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How To Use Hairstyle In A Sentence

  • Most women now wear their hair too short for traditional hairstyles, so they wear wigs to go with ritual dress.
  • He liked fashionable clothes and fashionable hairstyles. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Some 1,700 apsaras sicare carved on the walls of Angkor Wat alone; thousands more – individual in dress, hairstyle, and ornamentation – appear in almost every Angkor temple, Hindu and Buddhist alike.” Angkor Wat Interactive on National Geographic | Angkor Wat Apsara & Devata: Khmer Women in Divine Context
  • For example there are several magazines devoted to only hairstyles and hair care.
  • Her hairstyle was a bob; very short in the back and very long in the front, angled slightly to meet with the sturdy line of hair that fell just above her eyes.
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  • It seems like just yesterday that there were only three styling products you could use to create the hairstyle of your dreams - gel, hairspray, and mousse.
  • Jennifer Lopez, in a strapless dress and an upswept hairstyle, waved from a balcony to admirers on the floor of Union Station at the Latino Inaugural Gala on Sunday night. Life of the Party: Latin Flair in Washington - The Caucus Blog -
  • DON'T try a hairstyle that is drastically different from your usual look. The Sun
  • Men had these funny bobbed hairstyles, so we had to find a way for people not to look ridiculous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Next to her, hands working dexterously on a customer's head, another woman is busily putting the finishing touches to a ‘straightback’ hairstyle.
  • There were a lot of short hairstyles and a return to the messy bob is predicted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blood Thorn—with his pom hairstyle, his Uzachile-cut breechcloth, and his curious star tattoos—was a constant source of attention. Fire The Sky
  • A "digital shoplifter" is a woman who sees an interesting hairstyle or garment in a fashion mag and snaps a photo of it with her camphone, then emails it to her pals to see what they think of it. Boing Boing: June 29, 2003 - July 5, 2003 Archives
  • Jennifer Lopez, in a strapless dress and an upswept hairstyle, waved from a balcony to admirers on the floor of Union Station at the Latino Inaugural Gala on Sunday night. Life of the Party: Latin Flair in Washington - The Caucus Blog -
  • - Spotted in Engadget: Let it be known: we liked the Zune HD beforeit was popular, before all the poseurs jumped on the bandwagon with their tight-fitting jeans and their hairstyles. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • With just a little bit of length, you can create a variety of different stunning updos and hairstyles using your fingers, heated irons, hot rollers or a diffuser.
  • The rockhopper penguin looks like it has very crazy ‘hairstyle’.
  • Beauty Hair Salon have noticed that some women in the business centre have a perm which is a new fashionable hairstyle. 1. Product: What products or services to provide
  • Her new feathery hairstyle gave her a sleek, elfin look. Times, Sunday Times
  • Men had these funny bobbed hairstyles, so we had to find a way for people not to look ridiculous. Times, Sunday Times
  • She knew that guy, the looks, the get-up and the hairstyle.
  • DON'T try a hairstyle that is drastically different from your usual look. The Sun
  • The average woman will have 30 different hairstyles during her lifetime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your hairdresser can suggest a flattering hairstyle - very short is usually best. The Sun
  • He sports a slightly punky hairstyle.
  • Beauty salons and barbershops entice potential customers with colorful portraits of well-coifed heads that look more like art pieces than hairstyles.
  • They could impose penalties for lateness, improper hairstyles, or untidiness.
  • Not only does Sacco render brilliantly the crater-pocked streets of Gorazde, the faces of amputees in bombed-out hospitals, the uniforms of the Serb military, but he draws in detail the design on the package of the ubiquitous Drina cigarettes and the hairstyles of the girls he meets who ask him to bring Levi's 501s from Sarajevo. Maus Culture
  • As someone with a surfeit of embarrassing '80s hairstyle photo evidence I am all in favour of today's youth facing similar consequences.
  • She was a memorable figure in the shortest possible mini-skirt and with a rather odd beehive hairstyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Typical requirements include wearing clean and ironed clothes and having a neat hairstyle. The Sun
  • Dodgy books, cringe-making photos of hairstyles you would rather forget about, a mix of furniture and the odd beautiful piece picked up over years of travel, can all cohabit.
  • Had dodgy hairstyle but has just shaved it off. The Sun
  • My hairstyle is different, for sure. The Sun
  • During the Middle Ages, earrings became less popular and practical due to the popularity of elaborate hairstyles and headdresses.
