How To Use Halfway In A Sentence
Then there are the ruins of Dura-Europos, a Parthian caravan center founded in 300 B.C., halfway between Syria and Mesopotamia and known as the "Pompeii of the East.
Sefelt has pulled back halfway normal, swelling up and down with big wet, rattling breaths.
Your essay gets a bit confused halfway through when you introduce too many ideas at once.
You may think this trivial; the point is that if I'd mounted Miss Fanny that day I daresay I'd have lost interest in her -- at all events I'd have been less concerned to please her later, and would have avoided a great deal of sorrow, and being chased and bullyragged halfway round the world.
Flash For Freedom
McEvoy equalled the course record and snatched the halfway lead, before tailing off.

I dreamt last night that I went out for a drink with biscuitware and that halfway through the night he suddenly jumped up from his seat to perform an all-singing all-dancing musical number, accompanied by a well-rehearsed large chorus all in spangly costume.
The One That's Still Making Me Chuckle
But after three years of frantic knitting, they decided to end the challenge, despite reaching halfway.
I even dragged my acrophobic mother up mountains in the Auvergne, only to leave her quivering halfway up while I persevered alone to the top.
I was halfway through the gates before the first journalist reached me.
Play was on the halfway line when the interval came, with France leading by two goal points.
Should Bayard's measures seem radical, you can meet him halfway: treat yourself to a copy of P.
A halfway house between the theatre and cinema is possible. Olivier created one in his imaginative "Henry V" in 1945.
My father was quite a skinny, emaciated man, my brother a build a stark halfway between my father and I.
My father was halfway through his third pint and was becoming increasingly voluble when I spotted a red car turning into the road.
Times, Sunday Times
The coffee mug hovered halfway to his mouth, undrunk, as he watched Project Runway with rapt attention.
My Fair Succubi
That wasn't a bad place to pitch if you really knew how to pitch and had halfway decent control.
He chased Kevin halfway up the stairs.
The potholes go halfway up the tire.
The speaker lost his thread halfway through the talk.
Think a big guitar sound, bouncing bass lines, Liberal dashes of Hammond organ, skyscraping harmonies and the most soulful vocal you're ever likely to hear on this Island and you're halfway there.
Everyone knows that the only reason I sound like a halfway decent singer is that I have a great band with me to cover my bad notes.
Anything halfway good wasn't acceptable, and there was a lot of attention to detail.
Times, Sunday Times
In children, cuff bladder width should be at least 40 percent of the arm circumference halfway between the olecranon and acromion; the cuff should then cover 80 percent or more of the arm circumference.
The curly haired, dark-skinned child who stared up at him with “hero-worship” adoration was oblivious to the fact that his white shirt was pulled halfway out of the waist of his pants or that his clip-on bow-tie was askew.
Who Said It Would Be Easy
This sequence occurred around halfway through the interview, so the interviewees were primed by then into realizing that more details were expected.
The blennies seem to be halfway between our shanny and tompot blenny; they have no crest on top of their heads but are big and quite colourful.
Another was sledged almost halfway up Mount Taranaki, to provide accommodation for visitors.
About halfway between the temple and the main road, a path diverged to the left.
The photograph was about halfway down, but he took his time getting there, stopping as I knew he would to peruse a seed catalogue.
Halfway up we became lost in a labyrinth of widemouthed crevasses and leaning seracs, and had to rope up and slow down.
We were halfway to the casino when the thing suddenly sat up and meowed, striking wholescale panic into my usually cool-headed, crack reporting team.
Stop chipping halfway , you cannot chop down deadwood ; and keep chipping a way, gold and stone can be carved.
Halfway across the Pacific, computer alarms also sounded and staff pagers beeped at a seismic centre in Honolulu.
Can we get to the slick pahoehoe flow that's halfway back to the road?
Halfway there he got into difficulties and left me with two floundering swimmers to occupy my frantic mind.
Many netizens call market regulation can not be influenced by the noise, the policy can not give up halfway, must let the real reason.
Immediately, offers poured in -- from a taverna in the wealthy neighborhood of Kolonaki, from a big baked goods chain, from green grocers in the wholesale market of Rendi, from caterers with leftovers from weddings and baptisms -- and were directed to orphanages, old age homes, halfway houses for the handicapped, soup kitchens run by churches and municipalities all over the Athens area.
