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How To Use Guffaw In A Sentence

  • This proposal was met with guffaws of laughter from the Labour-dominated committee, which included the then Coun Keith Thomson.
  • Maura let out a nervous guffaw before clapping her hand over her mouth again, keeping her giggles silent.
  • Billy slapped his knee and guffawed, and he began choking on his pretzel he had shoveled into his mouth. Kari Gremore: An All-American Tea Party
  • It goes on and on, but I didn't want it to end, found myself sitting at the computer snorting and guffawing at the over-the-top shmaltzy spectacularity. 15 Minutes of Bliss
  • As someone who's always found Bob Dylan amusing and kind of absurd, I guffawed (at 3 a.m.; scared the opossums) at Idle's startling transformation into ol 'Uncle Bobby, strummin' and harpin 'and bleatin' nearly incomprehensibly about Brian's theme of "Individuals. Gregory Weinkauf: Not the Messiah: Monty Python Strikes Again!
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  • Such a remark ordinarily would deserve no more than a hearty guffaw.
  • That sort of warm repartee - delivered, as always, with a hearty guffaw - is one of the things Beazley detractors are suspicious about.
  • Inside my mother was still eating, and the men and girls next to our place were laughing and guffawing.
  • I read it, however, with unscholarly whoops, guffaws, and gasps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everyone was a little tense, slapping each other on the back and making double entendre remarks that were rewarded with great guffaws. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • I think I may be a little self absorbed (T hears guffaws of knowing laughter from various corners of the globe).
  • The Sheriff guffawed loudly at his own joke, though no one else joined in.
  • For 23 years, she had tolerated the raised eyebrows, the rude snickers, the outright guffaws.
  • You'll be happy to know that my face remained quite stony throughout, except for an occasional guffaw. 52449_CLARA
  • Some were shouting angrily, some were talking loudly… and others were guffawing.
  • Everyone was a little tense, slapping each other on the back and making double entendre remarks that were rewarded with great guffaws. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • We collapsed with gleeful guffaws thinking it was our secret discovery and no way would our teacher know what we were on about.
  • Coach Rams burst into loud guffaws of laughter.
  • Her concluding suggestion caused me to stifle a guffaw by blowing my nose loudly. GOODBYE CURATE
  • I did, however, see them tittering, shrieking, guffawing and hooting with laughter at the madcap slapstick that has become the trademark of these two spiky-haired, South Yorkshire clowns.
  • `I'm sorry, Bill, truly sorry," he said, and managed to suppress another guffaw. WIDOW'S END
  • Backscuttling for the hop off with the odds altogether in favour of his tumbling into the river, Jaun just then I saw to collect from the gentlest weaner among the weiners, (who by this were in half droopleaflong mourning for the passing of the last post) the familiar yellow label into which he let fall a drop, smothered a curse, choked a guffaw, spat expectoratiously and blew his own trumpet. Finnegans Wake
  • This certainly is a laugh aloud book, and I found myself alternating between muffled chuckles and outright guffaws.
  • The team also drew a few guffaws locally when their coach, a Quebecois named Yves Boily, told the media his team was overeating.
  • It is perhaps the most creative aspect of finance and all these uncreative people worrying about their money makes me guffaw. Poll of Polls: Obama more popular than his policies
  • There were giggles and guffaws when he was around.
  • And then she has to meet the right man and go on dates and fall in love before being engaged for at least a year and then her gorgeous young guy zooms into the room, guffawing like a teenager, riding the scooter he gave her as a gift.
  • Ha, ha," everyone guffawed. "It's one of Viv's shock tactics.".
  • I chuckled, guffawed, chortled and cachinnated my way through the book.
  • Randall guffawed loudly before returning his book to the bookshelf by his window.
  • `Kintail's an obscurantist, he's a millenarian ," said Eileen, guffawing. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Isaiah and Gabe burst into loud guffaws of laughter, startling the hikers in front of us.
  • For only $24.95 you'll not only get laughs, but also guffaws, chortles, and giggles.
