How To Use Haircut In A Sentence

  • She is an enigma wrapped in a riddle trapped in a really bad haircut. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm still unsure about this one; it could turn out really cool, or an absolute disaster ... my main motivation is that i don't wanna spend money on a haircut. decisions, decisions purchase any of the following: Kindle, iPod Touch, or MacBook Archive 2009-02-01
  • I couldn't swear to it, what with scissors snipping and buzzers buzzing, but I think the young lad was asking his dad why you still needed a haircut when you were going bald.
  • The haircut is merely the latest stage in his curious and unusual battle to avoid overexposure.
  • He is often admired for his tasteful shirts, cool strides and groovy haircuts.
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  • How much/What do you charge for a haircut and blow-dry?
  • A boy's first haircut is an event, a non-biological marker of movement from babyhood into childhood.
  • I had the same middle parted haircut for eight years, and I was quite pedantic about this being perfect.
  • When asked whether the Chilean had shed the excess pounds he gained after his injury, he joked that all that worried him was the player's haircut.
  • Were they really so thinly capitalized that any haircut would have triggered system-wide failures?
  • The play satirized the nobility and made a commoner - a haircutter, no less - the protagonist.
  • And he's dressed in a suit and has a mod haircut; not a waxed moustache in sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most people take enough time out for a haircut but next time you go to book yours, why not think about having a beauty treatment too.
  • He has a haircut, his beard is trimmed, his suit was drycleaned, and he remembered to pack his toothbrush and deodourant. A woman's work is never done
  • Innocent blondes, corrupted by wolfish brunettes with mannish haircuts and tight, tight sweaters, stare wide-eyed at the reader.
  • And my 1970s haircut to hide the earpiece cable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He now has a pot belly while his Afro haircut of the 1980s has been replaced by a short-cropped style and his beard has gone from black to grey.
  • Your hair is all right; it's just that you need a haircut.
  • Wrapped in an expansive plaid jacket, lidded with page-boy haircut, she looks like a celebrity teapot.
  • Apparently, he hadn't shaved for a few days and his thick dark hair was in desperate need of a haircut.
  • A little later came the proconsuls, men of imperial gravitas, stately courtesy and crisp, regulation haircuts.
  • But the chin-length silver hair sprouting after Proudfoot's 4-month-old haircut is not due to any hippieness. Payson Roundup stories
  • This vision gave rise to slender black suede and velvet sandals embellished with soaring plumes of vulture feathers, based upon a "Mohican" haircut, with a little 'pochette' to match. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Killinghall Primary School in Killinghall Road had hundreds of David Beckham lookalikes running around, as the England football captain's haircut proved most popular among the children attending their hair salon.
  • But, rest assured, we don't encourage changing your personality, beliefs or values along with your new stylin' haircut!
  • My blonde tresses had caused me trouble ever since I had my haircut up to my shoulders, from a previous length of my waist, and the natural curl came out.
  • What is the best way to give white jasmine a haircut? Times, Sunday Times
  • Students were also required to have a special style of haircut, apparently so that they could be easily recognized in any civil disturbance.
  • And if the film were a haircut, it'd definitely need a hat.
  • But I'd add a few particulars: first, look for people whose haircuts you like, but who also have your hair type.
  • He also sported a flicked back haircut like dad, who wore similar specs last week. The Sun
  • With a page-boy haircut, Julia Stiles inhabits the character of Paige with conviction.
  • He's a curious figure - Oscar Wilde meets an Andy Warhol superstar with a punk-rock haircut, a coiffure he inflicted on himself the day after Joe Strummer died.
  • Hairdressers and stylists may know how to cut and style hair, but they need your input when it comes to getting the haircut that will make you irresistible to women, and make you feel great about yourself.
  • With his pomaded porcupine haircut and a nasality superimposed on his powerful voice, Neeson makes Kinsey the ultimate village atheist, a person who believes that everything can be explained in natural, rational terms.
