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How To Use Hand in hand In A Sentence

  • As you start your married life together hand in hand, may all the things you're hoping for turn out the way you've planned.
  • This may be because the credulousness that goes hand in hand with little experience allows one to fall in love merely with appearances, and winter is beautiful. The Fire We Tend Against Winter
  • That went hand in hand with an old-fashioned liberal humanism. Times, Sunday Times
  • they walked hand in hand
  • Business leaders know that fair but stable and competitive after-tax profits go hand in hand with job creation, investment and increased productivity.
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  • This larger emptiness went hand in hand with the insensitivities endured by the poor and working class residents who were removed from neighborhood after neighborhood.
  • hand in hand with hope went fear
  • We run across the rooftop hand in hand and then soar into the air.
  • Better mortgage availability and increased building go hand in hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • There had been a time, he knew, when two unmarried persons of the opposite sex, walking hand in hand without chaperonage, might have beento say the leastfrowned upon. The Messenger
  • Jutting out into the northern Mediterranean, the Portofino headland is a piece of natural unspoilt beauty standing hand in hand with some pretty Italian architecture.
  • There's not much about ID in lotus land, but there's a Conservative Christian Bible belt which professes "God created the heavens and the earth" and the two apparently go hand in hand. The Memory Hole
  • Dirt and disease go hand in hand.
  • Walking hand in hand, we passed several other people on roller skates, in bikinis and swimming trunks, with shopping bags in their hands and all.
  • Shelley saw how, as the sun faded among the trees just as we would see it now: ‘pallid evening twines its beaming hair in duskier braids around the languid eyes of day: silence and twilight, unbeloved of men, creep hand in hand’.
  • Hand in hand with this measure goes an equally bold re-focusing of Labour's strategy concerning marginal constituencies.
  • It's generally thought that shyness goes hand in hand with introversion, but many introverts simply prefer solitary to social activities.
  • Journalists and revolutionists worked hand in hand to expose the injustices of the Spaniards, and fed the people with ideas of democracy.
  • Football and dreams often stroll along hand in hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patience and wisdom walk hand in hand, like two one-armed lovers. Jarod Kintz 
  • Conscience and science must go hand in hand to prevent the destruction of humankind.
  • It is a truism that rights and responsibilities go hand in hand.
  • The study of history and prehistory does not always march hand in hand with a cutting-edge infrastructure project. Times, Sunday Times
  • Medieval people had a horror of treachery and cowardice; the two were often felt to go hand in hand.
  • Such careful spraying can go hand in hand with long-established techniques such as crop rotation, and planting resistant varieties.
  • Being unencumbered by any public baggage from the Thatcher or Major days is a clear plus, although this comes hand in hand with a whopping lack of experience.
  • The success of the series and the regular column inches went hand in hand, as did Kylie and Jason.
  • The magnificent grounds are irresistibly perfect a peaceful stroll, hand in hand with a loved one.
  • A Hamas spokesman, Sami Au Zuhri, said the Israeli decision proved Abbas was working "hand in hand with the occupation against (Palestinian) resistan ... Launchbeat -
  • Statehood and any meaningful renouncement of terror and steps to prevent terror have to go hand in hand.
  • This tendency – which might be called a type of impersonation, a kind of camouflaging of the writer's authority and hence his responsibility – can be seen throughout Ishiguro's work, and goes hand in hand with his most persistent themes: the fear of disorganisation and abandonment; the psychical aftermath of childhood; and the relationship between the institutional and the personal through which these themes are frequently dramatised. Rereading: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
  • doctors and nurses work hand in hand to save lives
  • I spend a couple of hours each morning working on a combination of writing exercises, general journalling, meditation, yoga and spirituality/creativity reading and I definitely think that these things all go hand in hand! Wild Mind: Writing as Spiritual Practice | Write to Done
  • Medieval people had a horror of treachery and cowardice; the two were often felt to go hand in hand.
