
How To Use Habitat In A Sentence

  • Often the burial site is destroyed, or there is a differential representation of habitats.
  • It was not a great botanic garden, but it was a lung in the midst of the crowded brick and stone of human habitation. THY BROTHER DEATH
  • Plantations of exotic non-native trees use up large quantities of water, which can have adverse affects on natural habitats.
  • As it was evident he was in no mood for converse, Sybil, who seemed to exercise considerable authority over the crew, with a word dispersed them, and they herded back to their respective habitations. Rookwood
  • Even as large numbers were reintroduced to former habitats, it was not easy to prove that they were surviving and reproducing, the true measure of the project's success.
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  • NSW Architecture Awards Announced: Gorgeous Oz-chitecture Balgowlah House by Reg Lark – Inhabitat about mission submit a story shop advertise with us support us press contact sign up NSW Architecture Awards Announced: Gorgeous Oz-chitecture Balgowlah House by Reg Lark – Inhabitat
  • The most obvious of these powers is that of the demolition and clearance of housing that is deemed unfit for human habitation. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • Huge plantations of tea, coffee, and cardamom have emerged and taken over what was once prime elephant habitat.
  • Although the number of rural ponds is decreasing rapidly, garden ponds are gaining in popularity and are becoming increasingly important habitats for toads, says the trust.
  • `The habitation of the great unwashed ," she finally repeated, mumbling miserably. ANASTASIA KRUPNIK (3-IN-1)
  • Occidentali Noruagiæ Insula, quæ Glacialis dicitur, magno circumfusa Oceano repentur, obsoletæ admodum habitationis tellus, A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • The birds occupy a range of wetland habitats: lakes, rivers, reedbeds, sedge fens, marsh dykes, ponds, flooded gravel pits and meres.
  • The habitat suitability selection models were established for nesting of Grey heron(Ardea cinerea)in Zhalong National Nature Reserve.
  • To examine possible effects of predators on clam growth, I first compared variation in clam growth rate among habitats with different predation pressure, and between predator-exclusion cages and uncaged controls.
  • Malayan barn owls are adapting quickly to this rich habitat and are reproducing much faster than elsewhere.
  • The journey takes you to Denali, travelling deep into the natural habitat of bears, moose, caribou and wolves.
  • The decline in marriage has been offset by a rise in cohabitation.
  • Judging from these movies, Mark Wilkinson is evidently some kind of caecilian-hunting guru genius: with just two lazy, shallow strokes of a spade, he was able to discover two caecilians in their native habitat. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • There's little enough sign of human habitation from above. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • A big-jawed and relatively small-brained hominid known as Paranthropus consumed mainly nuts and other hard foods, causing it to die out as these resources became scarce in African habitats.
  • Learn how to use field marks, habitat, behavior, and song to identify birds.
  • In its natural habitat, the hibiscus will grow up to 25ft.
  • Finally, man-made ditches, as well as existing bayous, sloughs, and streams in the St. Francis Watershed, provide suitable habitat for P. capax.
  • An increasing amount of forests along ridgetops in the front ranges of the Canadian Rocky Mountains is reducing the ability of some alpine butterflies to disperse among patches of suitable habitat.
  • The driving force behind a great organization is to never forget the passion and principles we all support in habitat work for the wild quail and all upland game. Quail Unlimited Implodes
  • In an age of central heating and renovation Greystones presumably featured as a rare unspoiled habitat.
  • Critics say the bill threatens some of the most ecologically unique areas of the Tongass forest, namely karst limestone habitat, as well as two subspecies: the Queen Charlotte goshawk and the Alexander Archipelago wolf. News
  • The Titan Arum was discovered in 1878 in its sole indigenous habitat, the Indonesian island of Sumatra, and grows in cultivation in only a handful of places around the world.
  • It gives us a wonderfully economical, almost anthropological view of the grrrls in their natural habitat - the street.
  • The effect of predator, parasitoid, insect pest and neutral insect groups in the arthropod community in the weed habitat on the corresponding groups in the paddy habitat were varied.
