How To Use Guild In A Sentence

  • Advertising was forbidden, and the idea that one master guildsman might produce a better product than his colleagues was regarded as treasonable. The Worldly Philosophers
  • The skilled trades were dominated by craft guilds which imposed strict limitations on entry in order to guarantee their market.
  • He probably would have still been teaching at Premiere Guild right now if he hadn't fell down a flight of stairs and broken his hip and bruised his tail bone.
  • Johann Fust , a local venture capitalist, loaned him 800 guilders in 1450.
  • Now, I'm not saying that wow is the devil or anything knee-jerkingly reactionist like that (although I * do* have some serious issues with some elements of it: the grind, only having one somewhat flawed model of guild leadership, etc, etc). Becoming Gamer; or "My last ever log out."
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  • The pickup features an exclusive transducer that Guild claim offers advanced sensitivity and dynamic range as well as low noise levels.
  • The upper floor was the great hall where guild members met.
  • He later moved to Delft, where he was well known and became a syndic of the Guild of Saint Luke.
  • Special rewards and titles beckon for victorious guilds. WarCry Network : Latest News
  • But the economic aims of the MFA guild would be unrealizable without its social aims, which perpetuate solidarity. Anis Shivani: Creative Writing Programs: Is The MFA System Corrupt And Undemocratic?
  • In a secret alliance with the Guild of Commerce, the two powers overthrew the other Guilds and left the refugees to scatter across the continent.
  • There in a window above the altar was Mary and her story, the annunciation and visitation; at the bottom of the window there was also a depiction of the donors, The Guild of Bakers.
  • This second Adam Winthrop, at the age of seventeen, went to London, binding himself as an apprentice for ten years under the well-esteemed and profitable guild of the "clothiers," or cloth-workers. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 75, January, 1864
  • Thank God, a "Southern literature," in the sense intended by the champions of slavery, is a simple impossibility, rendered such by that exility of mind which they demand in its producers as a prerequisite to admission into the guild of Southern authorship. The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It
  • No self-respecting shopkeeper would touch the defeated currency, instead rattling off a long list of what was acceptable, everything from Dutch guilders and Indian rupees to francs, pounds, and the rare American dollars. A Covert Affair
  • Battle system of N. E.O Online also includes territorial wars, guild battles, match-ups and indiscriminative attack mode. WarCry Network : Latest News
  • A few months before the Great Fire of London, in which old St. Paul's was consumed with its parvise and pillars, Dugdale wrote: "At St. Paul's each lawyer and serjeant at his pillar heard his client's cause and took notes thereof upon his knee, as they do at Guildhall at this day. The Customs of Old England
  • However a theatre director who was once worked for the Wharf Theatre in Devizes, which is a member of Sir Ian's Little Theatre Guild, was jailed in 2008 for having a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old boy. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • This is no mean achievement as it means achieving Guild membership consistently for five successive years.
  • Early teaching methods were modelled on the monastic system or based on trade guilds, with no specific forms of architecture.
  • The guild are running the quiz in aid of Laois Hospice and hopes for plenty of support.
  • Beginning after the Second World War, for every guilder that was spent on highways, a few pfennigs went to building bikeways.
  • The guilds and unions in the American film industry are still strong, and have the clout (in theory) to protect their workers against the depredations of management, and against their own love of the Job.
  • Counts, knights, barons and marquesses gathered in the guilded ballroom of the hotel to mark the focal event of the aristocratic social calendar.
  • The Women's Cooperative Guild played a decisive role in helping to secure for Labour the newly-enfranchised female vote.
  • a corporation, without a charter, such adulterine guilds, as they were called, were not always disfranchised upon that account, but obliged to fine annually to the king, for permission to exercise their usurped privileges {See Madox Firma Burgi p. 26 etc.}. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
  • I took off the brown mantle and my guild cloak, put my boots on a stool near the brazier, and stood beside him to dry my breeches and hose, asking if all those who came this way on monomachy stopped to refresh themselves with him. The Shadow of the Torturer
  • The Elector Palatine in Dusseldorf appointed him as court-painter in 1697, with an annual salary of four thousand guilders, but left him free to sell half his pictures to others.
  • It is as though the historic opponents of medieval times, the aristocrats and the guildsmen, had been brought together in harmony.
  • It was suggested that the guild hold an annual trip abroad each year and pay into a monthly kitty to finance the trip
  • CBC radio announcer Katherine Duncan will emcee the event, which is put on by the the Book Publishers Association and the Writers Guild of Alberta.
