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How To Use Guzzle In A Sentence

  • Emmisions are measured an a weight of polutant per mile basis, and so a gas guzzler is technically cleaner than an economy car on a per gallon basis. Regulatory Pollution, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Would you rather they drive a gaz guzzler? give you Styrofoam cups? In Denial About Meat « PubliCola
  • Orient's concern is that a bigger, possibly Premier League team moving into its own backyard would guzzle up the club's fanbase. Orient's Olympic-Sized Threat
  • The plane was deafeningly noisy, guzzled fuel, and left a trail of smoke.
  • Salt Lake earns glowing reviews these days from dog lovers, vegetarians, bookstore browsers, microbrew guzzlers, and especially recreationists.
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  • He now proposes switching to a 4x4 gas-guzzler, doubling my share of the cost. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sitting behind the wheel, he cracked open the soda and guzzled it down. Talking Heads « A Fly in Amber
  • They will hit the top earner, the energy-guzzler, the expense account holder, harder than anyone.
  • Should we not deplore rather than admire the production of yet another gas guzzler? Times, Sunday Times
  • At nine past nine the piggy swine / Broke down the door and guzzled brine / And hogged sweet cakes and oinked loud grunts / And pulled all kinds of dirty stunts. Sendak's Party Animals
  • Do you oppose luxury taxes, gas guzzler taxes, alcohol and tobacco taxes, car tabs, gas taxes, etc.? How to Solve the Budget Standoff: Soda Tax « PubliCola
  • Mom Squads are ready to go out for a drink or, better yet, come over in their pj’s to relish being able to guzzle cheap wine, chat, and stuff your faces without being interrupted to break up fights.
  • Ally surreptitiously guzzles water at every chance to avoid the dreaded dry mouth kiss.
  • For one terrifying evening, innocent people are forced to sit in an unventilated windowless room with a group of bodybuilders who have just guzzled cheap protein shakes.
  • he's a beer guzzler every night
  • Guzzle the champagne and tuck into the starter: it will all fall apart from there.
  • I guess she likes her male to loaf around the yard in boxers and no shirt, guzzle a beer and let off a hearty belch.
  • I gulp and quickly guzzle the contents of my glass, for a moment not caring that the contents may have contained alcohol.
  • Boys, I'm drinking, and I don't care, fur my spunk's up, and I'd just's soon bet her all the first bet; them tarnal fellers guzzled me out of $1,000 in Cincinnater, and I wants ter get even. Forty Years a Gambler on the Mississippi
  • Thou mayst perchance have seen me also have a fancy to play at trap - ball, or to kiss a serving wench, or to guzzle ale and eat toasted cheese in a porterly whimsy; but is it fitting thou shouldst remember such follies? Peveril of the Peak
  • High oil prices cut demand for gas guzzlers and boost sales of hybrid cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • Critics credit it with transforming millions of indiscriminate guzzlers into quasi foodies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term 4x4 has supplanted 'gas guzzler' as the supreme automotive shorthand of hate. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gord teased* "You'll guzzle down a gallon of ale a day for the rest of a long life and never grow fat " you work it off nightly bawdstrot-tlng each willing wench you meet. Night Arrant
  • The landscape of Cheever Country today is, literally, a façade of a façade - mini-mansions with foreclosure signs, unsell-able gas-guzzlers with ludicrous names like Hartford Advocate: News
  • It does 45mpg but is classed as a 'gas guzzler'. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we wouldn't guzzle vintage wine, then shouldn't we accord the same respect to life itself?
  • I will come back repeatedly and guzzle dranks forever if you keep that pinball!
  • The plane was deafeningly noisy, guzzled fuel, and left a trail of smoke.
  • Washington state campground officials find a bear passed out in the common area and discover that it had guzzled three dozen cans of beer.
  • We watch through our fingers as another convenience meal is nuked in the microwave, another can of fizzy pop is guzzled, another packet of crisps scoffed.
  • That's tiny compared with the $33bn guzzled up by eurozone banks, but it does suggest Japan's financial sector is fragile. If RBS takes stakes in its ailing debtors, who knows what George Osborne could end up owning?
  • At nine past nine the piggy swine / Broke down the door and guzzled brine / And hogged sweet cakes and oinked loud grunts / And pulled all kinds of dirty stunts. Sendak's Party Animals
  • The guzzlers of Munich's beer halls are the stuff of bacchanalian legend: now they have to contend with rivals hailing from the bars and street stalls of Hanoi and New Delhi.
  • What could males do then but yawn, sleep, snore, guzzle, guttle, and drink till they grew dead and got buried? The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 406, December 26, 1829
  • When it came to regulating gas guzzlers, Dingell was a cash nuzzler; he protected his contributors 'interests. Fast Company
  • I never thought I would care about the difference between creek and brook, sea-marks and flotsam, guzzles and gutters.