Diana Farr Louis: Food Aid Takes Off in Athens
UV 55 was waiting where I'd left it the previous evening, halfway along the bay, so I wandered up and stood leaning against its side.
It was that office's zeal, Ouimet said, that led to her being offered - and then accepting - what she described as a "non-negotiable" agreement to retire about halfway through her seven-year appointment. - Home Page
Halfway through the day I took it down to redo it, and couldn't make it go the right way at all because there was a massive kink in it.
As I turn back towards home, my mobile phone beeps into life. A new year greeting sent from a different time zone, halfway across the world.
And then halfway through the tune, for the bridge, we'd burst into a whale solo, a poor imitation of whale clicks and moans and calls.
The shamal blew when Bassam and his friend were about halfway to Baghdad.
Peace Meals
Halfway through the process, add a couple of sachets of squid ink.
Times, Sunday Times
It will become as bright as all the other stars in the galaxy put together and shine like a beacon halfway across the universe.
The Sun
They won't pay all our expenses, but they might be prepared to meet us halfway.
At a gloriously air-conditioned shop halfway up the main drag, I could have happily browsed for hours, because it was so blissfully cool.
Approximately halfway between the mayor's house and the village, the path branched.
Halfway through, remove the pan from the oven and spoon over the juices to baste the tomatoes.
The second mile is a huge drop into Brooklyn, and by about halfway, in the borough of Queens, 12 flat miles are followed by a climb, a drop and another steep climb.
I had to dismount from my bicycle halfway up the hill.
My soup spoon was halfway to my mouth when my dad said the word ‘divorce’.
Halfway through, it was revealed that the left arm had no blood flow to it: the main artery was a knot in the mushy bicep.
AT COST • by saintsally
So Bob will position himself halfway in between and relay messages from one stakeout to the other!
I wanted to pour my heart out and tell them I was only halfway home.
The Democrats are willing to meet the president halfway.
Any halfway competitive track athlete ought to be able to cover that in 20 seconds, tops.
He raised a fist halfway and pressed on further back into the picaresque.
Halfway up the hill , the engine packed up.
She walked toward us with an officious stride that dissolved about halfway across the room when she broke into a run.
When he discusses his participation in a roadgeek-sponsored map-reading contest, he confesses that he "wimped out halfway.
Lost in a Good Atlas
Halfway through the set, McCracken's antics reached a zenith when he performed a drum roll-accompanied backflip ‘just for Toronto.’
He'd spotted a red flyer sticking halfway out of someone ' s locker.
A Microsoft employee once accused Google of throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what stuck; about halfway through Ballmer's ultimate keynote at CES, I'm pretty sure I was struck in the face by some half-cooked linguini.
Jason Gilbert: Wait, How Weird Was That Microsoft Keynote?
She was about halfway through the class period when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
He referred in letters home, when he first got here in May of 1831, to what he called the stinking arrogance of Americans, the fact that halfway through a conversation with you they insist on, you know, spitting some long stream of tobacco juice into the corner of the room or that they'd shake hands with you as though they'd known you for 10 years, and so on and so on.
Introduction Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America
The width of the pavement plus about six inches, as Matt and the cart hit the fence about halfway up with a sickening, bone-crunching thud.
There have been too many times when I've been relieved to finally be able to post a halfway-positive review after a string of scathingly negative ones, because I was starting to worry I was coming off as some kind of buzzkill curmudgeon.
Archive 2009-03-08
The engine cut out halfway across the lake.
Halfway across the field, the farmer ploughed out some very large stones which nearly broke his machine.
An even halfway adept filmmaker would interpret and shape such footage, formalize and comment upon it.
Halfway through the meeting he crashed and needed stitches to a wound on his backside.
The Sun
I think my body knows it's the halfway point of the week, with four shows down and four to go.
It is now halfway through winter and food stocks are already low.
Halfway up the mountain I suddenly went snow-blind.
This was great news as we were halfway there.
The Sun
This uneasy halfway house is fair game for the worst excesses of journalism.
Fill the bottle halfway with warm water, cap it and shake to mix.