  • While copying guild models, friendly societies also adopted elements of the secret freemasonry movement, specifically rites, rituals and codes of conduct.
  • Two suggestions for the guild are the cutlers (who would use ivory for handles) and locksmiths (for whom both elephants and castles would symbolise security).
  • Four members of the guild will attend the council meeting in the Amburn Lodge Hotel in Ennis.
  • It was disappointing to read two recent articles: ‘Summer events threatened by dearth of helpers’ and ‘Guild disbands as membership falls’.
  • It needs serious argumentation before the journalistic guild and society.
  • She got herself a prime spot at the front of well-wishers outside the Guildhall and had a ticket into the grounds of Windsor Castle.
  • In Europe, patriarchy flourished as institutions such as the family, the guild, and the university evolved to restrict or exclude women's presence and power.
  • Nor, I'd imagine, would the Hollywood guilds feel any too keen about the Academy's vouching for one of the companies that incinerated workers' pensions and jobs.
  • The Dutch are angry at the price rises that accompanied the loss of the guilder and the launch of the euro, hostile towards the new east European members from last year's big-bang enlargement, and opposed to Turkey joining the union.
  • Aides point out that, in 2001, they took both Tony Benn's old seat in Chesterfield and true-blue Guildford.
  • Some bozo who asked in guild chat, in which we are only permitted to speak ic, So what the! "Other hands than it should pass through..."
  • In his many years as a councillor he has witnessed many intrigues, backstabbings and bunfights at Hull's Guildhall - and his reaction to the latest particularly vicious spat is a weary shrug.
  • In total, it was 26 minutes from Hythe to the Guildhall - ferry good, ferry good indeed.
  • In a hurly-burly whirl of tunes and groovy jives, Macbeth: The Rock Opera, which puts on its final performance at the Guild Theatre tonight, is rocking audiences, young and old.
  • Within two years of such a vote, pounds and pence could be going the same way as guilders and pfennigs.
  • Originally sited in the Guildhall, it was soon shunted off to Exhibition Buildings, then, 50 years ago, to West Bank Park.
  • The guildsman, like the earlier democrat therefore, looks about him for an environment in which this ideal of self-government can be realized. Public Opinion
  • The title scared me a little, i thought someone was transfering off ER… like scott or randy or the guildEXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Moving on up to a new server…
  • I looked into the breast pockets, and finally found it safely tucked into my sleeve pocket, where always I kept some coins and a 10–guilder note for the bus in case my bicycle tire ran out of air. Nomad
  • Tea was served with a piece of blue and white (the new guild's colours) iced christening cake.
  • Hollywood also launched him into politics, as president of the Screen Actors Guild, where he helped purge the movie business of what he saw as Communist subversives.
  • Guilds are specialized by occupation; they include as their members all persons who perform the same occupation or highly specialized branch of an occupation. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • The right model for the teacher unions is the medieval craftsman guilds, the hallmarks of which were professional ability and demonstrated accomplishment.
  • Look instead at any self-organising galleries in your area, art and craft co-operatives, societies, guilds, and so on.
  • Legend has it that a Latvian merchant, denied access to a German-only guild, affixed two feline sculptures to his roof, tails up, derrières facing the guildhall. Little Country, Big Impact
  • The interior is more like a magnificent guildhall than a church. Malory: The Life and Times of King Arthur's Chronicler
  • Meanwhile, the Guild will be holding it's annual door to door collection in the parish next month to help fund the sending of sick parishioners on the Pilgrimage.
  • After leaving school at 15 he passed from one odd job to another before joining Larkins Studio at the age of 21, learning the rudiments, painting and tracing cels on productions made for the Film Producers Guild.
  • The present Guildhall is a reconstruction necessitated by damage to the original during the Second World War.
  • Ransacked: Ania Cerelczak outside the gallery in Great Guildford Street Bungling thief drops mobile during ram-raid at gallery Robbers smashed their van into a London art gallery in a ram-raid that caused thousands of pounds of damage. Evening Standard - Home
  • Ms Wade had been scheduled to attend the 50th Women of the Year Lunch at the Guildhall in London.
  • The Guild reinstituted a health care package during its annual membership meeting on December 2-4 in Austin, Texas.
  • Training at the Guildhall in London, he became one of the rootless types he has ended up playing.
  • He soon got through 90 guilders, which his father thought an excessive amount.
