How To Use Gurgle In A Sentence
She planted little kisses across its forehead and it gurgled.
Light pains in my chest, the indeterminable gurgle in my stomach, a swaying before my eyes.
Books in 2009, #5
The water gurgled and purled, loudly at first, then softly, as a powerful foot-wide whirlpool took shape.
And just then began the ugliest man to gurgle and snort, as if something unutterable in him tried to find expression; when, however, he had actually found words, behold! it was a pious, strange litany in praise of the adored and censed ass.
Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
He gave a low gurgle of laughter.

So say he gives up his training, that's four thousand pounds down the gurgler.
She gurgled her delight.
The gurglet and mantle were passed to him, and soon he and his follower were feeling their way upward.
The Prince of India — Volume 01
A small crystalline brook gurgled over worn round stones as it ran to its destination.
The little girl gurgled at her aunt.
`Help,' the stabbing victim gurgled
He gave a low gurgle of laughter.
He heard waves pounding in his ears, the soft gurgle beneath the waves, the silty sound of sand being moved within hidden currents.
The lunch mural, for want of a better title, strikes an altogether different chord — that of an evacuated spring-blossomy babbling-brook alpine hinterland glorious people-scape, in which the principal technical challenge for the artist was to crank up the volume of the foliage and the foreground blossoms, whilst reining in the waters, because for obvious reasons the plash and gurgle of cataracts can be counterproductive at lunchtime.
The Mural II
Please listen to the depths of the season, a sweet - bi voiceless, to gurgle out.
At the party Lillian Rose, wearing the rosebud dress bought by Yvonne, gurgled happily in her cot.
It's whipgloss, ladies: the grasses steep-edged in the storm, dense with hornets trying to trick their way under the roots while the stains keep creeping out of my fist, moistening the knee of my pants, your pants, our pants leaving us stranded like creatures that gurgle under the waste as the mud hardens.
I could hear the gurgle and hiss as gases escaped the bloating bodies.
Fire The Sky
From somewhere far away, a fountain gurgled and splashed.
Besides, " he added, his voice dropping to a gurgled whisper, "when people are chewing qat, they don't ask awkward questions about where Yemen's oil revenues are going.
The second night, a perfect calm prevailing, he took the small boat, and went out on the sea drifting, having provided himself with wine and water, the latter in a new gurglet bought for the trip.
The Prince of India — Volume 02
A gurgle, sounding very similar to a laugh, replaced her cries, and a smile graced her face as Trent picked her up.
She flushed the toilet, and we all three stood there crowded into the little bathroom and watched the water swirl and kerplunk down the drainpipe and gurgle as the bowl and tank refilled themselves.
"The Misses Moses," from my collection Aliens in the Prime of Their Lives (Norton 2010)
Make my hear it gurgle gurgle, like the farest gargle gargle in the dusky dirgle dargle!
Finnegans Wake
David chuckled, gurgled, and puffingly mounted higher.
Janet of the Dunes
When the water got cold I kicked the faucet and let it run until water gurgled into the overflow.
Teddy-bear that the matter had to be adjusted by distracting his attention in the direction of some drilling soldiers, while Wally concealed the toy under the embroidered rug which protected the plump legs of the "duchess" -- who submitted with delighted gurgles to being tickled under the chin.
Captain Jim
Rejoining his attendant, and staying a moment to thoroughly empty the gurglet of water, on his hands and knees he crawled into a passage much obstructed by debris.
The Prince of India — Volume 01
Once I got settled in a sitting position, my stomach decided to gurgle and I had realized for the first time in days that I was hungry.
The master made two trips; the first one, he took the gurglet in; the second, he took the mantle wrapping the sword.
The Prince of India — Volume 01
The chirpy gurgles of my child takes away all the unhappiness at the end of a hard day's work.
When the water got cold I kicked the faucet and let it run until water gurgled into the overflow.
As they gurgle and coo and laugh like crazy we realise they still possess something we have lost.
And, for Jerry, most delightful of all, there was the gurgle and plash of a brooklet that pursued its invisible way over mossy stones under a garmenture of tender and delicate ferns.