It's time we rediscovered our national pride and contributed something halfway decent to this gloriously tacky enterprise.
Times, Sunday Times
Halfway up the block my eyes and throat were burning.
Boat davit 's all greased up but the forward winch is only halfway there.
It would easily take a week, if they had no problems, to climb those mountains and reach a halfway mark.
Halfway pre-tax profits exceeded expectations but were still off by almost 20 per cent.
Times, Sunday Times
Link, scroll halfway down the page to find the special "smellies" gift pack.
Boing Boing: June 20, 2004 - June 26, 2004 Archives
Schepkin is the ideal accompanist, expertly handling the quirky piano solo halfway through the piece and slamming his forte chords with the right degree of surprise.
Daniel was indeed awake, carrying the lit lantern and already halfway to the door when she burst in.
And, halfway to the crosstrees and flattened against the rigging by the full force of the wind so that it would have been impossible for me to have fallen, the Ghost almost on her beam-ends and the masts parallel with the water, I looked, not down, but at almost right angles from the perpendicular, to the deck of the Ghost.
Chapter 17
I seem to be stuck halfway between fiendish laughter and pathetic sobbing.
I decided to paint the bathroom ceiling but ran out of steam halfway through.
Before the politician was halfway through his speech, the crowd cried him down.
She not only insulted me when I served her a drink, but she scared me halfway out of my mind.
I've been to gigs where I wanted the set to go on all night, gigs where I left halfway through the support act.
We now are just over halfway through this biennium, and I am proud to announce that the ‘Music for Everyone’ program is more successful than I imagined.
The Newton Hotel is halfway up a steep hill.
Commanding his Galatian troopers with valor and shrewdness, Quintus Poppaedius Silo penned Labienus in halfway through the pass across Mount Amanus called the Syrian Gates, and waited for Ventidius to bring up the legions.
Antony and Cleopatra
The tree's branches structurally support the third-floor oriel extending halfway up the fourth floor or gable above it.
Halfway down the second page, my handwriting becomes illegible.
Jim's hand stopped halfway to his mouth, holding the bottle there for a moment in limbo.
Her hair was loose now, untied from the ponytail and swinging halfway down her back.
Sprint to the halfway line then jog back.
The Sun
It is caused by diesel fumes belching from the packed vehicles and halfway-wrecked lorries that clog the roads.
Union of various grades, union of diverse types, union that stops at non-conductors, union that merely goes from next to next, and means in many cases outer nextness only, and not a more internal bond, union of concatenation, in short; all that sort of thing seems to you a halfway stage of thought.
We had trouble finding a hotel that was halfway decent.
The car conked out halfway up the hill.
Five pitches later, Sierra chopped a pitch that a charging Millar fielded halfway between first and home.
But then, instead of swinging the club back, simply bring it to the halfway position I've described.
And you need to be halfway decent and honest and real.
But at Port Sudan, halfway down the Red Sea, the restrictions were eased, and for the small charge of two shillings we could board a motor launch to be ferried across the harbour and view the town.
She was so angered by this thought that she had changed forms and was halfway to the center of the circle before she realized what she was doing.
It is not just the nation's cricket fans who will be hoping for a halfway decent summer this year.
Times, Sunday Times
That would be a shame because about halfway through the book becomes utterly compelling.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the most difficult parts of the exercise was stopping about halfway to refuel the vessels, in seas of about one and a half metres.
Halfway into the second quarter the Titans were in the lead 14 to 0.
Mercifully, halfway across it stops, but the cold continues to bite bone deep as we scurry up the bankside.
Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
He is a jolly Aussie, halfway through a five-year term and missing sun-kissed Sydney Bay where he used to run the magnificent Opera House.
England looked ready to launch a counter-attack only to see an impenetrable barrier of yellow shirts on the halfway line.
Times, Sunday Times
The quick, compact vigour of his service causes a wind that sends his untucked shirt halfway up his back.
The fire in his eyes flared and with a single hand he flipped the table halfway across the room, the teapot and cups shattering in a twinkle of light.
The pieces share the traits typical of their genre in the later 15th century: a treble-dominated texture, probably intended for texted performance of the top voice and solmized or instrumental performance of the lower voices; a contrapuntal structure built around a duet of discantus and tenor with an added contratenor; a break roughly halfway through corresponding to the division in the poetic form; and a prevailing line-for-line agreement of music and refrain text.