  • Ms. Dirks and several fellow members of the Handweavers Guild of Boulder are setting out to boost acceptance of dog hair—or, as they prefer to call it, chiengora, a term built around the French word for dog that also evokes the luxurious feel of angora. In This Yarn With a Tail, Our Heroes Thirst for Hair of the Dog
  • Continuation in the guild depended ‘not on the performance of specific duties, but rather on adherence to collegial rules.’
  • The IGC is a partnership between the AIAS, Gamestop, and The Guildhall at SMU. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • As a handbook it clues us in to those criteria by which the guild of artists judge their works, thereby helping us all appreciate art better.
  • On day 3, there was a small mutiny by the Commodore, who positively refused to go any further and demanded a morning of slummocking in Guildford.
  • Since medieval times, the merchants in most towns in Europe had organized themselves into guilds, just like craftsmen.
  • Thanks to Phell, Caelus, Topsy, Imma and Icywind I finally feel at home in a guild. The WoW zombie invasion continued
  • She was a member of the local dramatic society, a founder member of Bagenalstown ICA guild and was also a keen bridge player with the local club.
  • And the Animation Guild can't file a grievance if it doesn't have a grievant. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Everyone is afraid that there's going to be a test and they'll need to know that Pablo Picasso's father bore a strong resemblance to Edgar Degas, that Nicolas Poussin despised Caravaggio, that the third centurion to the left in the Rembrandt crucifixion scene was a dead ringer for Ignaas van der Hoeven, a baker who once stiffed the artist out of 50 guilder. Three Tips for Surviving the Art Museum
  • The world "gild" is what the word "guild" is based on, which is usually an association formed for the protection or support of its members. Untwisted Vortex
  • Subsequent enactments down to the time of Athelstan 925-940 show that they soon developed into frith guilds or peace guilds, associations with a corporate responsibility for the good conduct of their members and their mutual liability. The Guilds
  • Distributist and subsidiarist ideas, encouraging guilds and associations, flourished for a time in 1920s Italy in the form of Mussolini's early corporatism.
  • Those figures show that, within guilds, species richness and individual abundance are not necessarily correlated.
  • He was found not guilty of murder at Guildford crown court on the ground of diminished responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now dwelt Birdalone in rest and peace when she had been taken into the guild along with her mother, and they had taken the due apprentices to them; and they began to gather much of goods to them, for of fine broidery there was little done in the Five The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • After the mid-16th century Reformation, when religious guilds were dissolved, it was used as a market cross and as a moot hall.
  • Look hard enough, and behind the snickets, gates and timbered houses you'll find a wealth of medieval guildhalls, Georgian town houses and National Trust properties.
  • The money ran into thousands of guilders (hundreds of pounds sterling) but went unnoticed by the bank.
  • In October 1981 the Deutschmark and the Dutch guilder were revalued, while the French franc and the lira were devalued.
  • Those unable to gain immediate access to their offices were advised to go to Guildhall, where company representatives would be waiting.
  • He had a keen interest in amateur dramatics, training at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London and performing with the Adastrians in Swindon.
  • Food processors too will also have to adhere to the Guild's monitoring system. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • The Renaissance Club, for example, welcomes students to Florence, where they work as guild artists for a patron—their teacher—and learn about history, geography, and civics.
  • Guild members found the talk very informative and extend thanks to Ann for her time and interest.
  • The Rector thanked the churchwardens, sidesmen, bellringers, church cleaners, guild and all church workers for the assistance they had given during the past year.
  • She said it was an honour and a privilege to serve as president of the second oldest guild in Ireland and to be in office during the year when the guild celebrated its 90th anniversary.
  • The guild's next meeting is on Tuesday, January 7 and the competition is for the best slice of homemade iced Christmas cake.
  • This is the chief of the Guild of "morocco" workers of In Morocco
  • Unfortunately, after an accident, she had to give up her career, and she then devoted herself to embroidery, patchwork and quilting, taking City and Guilds courses parts I and II in both.
  • Craftsman typically form Guilds and the guild members tend to keep their common craft as a well-guarded secret among themselves: not blowing the gaff is one of their rules of professional conduct.
  • Oh, and I had an argument in guild chat about Han Solo and Greedo (Han shot first, you fools!), which is about as low as a nerd can sink. "This is the lowest we will ever get. It never gets darker."
  • Miss Jean kept her word and took her to see all the "ferlies," London Bridge, and the Exchange, and the Guildhall, with Gog and Magog guarding the liberties of the city, and to take a walk in the park which was just like the country, and where a glass of new milk warm from the cow was given her as a treat. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
  • Prosperous companies erected their own guildhalls and endowed churches dedicated to the patron saint of their crafts, with chapels for their use.
