How To Use Gulp In A Sentence
People were gulping down sundowners, women seemed to be, rather disinterestedly, sipping their drinks and picking up a bite.
And he had hoped to avoid all this; or rather to hoard this seeing for one final gulp from the mailboat rail.
At Swim, Two Boys
I sucked and gargled and gulped my man down until his toes opened and closed and he started grabbing and clutching the sheets, moaning out my name.
Deep Throat Diva
The first gulp is the best.
Look at the uproar from the Police auth in the Met over officer (gulp) carrying guns on duty in public!
Have You Heard The One About……. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG

And while the word gluttony evolved from a Latin root that means “to gulp,” that definition doesn’t really illustrate this particular pattern of evil thought accurately or thoroughly.
It is found that ment of disease does not predestine only three met - the method of treatment of disease in the time of the hods of healing namely a gulp of honey, cupping, and Prophet (s. a.w) was considered advance method gi - branding with fire (cauterizing).
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Caleb choked back a gulp and offered up a weak smile.
I gulped as they smooched - for quite a long time, too - and wished more than anything that it was me he was kissing.
-- But then they are not charged for seeing the lamps; there is no charge for walking round the walks; there is no charge for looking at the cosmoramic pictures; there is no charge for casting a glance at the orchestra; there is no charge for staring at the other people; there is no charge for bowing or talking to an acquaintance, if you meet one -- all these are gratis; and if you neither eat nor drink, there is no charge for witnessing those who do mangle the long-murdered honours of the coop, and gulp down the most renovating of liquors, be they hale or stout, vite vine, red port, or rack punch.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 321, July 5, 1828
A certain Goodsir Canty's cornhouse stood near them in a clump of trees beside the road, and as the door was open they crept in, gulped down great "chunks" of cake, distributed vast slices of what was left about their persons, Obed taking by far the lion's share, and then they parted, vowing eternal secrecy.
Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know
Kriti sat down cross-legged on a mat and gulped down a lota of milk.
Nearly all mouth and tail, the gulper eel also scavenges in the depths.
I took a gulp of it and burned my tongue in the process.
Moreover it is that consuming hatred, that ability to have any crap shoveled down your throat and you gulp it like pablum, that is dividing this country.
"What do you have to forget or overlook in order to desire that this dysfunctional clan once more occupies the White House..."
She gulped in lungfuls of cool fresh air.
She gulped air, then pulled herself up to float as the water rose to six feet then seven feet, the ceiling was ten feet high, three feet now.
But as it starts the transition to froghood, it develops lungs - forcing the tadpole to swim frequently to the surface to gulp air.
At frequent intervals one can see their silver bellies as they twist about at the surface to gulp air or graze on algae.
You can hear him drawing breath - tiny gasps during "Bloom," big gulpy lungfuls during "Morning Mr. Magpie" - but he exhales the same as ever: in a mumbly, monochromatic moan where the vowels are dramatic and the consonants are tough to make out.
Album review: Radiohead, "The King of Limbs"
Jim gulped nervously, before dropping the lighter on the fluids.
This one girl gulped her drink greedily, only to then launch into this big thing about how we'd bought such cheap wine or champagne or whatever.
He drank deep, downing the glass in a single gulp.
hdhouse saidMoreover it is that consuming hatred, that ability to have any crap shoveled down your throat and you gulp it like pablum, that is dividing this country.
"What do you have to forget or overlook in order to desire that this dysfunctional clan once more occupies the White House..."
He downed the coffee in one gulp.
He poured himself some water from a carafe on the desk and gulped it down.
She got a brew of her own and started drinking in big gulps.
Dunsfold would probably be thankful if to-day the "gulph" were wider.
Highways and Byways in Surrey
The car's slowing and I gulp in horror as it stops, right beside the bush I'm hidden behind.
Every fighter was either fighting or gulping fuel for another go.
Tea-partiers, that "tea" you're gulping is actually Kool-Aid, and you're ALL being purchased with it.
Tea Party Express unveils 'heroes,' 'targets'
She gulped down her breakfast and ran for the bus.
To overcome this, they repeatedly gulp oxygen and release it inside the burrow, oxygenating the water which then allows them to remain inside for up to 30 minutes at a time. This behavior also provides oxygen for any developing eggs.