  • My sense of humor is typically not the sort that people "guffaw" at -- but I hope there will be a moment or two of amusement for those who are kind enough to read it. Archive 2009-12-01
  • There was a titter of laughter but we smothered it before it became a guffaw.
  • Dad guffawed, wiped at his eyes, and pulled Cooper in for a hug. How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf
  • Morrison and MacLachlan play their dissonance not for guffaws but for rather rueful observational comedy.
  • A cheerful guffaw that would have sounded ridiculous coming from anyone else emitted from his mouth.
  • When the supposedly expected guffaws fail to materialize, Martin feigns puzzlement.
  • Rintherout, has taen the exies, and done naething but laugh and greet, the skirl at the tail o 'the guffaw, for twa days successfully -- and now we maun ask that strange man, that's as grand and as grave as the Yerl himsell, to stand at the sideboard! and I canna gang into the kitchen to direct onything, for he's hovering there, making some pousowdie* for my The Antiquary — Volume 02
  • Harry greets the mix up with a guffaw of laughter.
  • Karl guffawed loudly, but covered it with a cough and rolled over.
  • ‘I'm a hillbilly singer with delusions of grandeur,’ Earle says, with a guffaw.
  • Rintherout, has taen the exies, and done naething but laugh and greet, the skirl at the tail o 'the guffaw, for twa days successfully --- and now we maun ask that strange man, that's as grand and as grave as the Yerl himsell, to stand at the sideboard! and I canna gang into the kitchen to direct onything, for he's hovering there, making some pousowdie for my Lord, for he The Antiquary
  • Rintherout, has taen the exies, and done naething but laugh and greet, the skirl at the tail o 'the guffaw, for twa days successfully --- and now we maun ask that strange man, that's as grand and as grave as the Yerl himsell, to stand at the sideboard! and I canna gang into the kitchen to direct onything, for he's hovering there, making some pousowdie for my Lord, for he The Antiquary
  • He guffawed with delight when he heard the news.
  • My wife chortled and guffawed too, but neither of us can explain why it works.
  • I could rave up every song and moment, but editors are people too, so I'll just share three here: 1. As someone who's always found Bob Dylan amusing and kind of absurd, I guffawed at 3 a.m.; scared the opossums at Idle's startling transformation into ol' Uncle Bobby, strummin' and harpin' and bleatin' nearly incomprehensibly about Brian's theme of "Individuals. Gregory Weinkauf: Not the Messiah : Monty Python Strikes Again!
  • We could guffaw at the antics of a batty learner-driver, a camp airport official or flummoxed hotel workers.
  • More style than substance, he spends more time discussing his new suits or launching hearty guffaws than breaking down football teams.
  • The apparently self-penned bio on Cameron's website begins, "I was born in October 1966," and then leaps straight forward to 2001, missing out the decades he spent as a guffawing, top-hatted toff in between. Birthday Boy
  • Rintherout, has taen the exies, and done naething but laugh and greet, the skirl at the tail o 'the guffaw, for twa days successfully -- and now we maun ask that strange man, that's as grand and as grave as the Yerl himsell, to stand at the sideboard! and I canna gang into the kitchen to direct onything, for he's hovering there, making some pousowdie* for my The Antiquary — Complete
  • It doesn't have as many yucks and guffaws as the original, but it can hold it's own as a fairly good comedy.
  • She guffawed quite loudly, and then continued forth with several high-pitched giggles.
  • My whole shtick is putting twenty-six letters, ten numbers, and twenty-odd punctuation marks in an order that makes people cringe and guffaw and wet themselves and hide under the bed. A Man in Trouble
  • `Kintail's an obscurantist, he's a millenarian," said Eileen, guffawing. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • On a typical evening, one can see U.S. soldiers smoking from 4-foot-tall hookahs and security contractors guffawing over beer, their machine guns by their sides.
  • He bursts into a loud guffaw.
  • I don't think I ever let out a hearty guffaw, but I chuckled on a number of occasions.