  • She had quite a short haircut and the fringe was like an arc. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did you have to make such a personal remark about her new haircut?
  • Here he was in the back of beyond, a lone American with a Beatles haircut advising a paramilitary team composed of anticommunist, antiroyalist Hmong tribesman who cut off the ears of their dead enemies. Looking Back On the Spy Life
  • A haircut later this month will divest you of more than just your lionly mane. Your Horoscope for the Summer of 2008 « XUP
  • Who's that guy with the funny haircut?
  • You turn and look at Alex, noticing the way his bluey black hair curls at the back, and you think he has recently had a haircut.
  • They used to give us freebie haircuts in exchange for endless vodkas and tonics.
  • Firstly, thanks to her advice I've twigged how to post images via an ftp program and secondly, due to my lack of knowledge, I no longer need a haircut as I've torn most of my hair out during the day.
  • He had one of those special haircuts that you have to ask for, was polite to the point of apologetic and said his name was Andy. Times, Sunday Times
  • His immaculate suit, unfashionable haircut and adult ways made him instead look more like a parent than the screaming groupies that clamoured around the stage during the show.
  • I, for one, think his burnt sienna skin goes perfectly with his plasticine Ken-doll haircut. Think Progress » Boehner Tells Bankers To Fight Financial Reform: ‘Don’t Let Those Little Punk Staffers Take Advantage Of You’
  • And I've been meaning to get a haircut, but now I'm quite pleased I haven't got around to it, since the sizeable bump on my forehead is concealed behind my ever-expanding coiffure.
  • Shave, haircut, fingernails, haircut and blow-dry, and not a molecule of detectable urine in the atmosphere.
  • Mr Massow was on television this morning again, with his rather alarming new haircut.
  • He has a trendy haircut and wears a dangling earring, but his accent is like his father's.
  • He was totally revolutionary in his early years and took haircutting and styling to a different level. The Sun
  • We provide new clothing, a shower, new haircuts by professional hairdressers and access to healthcare.
  • In return, they get haircuts and restaurant meals. The Sun
  • I've had a really awful haircut.
  • Summer: in the south west of France for the May half term; at the uplifting madness that was the Secret Garden Festival please note my boyfriend's chequer board haircut which seemed like an inspired idea after a few cocktails; driving up the M11 and being dazzled by the fields of rapeseed coming into bloom; in Cumbria for our summer holidays, bird spotting with the binoculars. Where I was 2008
  • I don't want any comments on/about my new haircut, thank you!
  • Let's hope that angel 's haircut of thine is standing thee in good stead. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Men in suits, women in chadors, young men and women in jeans with hip haircuts - they all take a moment to thank us.
  • It riffs on some other fundamental parts of the tap dance tradition, including the familiar shaven haircut and what's known as a hoofer's line. Concerto in Rhythm with Tap-Dance Revival
  • Except for what he spent on haircuts,books and daily necessities he never wasted a penny.
  • As the child grows older, it dresses in lederhosen and has a pudding bowl haircut, but all its basic functions develop normally. Germans and humour
  • Manchester, by comparison, is a gleaming metropolis of cosmopolitan glamour and dodgy haircuts.
  • You know, the egghead, absent-minded-professor types with bad haircuts and corduroy jackets with elbow patches.
  • Sammie grabbed my arm and yanked me into a salon where she forced me into a haircut.
  • I've decided to take a risk and try a highly-raved about salon for my haircut instead of my usual haunt.
  • Since my hairline is receding as fast as snow on a sunny day, I have no room for crowing, but your man Alex Massie there should get a haircut and change photos. Matthew Yglesias » Fox News Panel Pans Jindal
  • Your hair is all right; it's just that you need a haircut.
  • His haircuts, which take hours and often days, are immediately recognizable throughout the Zone, revealing as they do the hair-by-hair singlemindedness of the "benny" habitue. Gravity's Rainbow
  • Most soldiers have a soft spot for animals and the majority of soldiers going in for a haircut would say g'day and give the dog a pat.
