How To Use Gunner In A Sentence

  • When a concentration begins on a battery, either the gunners must go to their dugouts or run beyond the range of the shells until the "strafe" is over. My Second Year of the War
  • He became a Bren gunner and was taught to kill - a far cry from his Christian pacifist background.
  • Joe also spent time at an aerial machine-gunnery school where observers and gunners were trained.
  • There were three gunners, both front and rear of the plane and one in a bubble canopy half way down the fuselage.
  • The gunner virtually always sees the target directly through the gunsight or other sighting devices.
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  • Door gunners also provide suppressive fire when inserting or extracting troops from hot landing zones.
  • The fighting officers learned to specialise: in navigation, gunnery and torpedoes.
  • To this end he demanded "unceasing" gunnery practice. Theodore Roosevelt and His Times
  • The sudden compression of air as the rammer thrust with the fleece could explode the residues of unburnt powder that was caked to the breech walls, so a gunner, wearing a leather thumbstall, pressed his thumb over the vent to stop the airflow. Sharpe's Waterloo
  • Liverpool were seemingly assured of the title in 1989 when they needed only to avoid a two-goal defeat at home to the Gunners to lift the trophy.
  • Gunner Oke at the breach, and advised him to exhibit a dose of black-currant wine before turning in (as a specific against a chill in the extremities), was proceeding leisurably to cut himself a quid of tobacco when he became aware of two workmen -- carpenters they appeared to be in the dim light -- approaching the entry. Merry-Garden and Other Stories
  • But it is hard to say, because although under age, he enlisted as an Ordinary Seaman on the outbreak of World War II, later going to the Fleet Air Arm as a telegraphist air gunner, earned a commission, and served overseas - at eighteen years of age probably the youngest sublieutenant in the RCNVR. Looking for Trouble
  • Meanwhile, Doug Sample, a Canadian veteran of the war, who served as a gunner in Halifax bombers of the Canadian 415 Squadron, has made his 20th visit to York.
  • Supper ended Pocahuntas was lodged in the gunner's roome, but Iapazeus and his wife desired to have some conference with their brother, which was onely to acquaint him by what stratagem they had betraied his prisoner as I have already related: after which discourse to sleepe they went, Pocahuntas nothing mistrusting this policy, who nevertheless being most possessed with feere, and desire of returne, was first up, and hastened Iapazeus to be gon. The Story of Pocahontas
  • The team leader made his decision quickly, and ordered his three gunners to open fire.
  • But when, on 17 December, Captain Bonaparte's gunners drove the British and Spanish troops from the key forts on those heights, Admiral Hood saw that he must evacuate the port immediately or have his fleet shot to matchwood.
  • A very simple quick mission builder is included, allowing players to practise take-offs and landings, aerial-combat manoeuvring, gunnery and formation flying.
  • Later that day, other enlisted radiomen/gunners helped even the score, protecting their dive-bomber pilots as they wiped out the enemy carrier force, sinking all four Japanese flattops.
  • These aircraft were converted to target drones with the designation of F4B - 4A and most met an inglorious end while being fired at by Navy gunners.
  • Gunnera manicata, the truly massive and most commonly sold kind, is not invasive. Times, Sunday Times
  • This season will probably nudge the Gunners top as they have five home games straight after five European nights, while Chelsea have five away trips after sorties to the continent.
  • The fog lay thick and cold over the countryside that morning, and inside the barracks it was pitch-black and silent, except for the deep, steady breathing of the gunners.
  • A machine gunner and rifleman cover the cave entrance.
  • The gunner's stopped the armoured artillery pieces, ready to fire at a word's notice.
  • Gunnera manicata you can walk under, but not this one. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crew consists of commander, gunner, driver, and four infantrymen, with the commander normally dismounting with the squad.
  • ‘Stop being such a lubber about it,’ Tobias sighed but said nothing as Kennedy and the gunner, Gallagher entered the room.
  • But Ray Cruz, a gunnery sergeant in the United States Marine Corps, was one of those rare men with a personality of hard metal—unmalleable, impenetrable, unstoppable. Dead Zero
  • Even though the ball turret gunner forgot to level his guns, we crash landed with out incident.
  • In the meantime, the gunners gave close and effective fire support to the infantry and armor troops.