Archive 2009-05-01
Halfway through, he got stuck and, unable to go forward or back, eventually died of asphyxiation.
The convertible fishtailed, squealing, and ended up halfway off the road.
John had his knees drawn up halfway to his chest and his arms were resting on the top of them.
The performing group began well,but seemed to run out of steam halfway through the year.
The new proposals are a halfway house between the original treaty and the British government's revised version.
It was the Erebus, sent off like Darwin’s Beagle on a round-the-world charting expedition, from which Hooker went ashore on Tasmania, New Zealand, and an interesting little nub called Kerguelen Island, halfway between Antarctica and nowhere.
The Song of The Dodo
The fledgling's breathing and heartbeat slowed, taut muscles went slack, and his third eyelids slid halfway across his bright gaze.
There was a little birch tree halfway up the hill which rises steeply to the southwest.
A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
When we reached about the halfway point, then the mortar and artillery fire started falling.
Any halfway clever devil would decorate the highway to Hell as beautiful as possible. Criss Jami
While Dean admits that his latest decision to continue his campaign regardless of the Wisconsin outcome is an "obvious contradiction," he's only halfway to the truth.
Well, that was kinda scary, huh?
There are some female stars past the halfway mark in their lives who can still sell out world tours.
Yes, in fact his downfall is about halfway through I'd say.
Has the Downfall of Mike Myers Truly Begun? «
There was a little birch tree halfway up the hill which rises steeply to the southwest.
A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
Before the scythe could get halfway through its arc, the void-sword was flashing through the air, severing the long haft of the farm tool.
Democrats plan to meet the Governor halfway on welfare cuts.
Fringe is now halfway up forehead and no hair covering ears.
The Sun
When we were about halfway there, I saw five dirtbikes, the van, and the truck, the flatbed piled with people, come tearing out of the garage.
We were halfway to the casino when the thing suddenly sat up and meowed, striking wholescale panic into my usually cool-headed, crack reporting team.
Halfway up the meadow she turned and walked unhesitatingly into the woods, with the familiarity of someone repeating an oft-travelled route.
Until by the time they are forty, they have raging gout and big bellies and false teeth and baseborn mistresses spread halfway across England.
Hero Come Back
She wore leather sandals with straps that came halfway up her calves.
In the supine position, the arm should be supported on a pillow to raise it above the level of the heart, which is situated about halfway between the bed and the sternum.
We switched seats halfway through the show.
I just dried up halfway through the interview.
I left halfway through the film.
Light drizzle was falling at the start, but halfway through the rain stopped and a cool breeze kicked in.
Halfway between the wrist and the elbow, some of the android's metallic innards could be seen.
Halfway across the field, the farmer ploughed out some very large stones which nearly broke his machine.
About halfway up I lost my footing and fell a few feet down, scraping my hands on the rough sand, and lose rocks.
We have a tree here with a whole lot of cormorant nests and right on the left there halfway up is a darter nest, often called snakebirds, because all you see in the water is their neck sticking out.
Well, after 20 weeks on the road I'm now about halfway through my journey so, at the risk of being self-indulgent, here goes.
Any halfway clever devil would decorate the highway to Hell as beautiful as possible. Criss Jami
A huge, bear-like man with a shock of silver hair, he was standing halfway down the room surrounded by an admiring group.
The song changes key halfway through.
He pushed passes into the slightest of gaps, he sauntered along the halfway line, seeking an opening.
Times, Sunday Times
It drives you insane because, halfway through, you switch to the night shift.
Janie had never shinnied down a drainpipe before, and halfway down the one outside her window she fell, numbing her left arm and side.
The Night Of the Solstice
Complete your backswing, then repeatedly swing to about halfway down to sense your wide arc.
Halfway through the sale, he pointed to a large painting of a boatful of people hanging on the far wall.
Art's New Pecking Order
Add enough of the soaking water to the skillet to have it come halfway up to the daikon, onion and shitake.
Meg Wolff: Asian Superfoods Recipes: Daikon and Shitake
I filled my glass only halfway with orange juice.