  • It has an untamed feel, having been largely unmanaged for many decades and it's littered with old wood and falling trees, a perfect habitat for these invisible workers.
  • A plant can be an obedient herb in one habitat and a rumbustious weed somewhere else.
  • Seeing these majestic and beautiful creatures in their natural habitat was one of the most moving and incredible experiences of my life. The Sun
  • Marine habitats throughout the insular Pacific are increasingly threatened by human activity.
  • There was no one at the beamdown point, which was close to where the undetectable barrier kept the swamp from encroaching on the habitat, but there was a road nearby that took them to the village in less than half an hour's walk. The Beast That Resembles A Poem(A Handy Resource for Architects,Engineers, and Students)
  • It blames increased use of pesticides and fertilisers, habitat destruction, loss of mixed farms and changes to sowing patterns. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vic representatives visited the Southern Cross shortly after Easter and found the first and second floors fit for habitation.
  • It is the only known habitat in the state for the rare golden gecko. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blind, totally eyeless trilobites have given us another indication of the range of trilobite habits and habitats.
  • We have planted over 800 native trees along the embankment, creating a wonderful habitat for warblers such as whitethroat, garden warbler and blackcap, as well as linnets, once a common bird that seems to be disappearing.
  • The"sacred ecosystem," as executive director Hawk Rosales calls it, isthreaded by waters like Wolf Creek (right), focus of aproject to restore salmon habitat.
  • Habitat and Ecology: In lowland broad - leaved evergreen forest. Flowering: Aug.
  • In addition, a proposal to protect 1.2 million acres of owl habitat would be dropped.
  • For that, they can thank modest human efforts to save their habitat, plus months of pouring rain.
  • Kelp beds and offshore reefs create habitat for a wide range of fish, with surfperch being the most common.
  • You know how it is, when you're sitting out in the dark, 50 kilometres from the nearest place of inhabitation, and you turn on the light, even the tiniest little three LED gizmo.
  • By day, follow expert Masai guides on foot to spot lions, cheetahs, and wildebeests without disturbing their habitats.
  • Salvato librario, et Demetrio lectore, ducatos XLV Francischo fabro lignario mediolanensi habitatori piscinæ urbis Romæ pro banchis Bibliothecæ conficiendis, maxime vero decem quæ ad sinistram jacent, quorum longitudo est XXXVIII palmorum, vel circa, et ita accepta parte pecuniarum, cujus summa est centum et XXX ducatorum, facturum se debitum promittit et obligat, die XV Julii 1475. The Care of Books
  • Quintana-Murci and his team found that the split between these groups occurred around 20,000 years ago, when a period of climate change led to the Pygmy's rainforest habitat retreating into 'refugia', or small refuges of surviving rainforest, before expanding outward again. News
  • And hedgehogs released into areas of excellent habitat hightailed it out of there if they smelt badger. Times, Sunday Times
  • The park protects important habitat for an isolated population of the vulnerable bilby (Macrotis lagotis). Mitchell grass downs
  • If climate was the culprit, then people and proboscideans should have shared some of the same territory, at least until climate change shrunk proboscidean habitat.
  • The valley has hosted a mountain rosefinch population of about 150-300 breeding pairs since the 1970s. Breeding habitats for rosefinches consist of shrubby, mostly wet and humid meadows.
  • Three lakes are also found in this park, providing habitat for a variety of waterbirds as well as antelope species with a preference for marshy or open, grassy habitat such as sitatunga, oribi (Ourebia ourebi), waterbuck, tsessebe, and lechwe (Kobus leche). Angolan Miombo woodlands
  • A wetland habitat with reed beds, a boardwalk, bridges and an outdoor classroom will also transform the park encouraging wildlife and the public.
  • Woodlands are the butcherbird's natural habitat, but like many similar species they have adapted well to urbanisation and can be found in leafy suburbs.