  • If you do buy a monster tub of gunnera, be prepared to make a bigger hole. Times, Sunday Times
  • A major gunnery exercise was held to expend the last of the ship's training ammunition - the tracer fire was focused on two large red inflatable targets, nicknamed the Killer Tomatoes, launched several thousand metres away from the ship.
  • The Gunners defence is in total disarray as the tie slips away. The Sun
  • All personnel are assigned a sector of observation and fire, with the lead automatic weapon gunner maintaining special emphasis on road medians or emergency lanes.
  • Laser simulators have also sharply enhanced training realism for tank gunners and infantry small arms.
  • The 25-year-old, who has been in outstanding form for the Gunners, would certainly give England a much-needed left-footed option in midfield.
  • In World War II, anxious bomber crewmembers advised their gunners to use up the entire 27-foot-long machine-gun ammo belt on a persistent target.
  • The following day, Deb got special dispensation from the principal and took Gunner to school with her. Shell-Shocked Dog of War Finds a Home With the Family of a Fallen Hero
  • By 1960, only seven remained active as target tugs and radar calibration aircraft for the gunnery ranges ashore or the fleet guns.
  • It could fill them with confidence for the run-in and be the catalyst for the Gunners to end their trophy drought. The Sun
  • Walcott, and substitute Andrey Arshavin, could both have made it 4-0 and the game was closed out with the Gunners oozing confidence and looking very healthy as the race to the title hots up. BBC News - Home
  • He was called up in 1943 and served as a rear gunner in the RAF. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hessians, but were now turned, in the retreat, upon the British -- and which our gunners defended "heroically" to the last. The Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn
  • The old lady pointed out the machine-gunner on top of the personnel carrier as the thief, and when the lieutenant ordered the man to empty his pockets, piaster notes tumbled out. The Village
  • gunners raked the beach from invulnerable positions on the cliffs
  • ROGUE GUNNER": Admiral: 'tinpot' armed services skip to main Admiral: 'tinpot' armed services
  • I subscribe to American Handgunner and GUNS, and the first thing I do is take out the inserts so the pages are easier to flip.
  • I served as a Door gunner for 4th Ave Bn. 69-70 in Charles Allen Lewis aka Chuck
  • When the mines had detonated the machine gunners and everybody else opened fire.
  • Don't worry about getting shot by pirates as they never even got close to the ship with those weapons they use and their shitty aim -- reminds me of a drunken'juicer 'door gunner we picked up from the motor pool back in Nam Army Rumour Service
  • The absence of a comma is intentional; the Gunners can kiss the title goodbye TODAYonline
  • The machine gunner worked the feed handle, chambering a round from the new belt. Gideon’s war
  • This, Mr Shrapnel, our gunner, trained right across the slaver's bows, and at the word of command, ` Fire! 'let drive with a bang that shook the steamer right down to her kelson and seemed to stop her way for the moment, sending her back, as it were, with the recoil. The Penang Pirate and, The Lost Pinnace
  • We base MI Gunnery on the combat arms gunnery in the sense that they use practice and live tables.
  • The song's P.C. righteousness makes me want to force Ms. DiFranco to listen to Warren Zevon's ode to automatic weaponry "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner" a couple of dozen times and then give her a monographed Glock. Ben Harper, The Surfers' Choice
  • I have found that once an anti-gunner is convinced to go to the range, (No mean feat to be sure) and is taught by one that knows how to safely handle a weapon they become budding enthusiasts and no longer gun despising, freedom hating, fear mongers of the liberal left and the media. More on the Media (Sorry)
  • Allied fighters could not touch it, and it presented bomber gunners with a near impossible leading aim calculation.
  • The gunner had to stop the touchhole so that the rammer could not drive a jet of fresh air down the barrel and so ignite any scraps of remaining powder, and Hickson's old and blackened thumbstall betrayed how long he had been an artilleryman. Sharpe's Tiger
  • Reports from gunnery officers were more enthusiastic than those of Fighter Command.
  • So you have to tip the resurgent Gunners to win this one. The Sun
  • Interwar gunnery and bombing training in the RAE were poor, and the service's navigation skills were no better.
  • The machine gunner was Drummer Rigby. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Saigon fell in 1975, he was the pointman for the machine gunners during the rooftop evacuation of the US embassy. Heroes or Villains?
  • A young gunnery officer in command of a hill post overlooking the city keeps watch of the air space above, whilst a young flying instructor at the airfield below trains teenage kamikaze pilots for their single trip to eternity.
