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How To Use Guardianship In A Sentence

  • She reminded me that she would only be gone a few months and that the guardianship was a far-fetched eventuality, only effective in the event of her ... death. Murder Crossed
  • This system of guardianship was more or less unpoliced, record-keeping was lackadaisical and consequently the incentive for fraud was huge. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a common fallacy, however, many Sunnis tend to conflate Iraqi Shiite Islamists with the Iranian regime next door, even though the political ideology of Iraqi Shiites does not mesh with Ayatollah Khomeini's vilayet e-fakih (the guardianship of the jurist) and although ever since their return from exile in Iran in 2003, the Shiite Islamists have actively sought to shed whatever Iranian veneer they had acquired. Iraq on the Edge
  • As for Edith, she rambled at will among the bushes of the nearest ravine, under the faithful guardianship of Chimo, and hurried back to the camp almost every hour, laden with cloudberries, cranberries, blaeberries, and crowberries, which grew in profusion everywhere. Ungava
  • Since my brother's death, when he assumed guardianship of my other brother and I, he has ignored us completely.
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  • His mother was awarded temporary guardianship of his three small children.
  • This article including four parts: The first part: Adult guardianship concept and significance.
  • Absolutely all, with Allegre self-denyingly on her right hand, with that impenetrable air of guardianship. The Arrow of Gold
  • No ‘consent’ can deprive a parent of his or her natural guardianship rights and obligations, either, especially if they were coerced through threats of forcible removal.
  • And the guardianship is a temporary caretaking agreement. CNN Transcript Jan 24, 2007
  • Most queries fielded by One Family related to legal issues relating to guardianship, divorce, separation, birth registration, and social welfare issues.
  • With your parents dead intestate, that is, without leaving a will, and your nearest relative perfectly willing and able to assume guardianship, you cannot legally remain with-these people. The Gates Of Sleep
  • As noted, this new organisation - inclusive though it tried to appear - was devoted to Khomeini's notion of the absolute guardianship of the jurisconsult.
  • Yet it was not until the Guardianship Act 1973 that statute gave each parent equal and separately exercisable rights over a legitimate child.
  • Article 45 . Both parents shall enjoy the equal right to guardianship of their minor child ( children ).
  • Those responsible for its destruction are not faceless outsiders, but the very people entrusted with the moral guardianship of this historic club: its directors.
  • It is also officially a Native American township under the guardianship of the Wampanoag tribe.
  • Now two categories of being "unfree" and "under a new guardianship", are the same, but the results would have been too embarrassing for the government and its external patrons. Wednesday, November 30, 2005
  • According to the committee that drafted the ADC provision in the law, it was “designed to release from the wage-earning role the person whose natural function is to give her children the physical and affectionate guardianship necessary not alone to keep them from falling into social misfortune, but more affirmatively to rear them into citizens capable of contributing to society.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • In termination proceedings sometimes known as guardianship or permanent managing conservatorship, among other terms, a court permanently and totally severs all legal rights of the parent or guardian in the child. Law In The Health and Human Services
  • This sense of cultural guardianship might also be seen in the relative exclusivity of the club's membership.
  • Our ability to empathize with those under our guardianship is our greatest asset because our comprehension of their needs allows us to determine how we can best serve them. Daily Om: Just Being There
  • The fact is that neither in the Treaty of Waitangi or anywhere else did Maori ever agree to relinquish their guardianship or rights over the foreshore and seabed.
  • 2 On the capture of a guardian by the enemy, the same statutes regulated the appointment of a substitute, who continued in office until the return of the captive; for if he returned, he recovered the guardianship by the law of postliminium. The Institutes of Justinian
  • Certain taboo subjects, for example the Kurdish issue, for instance, was not widely discussed - openly discussed in Turkey until recently, primarily in large part because of the really so-called guardianship that the military felt or the guardianship that the military felt was its role in Turkey. CNN Transcript Aug 10, 2007
  • Means I am currently trying to unpack What so worthy and requiring of understanding in Sustainability (The balance between human needs and those of the natural environment), and Kaitiakitanga (Managing the modern day environment based on a Maori world view and notions of guardianship, all life is connected, manu, tapu and mauri). Minsky's attempt to explain hard problem solving
  • The Palestine Order of Council defined matters of personal status to include such matters as marriage, divorce, alimony, maintenance, guardianship, successions, wills.
  • Recently orphaned, Mary is living under the guardianship of her Aunt in the country in Sussex.
  • She was a devoted slave, just a bit unreasonable -- a veritable housedog who in the zeal of guardianship barks more than is necessary at the stranger who passes. Saint Augustin
  • (guardianship), kotahitanga (unity), manaakitanga (caring), and whakatipuranga (future generations). ScreenTalk
  • In February, the Rota ruled in his favor, declaring that the guardianship and the education of Cornelia Costanza belonged to Francesco.
  • One major concern for the Orphans 'Court is lack of funding to appoint an attorney, guardian ad litem or investigator in guardianship of the minor cases to provide the court with an independent evaluation of the proposed guardian, the home and community where the minor resides. Wendy A. Cartwright (D)*
  • Over 100 Medieval castles and Early Modern defence works are in English Heritage guardianship - and one battlefield.
