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How To Use Guilty In A Sentence

  • A damning indictment for a Paul Bartel film, Lust in the Dust is found guilty of being bland and lame.
  • I'm afraid he is guilty of a good deal of invention.
  • Civilian life affords us the luxury of a good deal of deontology — better to let ten guilty men go free, and so on. One Waterboarding Is a Tragedy; A Million Is a Statistic
  • Mum has been a lot more cheerful since Quigley was declared bankrupt, insane and guilty of fraud.
  • Incommon law countries such as Canada, thetest of criminalliabilityis expressed by theLatinphrase, actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, which means that “the act does not make a person guilty unless the mind is also guilty”. Man Not Criminally Responsible for Greyhound Bus Beheading; Victim’s Family Call for Punishment : Law is Cool
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  • But to Mr. Robin there is no actually existing Burkeanism anywhere, making those who cite the ideal of a reasonable, pragmatic, nonreactionary conservatism guilty of the kind of utopianism the left is more commonly faulted for. NYT > Home Page
  • I feel guilty that Gwen and I have such a one-sided relationship.
  • I was fed up of having to avoid certain foods and when I finished the chicken I felt guilty.
  • Where the questions of religion are concerned people are guilty of every possible kind of insincerity and intellectual misdemeanor. Sigmund Freud 
  • We have all been guilty of it: blurring the lines between reality and fiction.
  • The teen was committed to DYRS last year, the source said, after being "adjudicated," or found guilty, in Family Court of an armed robbery. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • She was found guilty of gross misconduct but an independent panel recommended she get a final written warning. The Sun
  • The jury delivered a verdict of not guilty.
  • He intends to plead not guilty, according to his lawyer, Plato Cacheris, who characterized his client as emotionally distraught.
  • The swagger was back and Swansea were guilty of fewer sloppy passes. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will watch harbouring their guilty secret. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are all guilty of being less than frank with the public. Times, Sunday Times
  • TWO men were yesterday found guilty of harassing a dolphin on a boozy early-morning swim. The Sun
  • Both players were found guilty of foul and abusive language towards the match official during Acorn's defeat to Normanton Knights on November 20.
  • The insured person is guilty of unconscionable conduct if he does not provide for the insurer to be recouped out of the damages awarded against the wrongdoer.
  • I knew that if I didn't say no straight away he would browbeat me into saying yes, or make me feel so guilty that I'd be practically begging him to stay.
  • He was found guilty of animal cruelty and given a conditional discharge for six months. The Sun
  • So the survivors lied and hid their guilty secret and trauma.
  • The prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of the crime.
  • The judge pointed out that the absence of previous convictions did not of itself mean that a defendant was innocent anymore than the existence of previous convictions meant that a defendant was guilty.
  • The guilty plea goes only to the length of the determinate sentence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soon all that was left was nothing more than a ghostly echo of a guilty conscience.
  • I find lots of other partners but feel dissatisfied and guilty afterwards. The Sun
  • It was proving mens rea, the 'guilty mind', that was the stumbling block. Times, Sunday Times
  • She pleaded guilty to offering to supply heroin to undercover police officers.
  • There can be no neutrality between justice and cruelty, between the innocent and the guilty.
  • The vast majority of the defendants pleaded not guilty and were released on bail with strict conditions.
  • I feel a little guilty for springing the whole problem on her without warning.
  • The chief justice of the United States serves as judge. If two-thirds of the senators find the president guilty, he can be removed from office.
  • We feel ashamed and guilty,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Earlier this year, Felix pled guilty to money-laundering charges growing out of his arrest on drug and bribery charges.
  • People who are emotionally needy or manipulate others to get their own way by making them feeling guilty are unconscious vampires.
  • The jury returned a verdict of guilty / not guilty.
  • This case should be pursued and if she is guilty she must be held accountable. The Sun
  • If the faultes and vices were fitt to be looked into and discover'd, let the persons be who they would that were guilty of them, they were sure to finde no connivence of favour from him. Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • He had pleaded guilty in 1987 to tax evasion and the violation of securities laws.
  • The two elements of crime in English-derived law are “mens rea” (guilty mind, or intent) and “actus reus” (the act itself). Evening Buzz: U.S. Terror Stings
  • My inertia in not pushing it backwards into a safe zone is as guilty for the shattered glass as the treacherous wind.