  • The crew chief and gunner were also happy.
  • The flop Gunners were held to a goalless draw by promoted Middlesbrough. The Sun
  • After successive _heaves_, the gunner halted the piece with the wheels touching the hurter -- the timber laid at the foot of the parapet to stop the wheels. Artillery Through the Ages A Short Illustrated History of Cannon, Emphasizing Types Used in America
  • Effective marksmanship in the mechanized divisions was attributed to a master gunner program.
  • The banks are high with wild orchid, gunnera and water lily.
  • The armorer-gunner reported the guns appeared serviceable; the bombsight and the automatic pilot also checked out as serviceable.
  • They unleashed a torrent of abuse at the former Gunners defender. The Sun
  • He crawled back into the Mitchell and found the badly-injured turret gunner still inside.
  • The thick black hands flamed with an eerie blue sheen in the low light of the bridge, and dark green eyes glowed with a deranged luminescence from deep-set pits under the gunner's brow.
  • The officer called a gunner from his own ship and set him to work upon the Oerlikon; she left it reluctantly and went back on board his ship with him. The Breaking Wave
  • And the England playmaker insists the Gunners must toughen up to compete for the big prizes. The Sun
  • More than 300 gunners from seven artillery units lined the road outside the cathedral.
  • Woolley browsed this area, changing course and height every fifteen or twenty seconds to confuse the gunners.
  • Evidence of this has been recovered from the wrecks of the San Juan de Sicilia in Tobermory Bay and La Trinidad Valencera in the form of gunners' rules and shot gauges.
  • Effective, accurate gunnery, a Royal Navy hallmark from the time of the Napoleonic Wars, would disappoint here.
  • But the ship's gunners were experienced and past their initial confusion and surprise.
  • Squads of combat-equipped troops toting assault rifles and columns of Humvees with gunners at the ready crisscross its flooded streets.
  • 'British schoolchildren t'be trained in swordmanship an' gunnery '(' half of 'em be knowin 'how t'use a knife already, this not be a stretch') and the iPad in the UK to be renamd the iPatch. Home
  • As a shotgunner, I really like The Shooting Party, a detailed look at a weekend of aristocratic driven-pheasant shooting on the eve of World War I. My Favorite Gun Movie
  • He even amused himself in gunnery practice by warning his men against low-elevation shelling over his area, because "the pixies would degauss (demagnetize) their proximity fuses". More Than Human
  • We lay up in the stuffy, sweltering heat of the wood all afternoon, listening to the incessant thunder of the cannonading; one consolation was the regular crash of the artillery salvoes, which indicated that Wheeler's gunners were making good practice, and must still be well stocked with powder and shot. Fiancée
  • But the 17th mission proved to be the last the gunner and his 10 fellow crew members would fly.
  • The pilot and co-pilot/gunner sit side by side with the pilot on the starboard side.
  • The Gunners defence is in total disarray as the tie slips away. The Sun
  • As the patrol departs the compound, the gunners swing their turrets and cover out.
  • You should nominate your best marksmen as snipers while your all-arounders act as assault gunners or sappers.
  • The fift day of the sayd moneth our master gunner was slaine with a gunne, which was great losse for vs at that time. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Brinson's riflemen and light machine gunners could engage any enemy climbing over the right-hand crest at a range of 150 yards exactly. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Yes, a week at most," says he, and pointed out how he had sited his left and right attacks opposite the strongest points in the rebel defences, which our gunners were pounding with red-hot shot, keeping the pandy fire-parties busy quelling the flames which you could see here and there behind the walls, flickering crazily through the heat-haze. Fiancée
  • The Gunners had the most disastrous of starts, conceding a goal to the deadly dangerous John O'Brien inside a minute and going four points behind with just ninety seconds on the clock.
  • As he watched, a hatch motored open on the forward gunner's cupola and a helmeted visage favored him with a toothy, wolfish grin.
  • Were those artillery gunners hurting anyone by snapping rigidly to attention? The Constraints of Corporate Tradition
  • But one of the truly stunning sights in gardening is its forest of gunnera that towers overhead in summer.
  • So were the rear gunners. Bomber
  • Reports from gunnery officers were more enthusiastic than those of Fighter Command.
  • They will be joining nearly 150 Territorial Army gunners from across the country to form 220 Battery which is being sent to guard the Shaibah Logistics Base, eight kilometres south-west of Basra.