  • She resented the kind of quasi-guardianship that this clever _backfisch_ assumed towards her, though she knew it meant that Nora had fallen in love with her. Lady Connie
  • Desperate, she went to court seeking legal guardianship over her mother.
  • The university building has from that time been under the guardianship of the board of regents.
  • school - joining packs including uniform lists, medical questionnaires, guardianship requirements, curricular options and first day activities.
  • The second relevant statute concerns guardianship under the Mental Health Act 1983.
  • The law, while it assumes the guardianship of youth by suppressing immorality, still permits these wantons to rove, uncontrolled, among the virtuous as well as the profligate.
  • Adoption too was possible and various forms of tutelage or guardianship existed.
  • The two finally formalised the arrangement when Ruth was granted official guardianship over the child.
  • At first, not a single owner would place his monument in guardianship.
  • In addition English Heritage looks after guardianship monuments, administers the management and consent procedures for Scheduled monuments, and provides support for archaeological advisers in local authorities.
  • Knap of Howar was first discovered through coastal erosion in the 1930s and was taken into state guardianship.
  • To be, to execute the simple and original guardianship; to kill, to appease the unpeaceful miss and guilt inside.
  • He spent the rest of his life under the guardianship of the state of Illinois, mainly in state-run institutions.
  • He could relinquish his guardianship and say, I'm not in charge of Terri anymore.
  • She signed an agreement giving joint guardianship to the mother six months ago.
  • They find themselves plunged into a world they cannot control under the guardianship of a wicked relative.
  • He walked or sat with his eyes continually fixed upon these feet -- reproachfully, it seemed -- as if their disproportion were a source of perennial woe; he carried his arms looped behind him, and had acquired a peculiar stoop -- to facilitate his vigilant guardianship of his feet, apparently. The Gold-Stealers A Story of Waddy
  • Absolutely all, with Allègre self-denyingly on her right hand, with that impenetrable air of guardianship. The Arrow of Gold : A Story Between Two Notes
  • My cousin and I have joint guardianship over her since my father's death five years ago.
  • McNay founded Kentucky Guardianship Administrators LLC, which assists attorneys in as conservators and setting up guardianship's. Don McNay: Bob Edwards: A Voice in the Box
  • 'The most fundamental role of the police is guardianship and looking after vulnerable people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our guardianship is a sacred trust, which the Fortress of the Senate shall ever hold true. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • For a dad to succeed in winning infant custody, his approach must focus on establishing that his guardianship is the best choice for the child's growth and development. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Vilayet-i-faquih is the special term promulgated by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to describe the idea that all of Iranian society is under the permanent stewardship (sometimes rendered as guardianship) of the mullahs. 'A Call to Prayer From the Rubble of the WTC'
  • Vinnie's bachelor life comes to a halt when he assumes guardianship of his incredibly intelligent and mature nephew, Wendell.
  • In addition to his three children, he assumed legal guardianship of his sister Diana's son.
  • Isabel Thwaites was an orphan and had been placed under the guardianship of the Abbess of a nunnery at Appleton, near York.
  • Nevertheless, notes Gregory, states have guardianship of abused and neglected foster children and have a responsibility to protect them.
  • Environment ministers reeling from defeat over the fate of the Forestry Commission caved in, but were then baffled at the fury of green organisations outraged to see the end of 50 years of countryside guardianship. The maths of coalition has opened the door to lobbyists | Simon Jenkins
  • Today the doors of the civil courts are open for us in issues of custody, alimony, maintenance, guardianship and shared property.
  • Elders make an income by taxi driving and baksheesh from tomb guardianship.
  • Their mother had arranged legal guardianship to ensure that the boys would remain in the Catholic faith and not be influenced by relatives after her death.
  • Such patterns reflected movement over generations, showing the guardianship that individual clans held over forests.
  • Where angels are all benevolence and guardianship, the fairy is a good-time girl.
  • Under this restriction, foreign workers would be effectively banned from protesting mistreatment or discrimination by employers, ex-convicts would be prohibited from holding a rally to call for changes in unfair rulings and persons under "guardianship" for physical or mental handicaps would be unable to protest the failure of public facilities or government policies to address their problems. Connecting the Dots -- UPDATED --
  • The burning question now is whether the country should be placed under international guardianship.
  • And one year later Ramon Berenguer strengthened his ties to Guillem Ramon by confirming his guardianship of the heir to the viscounty of Bas.
  • Freeborn women who gave birth to three children or more were exempted from male guardianship four children or more were required for freedwomen to be eligible, thanks to the ius trium liberorum, the “three-child rule.” Caesars’ Wives
  • It is, however, only the statutory kind of guardianship which is destroyed by The Institutes of Justinian
  • No reason was given for the decision by a Los Angeles Superior Court judge to award temporary guardianship of the child to her grandmother and her aunt.
  • Today the doors of the civil courts are open for us in issues of custody, alimony, maintenance, guardianship and shared property.

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