  • Spatially complex microhabitats tend to reduce desiccative water loss by cutting down the amount of moving air the animal is exposed to.
  • The road itself would lead to increased road kills and further splinter an ecosystem where state officials have already bought more than $100 million worth of land to reduce habitat fragmentation.
  • The severity and unpredictably of higher latitude and alpine habitats present special challenges to birds and mammals who live out some or all of their lives there.
  • But, for example, if there were a long-term drought or a permanent change in rainfall patterns macroclimate, the microclimate of the microhabitats would also gradually change. Species vulnerability traits
  • Several nonnative noxious weeds have invaded stickseed habitat and threaten to out-compete the stickseed for the available nutrients.
  • Cummings called the Interior Department "schizophrenic" - on the one hand declaring its intent to protect polar bear habitat in the Arctic, yet at the same time "sacrificing that habitat to feed our unsustainable addiction to oil. Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
  • The nearer I approached to your habitation, the more deeply did I feel the spirit of revenge enkindled in my heart. Chapter 16
  • This discipline looks at the positives of marriage and committed cohabitation, at what binds people together. Times, Sunday Times
  • Habitat wind township and village roads panacea , Micronesia, as beads Network, to facilitate passenger and freight.
  • Habitat and Ecology: In ponds , paddy and other marshy or flooded areas.
  • The saltbush Atriplex halimus is a chenopodiaceous plant well adapted to dry saline habitats and widely distributed in the Mediterranean Basin.
  • He described it in the 1930s as the richest bird habitat in peninsular India, comparable only with the Eastern Himalayas.
  • August 25th, 2009 10: 04 am ET you and your dingbat daughter pleasse go back under the rock where you both cohabitate. Cheney takes swipe at Obama over prosecutor
  • Nearby rock ledges had Asplenium rutamuraria, Pellaea atropurpurea, and other ferns typical of the habitat, and the foliage of Clematis occidentalis was noted.
  • Habitat is an old hand at changing habits of a lifetime.
  • IBM Creates Plant-Based, Highly Recyclable Plastics The plastic removes highly toxic metals found in plastics like PET – Inhabitat about mission submit a story shop advertise with us support us press contact sign up IBM Creates Plant-Based, Highly Recyclable Plastics The plastic removes highly toxic metals found in plastics like PET – Inhabitat
  • Kai Tia Island, situated in the Toey Ngam Bay, is an important habitat for coral reefs and marine life and is also considered a spiritually sacred place.
  • Loggers have removed hundreds of tiny trees and left the litter in rough piles to nourish the soil and provide wildlife habitat.
  • By day, follow expert Masai guides on foot to spot lions, cheetahs, and wildebeests without disturbing their habitats.
  • a snag can provide food and a habitat for insects and birds
  • Do but extract from the corpulency of bodies, or resolve things beyond their first matter, and you discover the habitation of angels; which if I call the ubiquitary and omnipresent essence of God, I hope I shall not offend divinity: for, before the creation of the world, God was really all things. Religio Medici
  • Imperatore pr鎠ente, nemo nisi adductus in quacunque camera, vel habitatione intromittitur, donec interrogatus iusserit The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Mangrove forests function to protect coasts from storms, erosion and abrasion, as well as providing habitat for various animals especially fish and bird species.
  • First, the ideas in these two theories provide the groundwork for the preferred habitat and liquidity premium theories. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • It's hard enough bird watching, does she have to disrupt the animals in their natural habitat?
  • The trees are used to build lodges and large dams that provide their aquatic habitat.
  • The soil-borne mycorrhizal fungi colonize the root cortex biotrophycally, then develop an external mycelium which is a bridge connecting the root with the surrounding soil microhabitats.
  • Without some sort of prioritization scheme, it will be difficult to focus limited resources on species, ecoregions, and habitats that are in need of conservation.
  • This technique is quite different from the prey detection style usually employed by vesper bats: a technique suited for short-range prey that are detected in cluttered habitats. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Remember that our herb gardens are probably far removed from the plant 's natural habitat. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • The discovery of a host of rare and exotic mushrooms spreading across the nation will be blamed on a new habitat created by gardeners' wood chippings, at a meeting of ecologists in the new year.
