite but will avoid edibles that require strong teeth to tackle.
  • Dick Gradley sculled well to win men's veteran H handicapped sculls in 17-59.
  • A lot of people are handicapped in their minds with their thinking.
  • Hides and footpaths give close views and there are listening posts and a tap rail for handicapped visitors.
  • And quite frankly, I am appalled to discover there are enemies of the state who would have it that Jacob Zuma is somehow handicapped when it comes to dealing with matters of a financial nature.
  • It is an important protection against behaving in unprofessional ways like procuring an illegal abortion or killing a handicapped baby.
  • Mentally handicapped children should be given the opportunity of mixing with other children from an early age.
  • What's the best way of improving theatre access for people who are physically handicapped?
  • An accident at birth left him badly handicapped.
  • Mentally and physically handicapped do light work according to their capability, but get the same wages as everybody else.
  • The incidents related in her story, however, are drawn from actual experiences of visually handicapped pupils.
  • We were handicapped by lack of money.
  • Ashington police bought a new rod and reel for Mr Gibson, who is mentally handicapped.
  • It is said that mentally handicapped people die young.
  • Handicapped by their size, the deep-draft vessels sailed two days out of sight of land along the shoaly Louisiana coast.
  • They out-handicapped everyone on the goddamn farm and they didn't even know the horse betting term "handicapping"! Haloaskew Diary Entry
  • Mentally and physically handicapped do light work according to their capability, but get the same wages as everybody else.
  • Steven was born severely handicapped.
  • It would be a great gain, also if intelligent women had more knowledge of domestic economy and mothercraft, because one of the reasons why the well-educated girl is handicapped in seeking a mate is the belief all too frequently well founded of many young men that she is a luxury which he can not afford. Applied Eugenics
  • Gateway helps people with learning difficulties, particularly the mentally handicapped.
  • Don't be victimized by negative emotions and thinking. Don't be handicapped by stubbornness and inflexibility. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Fifteen handicapped persons have already completed the training course.
  • Cannabis use in young people remains a controversial area, and absence of good data has handicapped the development of rational public health policies.
  • The heavy impact damaged the rotor arm and though he carried on, Andrew was handicapped by a misfiring engine and could only struggle home sixth.
  • The accident left him physically handicapped.
  • This boy is a sad case. His parents are divorced and he himself is severely handicapped.
  • The charity is handicapped by lack of funds.
  • The service it provides for schoolchildren, students, handicapped people, young mothers, pensioners and thousands of ordinary York residents is far too important to sell off for a fast buck.
  • But exceptions to this are employment in emergencies involving the protection of life or property; employment of assistants to handicapped employees; employment of experts and consultants; and employment of students to further their educational goals. Looking for a job? Take the internship route.
  • Had he been born on the lower reaches of the Yukon and baptised by a remittance man in a Wesleyan Chapel, he would probably not have suffered so acutely from the cold as he did at Guffle Hoe, nor could he have been more persistently victimised and handicapped in after life by bronchial asthma and pyorrhoea of the gums. Terribly Intimate Portraits
  • What's the best way of improving theatre access for people who are physically handicapped?
  • The second defendants have had to deal with stale claims and have been handicapped by the absence of potentially relevant documents after the warehouse fire.
  • I'm going to work two days a week teaching handicapped kids to fish.
  • Talented but without driving ambition, Lehmann was during his last years handicapped by Parkinson's disease.
  • These offer valuable information and rehabilitation services to handicapped individuals.
  • She was a single parent and had a nine-year-old son, Darren, who was in a home for mentally handicapped children.
  • Third, both the oath and the mandate are handicapped by a constricted vision.
  • She was right on the money with pointing that out, and there is a certain validity to bringing out the handicapped/minorities as someone she cannot respond to, something that both Republicans and Democrats are want to do (black Republicans speaking at the RNC on presidential nomination night anyone?). Think Progress » Coulter on 9/11 Widows: ‘I Have Never Seen People Enjoying their Husbands’ Death So Much’
  • British exports have been handicapped by the strong pound.
  • The Karachi Building Control Authority was inquired if any rule existed to ensure accessibility to handicapped people at public places.
  • Undoubtedly, public acceptance of the physically handicapped will be easier to achieve.