  • The big naval guns, brought from the empty ships in the basin, were mounted en barbette, meaning there were not enough embrasures to protect them so the weapons were firing directly over the wall's parapet and British gunner officers hungrily watched those pieces through their telescopes. Sharpe's Prey
  • The signing will also help appease grumbling Gunners fans. The Sun
  • The Gunners boss is likely to take a dim view of seeing his 11million hotshot take part in dangerous sports. The Sun
  • Cramped in the tank for 36 hours at a time, he and a gunner, radio operator and Commander helped to hold a bridge outside the town.
  • The gunner's ejection seat, however, was retained and can be occupied by an instructor or flight examiner.
  • The slow water on the far side of stream bends is a magnet for ducks, but these hard turns present a challenge for gunners faced with difficult shooting angles and a tipsy seat. Down the River for Ducks
  • Gunners made a last-ditch bid to keep the France ace. The Sun
  • The rear gunner and navigator escaped by parachute, but the pilot flew on. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • The machine gunner at his side quickly assessed that there was no arterial bleeding. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tail-gunner was mortally wounded, but the captain refused to bail out - swearing that the two of them would land the plane together.
  • During my first two weeks as an aircraftman with the Airfield Defence Guards in Vietnam, there was a call for volunteers to train as helicopter gunners.
  • If you duck just under the clouds you have a better visual shot at the Sams and better visual navigation, but you give both the Sam people and the ground gunners a perfect silhouette of your force against the cloud backdrop, at the same time telegraphing your exact altitude for both sighting and fuzing purposes. Thud Ridge
  • When it lunged out of the cloudbank the dreadnought's gunners had only a few seconds to fire and the one shell that hit bounced off the cruiser's streamlined hull. Sun of Suns
  • He reasoned that gunners would not target the bomber with a German fighter plane alongside. Times, Sunday Times
  • All Comments from minigunner111 wrote 14 weeks 6 days ago it's a gundog not a stray contest Best Gun Dog Contest
  • Later, after transitioning to the line, he became an expert in the arcane problems of naval gunnery.
  • One or two gunners will lose concentration. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Gunners need a win for their top four hopes - and get it as they typically end the season strongly. The Sun
  • Cynics would say it was a surefire way to deflect attention from the Gunners' failings. The Sun
  • During the second world war he served as a gunner in the South African artillery throughout the Italian campaign.
  • The golok is for twating the LMG gunner when he f*cks up and shoots at the Dyaks. Army Rumour Service
  • Like a frush!) to keep her flouncies off the grass while paying the wetmenots a musichall visit and pair her fiefighs fore him with just one curl after the cad came back which we fought he wars a gunner and his corkiness lay up two bottles of joy with a shandy had by Fred and a fino oloroso which he was warming to, my right, Jimmy, my old brown freer? — Finnegans Wake
  • Gunner Karl Whitaker and craftsman Neil Vance used to fantasise about snow during their six-month tour.
  • Then he ordered his young subaltern, his battery-mate, as he called him, to ascend the broad crumbling staircase, and glance into the dismantled chambers, while himself with the third of the party — a trusty old gunner — should inspect the cellarage. Springhaven
  • Arsenal Football Club is delighted to announce that Ivory Coast international forward Gervinho has finalised his switch to the Gunners, joining the Club on a long-term contract for an undisclosed fee.
  • Troopers of the Light Horse were riding with gunners from the artillery; cacolet camels, whose native drivers had their heads shrouded in blankets, trudged beside ambulance carts; here and there a man who had lost his horse stumbled wearily along, first in one column then in another; guns and ammunition-limbers were mingled with cable-waggons; and all followed blindly man or waggon in front of them. With Our Army in Palestine
  • Vang Pao again captured the PDJ in July and established a network of artillery strongpoints, manned by Thai gunners.
  • Yes | No | Report from tinigunner111 wrote 27 weeks 2 days ago ya thats right arent trucks suppose to have big tires and a bed to trow your crap in Who hates it when people turn there trucks in to low rides?
  • Because our Hueys had no guns except the machine guns the crew chief and gunner used, they were called slicks.
  • A glassed-in tail gunner compartment is to the rear of the tail.
  • Reg was the rear gunner in a Wellington bomber when it crashed while returning from a bombing mission in France.