  • Padampur Panchayat, located immediately to the south of the Rapti River, is a heavily populated area as well as providing some of the last remaining habitat for tiger, rhinoceros, and gharial. Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
  • Objective : To compare the content of the active ingredient resveratrol in Smilax china from different habitats.
  • Conserving their habitat could involve preserving a patch of scrub or delaying the cutting of a swathe of hay for a few days until a bird has fledged its young.
  • The Mississippi gopher frog (Rana capita sevosa) was once found in suitable habitat within the Lower Coastal Plain from Florida to eastern Louisiana.
  • ■ The most important habitat requirement for Osprey is an ample supply of medium-sized fish near the surface of clear, unpolluted water. Osprey webcam thrills bird lovers as Lady of the Loch awaits mate
  • In a free country we ought to be able to cohabitate and fornicate (mm, or mf) but I'm not sure if it is detrimental to the family .... maybe it would make an interesting read, lol. McDonnell blasted for controversial research paper
  • The cars and houses, while occasionally showing signs of human habitation, look unreal, like toy models set against a colored background.
  • The only creature on earth whose natural habitat is a zoo is the zookeeper. Robert Brault 
  • Worst thing is, the habitat module took a direct hit from a gauss grenade. New Race
  • The ability of these cats to travel distances through habitat corridors could enable them to repopulate parts of Arizona and New Mexico, restoring a part of our wildlife heritage that has been missing from this region for over 50 years.
  • The gorillas' natural habitat has been gradually destroyed to make way for farmland and cash crops for sale on the global market.
  • The marshes provide a rich habitat for water plants.
  • In indoor aquariums we can prepare much better and more stable conditions than are offered in their natural habitat.
  • Indeed, Moulsworth vows to transmute the faulty model provided by the Biblical Martha, the archetypal busy housewife: Moulsworth plans to "dight" (or make ready) her "Inward house" (l. 19) and thus prepare an appropriate habitation for Christ. My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
  • The primary example of this habitat occurs along the upper reaches of Accokeek Creek and its maze of tributaries.
  • Wakashan researches 129 on the habitat of the Haeltzuk 130 Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1885-1886, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1891
  • To discover whether ungulate coloration aids in concealment, we first tested whether uniform pelage color typically matches habitat background.
  • Increased tourist flow may increase conflict with tigers and encroach on their habitat.
  • American Kestrels are found in a wide variety of open habitats, among them agricultural areas, grasslands, sagebrush, shrub-steppe, steppe, and dry forest zones.
  • One extension made in this article is to allow for unequal population size between the two habitats, a case treated in the past only for the limits of very large or very small migration.
  • One section of the garden demonstrates a method developed by the conservation group English Nature to restore heathland, a landscape habitat that is rarer than rainforest and being lost at a rate of 15 percent a decade.
  • The scrubland (cotos) and heathland ecotone (vera) are the richest habitats for most animals apart from waterbirds. Doñana National Park, Spain
  • Coral reefs contain a greater variety of species than any other habitat except for tropical forests.
  • The only motive to devote myself to study Nepenthes viking in habitat is curiosity. Its existence is quite interesting as well as its amazing pitcher shape.
  • Polar bears have successfully occupied virtually all available sea ice habitats throughout the circumpolar Arctic and the global population was last estimated at 21,500-25,000 individuals.
  • The habitats landed at the base site which will be preselected for trafficability can have wheels attached to their landing gear legs, and then, with the aid of a cable and windlass, be rolled together to be either mated up directly or connected with the aid of inflatable tunnels. The Case for Mars
  • This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.
  • Where houses are unfit for human habitation there is a clear risk to the health of the occupants. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat.
  • Gansu province is the main area of Muslim inhabitation in the west - north area of China.