The tired rebel looks at the vile for a moment and in one gulp downs the drink.
Amelia gulped down her coffee and rushed out.
She gulped down a mouthful of coffee.
Per OED, known alternate spelling (along with ingulf and ingulph); an example of engulph quoted from an 1871 source. master and visiters [** typo: visitors] speak of the down-trodden
Three Years in Europe Places I Have Seen and People I Have Met
According to one of the three security officers at the warehouse, four masked men armed with a pistol entered the premises and forced them at gunpoint to gulp down a bottle of arrack, a strong alcoholic drink.
She rose to the surface of the water once every minute to get/take a gulp of air.
Still chewing, Faulkner downs his drink in a single gulp.
She took a few gulps, breathed out and glanced at the scenery before her.
He filled a cup with cold water and drank it down in one gulp.
A neighbor of mine, a toddler, had diarrhea due to giardia infection, and one of the antecedent events was the swallowing of several gulps of stagnant water squeezed from a bath toy in an outdoor wading pool.
By the time I'd gulped a coffee and got my legs working, it was quite bright.
Cameron gulped the much-needed air as he turned to see Damian frowning.
She could see Raven drinking in greedy gulps of air.
This vice is similar to crib-biting but the horse does not grab onto anything with its teeth, it learns to gulp down air simply by creating a vacuum in the mouth.
Gulping down a cup of tea, he ate a couple of biscuits, and then shouldering his dustcoat, declared himself ready.
Ultima Thule
Plenty of adrenaline, audible gulps and raised arms expecting to defend oneself from ghostly ghouls and fiends, had now been replaced by a sense of confusion and a nagging anti-climatic feel.
He breathed in huge gulps of air as the heavy pounding flooded his ears, the pounding of his heart and the harsh gasps of air.
He drank a few gulps from the glass before setting it down at the table.
Melissa took it from her and drank what was left in one gulp.
Just to lie there, on the marge of the mystery, just to lie there and drink the air in great gulps, and do nothing!
Scarier yet, some deep-sea-dwelling, sci-fi-looking breeds of anglerfish, which attract prey by dangling a bioluminescent lure from their foremost dorsal spine, can take down fish their own size in a single gulp.
The horse was lathered in sweat, nostrils flaring, gulping for breath.
Another shows three lags laughing as they gulp from a bottle of clear liquid.
The Sun
He leant against the car, gulping in the cold air.
Vinny brought the plastic cup of beer to his mouth and tipped his head back, gulping nervously, chugging the entire beverage in just a few slurps.
He downed the drink in one gulp and sent the glass crashing into the flames of the open hearth embedded in the left wall.
But an earthquake had changed the scene — under our very feet the earth yawned — deep and precipitous the gulph below opened to receive us, while the hours charioted us towards the chasm.
The Last Man
Another shows three lags laughing as they gulp from a bottle of clear liquid.
The Sun
The hungry boy gulped down the bowl of soup.
He swallowed, slightly prematurely, experiencing some difficulty; gulping.
I want to live -- to live -- live, and be young, "gulping," with strong muscle and moist flesh.
A Lady of Quality
It was hard to get down, but all the men took theirs at a gulp, and when Kivi gave me another shellful, I followed their pattern.
White Shadows in the South Seas
The trammies gulped and get-awayed.
In the silence of the echoing marble hall, Marlo's gulp was audible and the shake in her hand as she pointed at Marion was all too clear.
They grimaced and gulped and fidgeted from foot to foot.
End of Time
He felt himself go dizzy, and had to put his head against a pillow slowly, closing his eyes and gulping nervously, not daring to move, in case he woke her up.
He said of his emotions on the podium: 'I took a huge gulp of air.
The Sun
Tis a "Lower The Boom" drink is the Mickey Finn, not a pirate... mayhap thou didst gulp it down the evening last before thou didst crawled to thine bunk?
Fire Chief "Resigns" And Becomes Cartoon Du Jour
Trout magnets and berkley gulp worms on a trout magnet hook are good for stocked trout, also pins minnows work good in stocked streams as well.
What is the best lure for trout. I like panther martins but i want to give something else a shot?
Jesse managed to get all that out in one breath, taking a large gulp of air after.
After "gulping" down the six volumes of Buchez and Roux, he declares: "The clearest thing I got out of them is an immense disgust for the French ....