  • Except for what he spent on haircuts,books and daily necessities he never wasted a penny.
  • It is not clear whether other lenders will be asked to take a haircut on the value of their debt. Times, Sunday Times
  • His stiff hair had grown out of its short haircut and flopped over his forehead. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • Most of the bands we knew started playing emo, got the shaggy haircuts and started wearing tight t-shirts.
  • Sounds like they dish them out for bad haircuts. The Sun
  • With his ghastly haircut and appalling dress sense, and his strange mannerisms, he is, nevertheless a giant of a man.
  • Like haircutting, which is basically en vigeur 24 / 7, getting your car washed falls into the category of rituals one must observe to maintain appearance in Eric Demay
  • We've all been through that horrid process of buying clunkers from guys in slick suits and even slicker haircuts.
  • The seemingly fashionable hairstyle was also described as "captivating" in Rodong Sunmun, the North Korean newspaper, which wrote: "A young man with an ambitious high sided haircut looks so sobering and stylish. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • They don't look any different from regular clerks or salesmen, with their plain clothes and common haircuts.
  • It is they whom sport attempts to seduce with fashion shows and hot parts and haircuts.
  • Of course, a lot of the time they are just criticising haircuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • OK! named Holmes, the 28-year-old wife of Tom Cruise, a beauty queen because of her "refreshing girl-next-door look " and sporty cropped haircut.
  • Can we still get her haircut? The Sun
  • It's not just that the idea of copyrighting an entry in the English dictionary, or someone's face, haircut or name, is ridiculous. Archive 2007-10-01
  • They were twenty-somethings with short haircuts wearing black crewneck or turtle neck sweaters.
  • On Monday, more than 50 beauticians thronged the Purani Haveli to get a dekko of Zardozi tattoo designing and a demo of trendy haircuts.
  • Except for what he spent on haircuts,books and daily necessities he never wasted a penny.
  • I myself am thinking that my semi-annual haircut can probably wait another couple of weeks, so I'll be hitting her tip jar as soon as I get paid again on Friday.
  • He is settled in a way that he was not when he burst on to the scene with a skunk haircut and a point to prove. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fancy gave the boy a pitying look, taking in his dork haircut, potbelly, and short pants. Slice Of Cherry
  • Who makes the front pages with a new haircut? The Sun
  • Songwriters should make money by selling their songwriting services, the same way that barbers make money by selling their haircutting services and house painters make money by selling their house-painting services. Matthew Yglesias » Intellectual Property is About Consumers
  • Daewoo's bankers and other creditors took a $49 billion haircut.
  • At first she was disappointed that I was making so much drama over a haircut, but after an hour or so she softened up and went to Wal-Mart, returning with a bag full of ozone-friendly hair products.
  • You may balk at the cost of your highlights, but there are far more preposterously priced haircuts going on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, going on a BRA tour means I've got to look my best, so I treated myself to a "day of beauty" yesterday consisting of a manicure, pedicure, facial, haircut, facial haircut, and of course a thorough "sideburn" waxing. Hitting the Road: Unhooking the BRA
  • The only way to avoid this is real nationalization, with haircuts for the bondholders.
  • Remember before the Microsoft era, back when the archetype of the computer engineer was not that of a laid-back, semi-cool, scruffy geek but that of a strait-laced, uptight, button-down IBM company man with a company haircut? Gene and the Machine: The shocking truth about the electric Volt
  • You may balk at the cost of your highlights, but there are far more preposterously priced haircuts going on. Times, Sunday Times
  • The driver - a dark, podgy man with a thick Afro haircut - nodded and drove.
  • The audience had the usual haircuts, shaven or spiky, and the same tastes in branded designer gear.
  • The blog began as a casual travelogue, with a brief video tour of an assaultively opulent bedroom in the Shah's palace narrated for Mr. Moore's wife Mary and photos of Mr. Moore getting a haircut at a Tehran barber shop. Basketball, Iranian Style
  • Signature services include the Mankini bikini wax ($50) and the Multi-Tasker, during which clients receive a chair-side manicure while getting a haircut ($55).
