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  1. relating to or involving or causing hemolysis
    hemolytic anemia

How To Use haemolytic In A Sentence

  • Acute haemolytic anaemia due to phenazopyridine hydrochloride in G-6-PD deficiency subject. Phenazopyridine
  • Subtilase cytotoxin is produced by certain kinds of E. coli bacteria, causing bloody diarrhea and a potentially fatal disease called haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) in humans. Health News from Medical News Today
  • A patient with breast cancer presenting with haemolytic uraemic syndrome was, however, three times less likely to be admitted to intensive care than a patient with AIDS with the same condition.
  • Other anaemias may be caused by haemolytic disease or poisoning or disease of the bone marrow. The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism
  • I am an A haemolytic strep, which means that when I'm grown on a blood agar plate, I end up green. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Next is a chapter on haematopoietic and lymphoreticular disorders including haemolytic anaemias, leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma.
  • By using sugar fermentation, bacteriologists observed that haemolytic streptococci of human origin were broadly differentiated from those of bovine origin.
  • Filtered blood is widely used to treat recurrent non-haemolytic febrile reactions in patients who depend on regular blood transfusions.
  • These organisms have also been found to be involved in wound infections, haemolytic uremic syndrome, meningitis, peritonitis, respiratory tract infections and ocular infections.
  • Used in fireworks as oxidizing agents, they are cited as dangerous to human health in dust form by the Encyclopedia of Occupational Health, which says their effects include “sore throat … dizziness … they are an irritant to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes … they can cause haemolytic anemia … and liver and kidney injuries.” Bright Lights and Big Bangs: The Chemical Composition of Fireworks
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