  • Multiple species windbreaks can be a habitat for owls, mopokes and other predatory birds which will eat the rats, mice and other vermin that cause havoc within an orchard.
  • Despite numerous surveys, the amphibian has not been recorded in its rain forest habitat since 1986.
  • The combination of owl, murrelet, and riparian protection will eventually provide at least 520,000 acres of mature forest habitat.
  • Establishment of long-term grass swards has had some success, and planting birch (Betula pubescens) and native willows (Salix lanata and S. phylicifolia) is proving a successful conservation measure, using mycorrhizal inocula, for re-establishing species and habitat diversity of grasslands, shrublands, and woodlands that were lost through overgrazing [22] [23] although non-native species can cause problems. Human impacts on the biodiversity of the Arctic
  • Pollution had also been a major problem, devastating the natural habitats of many animals and damaging the earth beyond repair.
  • The polar region is the habitat of the polar bear.
  • These pools as well as the deeper water areas of the sedge meadow provide breeding habitat for chorus frogs, spring peepers, and smallmouth salamanders.
  • Loss of habitat, prey, and polluted waters are some of the risks that alligators already face.
  • Les mémes causes empéchent les moirs qui vivent à la compagne d'avoir des plantations étendues; celles qu'ils cultivent sont bornées, mais généralement assez bien cultivées: de bons habits, _une log house_, ou maison de bois en bon état, des enfans plus nombreux les font remarquer des Européens voyageurs, et l'oeil du philosophe se plaît à considérer ces habitations, où la tyrannie ne fait point verser de pleurs. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916
  • This convention dealt with issues of sustainable fishery catches and conservation of both aquatic species and habitats.
  • Eventually the bears were tranquilized Monday and moved to another den within their habitat, in hopes the pair would nod off to sleep again for another month.
  • Hanc postquam Tartari ceperunt, ad dimidium miliare fecerunt vnam ciuitatem nomine Caydo, et habet duodecim portas, et � porta in portam duo sunt grossa miliaria Lombardica, spacium inter medium istarum ciuitatum habitatoribus plenum est, et circuitus cuiuslibet istarum ambit 60. miliaria Lombardica, qu� faciunt octo The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Because of the small number of remaining Mississippi gopher frogs, the species is extremely vulnerable to even natural processes such as drought and floods, and to further loss, damage, and fragmentation of its habitat.
  • These sparrows breed in native shrub-steppe habitats or in small patches of unplowed grass and shrubs near agricultural fields.
  • The country is currently governed by a cohabitation arrangement in which the president and prime minister belong to rival parties.
  • The only honest information would have been that about 97 percent of the world’s relevant scientists overwhelming agree that climate change couldn’t be more real and is a genuine danger to humanity and the planet -- and that the evidence is all around us in freakish weather, rising oceans, melting arctic ice and glaciers, shifting habitats, and more. Rebecca Solnit: Jurassic Ballot: When Corporations Ruled the Earthrop 23
  • Vanhooydonck B, Van Damme R (2003) Relationships between locomotor performance, microhabitat use and antipredator behaviour in lacertid lizards. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The moth's habitat is being destroyed and it has nearly died out.
  • And the state Department of Public Safety has little jurisdiction to keep the diesels ensconced within their border habitat.
  • Habitat for Humanity International, founded in 1976, is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry.
  • The change trend was influenced by several reasons such as the aquatic habitat, the ecological characteristics of fish, the community structure of digenetic trematodes and import of live fish.
  • NSW Architecture Awards Announced: Gorgeous Oz-chitecture Darling Point Apartment 2 by Stanic Harding – Inhabitat about mission submit a story shop advertise with us support us press contact sign up NSW Architecture Awards Announced: Gorgeous Oz-chitecture Darling Point Apartment 2 by Stanic Harding – Inhabitat
  • It also aims to preserve wildlife habitat and agricultural land.
