How To Use Haggadah In A Sentence
Did you know that the green part of the horseradish plant was one of the five bitter herbs served on the traditional Passover seder plate during the reading of the Haggadah?
The Haggadah is a book which tells in fourteen steps the story of the Jewish experience in Egypt and of the Exodus and revelation of God.
Furthermore, although compilations of Rabbinical exegeses of the books of the Bible are usually called midrash (e.g. Midrash Gen. Rabbah), some are also called aggadah or haggadah (e.g. Aggadat Shir ha-Shirim, Haggadat Tehillim [i.e.,
Midrash and Aggadah: Terminology.
Seville in 1480, the reason for the Haggadahs extraordinary illuminations is finally disclosed.
People of the Book: Summary and book reviews of People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks.
This isn't your grandfather's Haggadah, is what I'm trying to say.
Boing Boing

`Can I please have your autographs on my new Haggadah, to prove to my friends that you really were at our Seder?
The functionality of The Open Source Haggadah, our first ever proof-of-concept, which would enable congregations to collaboratively create siddurim prayerbooks together online.
Introducing ShulShopper | Jewschool
The basic dramatic story remains the same from year to year, as told in what is called the Haggadah. Front Page
It is never too early to start thinking about which Haggadah we are going to use this chag, hagg, or Passover holiday.
Interstingly enough, in the Haggadah, the Serpent in the garden is actually in charge of the other creatures of the garden, and walks upright, and has hands.
We Jews have a book called the Haggadah, which guides us through a traditional Seder, so we'll be developing a special Haggadah for a Passover Seder for the 99%.
Rabbi Michael Lerner: Create A Passover Seder Or Easter Gathering For The 99%
The personalized Haggadah -- the Hebrew word means "telling" or "narrative" -- recounts the biblical Exodus story and instructs families to relate it to their children as though they were along on the journey.
Vos Iz Neias - (Yiddish:What's News?)
The artist of the printed Amsterdam Haggadah, a proselyte by the name of Abraham bar Jacob, based his image on an unrelated image from the well-known Icones Biblicae of the Swiss artist Matthaeus Merian, first published in 1630.
An ancient haggadah book in which a pair of hornrimmed convex spectacles inserted marked the passage of thanksgiving in the ritual prayers for Pessach (Passover): a photocard of the Queen's Hotel,
The next seder did indeed take place in the White House - on the second night of the holiday, after the president had delivered a greeting in which he called the Haggadah "among the most powerful stories of suffering and redemption in human history.
San Francisco Sentinel