  • They weren't the ones who left their trucks in handicapped-parking zones, but a pair of Philadelphia Eagles stars were convicted Wednesday of parking offenses in cases brought by an activist who relentlessly guards such parking spots in this Philadelphia suburb. - Notes: Bills sign Gibson; Condon on move; McNabb pays up
  • Firstly, it depicted the life of a mentally handicapped person as being unrewarding, unstimulating and confined.
  • In essence, his players were handicapped by their inexperience and a lack of awareness what was required to succeed at the highest level.
  • He is the answer to the prayers of those tongue-tied guys, the romantically handicapped, the timid ones whose words are not in consonance with their feelings.
  • It is an important protection against behaving in unprofessional ways like procuring an illegal abortion or killing a handicapped baby.
  • Their handicap is like any other permanent disability, such as some one who is physically handicapped through the loss of a limb.
  • The need for the adequate provision of permanent residential homes increases substantially as the mentally handicapped child grows up.
  • How to trap him or her? does leucoderma comes under the physically handicapped category in government exams? Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • And I think that's what has handicapped the police.
  • Some guy put an “Impeach Obama” bumper sticker on his car thinking it would let him park in handicapped parking spaces. Think Progress » ‘Impeach Obama’ billboard ‘not meant to allege any impeachable offense.’
  • Identifying the educational needs of a handicapped child falls within the province of an experienced teacher.
  • Wherever possible, mentally handicapped children should attend normal schools, and thousands of mildly handicapped children do so.
  • Impact, which is gearing up for strike action at the end of January, said it regretted that handicapped people would be sent home but insisted that members had little choice except to embark on a strike.
  • She has co-founded an organization that has had a profound impact on the way handicapped people are treated in the Southeast and has been an integral part of its operation for almost half a century.
  • ANDYGUT will also be providing the "papered" internet to the mentally disturbed, infants and the handicapped. Greg Gutfeld: FU TO THE FU TO THE IOFU
  • This boy is a sad case. His parents are divorced and he himself is severely handicapped.
  • The young performer in - acclaimed sketch is Tan , a handicapped worker at Carpenter Tan since 1997.
  • Finally, two apartments had to be remodeled to comply with federal laws assuring equal access for handicapped persons.
  • The text itself is ancient, handicapped by scribal errors and emendations of hostile censors over the centuries.
  • The needs of the mentally handicapped vary accordingly.
  • This move should also help its subsidiary, Alliance Air, now burdened and handicapped by an aging fleet that has almost outlived its life span.
  • He'd been working at the local hostel for the handicapped on a voluntary basis.
  • One question in the survey concerned the emotional responses of people to the mentally handicapped.
  • The military and diplomatic effort in Afghanistan was handicapped from the start because the Administration had other concerns, and it ended badly even though it started well. Bush's Lost Year
  • The need for the adequate provision of permanent residential homes increases substantially as the mentally handicapped child grows up.
  • Those runners heavily handicapped were in amongst the middle order starters.
  • But its development is being handicapped by bureaucracy.
  • Those born to poor parents are handicapped from birth by poor schooling, poor healthcare, and frequently poor nutrition.
  • The French were handicapped by their lack of artillery and cavalry, which had ensured the success of the column elsewhere.
  • The need for the adequate provision of permanent residential homes increases substantially as the mentally handicapped child grows up.
  • Congress has handicapped him from a resource standpoint.
  • It's almost inconceivable that a handicapped girl is very independent and lives all alone.
  • When an amateur jock - whether he's President of the United States or your friendly UPS driver from the neighborhood - says he played like a "spaz," as we used to say, or physically handicapped, he implies no harm nor foul. The Moderate Voice
  • But it is the delays in the completion of critical technical projects that have significantly handicapped the time frame for the roll-out of services.
  • Something you do effortlessly might pose a great difficulty for a handicapped person.
  • This child is characteristically handicapped by an inability to tolerate authority, and lacks a capacity for sustained effort; however, he is intelligent.
  • He joined civic leaders and medical experts from Mid Glamorgan council, who are helping handicapped children from the Gulf kingdom.
  • This move should also help its subsidiary, Alliance Air, now burdened and handicapped by an aging fleet that has almost outlived its life span.