  • Feeling guilty for the homeless is one thing, finding cheap secure accommodation for them is quite another .
  • The tobacco companies may be guilty of contempt of court for refusing to produce the documents.
  • He still feels quite guilty when he look back on the past.
  • The Supreme Court judged him guilty.
  • At the present time, no action was needed, and it was pleasant to procrastinate, to temporize without feeling guilty about it. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Others may think that she fears having a fair trial and being found guilty of a crime she did not commit. The Sun
  • She was found guilty of affray and of possessing a firearm with intent to cause fear and violence.
  • Clark entered a plea of not guilty.
  • Her lawyer tried to plead not guilty by reason of insanity, but that was rejected.
  • You know, I don ` t want to use the term guilty necessarily but implicated by association or however you want to call it. CNN Transcript Mar 18, 2008
  • Stacy Sullivan, another counterterrorism adviser with Human Rights Watch, said the Military Commissions Act is unclear on what happens if a guilty plea is allegedly coerced from a detainee. Complete Disorder | ATTACKERMAN
  • And the law already punishes those found guilty of that insanity. The Sun
  • He was found not guilty because of holes in the prosecution case.
  • A judge accepted her plea that she was guilty of manslaughter, not murder.
  • He was found guilty of contributory negligence .
  • He was encouraged to plead guilty to the lesser offence.
  • As for most of the others, if guilty of excesses, they should be voted out of office and criminal charges brought where applicable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was feeling guilty and depressed, repentant and scared.
  • Walton, imagining that his discomposure was the consequence of guilty fear, called upon him to remember the duties which he owed to England, the benefits which he had received from himself, and the probable consequence of taking part in a pert boy's insolent defiance of the power of the governor of the province. Waverley Novels — Volume 12
  • If he indeed were guilty of such an execrable transgression, this newspaper would be among the first to condemn, and not defend, him and his broadcaster.
  • A Reading crown court jury found him guilty of attempted murder. The Sun
  • Wu continues to plead not guilty to other charges of embezzlement and bribery.
  • He pleaded not guilty to all the charges and attacked the constitutional legitimacy of the military regime.
  • Let the people, and the world, judge who is right and who is wrong, who is guilty and who innocent.
  • The six have been charged with sedition and taking an illegal oath to commit a capital offence, and, if found guilty, could face life imprisonment.
  • In the past five years, the leaders of several other well-known South Korean businesses, including Samsung Electronics Co. and Hyundai Motor Co., have been found guilty of white-collar crimes, penalized financially but not with prison time, and ultimately pardoned. SK Group Probe Is Familiar Ground in Korea
  • If found guilty, they face penalties ranging from restriction to base, fines or reduction in rank.
  • She listened stoically as the guilty verdict was read out.
  • The jury passed a verdict of guilty, with an appeal to the judge for clemency.
  • The anaesthetist and the trainee nurse were found guilty of involuntary wounding and given one-month suspended jail sentences. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trial by blessed bread was a test for priests, for it was assumed guilty clergy would choke on hallowed food.
  • But you, my friend my *friend* are not guilty of this. Around The Corner, I Had A Friend
  • For example, if D hires a car to P and then removes the rotor arm from it rendering it inoperable, he may be guilty of criminal damage.
  • In a New York case, a federal district court found that a nonprofit educational service agency was guilty of copyright violations.
  • The jury found him not guilty of one charge of grievous bodily harm - a fractured big toe on the child's left foot.
  • She was found not guilty of a third charge of wilful neglect.
  • So if you were in the jury room, had you been a regular juror, rather than an alternate, you would have voted not guilty on all three counts?
  • Pay no attention to them, my friend, and do not feel the least bit guilty or apologetic.
  • With typical candour, she admits she now feels guilty over what they had to go through. The Sun
  • All were found guilty of conspiracy to defraud and will be sentenced on Thursday. The Sun
  • They coauthored a statement “that we are indeed guilty . . . and that hereby we have forfeited our lives into the hands of public justice.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • If found guilty, he faces the gallows. Times, Sunday Times
  • The next year he and 16 others were found guilty of charges including extortion and murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neither does it follow, that, on the supposition of the satisfaction pleaded for, the freedom, pardon, or acquitment of the person originally guilty and liable to punishment must immediately and “ipso facto” ensue. A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity
  • She feels guilty and thinks it should have been her as she was driving. The Sun
  • The couple, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the boys, had pleaded guilty in January to the three charges.