Her granddaughter, too young to walk, gurgles from the foot of the bed.
The water emptied with a gurgle.
Even as the pain pierces my chest and my tears splash upon his brow, the joy is there, the love is there, keeping my hand pressed upon his back and under his cheek, pulling him to me, ever closer, his gurgles and sighs and the sweet smell of his skin a balm for the pain.
Joy, And Pain | Her Bad Mother
All around the courtway were flower-boxes in the windows; down below, the fountain cheerfully bubbled and gurgled, and from clear off in the unseen rumbled the traffic of the great city.
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
So quietly did the little stream drip and ripple its way through the cãnon that it spoke only in faint and occasional gurgles.
All Gold Canon
Orangutans, gorillas, and their ape relatives, meanwhile, will ineffectually thrash around in deep water or simply gurgle and sink.
From a gurglet of water near-by the Egyptian took a draught, and proceeded -
Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
Instead of a glug or a gurgle that would normally be heard, there was kind of a… plop.
Lucy pointed, too, and made some gurgles, and even patted the boom mike while the cameras rolled.
There, a waterfall gurgled and bubbled happily down to a rushing stream, seemingly enlaced with bits of gold, that in turn flowed around bends all the way out of the cave.
They look sweet, they don't answer back, and their thought process is hidden behind gurgles and smiles.
My voice was an early casualty in the Change, all I could manage was a watery gurgle.
She gurgled with laughter.
They look sweet, they don't answer back, and their thought process is hidden behind gurgles and smiles.
Yet below the mesquite bosk that edges the bed of Cienagua Creek, water gurgles up and flows intermittently from a mostly underground stream.
With a mocking gurgle, about a dram of "slumgullion" passed into his mouth.
The Mascot of Sweet Briar Gulch
A brook gurgled by peacefully and there, nestled against the coniferous trees, was a hut.
A celestial organ devolves into the shrill shrieks of swooping banshees, and deep rumbles sound like the dyspeptic gurgles in a huge beasts' stomach.
He fell with a bubbling gurgle, and Bahzell put his armored shoulder into the barrel of his companion's rearing horse.
His pipe gurgled and sucked like a galoche full of holes in dirty weather.
The House with the Mezzanine and Other Stories
As the stream gurgles through the mountain into the valley, a young shepherd tends to the cattle, seated under a large tree.
The baby gurgled with satisfaction when the mother tickled it
After passing the Dollar Lakes, I hear the gurgle of a stream and then see Lamoille Lake, a shallow mountain tarn in a glacial bowl, with steep talus slopes cradling it.
Her skin was ghostly white, smeared with splashes of mud and dribbles of blood which now gurgled and bubbled from the corners of her mouth.
FREE EXCERPT: Hater by David Moody (Chapter 3)
A splatter of the eerie, black blood spilled out of his body in a sickening gurgle as he expired.
People take a long time to die, accompanied by the cracking of bone, the resistance of gristle, dire last-gasp gurgles and rattles.
Strangled woman 'gurgled' on phone to mum THE mother of a woman strangled by her husband received a call that sounded like somebody was "drowning" on the night her daughter died, a court has been told. | Top Stories
In the quiet hours before midnight I lay with my ear to the place and heard the trickling as from a spring, the gurgles and sucks and splashings.
James gurgled with what sounded like glee, though I reasoned babies that young shouldn't know about glee yet.
Her often unintelligible language is as nascent as the land itself; sounds not yet words gurgle like the very volcanoes that created her native surroundings.
The waterwheel distantly chunked and gurgled.
Energy and concentration, however, had gurgled down into my shoes, leaving me about as spirited as a Johnny Reb after Pickett's charge.
But the flip side is the footballer who hates to lose, and no matter how cute the tot's gurgles are, he won't lift his father's spirits if Celtic and Ross County succeed where Iceland and Canada failed.
We stopped near a small spring that gurgled its way through the dense forest of rocks.
Her alien croaks and gurgles emanate from deep within her barely moving throat.
