How To Use habitue In A Sentence
- In the second room you'll find two habitués of Berghain's housier, groovier upstairs neighbour Panorama Bar, in the form of Steffi and Efdemin, while Innervisions duo Ame are the night's very special guests. Clubs picks of the week
- A cette embouchure des deux rivi鑢es le Turc tient habituellement quatre-vingts ou cent fustes, galiottes et gripperies, pour passer, en temps de guerre, sa cavalerie et son arm閑. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- His haircuts, which take hours and often days, are immediately recognizable throughout the Zone, revealing as they do the hair-by-hair singlemindedness of the "benny" habitue. Gravity's Rainbow
- Le monde, habitué a leur attribuer des vertus surhumaines, ne peut admettre qu'ils aient subi la loi injuste, révoltante, inique, du trépas commun .... Occasional Papers Selected from the Guardian, the Times, and the Saturday Review, 1846-1890
- HABITUÉS of Sydney's varied night life have long been aware that the main hazards in the bars and clubs are not the exotic concoctions on sale, but the obstructive and obnoxious bouncers on every door.
- Dorrington's hospitality save when his lordship was present, for your cricket-player is a bit more punctilious in such matters than your turfmen or ring-side habitués. R. Holmes & Co.
- Instead he was a habitué of the best antique shops up and down the country. Times, Sunday Times
- Perhaps you already are an online devotee, a chatroom habitue.
- The researcher concurred that their ‘views of life have come from association with ‘flash-men’ of every order, with pugilists, pickpockets, cockfighters, and all the habitués of pot-houses or bucketshops.’
- Any habitué of the modern musical, where so many shows look stripped-down, underpopulated, pinchpenny, will get a thrill simply to see 50 people on a Broadway stage.