  • Francs, Deutschmarks, guilders, punts, drachmas and pesetas will all have gone by the end of February.
  • The merchant guilds they formed controlled markets, weights and measures, and tolls, and negotiated charters granting their towns borough status.
  • In the Middle Ages, merchant and trade guilds determined who could practice a particular profession.
  • Come see how she has rendered these vibrant contemporary versals, and welcome her to our Guild.
  • Dis ladye is obvissleh guildy coz her haz a Societeh for da Preventation of Cheezburgrs for Aminals shirt on her. Global Bukkit surch Pellican - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • You can help by donating blankets, sheets, duvets, guilds, curtains and other such items but they must be clean and in good condition.
  • There are thirty years 'claims of escuage unsettled, and there is Sergeant Wilkins, the lawyer of Guildford, whom I will warrant to draw up such arrears of dues and rents and issues of hidage and fodder-corn that these folk, who are as beggarly as they are proud, will have to sell the roof-tree over them ere they can meet them. Sir Nigel
  • The guild is self-governing, and masters theoretically have equal rights. Anis Shivani: Creative Writing Programs: Is The MFA System Corrupt And Undemocratic?
  • It will then break for almost a month, before returning to the Guildhall for two to three weeks from July 2.
  • Some writers vehemently objected to the proposition that the public should bear the expense of restoring the currency; some urged the government to take this opportunity of assimilating the money of England to the money of neighbouring nations; one projector was for coining guilders; another for coining dollars. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 4
  • And the guild has yet to make its case for the defence. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is no mean achievement as it means achieving Guild membership consistently for five successive years.
  • Despite some underhand tactics from her opponents, Erin emerged as victor and her smile filled the Guildhall.
  • If she were caught, the Guild would no more claim her than a pile of castle kitchen slops.
  • But players who have advertised their guilds as "GBLT-friendly" have lately been warned off by Blizzard moderators, who cite a rule against sexual discrimination in censoring the players. Boing Boing: January 22, 2006 - January 28, 2006 Archives
  • According to the Piano Technicians Guild, there are 10,000 tuners for America's 18 million pianos.
  • I would ask people to empty out pots and purses, and gather francs, marks, guilders, pesetas and punts and put them to work to help local people.
  • The “blue socialist” or “arts and crafts” tradition kicked off by people like William Cobbett, John Ruskin, Carlyle and William Morris and later taken up and radicalized in a leftwardly way by the Guild Socialists and the Christian Socialists. Open thread on: localism, decentralism, anarchism, thick conceptions of libertarianism, and the U.S. Constitution
  • The Syndicate has consistently led the pack in all areas it participates in, paid its dues as a guild, and earned its place as a lead guild in the gaming world.
  • They took City and Guild courses in literacy, numeracy and personal skills.
  • Local homeowners organized Arts and Crafts guilds for the production of furniture, pottery, metal, and leatherwork for their own homes.
  • They took City and Guild courses in literacy, numeracy and personal skills.
  • A pair of shoes now costs 16 or 20 guilders, that is, four guilders in Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, 1679-1680
  • They paid our regular wages, the utilities and 10,000 guilder extra. CORMORANT
  • [2] A stiver is a Dutch coin equal to 1/20 of a guilder. Letter from Robert Carter to John Gale, 1720 July 13
  • After Edward's death on 6 July 1553, she was proclaimed queen and Guildford declared himself king.
  • Many guild regulations and privileges were designed to protect independent artisanal status, that is, to guarantee each master a modest but secure livelihood, appropriate to his station in life.
  • Thus Australia used rupees, guilders, and Spanish dollars.
  • The right model for the teacher unions is the medieval craftsman guilds, the hallmarks of which were professional ability and demonstrated accomplishment.
  • Emo ICA guild held their September meeting in the Gate Lodge.
  • This is no mean achievement as it means achieving Guild membership consistently for five successive years.
  • The January meeting of the Emo ICA guild was held in the Gate Lodge.
  • James said, "Thomas Reed is a habitual criminal, a self-confessed member of the Guild of Thieves-" "Wait a minute, lord! SHADOW OF A DARK QUEEN: BOOK ONE OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • He accuses the double-dealing Guildenstern of manipulating him as a musician does his instrument.
  • It is all a far cry from the ancient workshop and the medieval guild. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They all then went on to become guiders - leaders of rainbows, brownies, guides and rangers - and active members of the guild.