The Prince smiled, and rejoined, with a thought of the bags in the gurglet thrown carelessly down by him: "Up with the anchor.
The Prince of India — Volume 02
Not into the English teaching thang myself, but surely with these major Japanese businesses going down the gurgler one after the other, there exists a business opportunity? flyingfish at 12: 17 PM JST - 21st April with nova and geo going down, thats 90% of JTs market gone right there
Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
Bloodied: Strangled woman 'gurgled' on phone to mum | Top Stories
Water gurgled out of the rock, catching the desert sun like a shimmering, living jewel.
And then there's these strange noises that sound a bit like a cat only quieter and with occasional gurgles.
Narrowing of the arteries and valvular disease of the heart both replace the relative quiet of smooth blood flow with the gurgles of turbulence.
Water gurgled up out of the hole and the ice around it began to leak through long fissures.
I tried to speak, to say that of course I could, but a gurgle was all that sounded.
When the boat is at rest, wakes from passing boats slap against the chines and makes a noise called chine gurgle.
Maggie's Farm
Bowel sounds vary greatly in pitch and quality, being low-pitched or high-pitched gurgles or rumbles. ‘Tinkling’ bowel sounds represent bowel obstruction.
Henry gurgles happily in his baby chair.
Just outside my sala a small stream gurgles its way over a waterfall down to an ornamental lake.
There was no bridge, but flat ferry-rafts winched their way across it on heavy cables, and icy, slate-gray water gurgled under a dull, pewter sky.
Paul groaned, and made no answer; but even the creaking of the timbers could not disguise the repeated cleck-cleck-cleck, as the brandy from the bottle gurgled down his throat.
The King's Own
"Yama," Shel gurgled, crawling to his mother's lap, leaving the beads he'd been playing with lying in the dirt.
The engine stirred after the third turn of the key, emitting the guttural gurgle of a badly tuned rally car.
We could hear the swish and gurgle of water against the hull.
Even as a baby she did not gurgle or babble in her cot and instead remained silent.
Even as the pain pierces my chest and my tears splash upon his brow, the joy is there, the love is there, keeping my hand pressed upon his back and under his cheek, pulling him to me, ever closer, his gurgles and sighs and the sweet smell of his skin a balm for the pain.
Joy, And Pain | Her Bad Mother
I think I'm fascinated by all the food bits in my kitchen the way new parents are fascinated by all the gurgles and faces on their wee ones.
So he ate and drank and made merry and took his pleasure and gave gifts of gear and coin and was profuse with gold and addrest himself up to eating fowls and breaking the seals of wine-flasks and listening to the giggle of the daughter of the vine, as she gurgled from the flagon and enjoying the jingle of the singing-girls; nor did he give over this way of life, till his wealth was wasted and the case worsened and all his goods went from him and he bit his hands284 in bitter penitence.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
My scream was reduced to a gurgle as someone poured hot liquid down my throat.
The water gurgles between golden sand banks and rugged grey granite boulders that have given one island its name, Elephantine.
The unmistakable gurgle of somebody retching his breakfast into a pail was omnipresent within the room.
Almost immediately after that, my stomach gurgled.
In preparation for the excursion the gurglet half full of water and the sheepskin mantle of the black man were lowered into the little vessel.
The Prince of India — Volume 01
There was no bridge, but flat ferry-rafts winched their way across it on heavy cables, and icy, slate-gray water gurgled under a dull, pewter sky.
He removed the small stopper from the calabash, and, as the sweet water gurgled into it, he saw the phosphorescent glimmer of a big fish, like a sea ghost, drift sluggishly by.
The churning feeling of pain gurgled up through his body as he tried to sit up.
There was no gurgle of bathwater running upstairs.
Arcane Circle
We stopped near a small spring that gurgled its way through the dense forest of rocks.
Water gurgled down in streams from the tin roof.
New York playwright Will Eno is an original, a maverick wordsmith whose weird, wry dramas gurgle with the grim humour and pain of life.
Jerry gurgled, struggling to break free of Tiamat's grip.
