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  1. relating to the deepest parts of the ocean (below 6000 meters)

How To Use hadal In A Sentence

  • Submarine trenches usually develop downward from depths around 6,000 m, the beginning of the hadal region, exclusive domain of highly specialized and exquisite molluscan communities.
  • There are various species of snailfish, some of which can be found in shallower waters, but the hadal is found almost exclusively in depths exceeding 6000 meters, where they feed on small shrimp who scavenge the carcasses of dead marine life. Warren Ellis
  • The hadal environment (water depths greater than 6000m) is one of the last habitats on earth to be impacted by unsustainable human activity.
  • Suspended in the flowstone beneath her feet, a dozen dead hadals seemed ready to rise up and break free. Deeper
  • Oceanographers divide the ocean into five broad zones according to how far down sunlight penetrates: the epipelagic, or sunlit, zone: the top layer of the ocean where enough sunlight penetrates for plants to carry on photosynthesis. the mesopelagic, or twilight, zone: a dim zone where some light penetrates, but not enough for plants to grow. the bathypelagic, or midnight, zone: the deep ocean layer where no light penetrates. the abyssal zone: the pitch-black bottom layer of the ocean; the water here is almost freezing and its pressure is immense. the hadal zone: the waters found in the ocean's deepest trenches. Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • The hadal zone makes up only 1 or 2 percent of the ocean and is located in narrow oceanic trenches.
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