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  1. a member of a people of southeastern China (especially Hong Kong, Canton, and Taiwan) who migrated from the north in the 12th century
  2. a dialect of Chinese spoken in southeastern China by the Hakka

How To Use Hakka In A Sentence

  • The planting of indigoes was only by a handful of Hakka farmers in mountain towns, because poor transportation prevented them from acquiring imported dyes.
  • That was my cover story, at least, sworn to secrecy as I was, on the awesome news of the Tähtivaeltaja Award -- and thereby sworn to secrecy also on the further awesomeness of Toni Jerrman and Hanna Hakkarainen who'd connived to bring this poverty-stricken writer over and put me up for a week, bless em. Archive 2010-06-01
  • I would recommend caution when citing "Hakka" and "Aboriginal" history and culture. Reconstructing post-1949 Nationalist History in Taiwan
  • The buildings showed that the Hakka people liked to live together in tight communities.
  • The hakka earth building complex, which has prolific symbolic culture, has been the distinguished one in the art of architectural world.
  • Haiku written before 1892 are more correctly known as hokku, the beginning verse of hakkai poetry.
  • LCB, dis Hakka u likez so mush, dis woodn b teh 1 wear all teh rubby players ave taken off dere shirts wood it? hmmmmmm? SOME DAYS U GET THE MAIL - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Driven out of the city by the Hakka General the previous year, Sun had been allowed to take back the title of generalissimo by two other warlords: General Yang of the Army of Yunnan and General Liu of the Army of Kwangsi, both provinces lying west of Canton’s province of Kwangtung. The Last Empress
  • Half hakka & taiwanese, shoud I cut myself into half and leave the Taiwanese 1/2 in Taiwan and exile the Hakka 1/2 abroad? ESWN on Taiwan Marches
  • The Hakka have a tradition of holding contests to fatten up pigs for sacrifice. This year the winning pig topped out at 720 kg.
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