  • LORAX’S “GREENEST HOUSE IN SAN FRANCISCO” west coast green lorax clipper house green sustainable san francisco reclaimed wood rain catchment – Inhabitat about mission submit a story shop advertise with us support us press contact sign up LORAX’S “GREENEST HOUSE IN SAN FRANCISCO” west coast green lorax clipper house green sustainable san francisco reclaimed wood rain catchment – Inhabitat
  • This region provides habitat for considerable floral and faunal species diversity, many of which taxa are endemic. Talamancan montane forests
  • It was through him that Mr Jackson became hooked on watching the badgers in their natural habitat.
  • NSW Architecture Awards Announced: Gorgeous Oz-chitecture Garden House by Peter Stutchbury – Inhabitat about mission submit a story shop advertise with us support us press contact sign up NSW Architecture Awards Announced: Gorgeous Oz-chitecture Garden House by Peter Stutchbury – Inhabitat
  • Woodcreepers will not cross large, unforested gaps; this may become a problem for their survival as their habitat becomes increasingly fragmented.
  • Communities range from xeric habitats such as scrub and scrubby flatwoods to hydric habitats such as floodplain forest and blackwater stream.
  • Their ideal habitat is in long grass or scrubland (semi-arid heath) where they make pathways or runways for feeding and escape if disturbed.
  • The case, to be decided within the next six months, will have major impact on the fate of prairie potholes, natural ponds and mudflats, which provide vital habitat for waterfowl.
  • Our Southwest deserts are home to endangered Sonoran pronghorn antelopes, desert tortoises, kangaroo rats, pupfish, springsnails, and other desert species that are adapted to very specialized niches and therefore particularly vulnerable to changes in climate and habitat. Leda Huta: A Marshall Plan for Nature: How to Protect Endangered Species from Climate Change
  • Plant propagation material is collected from the wild in order to establish and maintain the botanic gardens (which seek to replicate the main habitats of the entire region - from sandhills to woodlands).
  • The recent survey found that 20 per cent of private-rented dwellings are unfit for human habitation.
  • He explained that Central Valley rivers and hatcheries have habitat and space, respectively, for 180, 000 salmon.
  • The animal is under threat of extinction in the wild as its forest habitat is destroyed to make way for agricultural land. Times, Sunday Times
  • It must be again said that we have not to think of "the pleasant place of all festivity," but of a few huts among the sand-banks, inhabited by Roman provincials, who mournfully recall their charred and ruined habitations by the Brenta and the Piave. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • Delegates from 90 countries will discuss ways to conserve habitats, protect the migratory routes birds take and the use of satellite technology to monitor stocks.
  • The first time a long eared gerboa has been caught on tape in its natural habitat. CNN Transcript Dec 10, 2007
  • Major threats include: introduced species, hunting and collecting, habitat destruction and agrochemical use.
  • Habitats in tropical and subtropical mountain forest, coniferous forest, forest edge grass, bamboo forest or savanna.
  • They perform great public works by the united efforts of the whole community -- such as damming up streams and constructing mounds for their habitations. The Illustrated London Reading Book
  • A total of 98 non-native species and 89 native species were observed in the fallow field habitat.
  • Its ability to survive lengthy periods between feeds was well suited to its original habitat: caves, rock crevices and hollow trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • His observations of fungi in their natural habitat and his methods of culturing them enabled him to work out their developemt and life cycles, thus laying down the foundations of modern mycology .
  • T. galatea itself occupied New Guinea proper, having diversified there into only three subspecies, despite the great heterogeneity of available habitats. The Song of The Dodo
  • Under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, the Hawaiian monk seal has had some of its coastal habitat protected.
  • The sites are protected by international treaties designed to preserve rare habitats and the endangered bird populations they support. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recent population numbers have declined most often due to habitat fragmentation and loss.
  • The island is renowned for one of the largest coral lagoons in the world, its beautiful beaches and spectacular ocean habitats with giant clams and tropical fish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Found in forested areas, they are suffering from loss of habitat through forest clearance. Animals of the World
  • To save remaining herds and habitat, the national parks department is planning to cull 2000 elephants.