  • The reason we know this is that Yahoo! recently released some data suggesting recent surges in searches for "jennifer aniston new haircut" (up 350,000 percent in the Yahoo! search engine) and "jennifer aniston new haircut pictures" (that one increased by 2,500 percent). Jennifer Aniston's Hair Is Different Again!
  • Who's that guy with the funny haircut?
  • Nick, that comment about your hair resembling that of a duckling was a compliment to your haircut -- it's adorable. PORN BLOGS; LONG KNIVES FOR INSURANCE EXECS; DREAMS; PHOTOS; more
  • Beckham got his new haircut after a secret styling session on Thursday night at the Cheshire home he shares with his wife Victoria.
  • A little later came the proconsuls, men of imperial gravitas, stately courtesy and crisp, regulation haircuts.
  • She produced a copy of his fee schedule for his services which showed he offered a wide range of services from haircuts to more extensive styling and permanents.
  • I think a 5 % "haircut" was recorded as a loss in the income statement.
  • And during videos, other flight attendants would provide haircuts, styling and shoe-shining at your seat.
  • Our Father does not know us because of the clothes that we wear or the haircut that we keep. Christianity Today
  • The banks will get their haircut, although still not quite the military crop that is needed. Times, Sunday Times
  • She nodded, her pageboy haircut sending a light brown wave of hair across her cheek.
  • Others preferred the gamine look with a short boyish haircut.
  • A few strands of black hair hung in the man's eyes; his haircut looked like a crew cut not taken care of.
  • As part of a new image to promote the single, 21-year-old Kimberley, of Allerton, Bradford, has been given a new haircut with a fringe.
  • But the man who actually meets me is big and burly with a short, military haircut. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any deal is likely to wipe out a host of Afren's creditors or require them to take a haircut on the value of their debts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The music is exactly what we should expect from this U.K. nymph - as predictable as her pixie haircut, dewy skin and familiar husky voice.
  • Why try to make them into mini versions of yourself, with their mini-me haircuts and their mini-me clothes?
  • He wore one of those long brown monk habits accented with beads and rope, and sported a Friar Tuck-like haircut - the bowl cut.
  • How much/What do you charge for a haircut and blow-dry?
  • The ECB has warned that Greece and Ireland should not default on their immense debts or impose haircuts on senior bond holders.
  • I myself am thinking that my semi-annual haircut can probably wait another couple of weeks, so I'll be hitting her tip jar as soon as I get paid again on Friday.
  • You ought to smarten up and have a haircut before the interview.
  • All that money and that kimbo person still can't find a haircut that's flattering?. o.o.o.o.0.0.0. Dlisted - Be Very Afraid
  • He left his hat at home because he needed a good haircut, and he would have to take it off later anyways.
  • The haircut still matters and while professional styling may not always be required, the length and way of parting or brushing it should match the face, age and profession.
  • It must be fun writing for Prickly Pete, whose just full of fine asperities such as the “frog-like mouth flapping” of Mr. Price and dismissing his rival as "Kenny and his haircut. Mad Men Reaches Its Appointment in Samarra: James Wolcott
  • You had a magic haircut achieved without scissors and set off the smoke-alarm by scorching the toast.
  • Do you see that guy over there with the bad haircut in the tweedy jacket?
  • A good haircut and a gossip certainly improves the day.
  • His music is still swinging — itself no longer an asset by 1971 — but Prima himself, dressed in a blue bell-bottom suit and sporting a Beatle haircut, seems like a man who has outlived his moment. Both Leading Man and Comic Relief
  • And he's dressed in a suit and has a mod haircut; not a waxed moustache in sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just a little bit younger than Shiloh Pitt-Jolie, and with a slightly shorter and slightly dodgier haircut. Even Rapunzel Cut Her Hair, Yo - Her Bad Mother
  • And get a tan, a cool haircut and some fashionable clothes.