  • The guffaws and giggles cackled around the school for all to hear and my bubble of individuality was burst with the finality that only mockery by one's peers can accomplish.
  • Starting again, I tried for a chortle and came in somewhere between a guffaw and a choke followed by a snort. THE MANANA MAN
  • Everyone guffawed as they swiped the small bowls before them with triangles of pita bread.
  • Fred says 'Boo!' obit of note • the great Studs Terkel at 96 obit of note • William Warton at 82 worth hearing • from NPR - Goosebumps And Guffaws In R L Stine's 'HorrorLand' at Archive 2008-10-01
  • Suddenly the tension broke and loud guffaws shattered the silence.
  • Bleak as the film is, there is occasional respite in the script, drawing wry smiles rather than hearty guffaws.
  • No chortle, no chuckle, not even a quarter of a guffaw.
  • You just thought that the red-headed lady with the corny song was funny, and deserving not only of a quiet chuckle, the restrained acknowledgment of tragicomedy, but of a hearty guffaw.
  • Whether it was a giggle, a guffaw, a chortle, a snort is irrelevant. The Weirdest Examples of Mass Hysteria | Disinformation
  • In a truly democratic fashion, she encouraged comments from the gathering, all the time trying to poke fun at everything, and causing titters, chuckles and guffaws to break out intermittently.
  • Jump ahead on the "guffaw" clip and notice how Mickey goes on to confuse Althouse for McCardle at the end of this Bloggingheads clip, well after the Althouse discussion with Bob Wright is over. Mickey Kaus on Sniggergate.
  • I noted this observation with a loud guffaw of laughter as Ross got Tom in a noogie, the pair both laughing hard as Ross rubbed Tom's head with his knuckles.
  • The announcement was greeted with loud guffaws.
  • His faced flushed with anger as the class burst out into snickers and full-fledged guffaws, but he remained steady.
  • The nearby surrounding crowd broke into a smattering of laughter, not to mention his buddies who all guffawed loudly.
  • At that, the speaker releases a hearty guffaw, for this is the fruit of his ploy.
  • Her concluding suggestion caused me to stifle a guffaw by blowing my nose loudly. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Both Obama and comedian Seth Meyers went to town on him, and the surrounding journalists guffawed and applauded madly. Eric Alterman: Think Again: The Washington Post, Trumped
  • The others guffawed loudly and I could hear them exchanging teasing blows.
  • I did, however, see them tittering, shrieking, guffawing and hooting with laughter at the madcap slapstick that has become the trademark of these two spiky-haired, South Yorkshire clowns.
  • The man guffawed loudly, slapping his hands on his obese legs.
  • Then he picked up a looking-glass, studied his spotty face in it with inordinate pleasure and broke into guffaws. RALEGH'S LAST JOURNEY: A Tale of Madness, Vanity and Treachery
  • A loud guffaw boomed out from the lounge and he glanced through the doorway, thankful to be out-of the way.
  • Ranji David is Appu, Rashmi Kothari and 13 others join in to make up a dramatic interplay of laughs and guffaws, back talks and whatnots.
  • Those looking for more meaning here than silly belly laughs and guffaws are bound to be disappointed.
  • The benevolent prince is wisecracking with his cronies, guffawing and texting on his mobile phone.
  • The laugh was at the expense of the tormentor, and he retreated from the shop in the "guffaw," and Fitz was permitted to finish his shave in peace -- in peace, at least, so far as this particular tormentor was concerned, for a more formidable one assailed him before his departure. Make or Break or, The Rich Man's Daughter
  • We guffawed at what Graham had written.
  • He seemed to have heard her thoughts rather than her actual words, giving a hearty guffaw.
  • The workers' hearty guffaws followed her as she went through the swarm of mice quickly.
  • After all, it is a showcase for Jim Carrey, the dude with the malleable body and mug who can make you guffaw just by jiggling around and rearranging his phiz.
  • I know the audience I saw this with guffawed like hyenas throughout.! » The Box Office Space ● March 26th – 28th, 2010! A Look At The Weekend’s Winners And Losers!