  • The collective claims VicForests is illegally cutting down old trees in the area and threatening the habitat of the endangered Leadbeater's possum, which is one of Victoria's emblems. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • It is alleged, however, that R. rostrata is rare even in its native habitat.
  • Shifts between aquatic and terrestrial habitats were likely promoted by the availability of malacostracans in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats.
  • In eutrophic Lake Hiidenvesi, we studied the possibility that water quality indirectly affects mysids by forcing them to habitats where they are vulnerable to fish predation.
  • Agamemnon cannot restrain himself and even bursts into verse in the course of this disquisition on the decadence of oratory: artis severae si quis ambit effectus mentemque magnis applicat, prius mores frugalitatis lege poliat exacta. nec curet alto regiam trucem vultu cliensve cenas impotentium captet nec perditis addictus obruat vino mentis calorem, neve plausor in scaenam sedeat redemptus histrionis ad rictus. sed sive armigerae rident Tritonidis arces, seu Lacedaemonio tellus habitata colono Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • The result is that fish waste pollutes the water, which becomes the perfect habitat for green algae to form.
  • Inhabitancy configuration and collective inhabitation work on social distance.
  • The Hacienda La Pacifica resort complex, adjacent to these preserves, is popular with birders for the natural habitat along the river right on its grounds, where boat-billed herons come to roost.
  • Several authors have observed increased species richness in forested vs. open peatlands, because of the higher degree of habitat heterogeneity offered by a forest.
  • The habitat of S. lineatus can be divided into microhabitats differing in vegetation structure, which determines the amount of solar radiation penetrating the vegetation.
  • Dry stone walls may appear stark and lifeless, but they provide a valuable habitat for plants and animals.
  • Unlike most plant parasites, the broom-forming dwarf mistletoes may considerably benefit a forest community by creating additional food resources and habitat for many animals.
  • Even within areas females are familiar with, there may be changes in the habitat available for maternity denning.
  • Vandals are unwittingly causing untold damage to wildlife habitat in Savernake Forest, says a forester.
  • Introducing free-ranging African cheetahs back to the Southwest, the scientists assert, could restore strong interactions with pronghorns and provide endangered cheetahs with new habitat.
  • Tapirs are shy, reclusive rainforest animals that live in nearly any wooded or grassy habitat with a permanent supply of water.
  • One possible strategy for maximizing the period of plant growth in snowbed habitats would be for seedlings to germinate as early as possible after snowmelt.
  • The marsh fritillary was once common across Britain and Europe, but has been in sharp decline over the past century because of loss of habitat.
  • Surrounding habitats with gopher tortoise burrows have likewise been lost to development and land use changes.
  • The long-term implications of these habitat losses for individual species, if the present trends continue, are likely to be disastrous.
  • Critical habitat designations are far more time consuming and costly than listings.
  • The data collected will allow researchers to track the size and number of sandbars and related near-shore habitat.
  • Regulations requiring that the houses be deemed fit for habitation have been waived so that they can move in.
  • This wasn't any alien habitat, where even geometry might be twisted out of shape.
  • Its ability to survive lengthy periods between feeds was well suited to its original habitat: caves, rock crevices and hollow trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Habitat seemed the next best criterion to search by, since many waterfowl shy away from inland bodies of water.
  • The stunning snap captures the bird's camouflage in its natural wintry habitat. The Sun
  • Excavation ceased in the 1950s and the area is now overgrown with woodland, bracken and gorse which provides a habitat for birds, snakes and mammals.
  • Other important plant species in the freshwater habitats include pondweed (Potamogeton crispus), water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), tape-grass (Ottelia alismoides), and buckbean (Nymphoides peltata). Yellow Sea saline meadow
  • The typical flora and Pyrenean fauna make for a special place: pine forests, heather moors and humid areas provide the ideal habitat for grouses, crossbills, izards and hares.
  • Salt deserts or salt pans - ‘salinas’ in Latin America - are among the most extreme habitats on Earth.

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