  • By association, the current designer is handicapped by the fact that men look behind any cultural invention for irrelevant, ingenuous, or threatening forces.
  • In St. Vincent, recent attempts to increase production to meet the increased demand from the USA for arrowroot starch for use in the manufacture of carbonless paper for computers have been handicapped by the shortage and cost of labour to harvest the crop, and there is an urgent need to mechanise field production. Chapter 10
  • The French were handicapped by their lack of artillery and cavalry, which had ensured the success of the column elsewhere.
  • People are keen to applaud the successes of physically handicapped people who gain successful academic qualifications, and acquire practical skills.
  • Consequently because of us, the Maori has been handicapped in his development as a free people.
  • This example seems absurd, but the actual result of depriving kids of the kind of science that will allow them to compete in a world not similarly handicapped is similar in terms of effect. Creationists visit the smithsonian | clusterflock
  • Kragh estimates more than 300 mentally handicapped people were operated on during that period at Copenhagen's University Hospital and at a municipal hospital in Aarhus, Denmark's second largest city.
  • In the end the Japanese showed a preference for doing business with the Chinese, who seemed less handicapped by bureaucratic constraints.
  • Bad Teacher is not the sole offender here... there's a coarse little entry that's currently number three at the box office called Horrible Bosses, which gleefully traffics in murder, racial stereotypes, sexual perversion and jokes about obese and handicapped people. John Farr: Is Today's Film Comedy in the Toilet?
  • It is an important protection against behaving in unprofessional ways like procuring an illegal abortion or killing a handicapped baby.
  • Our findings relate to physically rather than the visually handicapped pupils.
  • Whilst it is true that some mentally handicapped people suffer distress, this is equally true of other people in society.
  • This is clearly a measure of last resort and its application is handicapped by the postoperative development of bronchiolitis obliterans.
  • Captains used to reign supreme; questioning their judgment handicapped career advancement.
  • However, under Irish conditions, it is handicapped by its inability to cope with poor road surfaces.
  • The requirement is viewed as a social corrective action rather than a burden on employers, as handicapped persons make up a trained and qualified work force.
  • They were handicapped by poverty of resources.
  • The suffering of the other is derealized, and no amount of its representation can reinstall its meaning and weight within the consciousness of the subject, whether the sufferer is woman, the colonized, the indigene, the child, the beautiful, the handicapped, the criminal, or the dead. Blog Against Sexism – Some (disjointed) thoughts on Masculinity & Masochism | Living the Liminal
  • He was handicapped by his height.
  • The Prince was visiting handicapped children being looked after by members of his father's award scheme.
  • Chinese laws prohibit discrimination, insult and injury against the handicapped or their ill-treatment and abandonment.
  • During one such period Carol had worked at a center for retraining physically handicapped adults.
  • But nothing compares to the feeling you get when a sick or handicapped person thanks you for something you've done for them, and by the end of the week you're thanking them.
  • ‘It is something which will hopefully be enjoyed by both able-bodied and handicapped residents alike,’ Shirley added.
  • When and if this occurs, decisions about mentally handicapped babies will be made with a full consideration of the issues involved.
  • The social worker advised them to put their handicapped child into care.
  • Port Augusta is handicapped by rail distance out of the Barrier trade - at least so it seems, though the superiority of its harbour and shipping facilities might well counterbalance the few miles of extra railway freightage.
  • The needs of the mentally handicapped vary accordingly.
  • The wherryman, it is true, possessed a ripe vocabulary, but the fact that it embraced only a single dialect seriously handicapped him in his race with the keelman, who had no less than three to draw upon, all equally prolific. The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • It also sounds similar to the U.S. colloquial tetched "touched" in the head, in the sense of being mildly unstable or mentally handicapped. TITCHY.
  • And she was handicapped by a seriously self-obsessed mother, who seems sometimes to have suffered depression, but even when she was not ill was utterly wrapped up in her own concerns.
  • Scientists in developing countries are terribly handicapped in both generation and sharing.
  • the socialists are further handicapped if they believe that capitalists are not only wicked but also devilishly clever
  • And I think those people handicapped by the lack of a diploma can easily bypass this hurdle so long as the stress is placed more on a certificate than on real abilities.