  • The city fathers and mothers in the Guildhall must now be much more clued into what this city is all about.
  • The string orchestra of the Music School of Lemgo will present a concert in the Guildhall.
  • We document relative abundances, habitat preferences, and foraging guilds for the members of the bird community.
  • The townsmen invested in communal halls, one for each of the four guilds, which served social, charitable, and religious purposes.
  • I'm gonna divide the guild bank and everything else between Ferrex and Porrux, and retire to the guildhall! Archive 2007-09-01
  • The Spanish eventually organized the local craftsmen into guilds and taught them new techniques of making silver.
  • St. Martin's church and its medieval guild were responsible at some stage for providing the bull.
  • The townsmen developed no organizational bases comparable to those of Western cities, no craft guilds or town councils.
  • The next hurdle was to produce a masterpiece that would satisfy the master of the guild so that he could assume the title of master craftsmen and would thus get membership in the guild.
  • In 1992, the guild reached an all-time low of 20 members and they currently have 22 paid-up members.
  • He served curacies at Addlestone, Guildford from 1975 to 1979, and from 1979 to 1983 at Studley, Salisbury. Archive 2007-06-01
  • The medieval guilds of Europe were essentially cooperative organizations of equals, i.e., anarchist.
  • As Father Gasquet says in his _Parish Life in Medieval England_, of the universality of these "gilds" in this country: "Every account of a medieval parish must necessarily include some description of the work of fraternities and guilds .... Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
  • The scene was designed to be carried when guildsmen went carol singing around the local common. Times, Sunday Times
  • I once embargoed your own country because your Queen banned the Guild, did you know that?
  • Secondly, there is a little word: commendam, that is, when the Pope gives a rich and fat convent or church into the charge of a cardinal or any other of his servants, just as I might command you to take charge of one hundred guilders for me. Of the Matters to be Considered in the Councils
  • Very emphatical, f Gum (minx aifto&a, kttpt With aU keeping, q.d. keep, keep* fit dottbfc guilds, yout* fceam wtll be gone elfe; And this vehemency of eifcfeffi* on, with * hictf the duty is urged, plainty implied ho*r difflciUf it is to keep our hearts, and how dangerous to let them go. v The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel ...
  • From advergaming to using games as output tools, from guilds and leadership techniques to rewarding work through achievements and play, David and Ethan cover the gamut of how gameware can benefit business. December 2008
  • He ran from the scene wearing boxer shorts, Guildford crown court heard. The Sun
  • To think that the absence of the monarch and her consort would mean so much less attention at the Guildhall is ridiculous.
  • Commiserations to Anna on missing the guild's trip to Tenerife.
  • Upon paying a fine to the king, the charter seems generally to have been readily granted; and when any particular class of artificers or traders thought proper to act as a corporation without a charter, such adulterine guilds, as they were called, were not always disfranchised upon that account, but obliged to fine annually to the king for permission to exercise their usurped privileges. X. Book I. Of Wages and Profit in the Different Employments of Labour and Stock
  • In time, however, the writing of Interludes became a profession; they improved rapidly in character, were separated from the Miracles, and were performed at entertainments or "revels" by trade guilds, by choir boys and by companies of strolling actors or "minstrels. Outlines of English and American Literature : an Introduction to the Chief Writers of England and America, to the Books They Wrote, and to the Times in Which They Lived
  • The closest any of the talent guilds have come to getting into aesthetics is over editorial and "colorization" issues of existing properties. Like Jeffrey K. Cares
  • This particular guild was a home to 75 of the best thieves, assassins and cut throats in Europe.
  • Large, predatory mammals form a guild in which competition is expected to be relatively intense.
  • The official, watered-down version (in the absence of provable fact) is that Masonry originated from the stone craft guilds.
  • Bishop had known what was happening: the Guild of Adjudicators was famed and feared in equal measure amongst the Earth colonies.
  • The island's unit of currency is the Aruban guilder or gulden.