The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters
He passed her a gourd of water and she gulped it down.
The rampant crowds were like ancient Viking barbarians, smoking heavily and taking down alcohol in large gulps.
I took a gulp of pop and rubbed my nose to get rid of the bubbles fizzing up there.
Late for work again, she gulped down a cup of milk, with no time for anything to eat.
The two boys paused at the cross walk and took a gulp of water.
But the part the credulous Friedman really gulped down was that bit about how Denmark "innovated" thanks to tax hikes then gave some of the money back to allow people to afford the miracle energy innovations, which-you should recall even if left unsaid by Espersen and her interlocutor-were so miraculous and innovative that they had to be mandated.
Energy Tribune
The very invariance of the universal fossil sequence is the strongest argument against its production in a single gulp.
Gulp catches all species had a lot of succes with the minnow zoom is great for smallmouth the fluke and lizard
What is the best type of rubber bait - Yum!, Gulp!, Powerbait, or Gary Yamamoto?
The good thing is you can get it down in one gulp.
Times, Sunday Times
She took a large gulp of wine from the bottle.
When it was his turn to dive, he gulped and stepped up onto the diving board.
He slammed the door shut behind him and collapsed against it, closing his eyes and gulping air in an effort to quell his anger.
I grabbed a glass of orange juice and dispatched it all in one gulp.
They may do it to gulp air, or perhaps just for joy.
I could hear a distinguishable "gulp" eminating from Colonel W-S's throat.
Sudan Battle Report
Just before she ceased, her arms stretched out right froggily, her weird eyes rolled about, and she gulped a mighty gulp of the strange thin medium that covered the surface of her liquid home.
Edge of the Jungle
She took a large gulp of wine from the bottle.
Paul quickly got a large glass of chilled water at his request and sat in the chair opposite him while he drank in large gulps.
She gulped and ran quick, nerveless fingers through her hair knowing she looked more than a mess.
And then the answer is like a big gulp of air.
Times, Sunday Times
He just shook his boarish head and downed an entire pint of mead in one gulp, never breaking his glare from the walls.
Archive 2009-06-01
Some of the men broke ranks in a furious gallop to the river where they gulped water in joyous abandon.
Every fighter was either fighting or gulping fuel for another go.
Mack swallowed the alcohol with a satisfied gulp before nodding.
Knock back your entire shot in one gulp, immediately inverting your glass over the table to allow the microscopic last drop to fall out, proving you're not a wuss or a reactionary revanchist Trotskyite provocateur.
Tavis restrained the urge to kill me by taking another long gulp of his putrid coffee and sighing.
The gulped their wine cups down with a single swallow.
Jonathan gulped air, but it didn't seem to do any good.
He keeps salt in the sugar bowl and is contrite when the photographer takes a gulp of salty tea.
Times, Sunday Times
N.E. and S.W. extremities of the large and deep gulph of Anadir, into the bottom of which the river of that name empties itself, dividing as it passes the country of the Koriacs from that of the Tschutski.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
With a toss of his head and a few hard gulps, Bob finished the last of his beer.
In true cowpoke style, he downed the fiery arak the barman brought in one gulp, without thinking.
She held it to his mouth and slowly tilted it forward, letting him gulp down the tea.
William looked down in horror as he tried to keep composure, but the very fear of what his acid remarks could do to this man's mood made him gulp and shift once in his feet.
He gulped down his food and quickly drained the glass.
He gulped again and asked nervously, ‘Anyone see a little tan cat run through here?’
When the food did arrive, Glenn ate with a healthy appetite, tearing into the meat and gulping his ale without any thought of what it must taste like.
While, the reaction of the leading executives to the incident in the gulp is a sign that leadership in the industry is becoming more connected with the possibilities of failures leading to similar catastrophes, much of the responsibility sits with the various boards of directors and the governance procedures which are supposed to guide them.
Reuters: Top News
We usually gulp down air which ends up bloating the system when we eat quickly, talk when we eat and when we are stressed.
The Sun
Alcohol dripped from their mouths as they gulped it down, burping out a bubble when they had the need to.
Late for work again, she gulped down a cup of milk, with no time for anything to eat.
Reptiles and birds gulp their food down and hence lose much nutritive value.