  • This was an underworld where squalor and vice went hand in hand through the beautiless streets, a melting-pot of the world's outcasts; this was the shadowland, which last night had swallowed up Nayland The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu
  • It isn't hard to guess that most westerners are appalled at the levels of violence and animal cruelty that go hand in hand with the sport of cockfighting.
  • TUCHMAN: But the idea of beefing up this border goes hand in hand with terrorism concerns. CNN Transcript Jul 3, 2007
  • Patience and wisdom walk hand in hand, like two one-armed lovers. Jarod Kintz 
  • Real media freedom, and not only in Bulgaria, can be achieved only when it walks hand in hand with a clearly realised responsibility.
  • The commercial incentive to reduce minor incidents therefore goes hand in hand with incentives to reduce major accidents.
  • Virtue and courtesy go hand in hand
  • He had a great respect for the priesthood, and has left many a charming and sympathetic picture of the parish _cure_, such as l'Abbe Janvier in "Le Medecin de Campagne," who acts hand in hand with the good doctor Benassis, as an enlightened benefactor to the poor; or l'Abbe Bonnet, the hero of "Le Cure du Village," whose face had "the impress of faith, an impress giving the stamp of the human greatness which approaches most nearly to divine greatness, and of which the undefinable expression beautifies the most ordinary features. Honore de Balzac, His Life and Writings
  • The extreme of substantialism, whereby one asserts oneself, goes hand in hand with the extreme of nihilism, whereby one negates the other.
  • Edinburgh's growth as an administrative centre went hand in hand with this.
  • For us, research and teaching go hand in hand.
  • Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happiness is only temporary. Nicholas Sparks 
  • Kallio company general manager Wujianxing expects to cooperate with all circles, to resplendence hand in hand.
  • The aspiration for democracy went hand in hand with the need for information: new MPs, supported by many progressive industrialists, initiated a reform of the Public Accounts, as we will see hereafter.
  • We have been calling for this for a long time as the two work hand in hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Walking hand in hand, we passed several other people on roller skates, in bikinis and swimming trunks, with shopping bags in their hands and all.
  • They work hand in hand, but so often their career paths diverge. Times, Sunday Times
  • He doesn't try to impress readers, or mistake obfuscation for profundity; he knows, on the contrary, that profundity and simplicity go hand in hand.
  • Pubs and culture are not mutually exclusive but can go hand in hand.
  • Champagne and the jet set go hand in hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, the demagogue and the corruptionist often work hand in hand.
  • Hand in hand, they made a leisurely stroll across the garden, stopping from time to time to remark on one bravely struggling flower here or a sturdy vine there.
  • Champagne and the jet set go hand in hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a man of learning, in which capacity the name of Usher became celebrated throughout Europe, and is especially known to modern times, his principal services to the cause of literature were in the departments of eccle - siastical history and chronology, which, in - deed, in his writings go hand in hand. The lives of John Selden, Esq., and Archbishop Usher; with notices of the principal English men of letters with whom they were connected
  • The demand for intelligence rose when increasing education, hand in hand with the material advance of the bourgeoisie, awoke a desire for political action.
  • The _Thuja occidentalis_ [39] in the juvenescent and adult form, offers an example where morphological and chemical differences go hand in hand. Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
  • Following the First World War, in the 1920s and early 1930s, the cocktail party flourished, with flappers and frivolity going hand in hand.
  • And thus, kneeling upon the flower-sprent turf hand in hand and with heads reverently bowed, they were wed, while the six outlaws stared in silent awe and the meek ass cropped the grass busily. The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
  • Another syndrome that sometimes goes hand in hand with HCV is called porphyria cutanea tarda. DR. SANJIV CHOPRA’S LIVER BOOK
  • Hand in hand and that cold wind, and scatter snow, runs invade people's minds bone season, looked completely a madding crowd, without moderation, do not linger.
  • Poverty and poor health often go hand in hand.
  • Security and prosperity go hand in hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also our company is willing to cooperate sincerely with friends of all circles at home and abroad to create great cause and new resplendency of new century hand in hand.