  • And as you get further you unlock more clothes and hairstyles. The Sun
  • Some did so out of a desire for an unabbreviated expression of their African heritage that could not be mistaken or derided as an allusion to the afro hairstyle. Logan Nakyanzi Pollard: Black's Fine, Thanks: Writer Deborah Dickerson Pulls the Obama Race Card
  • Her makeover also included a new hairstyle - a short fringe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Elena had changed her hairstyle by just tying her hair up in two buns for the boat ride.
  • His face was quickly acquiring the colour of his fiery hairstyle.
  • Each has a different face and hairstyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • I removed my cap to reveal a slipping hairstyle (going, going, almost gone) and did a pirouette, graceful as a walrus in ballerina tights. Million Americans in Mexico? Just guessing
  • The following is a list of the latest hairstyles to go with different hair lengths.
  • A short choppy shag that drapes seductively across your forehead and cheeks would be another Libran hairstyle winner.
  • And I definitely do not miss the mullet hairstyle! The Sun
  • Dark, dandyish, dashing, brooding – it combined an extraordinary mixture of male arrogance and almost feminine beauty, emphasised by vivid clothes, peacock hairstyles and smouldering glances. Thomas Lawrence: The new romantic – review
  • We've put together a fabulous selection of new hairstyles to give you some sparkling inspiration.
  • It was this kid with dirty blonde hair in what seemed to be like the hairstyle of a mop.
  • As I see it when hairstyle is short then you also have some leeway to your style you might gell your hair for instance. Hair Length and the Demand for Haircuts, II, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Hair is definitely going to new heights for the holidays with a trend towards upswept hairstyles reminiscent of the 1950's.
  • And I definitely do not miss the mullet hairstyle! The Sun
  • Filming for each episode took place in a different time period meaning costumes, props, building and even hairstyles were constantly being changed.
  • The seemingly fashionable hairstyle was also described as "captivating" in Rodong Sunmun, the North Korean newspaper, which wrote: "A young man with an ambitious high sided haircut looks so sobering and stylish. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • In the past year she has also been targeted by web trolls mocking her weight, dress sense and hairstyle. The Sun
  • Sebastian Coe has been especially reanimated for the occasion and his side parting has been measured and angled precisely to meet IOC hairstyle guidelines.
  • In the past year she has also been targeted by web trolls mocking her weight, dress sense and hairstyle. The Sun
  • Lifestyle just too hectic for a high-maintenance hairstyle that demands a post-workout shampoo?
  • Create your look as you choose your hairstyle, makeup and stylin' wardrobe.
  • Wig makers have copied it and now some ladies wear what they call coiffure la Franklina Franklin hairstyle. 10 Days: Benjamin Franklin
  • His strange new hairstyle was the cause of much merriment.
  • We tried on matching tank tops and flares, and practised hairstyles from Honey magazine.
  • The 'Closer' beauty thinks she has only been so successful because of her looks, but has admitted she and her actress friends are "grubbier" than most women and often look "ugly" when they wake up wearing last night's hairstyle and make-up. disgusting after showbiz parties. - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • The role also meant wearing no make-up and having a very different hairstyle. The Sun
  • They wore sleek hairstyles, or things called beehives; they were poised, ageless and grown-up, and they had nothing, nothing to do with me or the likes of me.
  • Hairstyles range from 80s-style, big-bang blowouts to cornrow braids and a more contemporary flat-ironed look. LAPD To Release Photos Of Potential Victims Found In 'Grim Sleeper's' Home
  • Of course, she would most likely also make some of her servants begin planning hairstyles that would coordinate with her gowns.
  • Check out the latest greatest hairstyles for men and improve your appearance.
  • It will cement your hairstyle for many hours, even in the course of heavy winds.
  • He kept confusing Vishnu and Shiva, missing the subtle carved differences in hairstyle that distinguished them. The Apparition
  • My hairstyle is different, for sure. The Sun
  • No use trying to reconstruct it from how on-trend the parental hairstyle is, you have no idea. Times, Sunday Times
  • His carefully gelled hair was swept back into a slick hairstyle.
  • It's not about make-up and a hairstyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • We'd all aged a bit, with changes in hairstyles and clothes and a few other minor details.
  • There were different hairstyles for each rank and also different styles of kimono. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sleek hairstyles and elegant gowns she favours reflect that grown-up approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe they need to be around people who appreciate their multifaceted wardrobe choices & quirky hairstyles.
  • Her makeover also included a new hairstyle - a short fringe. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a circle of thirty women, you will not see two hairstyles, two dresses, two get-ups that resemble each other.