My stomach gurgled uneasily and I felt my face flush green.
The left one, with spoon intact, made a clean entry into the water, while the right one, spoon lashed to a boathook with cable ties, made a messier splash, with the occasional gurgle as a bubble escaped from the hollow tube of the broken shaft.
Rowing the ATLANTIC
But either way, it's a warm, gently humid, contemplative space, air filled with the gurgle of small waterfalls, flowing over the regular patterns of concrete steps, into pools sprouting with fern and reed.
The boy croaked a soft reply as more bourbon gurgled into Ron's glass.
We're All Guys Here
The pipes in the attic gurgle in the night and keep me awake.
From the floor of the second pitch, the water gurgles down a tight rift, but our route is along a traverse following a washed-out shale band.
Even as a baby she did not gurgle or babble in her cot and instead remained silent.
On the winding cobblestone streets of Lijiang's old town, canals and streams gurgled beneath gently sloping foot bridges.
You bet it does, "she gurgled, plonking down the coffees.
He felt a small gurgle of laughter in the back of his throat, at let it come, slipping into a smirk and then morphing into a grin.
My shoulder hurt like it was going to fall off, and I half gurgled an acknowledgment.
Kings of Colorado
The murmur of incantation gurgled into silence, but not before a blazing inferno of heat erupted around him.
The distinctive whining of a straining shield generator sounded, followed by the gurgle of flushing coolant, a desperate attempt by engineering to make the generator last longer.
I sought to oppose him," gurgled Techotl, blood bubbling frothily to his lips.
The Conquering Sword Of Conan
Continuing upward, we passed an old log barn from which we could hear the companionable gurgles and neck bells of sheep, safely shut away behind a door.
In preparation, however, you will get the porters who took me to the palace to-day, and have them take the boxes and gurglet of which I have been speaking to
The Prince of India — Volume 02
For a moment I only stood where I was, listening to the gurgle of the water and the sighs of the wind.
Light pains in my chest, the indeterminable gurgle in my stomach, a swaying before my eyes.
Books in 2009, #5
Something akin to a gurgle was the only sound he had power to make as she seemed to float in front of him and her fingers wrapped around the base of his shaft.
Healing the Highlander
Now, add a splash of peach schnapps, then a gurgle or two of Jack Daniels.
I tried to wait, expecting him to respond with a gurgle or a chortle.
Continuing upward, we passed an old log barn from which we could hear the companionable gurgles and neck bells of sheep, safely shut away behind a door.
The beat is the traditional 4/4 house beat, with plenty of skittering gurgles and found sounds mixed in.
I splashed the cool water on my face and watched as the steady stream flowed from the faucet into the porcelain basin and gurgled down the drain.
On the street there was nothing curious in an old man carrying a mantle under his arm, followed by a porter with a half-filled gurglet on his shoulder.
The Prince of India — Volume 02
Get it right and no one notices; get it wrong and plants languish and die in boggy beds, huge puddles kill lawn, and in the worst case scenario you awake to the slap and gurgle of water in the basement.
My stomach gurgled once more and I stared him down.
Very shortly some slaves came to the cell with a large gurglet of water, a basin and napkins, a platter with bread and meat, and some garments of women's wear; and, setting them down within reach of the prisoners, they ran away.
Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
I couldn't take my eyes off the baby, which stopped crying and started to stare at me and then smiled and gurgled.
From inside, there came the sound of women's chatter, as well as the gurgle of happy babies.
Leonard pushed the rattle with his mitten and gurgled very babyishly for Mother, desperate not to be put to bed.
I have been a Cincinnati Reds fan since conception, and even the promise of complete baseball sanctity through the purging of "cheaters" wouldn't make me want to see Barry Larkin or Ken Griffey, Jr. 's name gurgle up from the depths of an anonymous survey. or part-time in my home.
There was a gurgle of laughter on the other end of the line.
It let out a soft gurgle, choking on its own blood, and made a last desultory swipe at the hovering Mowara which the galah avoided easily.