  • Feeling reasonably guilty for my lack of input in our annual dissection, I decided I needed some intellectual nutrition to atone for my sins.
  • Justice has prevailed; the guilty man has been punished.
  • unruliness" of a minor (eureka, now we understand why CAIR demanded a guilty plea in exchange for a meaningless deal with the kuffar) and a second charge of "interference with custody," which carries a sentence of six months to a year. Jihad Monitor
  • There may be some evidence to suggest she's guilty, but it's hardly conclusive.
  • BELLEVILLE, Ontario — A commander who was a rising star in Canada's military pleaded guilty Monday to the murders of two women, the sexual assaults of two others and dozens of breaking and entering charges in which he stole panties from the bedrooms of girls as young as 11. Russell Williams, Top Canadian Military Commander, Pleads Guilty To Murder, Sexual Assault
  • The crisis ends with the victimisation of the guilty scapegoat through collective violence.
  • That being so, the finding by the trial judge that the accused was guilty of the offence was not supported by admissible evidence.
  • A federal jury found the so-called DC madam guilty of running a high-end prostitution ring. Deborah Palfrey said her now- defunct business was an "erotic fantasy service".
  • He pleaded guilty to three robberies, kidnap and one offence of aggravated burglary.
  • The second fault I want to plead guilty to is carelessness in my statement of your view, and unimaginativeness in applying it.
  • The claimant originally pleaded that the bank was guilty of knowing receipt of funds transferred in breach of trust.
  • ‘Not only were you guilty of the offence of which you were convicted, but you were also in my view guilty of dishonourable conduct,’ he said.
  • The prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty of murder.
  • A jury in Canada has found three members of an Afghan family guilty of drowning three teenage sisters and another woman in what the judge described as "cold-blooded, shameful murders" resulting from a "twisted concept of honour". 'Honour killings': Canadian jury finds Afghan family guilty
  • COCHRAN: Well, it's difficult because, you know, there's, you know, everybody -- I don't want to use the term rush to judgment -- everybody assumes the husband is the suspect and is probably guilty. CNN Transcript Nov 11, 2003
  • Then he told them of the big trial in the river, when the fishes chose judges, and made a case at law against the ersh, and found him guilty, and how the ersh spat in the faces of the judges and swam merrily away. Old Peter's Russian Tales
  • For the first season ever I have started skipping the results show and am feeling a little guilty about my waning loyalty - your vlog was the perfect compromise. "American Idol" results -- vlogged!
  • Last month Duriez and Tibbles was found guilty of conspiracy to commit arson.
  • That is so, in the same way that if after a verdict of guilty an appellate court concludes that the conviction is unsafe and unsatisfactory it quashes the jury's verdict.
  • Two of those charged have pleaded not guilty. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's been guilty of sharp practice in the past.
  • With the guilty discretion of a massage parlour, the gym hides itself above a parade of shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • There can be no doubt that he is guilty.
  • At a minimum, they're guilty of extremely shoddy scholarship and overcredulity," says Boston Globe -- Ideas section
  • It's the same way I often have to leave the house when we have someone come by and clean for us - I feel guilty just sitting there like some imperialist overlord, watching them work.
  • In the normal course of events, by punishing the guilty and not punishing the innocent, a system of criminal law affirms shared values and supports social cohesion.
  • Nor could even he himself be called a surety absolutely innocent: for although he was properly and personally innocent, he was imputatively and substitutively guilty; for A Dissertation on Divine Justice
  • Guilty consciences always make people [men] cowards. 
  • The not-guilty verdicts were greeted with cries of delight and tears from some defendants and applause from the gallery.
  • So, you know, it's not like these two nimrods who are coming out with books saying, ‘Now we would have voted guilty, but they forced us to say not guilty.’
  • The word that lurks in the criticism of Webster et al is 'bibliolatry', but strictly speaking that is not something which orthodox believers have been guilty of. Exiled Preacher
  • The Supreme Court judged him guilty.
  • People found guilty of practising black magic were hanged.
  • White was arrested the next day in Bingley but denied any involvement although he was found guilty of charges of aggravated burglary and assault occasioning actual bodily harm at trial.
  • Both parents were found guilty of neglect and their child was taken away from them.
  • Now actually there's no mention at all in the report of punishments or penalties for those found guilty.