  • The role also meant wearing no make-up and having a very different hairstyle. The Sun
  • The average woman will have 30 different hairstyles during her lifetime. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it is her hairstyle that made her an enduring fashion icon. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fans' player of the season last time around, the tall Argentinian with the hayrick hairstyle is a cultured footballer with a coolness that belies his Wildman of Borneo appearance. Newcastle United Premier League 2011-12 team guide
  • Stay fit, dress to suit our figure, get a flattering hairstyle, and enhance nature with the right touch of makeup.
  • All around her, pupils are wearing the kind of outlandish clothes and hairstyles one would expect of teenagers anywhere in Europe.
  • Her hair is in that bouffant hairstyle, and she's wearing high heels.
  • Placing diamanté clips and delicate barrettes add a sassy touch of glamour to hairstyles for the holiday.
  • Your hairdresser can suggest a flattering hairstyle - very short is usually best. The Sun
  • Now is the time to experiment with softer hairstyles, and find new shapes to frame the face and soften features.
  • Before going to bed last night I combed my hair into stupid hairstyles.
  • They all have trendy hairstyles and look a lot more mature than the youngsters featured in the first books. The Sun
  • At first he had been surprised at how young and innocuous Lyndsey looked, with her gamine hairstyle and her vivid blue eyes. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • During the Salon Conference, Raman gave our Bengaluru stylists and beauticians his ideas about hairstyles and their effect on one's appearance.
  • Polyester leisure suits gave way to polyester tank tops, while feathered Farrah Fawcett hairstyles wilted in the unrelenting airlessness. Editorial: A Clone Too Far | Obsessed With Film
  • Even the new dress codes and hairstyles of rockers, mods, or hippies became suspect.
  • Just look at the hairstyles in this photo -- they're so dated!
  • Do you like my new hairstyle?
  • Some celebrities have stayed at Claridges for the last couple of nights, where they have been busying themselves trying new hairstyles, make-up, diamonds and outfits.
  • I watched Danny's fingers as they trailed through my hair, completely messing my hairstyle, which had taken hours to do.
  • Not sure if I'm going to have to get a bouffant hairstyle and start wearing orange foundation.
  • He has donned conservative business suits, trimmed down, and carefully coifed his gray-specked pompadour trademark hairstyle.
  • Do you like my new hairstyle?
  • Winter hairstyles should contain warm colours, she informed me, so a chocolate-brown semi-permanent colour was used throughout, complemented by honey-coloured permanent highlights.
  • Commenting on a previous, shorter hairstyle, she jokes that her colleagues were surprised when she announced she was marrying a man. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a child Julia would have had a more simple hairstyle than that worn by this adult alter ego, tied back with woolen bands vittae until it was long enough to be pinned up in the stiff nodus favored by her stepmother and aunt, which would have happened just as she was nearing the age of marriage. Caesars’ Wives
  • His hairstyle also reminds me of a tonsure, and his monkish qualities include withdrawal from Earth and earthly delights; his commission and starship serve as a monastery.
  • Her constant changing of outfits, hairstyles, and so on, reminds viewers that femininity is constructed, not natural.
  • And there was nothing there that even remotely resembled my current hairstyle, so I modelled the avatar on me five years ago when my hair was short and reddish brown.
  • If local women venture onto the dusty streets at all, they sport ankle-length dresses, buttoned-up blouses and 1930s hairstyles with buns and pompadours.
  • Because of her plain wool dress and basic hairstyle, I had assumed she would not know royal etiquette so in depth.
  • The naked-lady fetishist, however, is unmoved by such features as hairstyle and clothing, regarding them as distractions and impediments to the one thing that truly interests him - her naked body.
  • And give her a whole new hairstyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • One questionable choice Crowley and Goldman make is the inclusion of a pair of political reporter stand-ins: Middle-aged, rumple-suited Harlan Jessop, and young, funny hairstyle-having Jason Newbury. Review: 08: A Graphic Diary of the Campaign Trail
  • If too many lacquered hairstyles sit near us, we'll move or go elsewhere.
  • His new hairstyle is hideous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grunge provided an opportunity, as punk had before, for separating the wheat from the chaff—annihilating acts that had truly been predicated on nothing but hairstyles and codpieces, and allowing reconsideration and critical filtering of arena rock, metal, and prog that might have been burdened with excessive pompousness and trippy kozmik imagery, but still possessed enduring value. Rush: a fan’s notes - Colby Cosh -
  • ­discrimination could be a school that bans 'cornrow' hairstyles. The Guardian World News
  • The busts bear no arms or other marks which might help with identification of the sitters, although the conservative dress and hairstyle suggest they were from the middle classes.
  • During the Salon Conference, Raman gave our Bengaluru stylists and beauticians his ideas about hairstyles and their effect on one's appearance.
