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How To Use Grumpy In A Sentence

  • WC Fields looms round and grumpy, his bulbous nose glowing, piggy eyes shut from lack of sleep.
  • The voice was low, and he sounded like those people who were grumpy all the time.
  • It began as a way of pacifying her when she was in a rare grumpy mood, and now it's the reason we go to Target.
  • Madeleine burst out laughing at my grumpy expression and threw one of her pillows at me.
  • His Perseus is grumpy, whiny, and unpleasant, and not nearly the hero that could earn a place amongthe stars. Ray Subdues CLASH OF THE TITANS | Obsessed With Film
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  • So he may appreciate the paradox of his lightning ascent in his second calling – not to mention the mutterings of those press-box colleagues who have toiled diligently for years without recognition from their trade's association and remember the days when they called him Captain Grumpy, a soubriquet he did his best to live up to. US hard courts will reveal if Andy Murray's lapses are part of a cycle | Kevin Mitchell
  • You will be astonished to learn that this made him a bit grumpy. Times, Sunday Times
  • YOU might know that Cancer is sensitive and artistic - but what about grumpy and devious? The Sun
  • They make us hyper and overexcited and, once faded, leave us grumpy or exhausted or or tearful or craving more.
  • Initial attempts to find revolutionary grandmothers were at first met with grumpy rejection. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wasn't grumpy, just a bit perplexed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everybody says he is grumpy but he moans in the right way. The Sun
  • Grumpy old codgers such as Will Self and Bob Geldof have been moaning and groaning on prime-time TV about what really gets their goat.
  • So many trainers seem a bit grumpy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The beloved will never grow tired and grumpy, unresponsive and older, but will always be perfect.
  • So disillusioned and grumpy is he that he writes a local newspaper column on the subject.
  • I marked my return by getting the bout of sinusitis that made last week's entries so grumpy.
  • Oh, I do have this screencap from the Howard Ends skybox, grumpy Nareth getting a "time out" with only Sulk Bunny and Captain Spaulding for company. "We are accidents, waiting to happen."
  • It makes it easier to stick on my grumpy game face and sail into the semis. The Sun
  • If I raise the issue he turns grumpy and says he didn't ask for my opinion. The Sun
  • It isn't just the sausage and bacon that make this place oily; it's the tables and chairs, the dusty potted plants in the window and the grumpy waitresses with their dinner lady hairnets.
  • This means I'm dopey (more than usual), grumpy and disorganised.
  • His star is on the wane and he has grown more grumpy, less inclined to perform. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the reason so many journalists become cynical and grumpy, and more than a few turn to drink.
  • At last some good news for us grumpy old men: we're not grumpy. Times, Sunday Times
  • More and more treatments are springing up to treat grumpy resting face. Times, Sunday Times
  • The engine starts with grumpy whine and wet chuff, and then falls into a sullen idle. Nissan GT-R: A 'Halo Car' With Devil's Horns
  • He was the grumpy old hero of One Foot in the Grave, a TV sit-com that ran for ten years and seized the hearts and minds of his fans all over the Kingdom.
  • She gets very hot and grumpy, sweats lots, dehydrates and needs to be fed more, etc.
  • He would be well advised not to look so grumpy when he's being doorstepped. Damp Squib
  • Other athletes might turn up to the track for training with an attitude or they might well be grumpy or feeling down. Times, Sunday Times
  • For years, gift-givers have agonised over what to buy relations who happen to be grumpy teenage boys.
  • A coach can ride out a grumpy administration, dissatisfied fans or damaging headlines.
  • Feeling grumpy, beleaguered and at the end of your tether? Times, Sunday Times
  • Suffice to say, I would not recommend this level of preparation when travelling with a fractious three-year-old and a grumpy husband.
  • It makes it easier to stick on my grumpy game face and sail into the semis. The Sun
  • More and more treatments are springing up to treat grumpy resting face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being the big friendly galoot that I am (provided I'm not having a Grumpy Day), I generally nod and smile conspiratorially.
  • Our partner may be harassed and grumpy with work pressures or trying to make ends meet. The Sun
  • I didn't even feel like going partying when my equally grumpy friends asked me to.
  • I'm just grumpy because the football will be starting tonight just as I walk into work.
  • His talent for being a big, grumpy guy with a sawed-off shotgun came from experience - lots of it.
  • Just a quickie today, as I'm kind of crampy and grumpy (what a great name for a band!) Undefined
  • I'll just be miserable and grumpy here, all by myself, without any help from anyone else, thank you.
  • The new Grumpy Old Men line of veterans Kirk Muller, Mike Keane and John MacLean became a real defensive weapon, joining productive lines centered by Mike Modano and Joe Nieuwendyk.
  • If you think there's a hint of the grumpy old man there, you'd be right.
  • I think he just has a bit of a cold, as his eyes are a bit watery, he is definitely lacking energy and vim and he is decidedly grumpy.
  • I particularly enjoyed my encounter with the lighthouse's grumpy postmistress.
  • He snapped at a cameraman and looked decidedly grumpy.
  • His full giggly countenance was replaced by a grumpy broody look.
  • But what really gets me grumpy is the hate some people have on for dandelions. Archive 2006-05-01
  • His talent for being a big, grumpy guy with a sawed-off shotgun came from experience - lots of it.
  • With it being Easter, you're likely to be feeling stuffed, tired or grumpy.