  • He'd been working at the local hostel for the handicapped on a voluntary basis.
  • The mentally handicapped person should, wherever possible, be encouraged to live outside his or her home with a view to eventual independence.
  • Wherever possible, mentally handicapped children should attend normal schools, and thousands of mildly handicapped children do so.
  • He was therefore doubly handicapped because of his unacceptable accent and military expertise.
  • It's almost inconceivable that a handicapped girl is very independent and lives all alone.
  • Ashington police bought a new rod and reel for Mr Gibson, who is mentally handicapped.
  • Education follows the French system, and is available to all, although the system is handicapped by insufficient funding.
  • Why shouldn't handicapped men be agile sportsmen?
  • I continue to be stunned every time they are published - how we accept generation after generation of these kids to be educationally handicapped is beyond me. Sound Politics: It's in the P-I
  • This preparation eased the way for further integration of physically handicapped children into the mixed ability secondary school.
  • In particular, developing states are handicapped as effective international actors by having relatively underdeveloped diplomatic machines and by a restricted range of policy instruments.
  • Day care facilities for the mentally handicapped include what used to be known as adult training centres.
  • Some two-thirds were women, the very young, the old, the handicapped: time porters, nurses, whatever kind of noncom­batants were required. Two in Time
  • She's the warden of a home for mentally handicapped people.
  • This film about handicapped people is just playing on people's sympathy.
  • This preparation eased the way for further integration of physically handicapped children into the mixed ability secondary school.
  • The need for the adequate provision of permanent residential homes increases substantially as the mentally handicapped child grows up.
  • The focus now is to assist those who are most disadvantaged—young girls and handicapped children—receive an education.
  • For six years, Lowman worked with the Los Angeles school board to get more teaching programs and transportation for handicapped children.
  • Businesses in part of the growing Dunmore Road area of Waterford are being handicapped because Eircom still hasn't extended high speed Internet access to them and doesn't plan to in the near future.
  • The US was also handicapped by a shortage of spy-in-the-sky satellite capability, already overextended by the Iraq and Afghan wars. 03 « September « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • The causes for this uprooting are always different, but the result is the same: the uprooted have lost what they had and where they came from and must start life again as handicapped strangers wherever they are allowed to live. The Arabs of Palestine
  • Ironmaking in general was handicapped by the unsuitability of most local coal for coking.
  • Sweatshop monitoring groups say other areas handicapped by geography and poor infrastructure, like Swaziland, saw nearly half their factories closed.
  • Talented but without driving ambition, Lehmann was during his last years handicapped by Parkinson's disease.
  • It is an important protection against behaving in unprofessional ways like procuring an illegal abortion or killing a handicapped baby.
  • I was born with one arm and some would say I am handicapped or disabled.
  • There was some difficulty in recruiting a sufficient number of engineer officers, and of stokers who could manage the novel tubular boilers of the new battleships, and the fleet was undoubtedly handicapped by the inexperience of its engine-room and stokehold staff. Famous Sea Fights From Salamis to Tsu-Shima
  • In addition to its emphasis on adult education, the Report presents a strong case for the special needs of the gifted as well as handicapped children.
  • The four-winged fruit fly is severely handicapped - like a small plane with extra wings dangling from its tail.
  • An accident at birth left him badly handicapped.
  • Zupan becomes the natural center for many not only because of his laser-like leadership, but because he represents a deconstruction of the standard handicapped person.
  • The worst horse in the race has been cruelly handicapped by its own jockey.
  • Beverley Lewis was born blind, deaf and mentally handicapped.
  • Make no mistake: any development of a spacefaring civilization will be handicapped by widespread public refusal to accept the historical sciences.
  • The Rudolf Steiner schools are renowned for their fine educational work with the mentally handicapped.
  • An accident at birth left him badly handicapped.
  • One reason for this is that mentally handicapped people are living longer, and this is balancing out the reduction in admissions.
  • This boy is a sad case. His parents are divorced and he himself is severely handicapped.
  • He joined civic leaders and medical experts from Mid Glamorgan council, who are helping handicapped children from the Gulf kingdom.
  • Court finds McNabb, Trotter guilty in handicapped parking case - Notes: Bills sign Gibson; Condon on move; McNabb pays up

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