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How To Use Guano In A Sentence

  • The islands are covered in birg droppings (50 metres deep in some places) called guano which is apparently a good fertilizer. Recent Updates
  • Administration of gadolinium chloride and aminoguanidine decreased the levels of nitric oxide and cyclic guanosine monophosphate, and inhibited the changes in alveolar fluid clearance.
  • The past falls open unexpectedly, and its wider accretions and effacements – the lost forest of Andredesleage, the iguanodon bones Gideon Mantell discovered in the Wealden sandstone, the Piltdown Man forgery a century later – loom over the landscape she walks through. To the River: A Journey Beneath the Surface by Olivia Laing – review
  • At that time, bird droppings—called guano—were, alongside corpses, the most valuable fertilizer around. The Fruit Hunters
  • It had been completely coated with the guano produced by several generations of young birds. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Among the farming community the word guano soon became a name to conjure with, and under this title many spurious and worthless manures were attempted to be palmed off on the unwary farmer. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • Whole cliffs of guano, the soluble nitrogen-rich excreta of seabirds, had piled high on a few rainless islands off the shores of Peru.
  • It is a methyl guanine which fools the virus into ‘thinking’ it is a cyclic sugar guanosine it needs for growth.
  • Guano has not been extensively used in New Jersey, owing to the abundance of green sand marl, which is a very valuable fertilizer, abounding in that part of the State most in need of artificial manures. Guano A Treatise of Practical Information for Farmers
  • The guano is harvested and mixed with saliva from kimodo lizards and allowed to grow to fruition within the alimentary canals of squids culled from the Ganges and is then scraped from the ink sacs and placed in vats filled with duck heads. 23 hours later a judge emerges, ready to think. Uh-Oh
  • Inosine is read as guanosine during translation and may alter the amino acid sequence of the encoded protein.
  • With more food available, the numbers of guano-producing seabirds, including cormorants, boobies and pelicans, similarly increased from 1925 to 1955.
  • Those islanders were forced to work under horrific conditions in the guano mines of Peru.
  • East machinery co will provide engineering assistance and technical service to uh guano corporation.
  • Papeete, when I contemplated going partners with a knavish fellow countryman on a guano venture. THE HEATHEN
  • Their droppings over the centuries have coated offshore islands with guano hundreds of feet think.
  • Objective:To analyze the content of guanosine, total alkaloid and individual yield of Pinellia ternata from different populations in China and evaluate its quality.
  • A long horn projects from the snout, and it is a fac-simile in miniature of the antediluvian monster, the "iguanodon," who was about a hundred feet long and twelve feet thick -- an awkward creature to meet in a narrow road. Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon
  • Aladar the iguanodon, the Tarzan of the dinosaur world, is raised by lemurs.
  • This was due to their appeal as a visual spectacle and because they became economically important as high producers of guano, droppings that the country mined and exported around the world for fertilizer.
  • The clover may be pastured the following year, but in the year succeeding that, it is allowed to grow unchecked until August, when it is plowed in, the ground again guanoed, and wheat sown with herd's-grass (red-top) and clover, which is to remain, for mowing and pasture, as long as the ground will profitably sustain it. A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States; With Remarks on Their Economy
  • However, unexpectedly, the guanine analog, acyclovir (acycloguanosine), was over 100 times as active as the diamino compound Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy
  • Our analysis of the guano project takes no notice of how that project is financed.
  • Ganciclovir is a guanosine analog that becomes strongly cytotoxic when phosphorylated.
  • Fritz Haber was a chemist who realized that there was soon going to be a crisis: the urgent need to find an artificial replacement for bird-droppings, aka guano fertilizer, on which Euro-food supplies depended. American Connections
  • Millennia of visiting seabirds left large fossilized guano deposits on Nauru.
  • Uh guano company will set up a sale subsidiary in singapore.
  • The copious guano deposition from sea birds may play a role in maintaining the present assemblage of vascular plants on both islands.
  • 'Iguanodons grew to five metres tall, while megalosauruses grew even taller, to eight metres,’ she said.
  • They roost on an offshore platform erected to collect guano (bird droppings).
  • In the story, set over 65 million years ago, an iguanodon hatchling named Aladar is separated from his family.