  • McCain is calling for a "suspension of his campaign so he can ride his white horse back to the capital, frollick hand in hand with everyone to get this" dyer "sitatuation UNDER CONTROL … .., Alex Jones' Prison
  • They work hand in hand, one after the other and act like scissors, cutting up this [APP] protein into smaller bits and smaller bits called amyloid peptide, which we think is the cause of Alzheimer's disease when it's abnormally accumulated in the brain," explained study senior author Philip C. Wong, a professor of pathology and of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Often this attitude goes hand in hand with a belief that we have lost touch with nature and forgotten the essential lore of land. Times, Sunday Times
  • The commercial incentive to reduce minor incidents therefore goes hand in hand with incentives to reduce major accidents.
  • The writing was superimposed on a washed-out photograph of two beautiful children in overalls, hand in hand.
  • We work hand in hand with the broadcast teams but don't wait for them to report the facts.
  • We will make progress with customer hand in hand and develop together by building up favorable fellowship with various clients and regarding service as core competitive power.
  • He gassed on about how much he'd been chatting with him lately, how the two men were looking forward to working hand in hand - never mind his rhetoric about demolishing Albany’s culture of dysfunction.
  • It is my strong belief that reward and recognition go hand in hand.
  • Here, the freedom of the press must go hand in hand with the editorial responsibility of accurate and balanced reporting.
  • Let us advance together and create resplendence, please struggle to our fine tomorrow hand in hand!
  • Moreover, the demagog and the corruptionist often work hand in hand. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Gossiping and lying go hand in hand
  • Happy is the press baron whose political and business interests work hand in hand - or fist in glove.
  • They say that genius often goes hand in hand with madness.
  • Learning and success go hand in hand. Successful people are great learners – they have learned how to empower themselves and to defeat difficulties and obstacles with determination, persistence and perseverance. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • And gone forever was the breathless quality of dreams as yet unrealized with which he had hand in hand set forth with her. OUT OF THE ASHES
  • * Note M. Sir William Dick of Braid. the Kirk, walking hand in hand with the real noble Scottish-hearted barons, and with the magistrates of this and other towns, gentles, burgesses, and commons of all ranks, seeing with one eye, hearing with one ear, and upholding the ark with their united strength -- And then folk might see men deliver up their silver to the state's use, as if it had been as muckle sclate stanes. The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Volume 1
  • 'Lucy,' lc, and Mark, moving hand in hand into the frame, leaving the prints of their bare feet on the sand beneath them as they went. LOST BOY LOST GIRL
  • Ah, the smell of the ocean, on a cloudless July morning, walking hand in hand.
  • Given the lack of universal health insurance coverage, poverty and poor child health go hand in hand.
  • Her trade and her preparedness went conqueringly hand in hand. The War After the War
  • Both banks cooperate hand in hand, constructs a traveling cycle by the open field of vision.
  • In short, all would then deny Ungodliness and worldly Lusts; and live soberly, righteously and godlily in this present world, and so walk Hand in Hand together in the narrow way that leads to everlasting Life. Private Thoughts Upon a Christian Life; or, Necessary Directions for Its Beginning and Progress Upon Earth... Part II.
  • She was no taller than that, she had her big doll in her arms, she had put her louis d'or in the pocket of that apron, she had laughed, they walked hand in hand, she had no one in the world but him.
  • Hand in hand we ambled to the furthermost point and then sat on the sand dunes before returning. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Better mortgage availability and increased building go hand in hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • The craze for ferns and the craving for grubbing in rock-pools at the seaside, popularised by Gosse's engaging handbooks, went hand in hand with the plant display cases and marine aquaria that festooned countless parlours.
  • Nestlé's attempt to cuddle up to cat lovers goes hand in hand with its attempts to appear as an ethically driven company in other areas.
  • Here, the strengthening of family values and citizenship go hand in hand.
  • Yet a belief in copycat behaviour goes hand in hand with a low opinion of proletarian chavs, seeing a thug lurking under every baseball cap.
  • The commercial incentive to reduce minor incidents therefore goes hand in hand with incentives to reduce major accidents.
  • We walk from the cemetery hand in hand.