Mahaffey said she and another student filed complaints with Lopez's dean about halfway through the semester following a lecture in which he said that sexual behavior involving less than 5 percent of the population should be classified as a mental disorder and that homosexuality "degrades" society.
SFGate: Top News Stories
A hull plate that has bent into a large curve marks the halfway-back point on the starboard side of the wreck.
I decided to paint the bathroom ceiling but ran out of steam halfway through.
These issues should be easy and cheap to find in any comic store with a halfway decent back stock.
In 2004, she moved halfway around the world to become the assistant director of the Australian Museum in Sydney ("I was ready for a change," she said reticently), before crossing the planet again to start her current job ("An opportunity arose to come lead a great museum") this past September.
The Keeper of Curiosities
Table toppers at the halfway stage, Moone Celtic demolished their opponents on Sunday last, putting down a solid marker for the remainder of the season.
Since I had that memory card fail halfway around Paris the thought of anybody relying on me for photographs unnerves me, so I've made sure they know I can't promise anything.
Restaurants actually started to offer halfway decent veggie food.
A six-year scheme to highlight historical sites in Burnley has reached its halfway point.
We live roughly halfway between here and the coast.
Halfway through the process, add a couple of sachets of squid ink.
Times, Sunday Times
Summerbee has been a major factor in the club's surge into the play-off places as the season approaches the halfway mark.
He is expected to be released to a halfway house this summer.
At the same time, another city halfway around the world well known for its hustle and bustle will soon change its noise pollution laws drastically.
I'm practically seething with anger before I'm even halfway through this old lady's cart of Christmas ornaments.
She had lucked out this time, not like the time she had ended up with the dinosaurs surrounding her, nor the time she'd found herself in the middle of a forest, halfway up a tree with a bear underneath her.
As usual, his hair was in tendrils that hung halfway down his face.
Halfway to Lodz the windshield fell onto the driver and the motorbus plunged into a drainage culvert and rolled onto its side.
The Shell Collector : Stories
He walked her across the terrace, already cleared of her half-drunk gin and tonic, and on to the dining room halfway down the corridor.
When I felt at least halfway awake, I began the tricky climb up the mountain of hay bales to bring down fresh ones.
York is halfway between Edinburgh and London.
They founded treatment facilities, twelve-step programs and halfway houses.
I liked where they were planted because halfway across the little spring creek, trout sometimes lined up to feed on surface insects such as caddis and later the occasional sulfur.
We live roughly halfway between here and the coast.
Offenders who were required to spend time in a halfway house or in a treatment facility at the start of their probationary term were also excluded.
She walked down the alley that saved her a 10-minute walk but then stopped halfway down.
Opening his eyes halfway, Raeyn laboriously pulled up an electronic mail window on his computer and dictated a message to Antony, providing an outlet for his disquietude and tension.
One night halfway through the first year, he woke me up at half two in the morning, stoned and visibly shaken.
But going more than halfway to tolerate what look like disturbing cultural practices unsettles some historians, aid experts, economists and others with experience in developing societies.
It holds a wonderful fleet of decayed boats, most of which look like experiments abandoned halfway.
At the halfway stage, net assets were up by 25 per cent.
Times, Sunday Times
Ashdown told the Guardian: "There is an old saying by Mark Twain: 'It is a swift little thing a lie, it's halfway round the world before it gets its boots on.'
AV battle dragged the coalition to the edge of a precipice
When you mentioned playful rather than experimental I thought this sounds good – playful is much more optimistic, but I stopped reading not even halfway through to get to your commentary.
A Bit of an Experiment « Tales from the Reading Room
A dream of erecting a monument to the Battle of Britain is now one step closer after fundraisers hit the halfway mark £600,000.
He admitted yesterday that he decided to apply for the job only halfway through the tour.
Times, Sunday Times
Without creating massive movable stands (you think the renovation is expensive now?!?!), it's simply not feasible for the two sports to share a stadium with even a halfway decent experience for the fans.
Paulson's real whopper (Jack Bog's Blog)
Libby Gleeson's story is not a conventional one: Halfway through, her words die away, and we are left with only Armin Greder's haunting charcoal and pastel drawings.
Rescuing a Classic
He got thrown out of the halfway house for an overdose.
at the halfway mark