He felt so grateful for the simple taste of a few gulps of water that he sat back to enjoy the way it had quenched his thirst.
The breaks were used to eat protein-rich snacks and energy-boosting beverages were often gulped down while still dancing.
Woest, 58, who works as a volunteer for the Cancer Association in Pretoria, will speak to the health portfolio committee using a technique known as esophageal speech, which he describes as gulping in air and "letting it come out like a burp".
ANC Daily News Briefing
Popping the aluminum ring, he took a gulp and settled back for the wait.
Just one of a hundred small memorable moments that make you gulp.
Times, Sunday Times
After the stale fug in the tiny cabin, she gulped down the clean sea air, the car window wide open.
I want to live -- to live -- live, and be young, "gulping," with strong muscles and moist flesh Sixty-nine years -- and they are gone!
A Lady of Quality
The good thing is you can get it down in one gulp.
Times, Sunday Times
Enjoying tea involves far more than just boiling water, adding a tea bag and gulping.
This big colorful cat ate the little mouse in just one gulp.
However, I gulped down my scruples with the morning cocktail which we all took at the bar of the Widow Joplin, and listened patiently while Mr. Rucker gasconaded about the wonderful shots he had made, the tremendous leaps his horse had taken over gullies and logs.
Dialect Tales
She powdered up a glass of grape wine at one gulp.
In these . . . they descend the river on trading and hunting expeditions on the sea coast, neighboring islands and keys . . . and sometimes cross the gulph of Mexico, extending their navigations to the Bahama Islands and even to Cuba.
A Vessel of Indian Culture
When the whiskies came he drank the first at a gulp and made a face as if it had been bitter medicine.
He took a huge gulp of brandy.
She gulped down her drink and made a hasty exit.
Ho! only this! it alludes to my disrelish to matrimony: Which is a bottomless pit, a gulph, and I know not what.
Clarissa Harlowe
The player takes a gulp of lager.
Times, Sunday Times
His performance remains masterful for its integrity and sincerity: a gulp made his emotions evident yet kept them in check.
Times, Sunday Times
I gulped sea air, pressing hard on the acupressure points I'd learned to halt nausea.
LaCienega gulped, but the girl's bravery returned when she saw her friend's smile.
The poor boy was clearly discomfited, but we can never resist a mystery, so he gulped out an answer.
I gulped at the prospect of making an arrest.
Forget breathing into a paper bag, gulping down a glass of water or having someone scare the living daylights out of you to cure a case of hiccups.
No, no, the dear heaven knows, and the farther the from it, if the whole stole stale mis betold, whoever the gulpable, and whatever the pulpous was, the twooned togethered, and giving the mhost phassionable wheathers, they were doing a lally a lolly a dither
Finnegans Wake
Late for work again, she gulped down a cup of milk, with no time for anything to eat.
However, we couldn't stay long as Mrs Mungo gulped down her ration of six dry sherries far too quickly.
I seized the glass and drank the contents down in one gulp.
No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
Ragnor averted his gaze from the slender figure mounting the stairs and finished his ale with an angry gulp.
She gulped down her drink and made a hasty exit.
‘Defeat and victory, it's all the same thing, it all requires a stiff drink,’ he says, between gulps of Guinness.
I need my favorite blanky, one “Super Big Gulp” from 7-11, one-half box of Ka-Boom cereal, and Mark Brewer, my bestiest neighbor-friend from 2 houses down.
ABC’s Funshine Saturday :
She gulped it down, then took a sip of the new gallon of whole milk her dad bought for her yesterday.
To finish the description of this place, which may well be called the gulph, as nothing ever returns from it, it is not possible for ships to get off from it, when once they come within ft certain distance of it.
The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Volume 01
Their nostrils, one should understand, must be tightly clipped to avoid accidental drowning and since they surface only briefly they must perforce gulp air.
Nick gulped, nervously adjusting the collar of his shirt.
The knight plays along, and gulps up much of the venison pastry the hermit brought out.
While adults had to eat at least five cups of ice creams and drink a 300 ml bottle of Pepsi as fast as they could, children had to gobble three ice creams and gulp a soft drink.
When we got inside, I sat on one of the beds and started stuffing my face with the bread and cheese I bought, once in a while pausing to take a gulp of water.