  • But are prospective members put off by all the pomp and ceremony that goes hand in hand with ICT membership? Computing
  • She and Tabitha ran hand in hand about the enclosure, studying the façades, the gargoyles, the crenellations, all that architectural ostentatious crap. Crossed
  • Morality and economics go hand in hand, sometimes in the past a debtor was seen as a wicked person now they are a good consumer
  • Hand in hand with this measure goes an equally bold re-focusing of Labour's strategy concerning marginal constituencies.
  • Hugo was walking hand in hand with Lindsay as they strolled in the beautiful park; the white pigeons flew around them… he was in heaven!
  • It was here a young couple walked hand in hand, whispering sweet endearments to each other.
  • They go hand in hand because the momentum of population growth is so great.
  • She also knew herself to be incredibly selfish and rather insightfully understood that selfishness could get in the way of the whole sharing-each-other's lives thing that seems to go hand in hand with marriage.
  • We wandered back to the hotel from the Quayside after midnight, hand in hand and still in our posh togs, while Newcastle celebrated around us.
  • Striking design and emotional trauma seem to go hand in hand in this series, and tonight is a classic example. Times, Sunday Times
  • "[Tolkien] is proof that faith and enchantment can go hand in hand, that our imaginations don't have to starve."
  • Photography, nature and Scotland go hand in hand and in this gallery of pictures of Scotland, the power of nature can be seen on her mountains, glens, straths and carses.
  • Then hand in hand they soberly left the quiet resting-place, the missel-thrush peering out of its bold eye at their retreating figures. The Captain's Bunk A Story for Boys
  • They went out of the pavilion hand in hand, and on through the sunshine they strolled, swinging hands gaily, reacting exuberantly from the week of deadening toil. CHAPTER II
  • We will make progress with customer hand in hand and develop together by building up favorable fellowship with various clients and regarding service as core competitive power.
  • Prosperity goes hand in hand with investment.
  • This was an underworld where squalor and vice went hand in hand through the beautiless streets, a melting-pot of the world's outcasts; this was the shadowland which last night had swallowed up The Devil Doctor
  • They continued to wander hand in hand across the moors as the north wind swept by them.
  • Deliberate assistance to economic growth went hand in hand with administrative reform aimed at channelling its profits firmly into princely treasuries.
  • This work goes hand in hand with a drive to get more of our medium-sized businesses exporting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Power and money go hand in hand.
  • This, their last wish, was respected, and George and Joseph went to meet their maker hand in hand.
  • The changing face of killing goes hand in hand, for him, with the way history has shaped our society and mankind.
  • He was glad to see that she had at last freed herself from the shackles of that curse of convictism, and could now go hand in hand with the other colonies in the march of progress. Explorations in Australia, Illustrated,
  • This tendency – which might be called a type of impersonation, a kind of camouflaging of the writer's authority and hence his responsibility – can be seen throughout Ishiguro's work, and goes hand in hand with his most persistent themes: the fear of disorganisation and abandonment; the psychical aftermath of childhood; and the relationship between the institutional and the personal through which these themes are frequently dramatised. Rereading: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
  • Even EU President Romano Prodi has said he views economic union as going hand in hand with political union.
  • The government's abuse of civil rights at home goes hand in hand with its brutal imperialism abroad.
  • Kawaii kitschness and high fashion doesn't necessarily go hand in hand.
  • Some day when we meet up yonder, we'll stroll hand in hand again.
  • As you start your married life together hand in hand, may all the things you're hoping for turn out the way you've planned.
  • Ideological liberalism and cutthroat business tactics went hand in hand with a slackened commitment to the traditional journalistic shibboleths of objectivity and accuracy in reporting.
  • Virtue and courtesy go hand in hand
  • Cousin german to idleness, and a concomitant cause, which goes hand in hand with it, is [1558] nimia solitudo, too much solitariness, by the testimony of all physicians, cause and symptom both; but as it is here put for a cause, it is either coact, enforced, or else voluntary. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Hand in hand with European expansion went the gradual emergence of industrial capitalism.
  • Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happiness is only temporary. Nicholas Sparks 
  • When hard work and intelligence work hand in hand, many things are possible. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The problems are attacked in a more direct way by endeavouring by direct experiment to determine the composition of the different organs, their functions, etc. In this the efforts of the anatomist, the histologist, the experimental physiologist and the chemist go hand in hand, as they seek together to penetrate the dark secrets of life. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1910 - Presentation Speech
  • Virtue and courtesy go hand in hand
  • Hand in hand they strode back towards the faery castle and the life of everlasting joy and timeless companionship that awaited them.
  • The sharpest criticism often goes hand in hand with the deepest idealism and love of country. Robert F. Kennedy 
  • Hand in hand he and Wendy left the train and went up the stairs to wait for the bus. T2©: RISING STORM
  • 'Lucy,' lc, and Mark, moving hand in hand into the frame, leaving the prints of their bare feet on the sand beneath them as they went. LOST BOY LOST GIRL
  • Portability goes hand in hand with the dairy industry's drive to compete with other beverages.
  • Hand in hand and that cold wind, and scatter snow, runs invade people's minds bone season, looked completely a madding crowd, without moderation, do not linger.
  • An interesting phenomenon raised by more than one author is the way that gender subversion, with women striking back at repressive aspects of patriarchy, can go hand in hand with genre subversion.
  • 'Those strolls on sandy beaches, hand in hand, 'ek narial, do straw dena bhaiya' one coconut with 2 straws, watching the blazing sun sink under the waves..... What's Coming....
  • Note M. Sir William Dick of Braid. the Kirk, walking hand in hand with the real noble Scottish-hearted barons, and with the magistrates of this and other towns, gentles, burgesses, and commons of all ranks, seeing with one eye, hearing with one ear, and upholding the ark with their united strength --- And then folk might see men deliver up their silver to the state's use, as if it had been as muckle sclate stanes. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • At each step along the way, political and economic integration went hand in hand.
  • Football and dreams often stroll along hand in hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is even more puzzling is the set of beliefs that seems to go hand in hand with this incredible condescension.
  • Thus group self-contempt went hand in hand with group self-love, and especially that aspect of it that tried to ‘externalise’ its altruistic tendencies.
  • Energy and water mix hand in hand," says environmental biophysicist Susan Riha of Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. With hydraulic fracturing, she says, potential risks range from the chance of chemicals such as benzene leaking into local drinking water to landscape damage to questions about who benefits from a new energy boom. Natural gas supply, jobs and technique debate booming
  • The smell of sweat, nauseatingly perfumed shampoo and the sounds of giggling and gossip had never been my cup of tea; nor was gym class, and gym class and locker rooms went hand in hand.
  • Hand in hand with that was the emphasis placed upon improving performance, and, of course, undermining the tenure system which had played such a large part in the feather-bedding.
  • What I couldn't handle is the early rising that seems to go hand in hand with business briefings over the bacon butties. KICK BACK
  • It seems to me that cost containment must go hand in hand with a measurable improvement in storage manageability.
  • Hand in hand with their honorable endeavours on behalf of this loftier aim have proceeded their attempts to defeudalize the monarchy to the utmost, with the sole purpose of substituting for the aristocratic guardians of the throne guardians speaking with professorial authority. Political Parties; a Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy
  • Photography and fakery have gone hand in hand since the inception of the medium.
  • Flag-waving, jingoism and professional sports go hand in hand.
  • Silvestro was hand in hand with Petruccio and another boy, called Mastino because he was heavy-jowled and underhung. Little Novels of Italy Madonna Of The Peach-Tree, Ippolita In The Hills, The Duchess Of Nona, Messer Cino And The Live Coal, The Judgment Of Borso
  • McCain is calling for a "suspension of his campaign so he can ride his white horse back to the capital, frollick hand in hand with everyone to get this" dyer "sitatuation, WHICH THEY, AND THEY being our corrupt officials, have created irresponsibly. Alex Jones' Prison
  • Once back on level ground, a two-mile road run to the finish saw my team cross the line hand in hand and fairly emotional.
