How To Use Half-baked In A Sentence

  • The moments of brilliance and detached profundities are engulfed by too many false starts and half-baked ideas.
  • It's pathetic, it's half-baked, it's childish.
  • Some of the features are really quite stellar, while others seem half-baked.
  • But we will not support the pathetic, half-baked attempt that the Government so proudly proclaims as its solution.
  • As a result, Yosemite sounds like a half-baked children's album for weary adults.
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  • I left Legion still amazed that two people working together could create this kind of cretinous half-baked drivel. Today on
  • I jotted down a bunch of things that have been bouncing around my head regarding social software, some half-baked, some fully baked.
  • Every problem, no matter how fundamental, is bombarded with a raft of half-baked, jargon-infested initiatives that spark for a day in the headlines and then quietly fizzle out.
  • Think something all the way through rather than going with a stupid, knee-jerk reaction based on some half-baked beliefs.
  • Can you blame the Senate blocking his half-baked attempts at policy formulation?
  • Daena may be a half-baked character, but she isn't the film's weakest link.
  • Is it just the ego's yearning for self-gratification that makes a person cling to the half-baked notion that every single human being is a unique individual?
  • So because the analysis is half-baked, so too is the solution and as such, when combined with the slight hitch referred to, it will prove as about as effective as a lighthouse in the Bog of Allen.
  • Even the half-baked economists at the IMF should know that holding back government spending in a contracting economy is like turning off the engines on an aeroplane in stall.
  • Here is the social democrat refusing to condemn the absurdities he chronicles so well; or simply producing half-baked observations.
  • Under such circumstances, the rural population needs the reassurance of a fully staffed and professional police force, not a half-baked proposal to use the retired.
  • This is another half-baked scheme that isn't going to work.
  • It is simply not very funny - instead we get more a collection of half-baked ideas. The Sun
  • Hardly a surprise when you consider the pretentious, half-baked tosh which is on display. The Sun
  • From his face you can see nothing but a kind of goofy good-nature, and the vacuous, half-baked expression of a child bewildered by all the strange things that are going on all around him.
  • The only thing wrong with P-Y's current plans is that he's struggling with half-baked ideas for content, like Ministry of Sound events.
  • Various scholars and genre icons (Dick Miller, Vampira) also chime in with sometimes half-baked sociocultural analyses, but this 2000 documentary is most valuable for its harvest of excerpts from the lurid and long-forgotten "roughies" and "nudie cuties" of the 60s and from Corman's loose adaptations of Poe (some of which featured a fresh-faced though already demented Jack Nicholson). 90 min. Chicago Reader
  • Can you blame the Senate blocking his half-baked attempts at policy formulation?
  • If half-baked political theories and weaving a movement from nothing inspire people to seek to administer, that is fine ... but we are not looking for a guru. Gen X at 40
  • All we had to sell were some misshapen muffins and half-baked brownies.
  • And yet the entire purpose of the exercise would remain lost in the half-baked intellectual stringing together of ten syllabled words.
  • It was the standard ‘common sense’ of the ignorant unencumbered by rigorous analysis, yet there was often a nagging grain of truth in his half-baked simplicities.
  • An election is all about putting your most mouth-watering political wares in the shop window, and discarding those half-baked ideas that will crumble under election pressure.
  • Getting euchred by some half-baked comment widget trying to become the next Twitter just adds to the level of decay of the structure. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The ­secrets of business, he said, were to be found in ­history, literature and the classic ruminations on life and existence, not in the half-baked ramblings of ­business academics, consultants and “gurus.” Bogus Theories, Bad for Business
  • I've always hated the term counterculture because it implies that we're the ones who are against culture, when it's really the authoritarian overculture that's so deadset against the fecund fertility of a living culture... but I should think a little more thoroughly because at this point this sentence feels like half-baked and warmed-over Hegel. Underground is a state of mind and repressed information wants to be free
  • It seemed like everyone wanted to give you their opinions, no matter how half-baked and uninformed.
  • Fortune accused Forbes of being rich, half-baked, ego-driven, altogether too ready to please his advertisers.
  • Without it I had cobbled together a half-baked credo of chippy self-sufficiency and an irritating need to be recognised.
  • It would be invidious to undertake a half-baked presentation and evidence and half-baked cross examination.
  • A parade of half-baked ideas. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has announced some half-baked plan to impose a points system. The Sun
  • There is no way for a democratic regime to prevent the citizens from watching and participating in exchanges of ideas, even if these are often half-baked or biassed, and not aimed at public weal.
  • But these are just a few questions officials should have considered before coming up with this half-baked plan. The Sun
  • But Bloodwork is all tired clichés and half-baked serial killers and generic shots of Clint standing in rooms or on his boat.
  • A few decorations were a half-baked attempt to make it look warm and inviting. The Sun
  • Let these half-baked, unsupported remarks carry the conversation a few more versts.
  • Much of the real figure is concealed by half-baked schemes concocted by his Department, which do not reveal the real position.