  • Poetry readings cannot help being a little self-conscious, and the audience's guffaws seemed a rather apt reflection upon the event.
  • It started as a kind of noiseless shaking, then guffawing, on to tears, and he ended by taking out his handkerchief and blowing his big nose. Goodnight, Irene
  • And I laughed and guffawed at the irony of it, and even Verge did let forth a merry mirth-filled giggle.
  • The announcement was greeted with loud guffaws.
  • Some cheered, some guffawed, others thought she went too far. Michael D. Brown: Where's Muhammad? Shamefully, not in the Washington Post nor the Denver Post
  • He guffawed with delight when he heard the news.
  • Loud guffaws rent the air and before one wave of laughter could die another surged in.
  • He sipped his coffee and guffawed over one of the hunters asking if the urine had been pasteurized. How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf
  • And I'm sure if that if you ever did jail time - which is possible, thanks the crimes you committed under your addiction - you'd be telling us all how the head of an unwashed cock banging against your uvula was a big guffaw. The Horror... The Horror....
  • They roared, guffawed, bantered, clinked glasses, made oafish attempts to chat up the waitress, and roared a bit more when one managed to get a fraction bit more of her attention than anyone else.
  • As they guffawed loudly, the ticket collector arrived.
  • My mum guffawed at this as though it was Noël Coward at his pithy best. MAN AND WIFE
  • `I'm sorry, Bill, truly sorry," he said, and managed to suppress another guffaw. WIDOW'S END
  • My guffaw is muffled by the sound of Cheerios cascading to the floor. Note(s) to self
  • Then a strange bloke started to hover near us (not literally although that would have been fun!) and every time I laughed he quietly guffawed.
  • In Madman, he gambols and guffaws and plays shamelessly to the rafters -- and that's just during the curtain calls. Michael Giltz: Theater: Geoffrey Rush In "Madman," Adam Rapp's "Hallway," Shaky Tennessee and Broadway Songs of 1921
  • As they guffawed loudly, the ticket collector arrived.
  • But old Dim, as soon as he'd slooshied this dollop of song like a lomtick of redhot meat plonked on your plate, let off one of his vulgarities, which in this case was a lip-trump fol - lowed by a dog-howl followed by two fingers pronging twice at the air followed by a clowny guffaw. Where's the show?
  • I guffawed to the point of strangers asking what I was laughing at.
  • A guffawing scytheman, moreover, pressed with his horny palm the hand of The Day of Wrath
  • They film him conducting ‘interviews’ with players in which the ‘questions’ seem composed entirely of hearty guffaws and backslaps.
  • Guffaws and chuckles follow, and they talk about how they blocked up all the entrances except the big door.
  • And I laughed and guffawed at the irony of it, and even Verge did let forth a merry mirth-filled giggle.
  • True to her word, there were the unmistakable sound of Clark's hearty guffaws spilling into the room.
  • The sergeant, getting a pair of scissors, soon freed the car from its encumbrance, upon which the householder and the lodgers burst into loud guffaws of laughter.
  • It goes on and on, but I didn't want it to end, found myself sitting at the computer snorting and guffawing at the over-the-top shmaltzy spectacularity. 15 Minutes of Bliss
  • He sees a woman much like himself, a coarse merchant's daughter who guffaws loudly at a dirty joke.
  • The bizarrely rich visitor guffawed loudly and strolled out the door.
  • She let out a loud guffaw.
  • Harry even had to cover his face duck out of view to hide his uncontrolled guffaws.
  • On her last episode, she gleefully called wussy Kate Gosselin a "city mouse," and she managed many times to guffaw over making liberals "wee wee! Bonnie Fuller: Sarah Palin's Alaska Should NOT Be Cancelled -- It's Great TV & Brilliant Marketing!
  • Its big guffaw moments include an old lady macing a couple of cops and a sign language interpreter translating four-letter words.