  • Fancy taking your love for a moonlit swim in the warm waters of the Caribbean, or exploring some of the island's most beautiful coral reefs hand in hand?
  • They work hand in hand, but so often their career paths diverge. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is strange how such concealment goes hand in hand with record-breaking council tax rises.
  • The dike learned person will be willing with the world to be ambitious the gentleman to create happy tomorrow hand in hand.
  • Gossiping and lying go hand in hand
  • The people walk hand in hand, the men in suits, ties and fedoras, long-legged women in wide-brimmed hats, wearing dresses down to their ankles.
  • Walking hand in hand, we passed several other people on roller skates, in bikinis and swimming trunks, with shopping bags in their hands and all.
  • Every country has its own way of performing the traditional dances which go hand in hand with certain musical characteristics.
  • The last shot of the film is a front-page photograph of the two women hand in hand, triumphantly waving their reward cheque in return for the recovery of the priceless Nefertiti earrings.
  • Deliberate assistance to economic growth went hand in hand with administrative reform aimed at channelling its profits firmly into princely treasuries.
  • The number of wine shops and off-licences have exploded hand in hand with the consumer's love affair with wine.
  • Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happiness is only temporary. Nicholas Sparks 
  • Couples, young and old alike, strolling hand in hand, smiling and whispering to each other.
  • It kind of goes hand in hand to me …. .oh Summit where didst thou go wrong? Twilight Lexicon » Kellan Lutz Weighs In On Eclipse and Breaking Dawn
  • Talent and good looks rarely go hand in hand, and often when they do, it's the talent which gets elbowed into the background.
  • (and, to flip the story line, it's no wonder the dominatrix is a pornographic and sexual staple - embarassingly literal images of transgression do tend to go hand in hand with the erotic). Feministe
  • Couples strolled along the paths, hand in hand, laughing and smiling.
  • Dan confessed that his father was so demonstrative he'd grab his grown son's hand and walk with him down the street, hand in hand.
  • Renowned as one of the city's most luxurious hotels, enjoy a glass or two of bubbly in its candlelit champagne bar, then stroll hand in hand through the world's most romantic city.
  • That voice beckons you in with glimpses of a world where pleasure and pain are coeval and complementary, where love and loss walk hand in hand.
  • Morality and economic utility generally go hand in hand.
  • Too often commerce and conquest moved hand in hand, and the colony was incarnadined with blood. Modern Eloquence: Vol III, After-Dinner Speeches P-Z
  • We are hand in hand, step by step with difficulty walking, she saw a lot of cow dung, horse manure, and dog, when I thought: Who is so wicked it?
  • So, to be brief, I threw a dark cloak over the damsel's shoulders, for indeed she was clad in little more than her loveliness and the gauziest filaments of a Hither girl's underwear, and hand in hand led her down the log steps, over the splashing, ankle-deep courtyard, and into the shadows of the gateway beyond. Gulliver of Mars
  • They work hand in hand, but so often their career paths diverge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Independent political inactivity now went hand in hand with religious quietism and piety.
  • Wealth and power go hand in hand in most societies.
  • That went hand in hand with an old-fashioned liberal humanism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Walking hand in hand, we passed several other people on roller skates, in bikinis and swimming trunks, with shopping bags in their hands and all.
  • She says she always dreamed of becoming an actress but, to her chagrin, opportunity and ambition didn't seem to go hand in hand.
  • Even in an intensely cultivated land it is possible for agriculture and botanical conservation to go hand in hand.
  • Then we walked on, hand in hand, and finally saw the light of our campfire. Times, Sunday Times
  • Monetary and fiscal policy go hand in hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • It contrived to be both firmly capitalist and proudly working-class in character; hand in hand with big business but vaunting an anti-establishment stance.
  • He came hand in hand with Myfanwy, looking unquestioningly up at her. THE WHITE DOVE
  • The commercial incentive to reduce minor incidents therefore goes hand in hand with incentives to reduce major accidents.
  • I think they come hand in hand; dowdy clothes don't make for a good day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Something about film noir seems to go hand in hand with this dark period of America's history.

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