  • So by the time he wins his first tournament as a pro in 1987, in Brazil, he is a strutting Id, a lightning rod ( "a haircut and a forehand," sniffs Ivan Lendl), all the more so after he bucks tennis whites and decides, with Nike's backing, to make demin his signature look. Agassi, Sampras, Federer, Nadal: Books On The Great Men Of Tennis
  • But this is supposed to be the big, golden-era throwback drama to remind us that TV can be about more than singing competitions featuring twerps in daft haircuts and distressed jeans.
  • How much do you charge for a haircut ?
  • He still needs a haircut, though. The Sun
  • She had knock-knees and was skinny, with a short pixie haircut. History of a Suicide
  • Waiting for a bad haircut to grow out can be more painful than a bikini wax. The Sun
  • Where are all the young wrist spinners with surfer haircuts that seemed certain to queue to replace their hero? Times, Sunday Times
  • Except for what he spent on haircuts,books and daily necessities he never wasted a penny.
  • With their floppy haircuts and boyish good looks, they were billed as America's Beatles.
  • His publicists have produced a film showing the veteran politician without the turban, sitting for a haircut, and watching football.
  • You should also get a haircut regularly as it will make your hair easier to style, and keep it looking neat most of the time.
  • When I arrived at my house, my haircutter of eleven years, Kevin Charles, was there with his shears, electric razor and a huge smile. Runners
  • Bott possesses a mean mullet haircut and a talent for sharpie dancing, amongst other dubious pursuits.
  • It's still a dumb haircut even on his dear little genius head.
  • I am blaming the fact it's St George's day for my refusal to complain - what could be more English than feeling too diffident to complain about receiving an awful haircut?
  • Yet twenty-five smackers; come on now, that's cheaper than a decent haircut in most places.
  • The way he looked, like some unhinged brigand, his haircut a whacked-off Mohawk in the front and long and stringy in the back, his river rat amalgam of off-angled Brooklynese with the occasional flowery Southernism thrown in, the guy was a yat—the tag stemming from the universal greeting “Where y’at?” The Lampshade
  • The man on the touchline was the one with the cool haircut, the stylish coat and the designer stubble. Times, Sunday Times
  • Debra gave me a couple of belated birthday presents -- a large bar of kiwi chocolate and a lovely lovely pendant made of pewter inlaid with paua shell -- and showed me her gifty for cleanskies -- a doll with moving legs which she'd covered with more paua shell on top, and a Louise Brooks bob haircut apparently synthetic hair is difficult to cut so good on you cos it was a great haircut. Mysti/Misty: separated at birth? maybe not.
  • The haircut's recipient stoically accepts his fate in the tight arms of his mother.
  • There used to be a lot of bad haircuts, now men are going into ladies salons and having their hair styled more.
  • My favourite one was about the visitor who needed a haircut. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mullet, that dodgy haircut with short top and long back (aka business in the front, party at the back), is making a comeback.
  • This first montage, set to Perry's "Firework," introduces us to Kelly, 22, a haircutter who works in a nursing home. The X Factor Episode: "Auditions No. 4"
  • The punchy five-track EP, with songs like You and Me Geometry and Haircut, is an unpolished indie rock gem full of post-high-school relationship angst.
  • He pays £15 for a haircut and shave at the local barbers, looks askance at anything with a label that doesn't have Oxfam attached to it and, when asked where he got his jacket from, is proud to say "it was my grandfather's. Deconstructing the Unreconstructed Male
  • Maybe it was, if you were as young as her haircutter looked to be. Test Patterns
  • She was nice enough, but she seemed to interpret my quiet persona as a sign that I should have a really basic haircut.
  • A few days later I was with my Mam at safeways and I spotted a couple behind us at he checkout, two women wearing checky shirts and baggy jeans and sporting short spikey haircuts. Army Rumour Service
  • I was talking about all of this Thursday while getting a haircut and the manicurist, a wickedly funny woman, asked, ‘What happened to you?’