  • As a result, I noticed a Honda commercial I've never seen before, where a bunch of giant insect gas guzzlers (like a cross between Starship Troopers and a Chevy Tahoe) are thwarted from attacking a Honda Fit by a big bug zapper which is equated to gas mileage of 33 mpg. What Happened To High MPG Ratings?
  • Consider these entries, all from the Gs: gaffle (several men gaffle into something heavy and lift it together), goose greens, grinding sheep, gundalow, gunkhole, gurnet, gurry and gurrybutt, guzzle hole. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 3
  • Last year, we guzzled our way through 440m litres of soft drinks, which works out at an average of one 330 ml can of fizzy drink per day for every person in the country.
  • We all know about this--the hospitalized friend we did not visit, the gas guzzler we opted not to trade in, the granola bars we hoarded from the homeless man with the cardboard sign at the intersection. Brett C. Hoover: Can Comfort Keep Us From Caring?
  • He said energy projects "guzzle" cash and it would not be "prudent" to keep them on Exxaro's balance sheet. IOL: News
  • Everett J.hnston was in Crystal Beach on March 21, 2008, when he began to "guzzle" a can of Tecate Light, according to the lawsuit filed March 19 by attorney Roy J. Elizondo III in Galveston's 122nd District Court. The Daily News - News
  • Critics credit it with transforming millions of indiscriminate guzzlers into quasi foodies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Father Floyd guzzled moonshine, caroused a bit and ran a sawmill that provided hard wages while relieving him of a few fingers. "Nashville Chrome," a novel by Rick Bass, about the Browns
  • Taking out a beer, he popped it open and guzzled it down in one large gulp.
  • The gas guzzler is gone - and possibly, by now, even designated illegal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The National Energy Act of 1978, which Carter pushed through Congress with single-minded intensity, tripled federal funding for solar energy research, created loans and tax credits for homeowners to insulate their homes and install renewable-energy heating and cooling systems, set national efficiency standards for electrical appliances, provided $100 million for schools, hospitals, and local governments to install energy-conservation technology, and imposed a gas-guzzler tax on inefficient vehicles to encourage gasoline conservation. The Good Fight
  • Speaking of driving, I don’t drive a gas guzzler and am saving up for a Hyrbid, even if it doesn’t offset gas costs (more interested in offsetting my carbon footprint). Think Progress » The four stages of global warming denial
  • Yet, when I felt that quick-lightning feeling for the first time, I gulped and guzzled it down and then sputtered to life. Nicki Richesin: When Love Came for Me
  • Licensing magistrates granted a Section 77 to the riverside pub, giving drinkers a chance to stay there until the witching hour three days a week, with the chance to bop on the dance floor or guzzle the substantial food.
  • While Jerry guzzled coffee and ordered all the greasy meat on the menu, Tom fueled up on carbs with multigrain cereal and toast, and protein from eggs and dairy to replenish his power.
  • My car guzzles fuel.
  • Your giant top-spec gas-guzzler hobbled to 60mph, taken out by something small, spartan and sensible? Times, Sunday Times
  • He guzzled what was in his glass, set it down on the table, and reached for a cracker. Charlotte’s Family Tree « A Fly in Amber
  • I guess she likes her male to loaf around the yard in boxers and no shirt, guzzle a beer and let off a hearty belch etc etc.
  • I seated myself across from him and watched as he guzzled it all down.
  • No one knows better than I, the fatal necessity for any one in your position: more than that, the duty in many cases of plunging into public functions, and all the guttle, guzzle, and gammon therewith connected. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • This elegant insect is a formidable greenfly guzzler and its larvae are particularly good at exterminating these ubiquitous pests.
  • He splashed some on his face and handed the container to Quinn, who also greedily guzzled the water down.
  • They guzzle so much energy that desalinators operate only in locations with excess petroleum, or where waste heat from power plants (especially nuclear and geothermal) can be recycled.
  • Last year, partly due to a sweltering summer, we guzzled 25 per cent more rosé wines than the year before.
  • So according to D, if you want to slow down global warming, you should trade in your Prius for a gas guzzler. Matthew Yglesias » Earnings Dropping, Energy Prices Rising
  • In a margarita the flavors are quite similar; it really comes down to how "boozy" you want your drink to taste (bear in mind that a stronger-tasting drink may be less likely to be heedlessly guzzled). Chris Hall: The Perfect Margarita
  • An allocation of $160,000 will also pay salary for "guzzler" crews to maintain and develop water sources for wildlife. The Record-Courier - Top Stories
  • Irish people, North and South, guzzled their way through £600m worth of soft drinks last year, quaffing 729m litres of their favourite non-alcoholic tipples in the process.
  • I am so thirsty I guzzle several glasses of fruit juice, a litre of water and most of a flask of red bush tea before I even sit down.