  • On islands off of the coasts of Peru and Chile, penguin eggs and guano (dry bird droppings) are collected for local use.
  • Until the 1980s, its main industry had been the mining of fossilized guano for fertilizers. CHAMELEON
  • Acyclovir is an acyclic guanosine analog that inhibits viral DNA replication of infected cells.
  • Surging prices for synthetic fertilizers and organic foods are shifting attention to guano, an organic fertilizer once found in abundance on this island and more than 20 others off the coast of Peru, where an exceptionally dry climate preserves the droppings of seabirds like the guanay cormorant and the Peruvian booby. Sr. de la Torre, I beg to differ!
  • We sat for ages, just gazing at the Bass Rock, its thick covering of guano making it glisten like a wedding cake in the sun.
  • Between 1850 and 1870 some 37,000 tonnes of guano were mined and trammed off Middle Island to tall sailing ships bound for developing agriculture markets in Europe.
  • Johnston Island was annexed into the United States as a guano island under the Guano Act of 1856.
  • Between 1848-1875 20 million tons of guano was exported from Peru to North America and Europe.
  • While still but a lowly egg, a baby iguanodon becomes permanently separated from his momma during a vicious carnosaur attack.
  • In contrast to other sources of nitrogen, such as guano and South American sodium nitrate, which were exhaustible, there is an inexhaustible supply of nitrogen in the air.
  • You have just breathed in a nitrogen atom that passed through the right lung of the third iguanodon to the left of the tall cycad tree. Richard Dawkins on our "queer" universe
  • Gulls and terns were gradually but steadily replenishing the guano that had once been shovelled away, and a cloud of them rose protesting over the adventurers as they approached their rookeries.
  • He has drawn particular attention to the amount of organic waste once generated by the seabird colonies - mainly guano, but also lost eggs, dead birds, spilled food, and molted feathers.
  • Shimada H, Ohsaka F, Sakurada T (1988) Adenosine, deoxyadenosine, and deoxyguanosine induce DNA cleavage in mouse thymocytes. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The new manures which have lately been so fashionable are of both kinds: guano is the dung of sea birds, which has been accumulating for ages on islands off the western coasts of Africa and South America; and nitrate of soda and Humphrey's compound are mineral substances which are very efficacious in promoting vegetation. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • She breathed in the fresh air, untainted by the smell of bat guano, and began following the trail she had marked earlier with hair scrunchies.
  • Mark Hallett, a leading "paleo-illustrator," allows himself to imagine that the crests in Allosaurus were brightly colored, or that the iguanodon could have sported a bright skin flap "like a coxcomb. New Theories And Old Bones Reveal The Lifestyle Of The Dinosaur
  • Still more shadowy were the sinister crocodilian outlines - alligators and other horrible reptiles, culminating in the colossal lizard, the iguanodon.
  • Nest sites on high ledges, identified by white guano streaks on the cliff face, are home to lammergeiers that survive by picking on carcasses left by wolves or the harsh winters.
  • On examining the tables given above, it is obvious that guanos may be divided into two classes, the one characterized by the abundance of ammonia, the other by that of phosphates; and which, for convenience sake, may be called ammoniacal and phosphatic guanos. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • The clover may be pastured the following year, but in the year succeeding that, it is allowed to grow unchecked until August, when it is plowed in, the ground again guanoed, and wheat sown with herd's-grass (red-top) and clover, which is to remain, for mowing and pasture, as long as the ground will profitably sustain it. A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States; With Remarks on Their Economy
  • 'Iguanodons grew to five metres tall, while megalosauruses grew even taller, to eight metres,’ she said.
  • Acyclovir, an acyclic guanosine analog, binds viral DNA polymerase, acting as a chain terminator and ending replication.
  • In 1856 Congress authorised the annexation of any uninhabited or unclaimed island from which guano could be recovered, and more than seventy Pacific and Caribbean islands were commandeered in the next thirty years.
  • In the commonest form, popularly called bone-phosphate, which is the form in which lime and phosphoric acid are combined in bones, guano, and the ordinary mineral phosphates, the lime and phosphoric acid are combined in the form of what is known as tribasic phosphate of lime, or tricalcic phosphate -- that is to say, for every equivalent of phosphoric acid there are three equivalents of lime. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • As they'd noted, this area had a somewhat disused look to it, for the floor was covered with a conglomeration of dirt, guano and silt interspersed with crumbling bits of masonry or fallen pillars.