  • His mini-Afro style is fresh, easy to maintain and one of the most popular hairstyles out there today.
  • His comments come after a survey named Elvis as having the most iconic hairstyle - pipping David Beckham for the crown.
  • The Union army general's famous facial hairstyle led to the term sideburns and I hear Huston is trying to grow his own for the part. Trailer trash
  • She kept up her bombardment of questions except when she interrupted herself to introduce me to somebody or pass comment on a hairstyle, or the heaviness of someone's makeup.
  • The standard hairstyle was a short back and sides. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jonny's the one with the blond corkscrew hairstyle.
  • Once the initial shock had worn off, I got to like my new hairstyle.
  • Even her hairstyle was on message: a meticulously combed arrangement known as the nodus literally, “knot”, in reference to the distinctive roll of hair swept up harshly above the forehead. Caesars’ Wives
  • Instead, they will be too busy customising their character with hairstyles and tattoos, or getting fat by gorging on junk food.
  • The cringe factor was pretty bad - there were fashion disasters and bad hairstyles. The Sun
  • I went for a fresh, short, textured hairstyle to give a much more modern feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Embrace ruby hues and add flaming highlights to any hairstyle you select.
  • That’s like one of my black friends saying, Well … I guess you could somehow justify referring to that hairstyle as ‘niggery.’ 2009 December | Johnny B. Truant
  • There were different hairstyles for each rank and also different styles of kimono. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Bob Marley got me thinking dreadlocks is really the Bob Marley hairstyle. The Legends
  • How many men could get away with all those hairstyles?
  • Her makeover also included a new hairstyle - a short fringe. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new persona, like the hairstyle, is carefully arranged to impress. Take Two: Hillary's Choice
  • Her long blonde hair was pulled up into a fashionable hairstyle on top of her head.
  • While Peter's normal hairstyle wasn't changed in any way, he was given whiskers and a moustache.
  • In spite of the fact that she was over seventy when Tiberius became emperor, in dedicated artwork she got progressively younger.22 Slowly but surely the round-faced visage of her earlier public portraits underwent a facelift, the severe nodus hairstyle with its bulky pompadour gradually replaced with a softer, more graceful center part, her wrinkles filled in, her skin made smoother, her expression calmer and more serene. Caesars’ Wives
  • Among his former hairstyles was a long blonde ponytail.
  • And give her a whole new hairstyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pendant earrings have a slenderising effect on full, round faces and they also soften the hard lines of an upswept hairstyle, as do very large earclips.
  • For starters, her mullet hairstyle is older than most of her tribemates and the way she acts and speaks just throws everybody off. Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Samoa': episode #4 |
  • The hairstyles she wore were being shown in different media after I met her and the songs and movies they showed were very unflattering.
  • She was followed by a host of other Palins, all dressed in power suits and sporting the trademark glossy lips, sexy and stern glasses and lacquered, "updo" hairstyles. Mail & Guardian Online
  • New players construct their online character from a selection of faces, hairstyles and clothes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever the hairstyle, whatever the desired look, we've got the gel, mousse and more to make every day a great hair day.
  • Hairstyle is not just applying a few oils or giving some shine and bounce through a shampoo or changing the hair colour.
  • A couple of painted wooden busts of early 16th-century South Netherlandish fashion plates—probably some of St. Ursula's martyred companions—conceal skull fragments under complicated hairstyles and modish clothing. Where Revered Relics Repose
  • The sleek hairstyles and elegant gowns she favours reflect that grown-up approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • In spite of the fact that she was over seventy when Tiberius became emperor, in dedicated artwork she got progressively younger.22 Slowly but surely the round-faced visage of her earlier public portraits underwent a facelift, the severe nodus hairstyle with its bulky pompadour gradually replaced with a softer, more graceful center part, her wrinkles filled in, her skin made smoother, her expression calmer and more serene. Caesars’ Wives
  • Beckham, famed for his fashionable hairstyles, diamond stud earrings and for wearing a sarong on the beach, is a metro*ual style icon par excellence.
  • When the first hairstyle thief lifts your look, it will be said that they are copying your style rather than vice versa.
  • Another year, another England prodigy with a sensational one-day entrance and an even more eye-catching hairstyle.
  • There were a lot of short hairstyles and a return to the messy bob is predicted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides, most women I know end up looking like their grandmother with some stiff, dated hairstyle after they go to a hairdresser for a formal hairdo.
  • Stay fit, dress to suit our figure, get a flattering hairstyle, and enhance nature with the right touch of makeup.
  • And now that I've found a hairstyle that suits the inexorable genetic progress of hair erasure, it gives me pause to reflect on the whole megillah of pateness, as you put it.