  • The Gunners' early play followed a summer which saw arguably its two best players – midfielders Samir Nasri and Cesc Fabregas – depart the club, along with another starter, leftback Gael Clichy. Van Persie: Arsenal's Money in the Bank
  • Our gunners still continued to harass the enemy with an occasional _rafale_ from their field guns. The Story of the "9th King's" in France
  • It was the custom then to double the size of most infantry battalions and of many gunner and other units.
  • The live-fire activity included combining mechanised and armoured stages of gunnery and their corresponding tactical stages.
  • The Gunners boss is likely to take a dim view of seeing his 11million hotshot take part in dangerous sports. The Sun
  • A score draw or better will see the Gunners through at the expense of the reigning European champions. Times, Sunday Times
  • An odd observation post, neither asea nor ashore, and to make the confusion of elements more complete, the gunners whose guns barked continually from just behind it were sailors of the Italian Navy, dressed not in blue, but in military gray-green. World's War Events $v Volume 3 Beginning with the departure of the first American destroyers for service abroad in April, 1917, and closing with the treaties of peace in 1919.
  • Tom Dwyer, a gunner in the army, remembers driving onto Sword beach, on WW2 People's War.
  • We also used to wear gunnery qualification badges on our fatigues.
  • He had passed brilliantly in engineering; had been saved by his prompt and ready answers the consequences of a "fess" with clean black-board in ordnance and gunnery; had won a ringing, though involuntary, round of applause from the crowded galleries of the riding-hall by daring horsemanship, and he was now within seven days of the prized diploma and his commission. Starlight Ranch and Other Stories of Army Life on the Frontier
  • The crew was composed of the commander, gunner, loader, driver and radio - operator.
  • We spend a lot of time on tank gunnery, Bradley gunnery, rifle marksmanship and antitank missile systems.
  • The gunner's station is equipped with gunner's main sight, three periscopes and a visual display unit.
  • The Gunners remain a decent bet to win the Cup for a third time in four seasons. The Sun
  • He sailed to France with thousands of other young squaddies and was transferred to the Manchester Regiment to replace another gunner who had been shot dead.
  • The gunner in that stound with two darts strooke at last, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Cynics would say it was a surefire way to deflect attention from the Gunners' failings. The Sun
  • They will guard the Gunners ahead of a match in a city notorious for crowd problems. The Sun
  • All submitted comments are subject to the rules set forth in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. from minigunner111 wrote 14 weeks 6 days ago it's a gundog not a stray contest Best Gun Dog Contest
  • Yes | No | Report from Loel Fink wrote 1 year 31 weeks ago how about "winner" positive refortification for dog and gunner, although the dog might not catch it. Name My Dog
  • If only I had a large pond like that one, gunnera would certainly be in it. Touring With Friends-Ledbury And Hampton Court Castle, Herefordshire « Fairegarden
  • Only the shock of the explosions and the occasional back blast of dust when a gunner opened fire reminded us we were in the midst of the most desperate urban battle since the fall of Baghdad.
  • A fellow named Dave Crosby, who worked for various gun publications and was a wonderful shotgunner, never used anything but a 30-inch-barreled Parker (I think) for everything. What Makes a Good Shot - the Shooter or the Gun?
  • Grevillea robusta ground-ivy ground-nut grub, white guards for trees gum tree gunnera gutters Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • Team coach Tim Murphy had no doubt that their prodigal first half wastage (they shot ten wides to Ballygunner's two) was critical in determining the outcome.
  • And he is backing the fresh-faced Gunners to win the tie. The Sun
  • Gunnera manicata, with its enormous leaves may not be elegant, but it's wonderfully dramatic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fire control system is automatic with manual override for both gunner and commander.
  • He left the Army in 1945 with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, having served with the Infantry, Engineers and Gunners.
  • The gunner's aim was on target.
  • Every legion was of 50 men. 25 riflemen, 10 gunners, 5 snipers and 10 explosive.
  • The pilot, navigator, and the gunner lived in three entirely separate social worlds.
  • His rear gunner's body was found further along the coast, but the other five crew members were lost without trace. Times, Sunday Times
  • The familiar thermal patterns that our gunners had become accustomed to during gunnery, were not as easy to identify during the day.
  • More than 300 gunners from seven artillery units lined the road outside the cathedral.
  • Here also our gunner took an observation with his forestaff, to determine our latitude, and he found now, that having marched about thirty-three days northward, we were in 6 degrees 22 minutes south latitude. The Life, Adventures & Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton
  • It was also used by helicopter door gunners.