  • At first, when I was unaware of this interest of his in my affairs, he had to divine my intentions, as, for instance, at Papeete, when I contemplated going partners with a knavish fellow-countryman on a guano venture. THE HEATHEN
  • Always wear a dust mask when you apply bonemeal, guano, or any other type of fertilizer that's dusty.
  • Guano coming from these parts is often known as Columbian guano, or according to the name of the State in which it is found. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • He exploited the economic benefits of guano, a bird dung collected from islands off the coast of Peru and sold to Europe for fertilizer, as well as desert deposits of sodium nitrate, which was used to make munitions and fertilizer.
  • Other sugar nucleotides such as uridine diphosphate acetylglucosamine and guanosine diphosphate mannose were also isolated. Luis Leloir - Biography
  • Since guanosine is not converted to adenine nucleotides in flies, guanosine must somehow act indirectly, perhaps through a mechanism for balancing nucleotide pools.
  • Oh, and I had no idea that, last year, Greg Paul (a notorious taxonomic "lumper" since at least the '80s) split the taxon Iguanodon into Iguanodon, Mantellisaurus, and Dollodon. "But I could sleep with you there. I could sleep with you there."
  • Great, too, are the resources of such stretches of land as the Atacama desert or the islands off the Pacific coast of South America whence guano is shipped to all quarters of the globe. Nationhood Within the Empire
  • He claimed Midway for the U.S., based on the Guano Acts of 1856, which authorized Americans to temporarily occupy uninhabited islands to obtain guano.
  • This clearly indicates that the stems are primarily stabilized by the quartet-cation interactions, which are very similar for inosine and guanosine due to close similarity in their electronic structures.
  • They carried coal from England to the East, guano from the Chincha Islands to England and France, petroleum from the Gulf Ports to Europe and South America and wool from Australia to England. Parva Sub Ingenti (Small Under the Great)
  • East machinery co will provide engineering assistance and technical service to uh guano corporation.
  • But we can only wonder whether the dark shapes below our dinghy are marine life or the ghostly remains of pearling luggers and guano sailing ships wrecked by cyclones around the turn of last century.
  • The Ornithopoda included the hadrosaurs, the iguanodontids, the heterodontosaurs, the hypsilophodontids, and various other dinosaurs.
  • It was carnivorous, and therefore more ferocious than the iguanodon, and more ready to attack. A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder
  • They rip up bin bags, deposit vast quantities of guano on our favourite statuary, and even attack people.
  • Still more shadowy were the sinister crocodilian outlines — alligators and other uncouth shapes, culminating in the colossal lizard, the iguanodon. A Pair of Blue Eyes
  • From there the Charles Stewart crossed the Pacific to load guano in Chile for delivery to Spain via Cape Horn.
  • She breathed in the fresh air, untainted by the smell of bat guano, and began following the trail she had marked earlier with hair scrunchies.
  • Standards (adenosine, cytidine, guanosine, pseudouridine, and uridine) were used to determine the optimal gradient conditions for separation.
  • Here the island dips into a broad, shallow depression where guano was once mined.
  • Its liveaboard package to the Barents Sea in January left 22 divers ice-bound for four months in a guano barge.
  • These 5-to 6-nm - wide chains of globular subunits are interpreted as individual tubulin protofilaments in a curved guanosine diphosphate conformational state.
  • Haven't you just breathed in a nitrogen atom that was once breathed out by the third iguanodon to the left of the tall cycad tree? The God Delusion
  • And then there was the strong element of The Dad throughout, his footprints as durable as those of the iguanodon in a fossilized coastal swamp bed. Supernatural: Jump the Shark - Pink
  • These studies led to the first evidence bearing on the physical location of the guanosine substrate binding site on the ribozyme and for the existence of several other tertiary nucleotide interactions.
  • Still more shadowy were the sinister crocodilian outlines - alligators and other horrible reptiles, culminating in the colossal lizard, the iguanodon.
  • Murexide is produced by the action of ammonia on alloxan, which is itself derived from the uric acid of guano by treatment with nitric acid, and was known nearly forty years back to stain the fingers and nails red. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists

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