  • It's the designer suits and the $ 100 haircuts and the iron-fisted control freaks along the sidelines.
  • I'm not great at going to get haircuts, and so have no formal hairdresser to call my own.
  • I have been carrying these photos around to various barbershops in San Francisco and saying, ‘Give me this haircut,’ and getting disastrous results.
  • The trainees also receive daily inspections on their haircuts, uniform press, white gloves and grommets, among other uniform elements.
  • City's mane man had wanted the drastic haircut for a while but needed time to mullet over. The Sun
  • Al Sharpton is the only subject wearing a suit and tie; he looks somehow subdued, even benign, and his pageboy haircut is immaculately coifed. Shining a Light on Loss
  • I needed a haircut, for sure, and would have to keep my fingernails clean. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now as Jack likes to say, that news caused the stock to take a major haircut.
  • He had a trendy haircut, an earring and designer stubble .
  • Her haircutter, possibly Lydia's chief news source these days, had told her that people who quit smoking need one hour less sleep a night. Test Patterns
  • He has just had a haircut and shave. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've had a really awful haircut.
  • How much/What do you charge for a haircut and blow-dry?
  • It's been nearly three months since my last haircut.
  • He explained his delinquency as a sleepless night antidoted by a mental health morning that stretched into an early-afternoon haircut. Body of Knowledge
  • Under the umbrella term "debt restructuring" there are various options, ranging from writing down the value of the debt by a set amount, known as a haircut, to rescheduling when the debt will be repaid, which is a softer form of restructuring. Reuters: Top News
  • Innocent blondes, corrupted by wolfish brunettes with mannish haircuts and tight, tight sweaters, stare wide-eyed at the reader.
  • Dinesh Gupta/Associated Press A camel waited to participate in the camel haircut competition at the annual camel festival in Bikaner, India, Sunday. Asia in Pictures
  • She is an enigma wrapped in a riddle trapped in a really bad haircut. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bank lenders and export credit agencies were asked to weigh up two options of their own a long-term rescheduling with no haircut or a shorter-term extension with a haircut.
  • The first time we've been able to identify the main culprits by haircut and name alone. The Sun
  • Rather, it offered glimpses of this American success story: A Jew from England, who never really connected with his father, spent many early years in an orphanage, who sang in synagogue, rose to fame as an artist haircutter, a television personality, and a businessman with a well-known product line. Regina Weinreich: Vidal Sassoon: The Movie on a Bad Hair Night
  • Nonfinancial corporations got a major haircut, with estimated profits in 2000 reduced by $81 billion, or 13 %.
  • I have been saying this same thing for awhile now, but Ann, do not just cut their salaries, end ALL perks, the American taxpayers should NOT be paying for limos and their drivers, haircuts and entertainment just so these clowns can schmooz their way to another term. Think Progress » Democratic congresswoman proposes pay cut for members of Congress.
  • Heaven knows you all but need proof of insurance these days to get a haircut.
  • The effort shows that the government is serious about forcing creditors to take a haircut on their loans and bondholdings if need be.
  • Remember, the mop of hair I was sporting was essentially a very, very long men's haircut, so it did have a tendency to look a little ratty on occasion.
  • In their styleless rubber-soled brogans, bad haircuts, and generic domestic sedans, they looked as out of place as someone on food stamps. Hi-Ya!
  • African hair braiding uses no chemicals and doesn't involve pedicures or haircutting, while cosmetology training doesn't address hair braiding at all.
  • His haircut is short and extremely sophisticated.
  • They wore uniform, had uniform haircuts, slept in large dormitories known as wards, and walked everywhere crocodile fashion.
  • Look after your hair - have a haircut every six weeks or so.
  • One of the victims of the haircutting was a bishop who served on the committee that overturned the excommunications, according to court papers. News -

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