  • The study excluded cases in which defendants pleaded guilty or no contest, and it did not involve new interviews with defendants.
  • It was a guilty conscience that made him admit stealing the money.
  • You yourselves are the guilty ones.
  • Is it not possible that just one of those being coerced is not guilty!! Balkinization
  • Less than a year after the shooting, Ray entered a plea of guilty.
  • Having been found guilty, all three were each sentenced yesterday to one year imprisonment.
  • Any law enforcement agent who conducted a wiretap or private search would thereby always be presumptively guilty of a crime, and would have to cross his fingers and take his chances that prosecutors or jurors would ignore or obviate the law in his particular case. The Five Techniques
  • Artists guilty or suspected of formalism were persecuted and encouraged to make public recantations for their offences.
  • Have you noticed how each of us is guilty of ascribing motives to other people's actions, yet so often get it wrong?
  • This should be criminalised or the guilty party should be penalised through the deduction of votes, Sega newspaper reported.
  • Instead I have come to realise that I must bear the guilty burden of forty years of unintentional eco-terrorism.
  • He tried to believe, as an article of faith, that his daughter was not guilty.
  • Flot, derived from the French _flottant_, floating; and jet, from the verb _jeter_, to _throw up_; both used in seignoral rights, granted by kings to favourites, empowering them to take possession of the property of any man who might happen to be unfortunate, which was in those times tantamount to being guilty. Newton Forster The Merchant Service
  • He stared straight ahead as the guilty verdicts were read out. The Sun
  • He was last week found guilty at Ipswich crown court of false imprisonment, conspiracy to apply a corrosive liquid and conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm. The Sun
  • About an hour earlier, he had been found guilty of aiding and abetting war crimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • But at least one site, where the more than 30 victims might be Gaddafi fighters or supporters, suggests that both sides may have been guilty of brutal conduct in the battle for Tripoli.
  • Then they can cease feeling guilty and start feeling empowered.
  • Some journalists are guilty of reporting scandal in order to sell papers.
  • Two of those charged have pleaded not guilty. Times, Sunday Times
  • This has happened at other stores and usually the most sympathetic person is the sales clerk, who feels guilty that I can't try on the clothes.
  • In order to protect the guilty, Morin won't name names, which is probably just as well given the litany of scandalous events chronicled in the book.
  • His attorney, Benjamin Brafman, said in an email to Reuters Strauss-Kahn "will plead not guilty.
  • Pope gained but little in the warfare he waged with him, for this plain reason -- that the great poet accuses his adversary of dullness, which was not by any means one of his sins, instead of selecting one of the numerous faults, such as pertness, petulance, and presumption, of which he was really guilty. The Palmy Days of Nance Oldfield
  • At that time, he is expected to plead guilty to one felony count of conspiracy.
  • The ruling means that no one has been found guilty for the deaths of more than 800 people during the uprising. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any who takes the bread without the wine, or the wine without the bread, "unworthily" communicates, and so "is guilty of Christ's body and blood"; for he disobeys Christ's express command to partake of both. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • A guilty conscience is a self-accuser. 
  • Many Christians regularly confess their guilty actions and thoughts to a priest.
  • Several pages of this book recall the salutary rigour of the Dragonades; and that odious passage, in which a man distinguished for his talents and his private virtues, the Count de Maistre (Soirees de St. Petersbourg tome 2 page 121) justifies the Inquisition of Portugal “which he observes has only caused some drops of guilty blood to flow.” Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The anaesthetist in the above case was found guilty and his conviction was upheld in the House of Lords.
  • Philadelphia does have a higher percentage of nonjury trials and a lesser number of guilty pleas than almost any other city in the country, a phenomenon to which I was referring in my review when I cited the Harvard Law Review study by Professor Schulhofer. Copping Pleas
  • We have to remember that this man is innocent until proven guilty but if he did kill Caroline we have to make sure he doesn't kill anyone else.
  • the guilty person
  • Routine acquittals of obviously guilty people would quickly breed contempt for the law.
  • None shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the same time when it was committed.
  • He could face a further two games out if found guilty of improper conduct for his provocative celebration. The Sun
  • While I agree that I'm guilty of a moment's distraction, I feel I must defend myself against the memo's accusals of ‘sheer obtuseness where anything musical is concerned’ and ‘shameless disregard for the band's intentions’.