  • Like with any new hairstyle, find a stylist who excels at that kind of look.
  • IN ONDA SU CANALE 5 filippo bello templare 3.8 ford firing order hairstyles for oval faces pictures vermont department of child support CREMA ALGA SCRUB GUAM contributo fondazione banca nazionale comunicazione black guy interracial teen white Contratto collettivo nazionale lavoro enel la volpe el uva di Reso Condemning MoveOn Passes Overwhelmingly, With Lots Of Dems
  • A hairstyle dissolves into a mess of jumbled brush strokes. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is about now that you may need to rethink your hairstyle and make-up. Times, Sunday Times
  • a fetching new hairstyle
  • This sounds to me a bit like Paris Hilton telling me that a certain hairstyle is no longer in vogue. Thinking About the Vision - NASA Watch
  • I went for a fresh, short, textured hairstyle to give a much more modern feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cringe factor was pretty bad - there were fashion disasters and bad hairstyles. The Sun
  • Why wear a hairstyle that causes ball spots and receding hairlines from having to constantly pull and retwist your hair to keep it neat? Examiner California Headlines
  • But if we were giving out points for quality and luxuriance of mullet hairstyle, William Wallace - or Mad McMax as he must surely be called - would walk it.
  • All you girls with this sort of hairstyle look as if you're wearing an overlarge blonde merkin over your unwashed brunette locks.
  • If you are not sure about your options, look through men's magazines to see which hairstyles are out there.
  • Rub in a little for a natural look or slightly more for hairstyles that require extra control.
  • A simple way to create a chic look without spending a lot of money is to add new accessories or change your hairstyle.
  • The standard hairstyle was a short back and sides. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was browsing through fashion magazines to find a new hairstyle.
  • His new hairstyle is hideous. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the past year she has also been targeted by web trolls mocking her weight, dress sense and hairstyle. The Sun
  • Okay, so not everyone was thrilled with Megan's slicked - back hairstyle at the MTV Movie Awards.
  • From those intense and physically demanding days of her apprenticeship Louise nurtured her natural-born talent for designing. cutting and creating spectacular hairstyles.
  • It's not about make-up and a hairstyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • For those with no interest in bodybuilding, these segments can either be seen as retro silliness (the 80s hairstyles were particularly inane) or just plain nuts (you wind up knowing absolutely nothing about the bodybuilders after spending time with time). Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Like hairstyles and clothing fashions, make-up is usually a temporary form of adornment, one that can be washed off and changed at will.
  • No matter how supportive of your transition they claim to be, and how much well-intentioned advice they give you about your new hairstyle, or the name you always used in your head but only just told them about, they misgender you every other time they open their mouths, and get quite upset if you call them on it. Life and style |
  • The hairstyle and make-up make me feel years younger. The Sun
  • I was browsing through fashion magazines to find a new hairstyle.
  • He has an obscene amount of muscles and an unfortunate shaggy mullet hairstyle.
  • Chicco-style", coined after the hairstyle of the local singer, or "perm" flash onto the screen. Media community of South Africa
  • What they have succeeded in doing was a vague similarity to French hairstyles - combining a ponytail and artificially sleeked straight hair falling like a cascade on one side of the face.
  • This great site invites you to take a step back into the past where you can relive classic hairstyles such as the bouffant, the flip, the pixie and the pageboy.
  • When the college reunion comes around, show up with a quirky facial hairstyle.
  • The Hawkings and their friends in Cambridge showed little interest in fashion and pop music, although Jane was keen on minidresses and the latest hairstyles.
  • The tracksuit bottoms, white sneakers and bumbag suggest jock, while the glasses and near-mullet hairstyle scream geek.
  • Jill's new hairstyle doesn't really suit her.
  • The men wore a similar hairstyle, all ages and genders wearing shades of blue.
  • Their outdated hairstyles and mediocre voices had long been phased out in favor of fresher groups with comparable talent, and consequentially, proclaiming one's self as a fan now was nothing short of suicide. Velcro Shoes, a Cardboard Computer, and Other Signs of Brilliance
  • In addition to providing magazine clippings of your favorite hairstyles, communicate with your hairstylist about the overall look of your wedding. My Fair Wedding
  • New hairstyles and haircuts are great ways to change your look, especially if you feel like you are due for some sort of change and are tired of your mundane, routine look.
  • No use trying to reconstruct it from how on-trend the parental hairstyle is, you have no idea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her hairstyles, clothes and voice are unbearable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was barred from school after teachers ruled his hairstyle ‘extreme and unacceptable’.

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