[ UK /ɡˈʌzlɐ/ ]
[ UK /ɡˈʌzlɐ/ ]
someone who drinks heavily (especially alcoholic beverages)
he's a beer guzzler every night - a drinker who swallows large amounts greedily
How To Use guzzler In A Sentence
- Speaking of driving, I don’t drive a gas guzzler and am saving up for a Hyrbid, even if it doesn’t offset gas costs (more interested in offsetting my carbon footprint). Think Progress » The four stages of global warming denial
- High oil prices cut demand for gas guzzlers and boost sales of hybrid cars. Times, Sunday Times
- he's a beer guzzler every night
- Emmisions are measured an a weight of polutant per mile basis, and so a gas guzzler is technically cleaner than an economy car on a per gallon basis. Regulatory Pollution, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
- Do you oppose luxury taxes, gas guzzler taxes, alcohol and tobacco taxes, car tabs, gas taxes, etc.? How to Solve the Budget Standoff: Soda Tax « PubliCola
- Should we not deplore rather than admire the production of yet another gas guzzler? Times, Sunday Times
- They will hit the top earner, the energy-guzzler, the expense account holder, harder than anyone.
- He now proposes switching to a 4x4 gas-guzzler, doubling my share of the cost. Times, Sunday Times
- Salt Lake earns glowing reviews these days from dog lovers, vegetarians, bookstore browsers, microbrew guzzlers, and especially recreationists.
- Would you rather they drive a gaz guzzler? give you Styrofoam cups? In Denial About Meat « PubliCola