  • The club were found not guilty of alleged offences over payments to two other players. Times, Sunday Times
  • The law should not pursue those allegedly guilty of minor, inadvertent or technical crimes decades ago, because to do so is disproportionate and oppressive.
  • They may be hoping to invert the presumption that a defendant is innocent until proved guilty.
  • There is no pain like that of a guilty conscience, and bigots hate to admit they're wrong.
  • Singing and dancing may bring pleasure to the public, charity concerts may salve guilty consciences and the world is definitely in need of some cheering up.
  • A Kirkwall man was released on bail from Kirkwall Sheriff Court on Tuesday after pleading guilty to assault and breach of the peace.
  • There, in 1999 the Americans were guilty of some of the most outrageously uncouth and unsporting behaviour ever displayed in a sporting arena.
  • SARATOGA SPRINGS - NewsChannel 13 has learned that a Saratoga county man has pleaded guilty in a fatal hit an run accident. - Capital Region News, Weather and Sports from NEWSCHANNEL 13
  • The white-eyed greenlet is a vocalist of such extraordinary versatility and power that one feels almost guilty in speaking of him under the title which stands at the head of this paper. Birds in the Bush
  • I feel massively guilty that I resisted the inducement.
  • Last year the retired general pleaded guilty to mishandling classified information by sharing official log books with his biographer, who was also his mistress. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rape victims want and need to have their truth recognised and to see their attackers branded guilty; far better to achieve that at the expense of longer jail terms than watch so many rapists wriggling free with victims feeling disbelieved and twice damaged. Are SlutWalkers losing their way? | Victoria Coren
  • Most importantly, the risk of eccentric or biased jurors convicting the innocent or acquitting the guilty also would be reduced. Times, Sunday Times
  • One idea has been to impanel two juries - one that would not be death-qualified, to decide upon guilt or innocence, and a second death-qualified one to decide on the penalty following a guilty verdict.
  • She also felt more than a little guilty thinking these sorts of thoughts towards Ian when she had so recently accepted Dan as her beau.
  • Polisario sources claimed that in a recent internal investigation he had been found guilty of corruption and diversion of funds.
  • If we've ever had internal conflicts about cheating or wanting to cheat, had sexual longings for or experiences with someone of the same sex, imagined being with a prostitute or had pedophilic fantasies, watched porn or coveted a neighbor's husband or wife, we're going to be drawn -- in guilty fascination or fearful hostility -- to public disclosures of both forbidden sexual behavior and it's humiliating confession. Michael Bader, D.M.H.: Everything Said About Anthony Weiner Is Bull
  • Mr Wilson entered a plea of not guilty.
  • Both teams were guilty of playing the game at least a couple of yards offside and handling the ball on the floor at almost every breakdown.
  • Since they feel guilty anyway they might as well do something to feel guilty about. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • Senator Obama has been saying that it's his opponent who is guilty of what he calls slash and burn tactics and both of the candidates are unveiling negative ads in these final days before Tuesday's primary. CNN Transcript Apr 20, 2008
  • They were found collectively guilty by a military tribunal for going absent without leave. Times, Sunday Times
  • The doctor was found guilty of professional misconduct.
  • Going to the cinema alone is a real guilty pleasure. Times, Sunday Times
  • They pleaded guilty to lesser charges of criminal damage.
  • They were both found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm.
  • He was found guilty of sexual harassment, making false mileage claims, giving false or misleading information to the club's marketing committee and gross incompetence.
  • The jury took less than two hours to reach a verdict of not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter.
  • New evidence has cast doubt on the guilty verdict.
  • He pleaded not guilty to cruelty and claimed he had entrusted the puppies to a man called Phil.
  • In 1977, he pleaded guilty to one caper and was sentenced to jail.
  • There's a guilty pleasure in witnessing his obvious discomfort and huffy asides to the camera - ‘four hours’ he mutters darkly while getting fitted for a swish suit.
  • Two pleaded guilty, and the third was convicted after trial, in a case that The Republican newspaper of Springfield described as a "blot on the whole city. NYT > Home Page
  • Why feel so guilty about a feeling that remains a mere fancy, harmlessly stashed away in your brain?
  • Both have pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to defraud and making a false instrument.
  • He tried to believe, as an article of faith, that his daughter was not guilty.
  • Guilty of being vastly unoriginal, insipid, boring, and just downright horrible!

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