  • So my advice on your next trip to the museum is to kick back, have a couple of stiff ones, lock the docent in the broom closet and treat yourself to a few guffaws. Three Tips for Surviving the Art Museum
  • Starting again, I tried for a chortle and came in somewhere between a guffaw and a choke followed by a snort. THE MANANA MAN
  • But his plan became clear as she started bursting out with guffaws and laughs and giggles when he tickled her.
  • Placing one arm akimbo, he laughed merrily, almost obnoxiously, and his father joined him with that deep jeering guffaw Wilfred loathed so desperately.
  • What has me chuckling, more of a borderline guffaw, is that because MS is so ridiculous about standards they need to call IE8’s actual standards compliant mode, “Super Standards!” A few thoughts on Microsoft : #comments
  • We'd sit around the magazine guffawing at the ludicrous stories that kept sprouting, but belief in shadowy neocon influence has now hardened into common knowledge.
  • With mocking, rollicking, sigh-streaked guffaws, his film ignites that inward turning, perhaps into directions he did not visualise.
  • I showed her the man in the white cable-knit jumper, holding a ridiculous bunch of silver heart-shaped balloons, mid-guffaw at something in the distance.
  • You might hear some pretty loud guffaws on that one.
  • You'll be happy to know that my face remained quite stony throughout, except for an occasional guffaw. 52449_CLARA
  • In the Obama campaign's first reaction (if you don't count Gibbs and Biden on the morning shows and the traveling staff's guffaws watching the speech last night) David Axelrod came back on the plane and gaggled with us about Palin's speech before taking off to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Axelrod on Palin - Swampland -
  • Her husband, also a film star, most laid back, most charming and who I was meeting for the first time, guffawed loudly and candidly acted out an impromptu spiel for me.
  • Instead, familiarise yourself with the ancient Irish art of backslapping -- learn how to guffaw, administer a good-natured 'slagging' (stick to the football -- that way nobody gets hurt) and witter on about 'the rugby' (especially effective, for some reason, if your superior is female). - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • In ‘Memoirs of a Media Maverick’ Boyce Richardson provides a lot of chuckles, some guffaws, and three hearty belly laughs.
  • He guffawed silently in his own mental chamber at such sanctimonious, thrasonical ravings, for childish behavior of long ago was not evidence for his untenable claim of being a kind man and thus a good one. An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
  • I can see that in print and I cringe: 'Oprah fell in love with herself at the age of 49'," Oprah guffawed. Oprah Winfrey holds TV critics hostage at Winter TV Press Tour 2011
  • You will be giving a lot of laughs, smiles, giggles, chuckles, hoots, snorts, cackle, titters, grins and guffaws.
  • The little room rocks with bass-baritone guffaws. Times, Sunday Times
  • All laughter is highly stereotyped, and our giggles, chortles, and guffaws - even if their context or sonic structure conveys irony or other emotional nuances - are variations on one basic theme.
  • We'd sit around the magazine guffawing at the ludicrous stories that kept sprouting, but belief in shadowy neocon influence has now hardened into common knowledge. January 2004
  • The snuffy apartment, the unhomelike livingroom -- dust and books its only furniture -- the unbelievable kitchen, looking like a pictured warning to housewives, were only guffaws before the final buffoonery of discovering the J S Francis who'd inserted that promising ad to be Josephine Spencer Greener Than You Think
  • As you sit in a small, black theatre watching a contemporary dance piece, the woman beside you sighs with knowing delight, while the man behind you heartily guffawed about five minutes ago, but who knows why?
  • Then he began to deal out his drolleries, such as would make the dismallest jemmy guffaw, and gave vent to all manner of buffooneries; but the Caliph laughed not neither smiled, whereat The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I remember a boy in grade school making slanty-eyed gestures at me, guffawing as he mimicked the way I pronounced 'restaurant' rest-OW-rant — I vowed at that moment to rid myself of my Chinese accent. The Tiger Mother Talks Back
  • Most questionable of all, perhaps, is the merely mechanical mountebankery -- the blanks, and the dashes, and the rows of stops, the black pages and the marbled pages which he employs to force a guffaw from his readers. The English Novel

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