  • No member of the Gunners' playing staff has lifted silverware while at the club. The Sun
  • The Gunners boss is likely to take a dim view of seeing his 11million hotshot take part in dangerous sports. The Sun
  • Another fun vehicle is the bomber, which can seat up to three people - a pilot, a bombardier, and a tailgunner.
  • The tail gunner rotated the turret and opened fire on a dark shape less than 300 yards out.
  • There are few archers or hand gunners who can stand against decent combat troops in a pitched battle.
  • Stuart Mason, 19, was due to fly out to Iraq next month to help the allied security forces as a gunner with the Territorial Army.
  • ‘The team has played many times way beyond its capabilities,’ he said, reflecting on four seasons of battles that have seen the Gunners win just two of seven head-to-heads.
  • Gunners boss Arsene Wenger had called on his team to maintain the momentum which has dragged them right back into the title rave with five wins from six but it was Everton who made the better start. RSSMicro Search - Top News on RSS Feeds
  • The imposition of radio silence during such missions made me more of a gunner than a radioman.
  • It was our ingenious cutler, whom ever after we called silversmith, that proposed this; but the gunner told him, that he had been in the Red Sea in The Life, Adventures & Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton
  • Gunner talked like a peacenik but Trout knew "Plutonium Jack" would never hesitate to pull the nuclear trigger if he had to.
  • The Gunners remain a decent bet to win the Cup for a third time in four seasons. The Sun
  • The commander has a periscopic day sight, a television monitor displaying the image from the gunner's thermal sight and six unity vision periscopes.
  • The gunners had all opened fire at more or less the same time.
  • The gunner then ranges the target, decides the round, and communicates this to the loader.
  • The gunners were firing common shell, a hollow iron sphere containing gunpowder, which flung out fragments of iron. A Model Victory
  • Gunners fans might argue club have missed the bus a bit of investment. The Sun
  • My top turret gunner tracked him and kept firing until he saw him smoking, then bursting into flames and spinning toward the earth and then crashing.
  • Eric saw action in the Second World War as a ship's gunner in Burma, Malaya and the Middle East, before returning to the market.
  • The gunners took aim at the enemy spy plane and brought it down.
  • As the gunner is ready to fire, his partner tells him to hold on and then quickly attaches a hose to the nose of the gun, finally signaling that it's ok to fire. Check Out HBO’s New Shows: Treme and Boardwalk Empire Trailers; Watch The Pacific Online For Free | /Film
  • Zambians should be commended for ignoring the flopped demonstration organised by frustrated and self-seeking politicians who were hoping to gunner some political capital out of the ill-conceived exercise.
  • Yes, the uniform -- if only a gunner private's uniform! "he exclaimed in short, pulsating breaths of ecstasy. The Last Shot
  • So, after gaining an insight into the School of Artillery, it seems making a good gunner involves much tenacity, endurance and substantially more than a desire to watch things explode.
  • During that war gunners would skip cannon balls off the water in an attempt to breach the hull of an enemy ship close to the waterline.
  • There are several roles players can take on such as a fighter pilot, turret gunner, bomber, ship captain and base defender to name a few.
  • Upon this principle Mr Tallboys had added John Hamilton Moore to his library, and had advanced about as far into navigation as he had in gunnery, that is, to the threshold, where he stuck fast, with all his mathematical tools, which he did not know how to use. Mr. Midshipman Easy
  • Sounds much more like godless, egalitarian Communism than like Tailgunner Joe and his followers.
  • This was, indeed, the Gunner Barling he used to know, with his smooth-shaven chin and neat brown moustache waxed at the ends and characteristic "quiff" decorating his brow. Okewood of the Secret Service
  • Not by another ace, but when Richthofen made a rookie mistake and flew his red (note that's red) triplane over Brit anti-aircraft gunners while single mindedly pursuing another fighter. John McCain, Fighter Pilot
  • In the traditional survey area, several birds that gunners love to cross beads on showed gains, such as gadwall (+2%), canvasbacks (+11%), and scaup (+2%). The News from Duckville
  • Gunner’s mate second class Jim Herring had been standing in the spotter’s hatch of Gun 55, the aftmost 5-inch gun, when he saw “the skipper” pull open the deck hatch to the aft steering room and start “bellowing orders.” Sea of Thunder

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