  • Suddenly the inspiration dawned on me and I told them some half-baked excuse about job cuts and being given a Free Transfer to Millhampton.
  • The songs return and gone is the half-baked amalgamation of in-jokes and dubwise meanderings.
  • The government has set up some half-baked scheme for training teachers on the job.
  • Indeed, history itself is often not taught, being dumped instead into the soft-study mishmash called social studies or transmuted into half-baked courses in civics.
  • What advice do you expect to get from a xenophobic Cold War warrior dripping in petty prejudices and half-baked homilies?
  • It's a bad idea to charge in half-baked, ride a motorcycle half-cut, or take hard drugs half-heartedly.
  • And for three or four years they have sat and listened to lecturers propounding these half-baked ideas.
  • I mean, here I was with an escaped convict, heading down the stairs of a questionable business with a half-baked plan developing in my mind.
  • So why do so many couples in this series choose to ignore her advice and stick to their half-baked ideas? Times, Sunday Times
  • Aside from my few half-baked ideas and disconnected observations, the car ride home with my wife was mostly quiet. Christianity Today
  • For certain technologies, notably strategic defence against nuclear weapons, researching makes more sense than deploying a half-baked system.
  • The one complaint possible against Isadora Duncan is that she has rendered us immoderately dissatisfied with what had once moderately contented us; and the fear is that we shall promptly have a host of half-baked imitators, who will copy the mere accidentals of her system without understanding the essentials, and will fancy that the whole matter is one of clothes and music, and prance about bare-legged, meaninglessly. Our Stage and Its Critics By "E.F.S." of "The Westminster Gazette"
  • He's way better than all the other half-baked shamateurs who crop up in the canvas chairs during Davis Cup ties, but he's not going to win a major and it's not his fault.
  • Mike HarveyOswestry, Shropshire• In the euphoria of seeing the government forced into an embarrassing "yew turn" on the half-baked forest sell-off plan Letters, 18 February, there is a danger that real damage to the Forestry Commission will go unnoticed. Letters: When the rot set in at the Forestry Commission
  • The world cannot afford another half-baked solution. Times, Sunday Times
  • half-baked ideas
  • Each time European policymakers reacted similarly: with denial and dithering, followed at the eleventh hour with a half-baked rescue plan to buy time.
  • I miss watching a continous, meaningful story where I don't get new half-baked characters shoved down my throat every other episode. Undefined
  • The one completely half-baked notion I had at the end was that Barry Egan was Popeye.
  • Brand's half-baked ideas are easy to mock. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is full of those little moments of impotency, existentialism and half-baked philosophical epiphanies that happen to us all.
  • It's an improvisational, half-baked talk, and not held to the standards of proof, wholehearted conviction, or instantiation that we'd otherwise expect. Pamela Haag, Ph.D.: The Bullshit Paradox
  • In a jocular vein he speaks about the raw deal meted out to directors by certain half-baked specialists ‘who speak authoritatively’ about cinema.
  • In some cases, works that were originally conceived as part of a series appeared in bits and dribbles, which frequently made for a half-baked presentation.
  • In a jocular vein he speaks about the raw deal meted out to directors by certain half-baked specialists ‘who speak authoritatively’ about cinema.
  • Those who would mistake the storm for a lame gimmick or a half-baked attempt at breaching the fourth wall are missing the point.
  • Aside from my few half-baked ideas and disconnected observations, the car ride home with my wife was mostly quiet. Christianity Today
  • Only in this case, the mason jar becomes an idea jar, a place to store all your flashes of insight, potential projects, and half-baked schemes.
  • Here is the social democrat refusing to condemn the absurdities he chronicles so well; or simply producing half-baked observations.
  • I will investigate the links and come back with yet more half-baked questions, I imagine… cheers chaps!
  • I do not want some kind of half-baked, half-pie call that it is good for the country in general, but I ask what it does for single people.
  • I wasn't expected a unified theory of everything, but what I got was a series of half-baked epigrams, muddled thinking and decontextualised attacks on every philosopher under the sun.
  • After more than four years of talking about schemes, at last we have a proposal which, frankly, I feel is inadequate and half-baked.
  • Flax-haired broomstick Hoccleve wrongly thought Geoffrey to be as moral a man as poor fretful Gower, and enshrined every half-baked piece of verse Geoffrey wrote in a hog's turd of unmeasured praise, whether it was a good Christly work or something that sank into sin. A Complaint to His Purse
  • But luckily the housewife saw it, and she nipped it between her finger and thumb, and, because it was only half-baked, it fell with a "splatch" on the cold floor. Good Stories for Holidays
  • Joking aside, The Lizzie McGuire Movie may sound predictable and half-baked, but it is a surprisingly good film.
  • Compare then the words of Franz Kafka and William Faulkner to the half-baked notions of the end of history and the clash of civilizations.
  • Aside from my few half-baked ideas and disconnected observations, the car ride home with my wife was mostly quiet. Christianity Today
  • Last Days, by comparison, is simply small, plumbing the shallow depths of half-baked notions about celebrity and art and depression.

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