  • Only then might motorists begin to question the need to buy a gas guzzler. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also reminiscent of "guzzle" which is in effect what you do .. hoovering up the incessant feeds on the website. Shiny Shiny
  • But, a blue marlin is also just as happy rounding up a big ball of ‘trumpetero’ or boarfish, just like a tuna or sail, and guzzles on them too.
  • Being a Neg cum guzzler or "cum dump" for a Poz dude barebacker is high risk. Queerty
  • In one household he gustily ate the breakfast chilaquiles, guzzled juice, and jumped at the chance for second helpings.
  • At the average grand prix there are 4000 VIP guests who between them guzzle down 2,300 lobsters, 1.4 tonnes of beef, 1.2 tonnes of fish and 5,500 magnums of champagne.
  • Why, if Ponce de Leon had found the fountain of youth and drunk of it as bibulously as we are apt to guzzle the cup of achievement, he would not only have arrested the forward march of time, but would have over-reached himself and slipped backward through the years of his age to become a chronic infant in arms. The Joyful Heart
  • He now proposes changing his car to a 4x4 gas-guzzler, doubling my share of the cost. Times, Sunday Times
  • TV Guide Magazine: The wine you guys guzzle is grape juice, right? Josh Hopkins Talks Life in Cougar Town
  • While he guzzled the champagne and plowed into his lobster, cracking the shell with gusto, she saw only lust for life. Shore Thing
  • Thus, an 8-passenger minivan that gets 25 mpg must not be considered a gas-guzzler.
  • Americans have fallen out of love with the gas guzzler. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thou mayst perchance have seen me also have a fancy to play at trap-ball, or to kiss a serving wench, or to guzzle ale and eat toasted cheese in a porterly whimsy; but is it fitting thou shouldst remember such follies? Peveril of the Peak
  • Besides higher labor-unit costs, AMR's aging fleet guzzled fuel and put off customers, bleeding market share to newly consolidated rivals. American Airlines Takes Evasive Action
  • High oil prices cut demand for gas guzzlers and boost sales of hybrid cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government also instituted a graduated tax on new cars, designed to discourage purchases of gas guzzlers .
  • Earlier that day, Pops had revealed that the big man had guzzled eighteen RC Colas, the maximum weekly allowance, within a few hours.
  • The boys guzzled the cheap vodka
  • Abundant oil also underlay the global expansion of the country’s military power, as the Pentagon garrisoned the world while becoming one of the planet’s great oil guzzlers. Michael T. Klare: America and Oil, Declining Together?
  • If anything was a gas guzzler, they are - most being now half as large as an intercontinental truck. Times, Sunday Times
  • She quickly handed out their drinks and watched them guzzle them down, in public they would never attempt to get away with such a thing.
  • Critics credit it with transforming millions of indiscriminate guzzlers into quasi foodies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Nag knows roses rule; as does the roasted tomato and bocconcini pizza he is preparing as I blog and guzzle red wine in front of the fire. Blogging and guzzling
  • We watch through our fingers as another convenience meal is nuked in the microwave, another can of fizzy pop is guzzled, another packet of crisps scoffed.
  • The typical semi-trailer truck guzzles 20,000 gallons of diesel annually and uses the same roads day after day. Natural-Gas Trucks Face Long Haul
  • Bill Styron certainly never had a reputation of being a drunkard—in fact it was a standing joke among friends like Willie Morris and Irwin Shaw that he "nursed" his drinks, while the rest of us guzzled. A Roaring Literary Lion
  • A key attraction of hybrids, with oil prices averaging around US $50 a barrel, is that they sip gas rather than guzzle it.
  • He guzzled the last of his draft beer and slurred. Talking Heads « A Fly in Amber
  • About a mile on, where the beach runs out, the Greeks gather in a taverna to guzzle spit-roasted pork washed down with local beer.
  • Tooling about town in a gas guzzler is obviously bad for the environment, but online car rental broker Vroom Vroom Vroom wants you to know that surfing the Web is also destroying the planet. Past Tech Trends & Products: Technology Live Archive
  • Otherwise, everyone would use 100mpg BMW C1s or 75mpg diesel Smart cars. (let no one reply that 6 people in a 15mpg SUV guzzler is saving fuel over 6 separate Smart cars, PLEASE). Meadowcreek Debate Gets Weird at
  • Today on BoingBoing Gadgets, we reviewed a 3G USB modem that works great on Macs and high-end canine gear; listened to The Harmonium; drank a strictly-conforming European pint; watched Belkin try to bring novelty to the world of mouse pads; built an ornithopter and a difference engine; guzzled yoghurt with a specially-shaped spoon; and listened to a beautiful boombox in a double-bass fiddle. Boing Boing
  • He grabbed a piece of toast and guzzled down a bowl of cornflakes.

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