The Lives of Felix Gunderson
The birds sang sweetly, the streams and brooks of Wooden Way gurgled cheerfully.
The baby gurgled happily.
Its flatiron-shaped pebble-beach jutted out from the lake's west shore and was covered with fine old forest trees garlanded with vines; and from their graveled rootage there gurgled a limpid spring of sweet waters.
James Fenimore Cooper
We know you like Latin with essies impures, (and your liber as they sea) we certney like gurgles love the nargleygargley so, arrah-beejee, tell that old frankay boyuk to bellows upthe tombucky in his tumtum argan and give us a gust of his gushy old.
Finnegans Wake
Later, tucked up in our tents, we are lulled by the feint glug and gurgle of the Katherine River.
Now, add a splash of peach schnapps, then a gurgle or two of Jack Daniels.
Needless to say I arrived at the meeting and, much to my relief, managed to control myself sufficiently to avoid any embarrassing gurgles…
My stomach gurgled, anticipating the moment coming.
Then, it turns into a stream that gurgles past sleepy hamlets and sylvan surroundings.
Lucy pointed, too, and made some gurgles, and even patted the boom mike while the cameras rolled.
And if you are willing to footslog it around the range, you will see photogenic ravines, where streams swirl and gurgle over huge rocks.
The water from twin streams gurgled over sculpted rocks on either side and collected into kidney shaped pools where rainbow-coloured carp circled and fed.
I couldn't stop the gurgle of laughter erupting.
My stomach gurgled as I closed the door with a sigh.
No sound was heard but the splashing of the strange waves all around them, and the streamlike gurgle of the current, which threaded its way smoothly through the tossing, tumultuous sea.
A Voyage to Arcturus
Soon the seawater began to gurgle pond gradually became shallower, revealing wet sand on either side.
As if in answer, my stomach growled and gurgled loudly.
Strolling the Hundred Fountains on a hot Roman afternoon, shaded by centuries-old trees and soothed by the gurgle and splash of water, one comes to understand the exalted place of villeggiatura in the Italian soul.
Art at the Scale of Landscape
I had that all too familiar "gurgle" sensation in my lower stomach/intestinal area. what's new online!
He washed his face, brushed his teeth, gurgled a mouthful of Listerine, combed out his knotted hair, and changed into another pair of boxers and a shirt.
Several bottles of fine Chardonnay gurgled in Ted's pack.
I heard the hiss of steam and the chink of china as she made her morning tea, the gurgle of the steam radiators as she switched the heating on.
A Question of Style « Tales from the Reading Room
Instead, I heard only the sweet, soft gurgle of baby laughter.
Outside of her window the stream gurgled over the rocks.
Soon they heard the gurgle of water, and several times they glimpsed streams that cut downland toward Coldwater Creek.
Rot & Ruin
She flushed the toilet, and we all three stood there crowded into the little bathroom and watched the water swirl and kerplunk down the drainpipe and gurgle as the bowl and tank refilled themselves.
"The Misses Moses," from my collection Aliens in the Prime of Their Lives (Norton 2010)
For a few seconds he lay still, and then he began to squirm along the ground towards us, a few inches at a time, stopping every now and again to bleat and gurgle with that curious, crooning note which he appeared to think would pacificate the object of his overtures.
The Wonder
Bouncing bundles of joy welcomed the New Year in with a gurgle as the first babies of 2004 arrived in the early hours.
Yet below the mesquite bosk that edges the bed of Cienagua Creek, water gurgles up and flows intermittently from a mostly underground stream.
The refrigerator hummed and the water heater gurgled, but otherwise the house was still.
“I'd gurgle last words as you choked me to death, and curse you quite foully with my dying breath.”
The Couple Who Loved Murder
It was the voice of a man, big, hearty, with that thick, throaty gurgle which is so suggestive of London that one is certain to find a tweed suit and riding-breeches associated with it.
Cavanaugh: Forest Ranger A Romance of the Mountain West
` I sought to oppose him, 'gurgled Techotl, blood bubbling frothily to his lips.
The Conan Chronicles