  • The guildhall of the town, called by them the moot hall, to which is annexed the town gaol. A Tour through the Eastern Counties of England, 1722
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  • On the pulpier side of things, Jeff Crook has recently launched a blog/site called the Sorcerer's Guild, the centerpiece of which is a new S&S-oriented award called the Harper's Pen Award. MIND MELD: The Best Sword & Sorcery Stories
  • The opening gala is in Guildhall, which is very exciting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Netherlands aren't about to demand the immediate return of the guilder, either. Euro Doesn't Fly With all the Voters
  • The fixture duly took place coupled with a grand banquet at the Guildhall. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Writers Guild's current contract with the TV networks and movie studios expires at midnight on Halloween, a spooky moment of disharmonic convergence which has created an industry-wide anxiety that feels eerily like a sequel to Y2K. Eric Williams: Creative Differences
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  • The advisers give advice to the Guild-mistress, and are her closest friends, and they also train the messengers, neophytes, and initiates to do their duties.
  • This is clearly shown in Figure 1 by the horizontal line for the schilling (over the entire period displayed) and the guilder.
  • A guildsman and counsellor of the town of Shrewsbury, no less. A Rare Benedictine
  • They include Brenna Bell, an Oregon-based attorney with the National Lawyers Guild, who claims she was arrested while trying to obey police orders to disperse from a peaceful demonstration. November 2003
  • They paid our regular wages, the utilities and 10,000 guilder extra. CORMORANT
  • From 1782 to 1788 Dutch banks loaned nine million guilders, which helped salvage American finances.
  • She is a member of the Guildford School of Acting learning drama, musical tap, jazz dance and group singing.
  • Neil teaches at the Guildhall School of Music in London.
  • I don't know about you, but I'm glad I am not a French or Dutch citizen trading my rock-solid francs and guilders for fuchsia and teal notes watermarked with soaring views of bridges that don't exist.
  • September is National Sewing Month, and in this era of tighter budgets and heightened environmental awareness, the Sewing & Craft Alliance and the American Sewing Guild are encouraging sewers to "reuse, remake, restyle" their old favorites into something new. During National Sewing Month, make old household items new again
  • Another guildhall, the Wool Hall, built for St Mary's Guild, is incorporated in the Swan Hotel.
  • Perhaps inevitably, with such wealth and diversity an oligarchy of local tradesman emerged, organised into a merchant guild.
  • The desire to share information with others in the framing industry binds those who join guilds and clubs.
  • She came to Holland and we used to have fun because back then, they had guilders. Mike Ragogna: Boardwalk Empires, Mockingbirds, Concertos & Rocket Science: Conversations with The Jayhawks, Bela Fleck and Vince Giordano
  • In West Sussex, Littlehampton Museum is running a "Little Diggers" programme, while the Surrey History Centre has an enticing day of "Eating out -10,000 years of wilderness survival" in the countryside between Guildford and Dorking, with "the help of a flint knapper, a leather worker and the local army". Archive 2007-07-01
  • So we have the profession of faith, the participation in fraternity, and the declaration of oath to the principles of social conduct in the MFA guild. Anis Shivani: Creative Writing Programs: Is The MFA System Corrupt And Undemocratic?
  • Thank you. Guild arena used for ritual combat, coming-of-age sacrifices, and as mosh pit for local alternative rock bands.
  • The guild was established at the turn of the last century.
  • The nameplate Preston Guild which can be yours for the highest bid.
  • One wagon, 100 Cape guilders, CA: MOOC 8/5.35, Estate Inventory of Willem Burger, 12 July 1731. back Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • Each phratry was divided into two groups: the clansmen (gennetai), made up of the aristocratic eupatridae, and the guildsmen (orgeones), who practiced trade and manufacture. D. Athens
  • The Dutch guilder was retired in 2002, when it was replaced by the Euro.
  • Showmans Guild will not be allowed to change terms and conditions of membership.
  • In 1425, the powerful wool merchants' guild of Florence commissioned the artist Lorenzo Ghiberti to construct a door for the baptistry of St John in the city.
  • The craftsmen often belonged to one guild and were engaged in raising a temple, or a vihara, or a Jain basdi.
  • They showed that the long-snouted species M. superciliosus and M. leedsi had rather straight, robust, blunt-tipped teeth that belonged to the ‘crunch’ feeding guild, while broad-skulled species like M. cultridens had slender, slightly compressed, carinate teeth (carinae = cutting edges) that belonged to the ‘pierce’ guild. Archive 2006-07-01
  • Because of the late change of plans the wedding was squeezed in before three other couples marrying at the Guildhall in Windsor on Saturday, and will begin at 12.30 pm.
  • In the sumptuous surroundings of the Guildhall, and rising to his feet after a stirring fanfare, Rowan Williams told guests at the lord mayor of London's annual banquet that St Paul's sat on this "faultline" at "great cost". Archbishop pays tribute to St Paul's cathedral clergy for 'holding balance'

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