How To Use Habituation In A Sentence
Evidence for this hypothesis comes from findings on a faster habituation of the electrodermal responses to tones in hypotensives.
Perhaps it's not surprising to find evidence of taming cats and their habituation with human settlements at such an early date.
These compounds share with the barbiturates the properties of addiction/habituation, seizure suppression (and withdrawal seizures after prolonged high dosage), and inhibition of spinal interneuronal transmission (muscle relaxation).
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For example, they wrote, "Will someone show long-term habituation to consecutive meals of cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza and mushroom pizza?
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Suffering that goes unwitnessed eventually erodes self-witness, until the suffering exists not in a state of repression but in a limbo of habituation where one even stops noticing that one has stopped noticing.
Almost every species studied, from amoeba to man, exhibits some form of habituation when the stimulus is frequently repeated or constantly applied.
Acute exposure to repetitive hypoxia has been shown to result in habituation that is expressed as a decreased frequency of arousal in response to the same stimulus.
* In my paper (2001) I consider "associationism" withing the context of two principle dimensions of thought, that being associative learning (conditioning) and habituation.
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This habit is called virtue, and the success of this habituation is also called virtue.
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If they are exposed to the vibrations every 30 seconds, however, they eventually get used to them and stop responding (it generally takes 10 to 12 stimulations), through a process called habituation - much as people living close to a railway track eventually stop noticing the sound of passing trains.
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By contrast with their failure to affect habituation, the protein synthesis inhibitors did produce amnesia for associative learning.
Generally speaking, liturgical practices form persons in the same ways that any practice becomes formative: through habituation and extensive training until the practice becomes part or who one is.
To be sure, Aristotle assigns an important role to the development of character through habituation.
After habituation they were presented with new displays containing either the same number of dots to which they had been habituated or the other number.
Retelling the evolution of humans and 'reward' brain chemistry and addiction (or habituation), combined with peer status, to posit the moral of the story: Being overconsumption-addicted is a death grip -- our own.
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However, in July 2001 data collection on the first mixed-species group had to be discontinued because of high levels of poaching in the area, which impeded the progress of habituation and systematic data collection.
As a result, conditioned responding should decrease during extinction as habituation occurs to the stimuli that support conditioned responding.
The concept of social persons, she argues, dialectically links subjective interiority to the social world by habituation.
The first two, habituation and respondent learning are specific to behaviors called reflexes.
By contrast with their failure to affect habituation, the protein synthesis inhibitors did produce amnesia for associative learning.
It is different from habituation in which an individual learns not to respond to a stimulus when no reinforcement follows.
There was no attempt to explain the details of this process of habituation; it was assumed to be a part of the general "educability" of living matter.
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The concept of social persons, she argues, dialectically links subjective interiority to the social world by habituation.
Other studies have suggested that arousal responses may be subject to habituation.
Tiles were placed in the same home range areas for all trials, but in different runways or locations to avoid habituation and previous scents.
In contrast, much evidence that has been gathered in situations that differ strongly from renewal supports the stimulus specificity of habituation.
There's no gradual habituation to the danger zones, only dangerous lunges into the unknown or nothing.
Instead, lower level processes, such as habituation, may contribute.
If habituation does not occur to stimuli that are presented during extinction, then we would need to explain why it does not.
There is an actual psychological theory called habituation, which states that when people are together almost every day and get used to that person, their presence no longer elicits a feel-good response.
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During this habituation period, the licks on either lickometer were recorded but had no consequence.
Evidence for this hypothesis comes from findings on a faster habituation of the electrodermal responses to tones in hypotensives.
This can lead to habituation, which in the long run can cause other problems like starvation, public safety risks, accident or death.
immunised" by habituation for every distinct kind of poison.
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This habituation prevents them from seeing new opportunities for growth.
Two groups of rats received 14 sessions of habituation training in context A with a light as the target stimulus.
But if the ad had been repeated, audiences would have grown inured to the threat, a psychological effect called habituation.
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Furthermore, habituation is relatively stimulus-specific, so that responses to the repeated stimulus are reduced but responses to different, novel stimuli are not.
We noticed earlier that habituation is not the end but the beginning of the progress toward virtue.
We can use these simple behaviors and their habituation to ask the infant what she sees, hears, and can learn.
We analyzed data from only the first trial on each pair to minimize any effects of habituation.
Tom found that spaced repetition converted the memory for short-term habituation and sensitization to longer-lasting memories.
Eric R. Kandel - Autobiography
They warn that in many places, messages are broadcast with such frequency that their actual meaning is blocked out by listeners, in a psychological phenomenon known as "habituation". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Without entering the interval since manipulation as a covariate in the statistical analyses, the findings can have been seriously biased by differences in the duration of habituation to the novel morphology.
Use of vocalizations with the moving model is particularly effective in preventing habituation to the model alone.
As the deforestation continues due to the increase in world population, the effect upon habituation is often significant.
Habituation means that pleasurable experiences usually produce only a temporary lift.
I have thought it worthwhile to vary the interpretation of this word, because though "habitus" may be equivalent to all the senses of [Greek: exis], "habit" is not, at least according to our colloquial usage we commonly denote by "habit" a state formed by habituation.
I guess it will make for an interesting test of habituation.
This link between habituation of acute cardiovascular responses and relatively rapid (yet gradual) normalization of heart rate rhythmicity suggests that mice adapt to adverse social conditions.
The same excitatory process also appears to temporarily reverse long-term habituation.
Social factors include habituation to sex with the partner, and unhappiness with the relationship.
One possible explanation for this finding is that long-term habituation accumulates with successive stimulus exposures and survives the lengthy time between trials.
Theories include a notion of autonomic nervous system dysregulation with an increased ‘tone’, slowed habituation and excessive response.
That lack of response, called habituation, is primitive learning.
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The net effect of superimposing habituation on imprinting would be to displace the preference away from the familiar.
At first sight, it might seem that habituation is nothing more than some sort of fatigue process in the relevant sensory or motor neural pathways.
Despite the apparent habituation resulting from years of living with abuse, as the joke implies, the pain has not gone unnoticed.
It has never been as painstaking as this habituation process.
Pedreira EM, Romano A, Hermitte G, Maldonado H (1998) Context-US association as a determinant of long-term habituation in the crab
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If habituation were solely responsible for extinction, then conditions during extinction and not during acquisition would alter the speed of extinction.
This system shows habituation - that is the response of the motor neurons to repeated stimulation of the sensory neurons decreases.
The drop in uptake and habituation is due to the decline in role of government/decmocratic institutions in society, aided and abetted by dominant political parties.
However, taken together, the large number of empirical similarities suggests strongly that common processes contribute to habituation and extinction.
Other articles included in the special issue evaluate the comparative benefits of different types of vestibular rehabilitation exercises (habituation exercises versus gaze stability exercises) to reduce dizziness and improve gaze stability, as well as the influence of damage to the otolith organs of the inner ear on outcomes following vestibular rehabilitation.
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She treats this habituation as entirely negative, since it's why we lose our appreciation of once-new pleasures.
I examined the magnitude of the aggressive response during a habituation phase that consisted of repeating the stimulus period as a continuous loop.
Objective: These experiments were designed to examine the effect of television watching on habituation of ingestive behavior in children.
By contrast with their failure to affect habituation, the protein synthesis inhibitors did produce amnesia for associative learning.