Smiling proudly, Mayor Metwinger straightened his purple mayoral robes and gulped in a big breath, prepar - ing to ad-lib the traditionally long but unwritten kender marriage ceremony.
With a toss of his head and a few hard gulps, Bob finished the last of his beer.
Cecil gulped, he looked around at the surprisingly empty street, burned out husks of vehicles, rubble strewn all over the road, dead bodies, fire, smoke, it was almost too much.
She came up gulping for air.
Eat small meals, especially in the evening, and don't gulp food.
‘This is a good place to do science,’ he said, then took a gulp of his decaf.
Even if you gulp a glass of butter milk after it you will remain ablaze for the next 24hrs.
Archive 2009-04-01
Here Come the TV Ads - Steve Ballmer says he "gulped" when he approved the marketing budget for Microsoft's new Bing search engine -- it's reportedly in the $100 million range.
Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
Bell downs his coffee in a few gulps, warming to his subject.
Check that the hole in the teat of the baby's feeding bottle is not too small, resulting in his gulping air.
After gulping the orange juice down while leaning against the counter, I straighten up, rinse my glass and begin to head towards the hallway.
He gulped for help after choking on a big piece of meat
Breathing in a fresh gulp of air, she couldn't believe how pure it tasted.
I gulped back my tears and the lump in my throat, trying to speak.
He gave a loud gulp and stopped mid-sentence.
He opened one of the glass doors of the hotel, and stepping out, I breathed in a huge gulp of the cool evening air and shivered a little.
Popping the lid off, I poured two into my hand and slugged them back with a gulp of my soda.
He awkwardly fell to the ground and sat up, trying to gulp air as fast as possible.
It enhances the sense that one is seeing the entire composition in one marvellous gulp.
Times, Sunday Times
Tarantino is very clear about this: we see Bill open the bottle and drink the first shot in a single gulp, and we see him trying to shake the last drop out of the bottle when it is empty.
He gulped his beverage to the point of making himself burp - out loud.
Has she got the resolve not to down it in one gulp?
The Sun
Carlos grabbed one right after him and drank it in three gulps.
She sat by the window, noisily gulping her morning coffee.
River laughed again and he reached for the small cup of orange juice and opened it and drank it in one gulp.
Thou art not to devour, to gulp down the carnal life as if thou wert a dog," the Nahua elders warned the next generation of young men.
Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
Cecil gulped air, it had been very difficult to breathe with such a big weight on him.
I gulped, and then looked away quickly before the power of Jonas' gaze hypnotized me into a stammering idiot.
I gulped, immediately regretting my decision but I was afraid to tell Mrs. Beckett that I changed my mind so quickly.
Guys around here apparently use the floating stuff above a sinker in stocked ponds However, Gulp is good for the one saltwater trip I take each year to the Outerbanks of NC.
Gulp! Gulping?
The big V8 gulps fuel and even with a relatively light foot it still burnt unleaded at the rate of 14.5 litres per 100 km.
Once he took a gulp of that water he felt entirely recovered.
Gulping nervously, she quickly smoothed down her short hair, which she had cropped off awkwardly with a pair of shears, and turned the door knob.
Opening his mouth, Peter took greedy gulps of it, allowing the cool gushes of water to douse his parched throat.
His heart began to beat faster and he took a large gulp from his drink.
Late for work again, she gulped down a cup of milk, with no time for anything to eat.
She looked up nervously, gulped once and slowly stood up.
Has she got the resolve not to down it in one gulp?
The Sun
Do not gulp down your food; savor each mouthful and chew well before you swallow.
He wolfed his ham and corn bread, gulped from a canteen full of cold coffee.
The Guns Of The South
Harrison gulps with the point of the foil at his throat.
When it was his turn to dive, he gulped and stepped up onto the diving board.
She takes a gulp of her water and pours the rest in the sink.
It had a floater to it, and Edwards kind of gulped a couple of times, but you can see that he's waiting in the wings.
CNN Transcript Oct 5, 2004
My husband and I soon realized that cruising on a luxurious five-star floatel makes it not only possible, but pleasurable, to savor the taste of a dozen or so cities along the Mediterranean in one grand gulp.
Dr. Irene S. Levine: Cruising the Mediterranean: A Speed Date on Oceania Marina