  • He wasn't grumpy, just a bit perplexed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drove home in grumpy silence, everyone was bummed about the camera disappearing/being stolen Don't let me down, I'm depending on you
  • I'm still occasionally breaking out in hives after eating (in the late evening, mostly), but have lost many of the other symptoms and am feeling much better (just grumpy: no Entemann's crumb donuts, no pepperidge farm oatmeal raisin cookies, no bagels, no etc.) Breakfast in Bed
  • I went to a party last night but only lasted about an hour and a half before I felt too inexplicably grumpy to stay any longer and left.
  • I have politely declined invitations to parties, and with pouty lips and a grumpy expression, I shall be retiring to my bedchamber at a sensible hour.
  • So many trainers seem a bit grumpy. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I raise the issue he turns grumpy and says he didn't ask for my opinion. The Sun
  • Why wait upon grumpy old guests who don't appreciate those lovely locks all over their soup?
  • For those of you who are surprised that a grumpy old fossil like me actually works on a computer, it is all t'Editor's fault.
  • She took control of all of us miserable, grumpy lot at the same time, too. The Sun
  • The beloved will never grow tired and grumpy, unresponsive and older, but will always be perfect.
  • Then wrapped up warm against a surprisingly cold day, I braved the tube full of its grumpy Christmas shoppers.
  • Some folk think I'm a grumpy old man.
  • It makes me wonder if Nintendo quickly revived this title solely to appease a grumpy E3 Infendo - Nintendo blog
  • May 02, 2009 at 12: 59 AM great for fucking with the neighbors tv ... like in "grumpy old men" urbanturban666 happinessiseasy Use Tinfoil To Boost Your Remote Control’s Range | Lifehacker Australia
  • The Finnish researchers think being grumpy may cause internal damage, possibly to blood vessels. The Sun
  • When we got to the end of the drive, he was a bit grumpy again, and then said I'd passed, despite a couple of minor faults.
  • The day-time guard at the entrance to our village is the most grumpy and surly man.
  • Tagged: angela robinson · batman · blackest night · blackhawk · comic books · dc comics · felicia henderson · grumpy old fan · Red Circle · red tornado · solicitations · superman · sweet tooth · wonder woman Brought to you by the color red: DC Comics Solicitations for September 2009 | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • The grumpy children had to sit cross-legged because we needed the floor space beneath their feet for luggage.
  • To make matters worse, I'd started to develop what I thought was a bit of a cold by Saturday evening so I was feeling decidedly grumpy and off-colour.
  • When he isn't working, he's grumpy and bad-tempered.
  • Well, not havin 'the management o' the whole of this world's affairs, (fort'nately, else a scrubbily managed world it would be), Grumpy finds out that when he wants to send little Shifting Winds A Tough Yarn
  • Maybe I'm just turning into a grumpy old cuss in middle age.
  • Maybe I was too old, too grumpy, too picky, too frigid?
  • Michael's grumpy, careworn mother, an uprooted representative of the old immigrant Baltimore, lives out her days with them and adds to the friction.
  • I don't care whether Shannon is Claire's sister; she is the coldest, most hard-hearted, grumpy person I have ever met.
  • As we near the term's end, there remains one embarrassing element in Canadian politics that sticks out like a sore thumb - a collection of grumpy curmudgeons who care only about scoring cheap political points.
  • There are plenty of negative reviews written by grumpy people about this film.
  • Paul Antoine, it's for you," she called sleepily up the stairwell, with a touch of grumpy on the side. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • This seemed to be the real Frank, grumpy, graceless, self-pitying and desperate to get away from his wife and kids.
  • He likes to have long lie-ins in the mornings, and is quite grumpy until he has his morning cup of coffee, which is usually early afternoons.
  • I always found great sport in asking these questions when I was particularly grumpy after a period of unpaid overtime.
  • The grumpy dog was concertinaed into a tiny corner of the boot.
  • The golfer's regard of Elin, 29, also seemed to confute the grumpy grousing he made about his marriage bed, complaining which "once we get married, the sex stops," according to sources. Archive 2009-12-01
  • I've become more grumpy, bitter, disillusioned, and crabby with each advancing birthday.
  • He wanted that magical journey that wasn't a car park with a reindeer and a grumpy farmer. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can be grumpy and say nasty things, but they don't really mean it. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm feeling off-colour and grumpy today.
  • She was moody and grumpy while her parents made their best efforts to be cheerful.
  • Nancy Parsons, "Balbricker": I was a serious thespian who had performed Shakespeare at the Pasadena Playhouse, but by the time I died in 2001, I made my peace with being best known as the grumpy no-fun anti-penis Balbricker. Patrick Sauer: Porky's : An Oral History
  • Regardless of the grumpy image he portrays, my dealings with him tell me he's convivial company. Times, Sunday Times
  • That a lack of sleep can make people grumpy is hardly news. Brain Study: Sleepy, grumpy and … Primitive? | Impact Lab
  • Those are not aimed at anyone who reads this, and I'm honestly not as grumpy as I sound.
  • Regardless of the grumpy image he portrays, my dealings with him tell me he's convivial company. Times, Sunday Times
  • At last some good news for us grumpy old men: we're not grumpy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has walked around with a grumpy face in recent months and that transmits to the players. The Sun
  • On Christmas Eve, he wrote the first letter addressed explicitly to the Muscatine Journal, indulging a bit of tabloid journalism a fire fatality’s “feet were burned off, his face burnt to a crisp, and his head crushed in”.22 He mixed patriotic travelogue and grumpy preservationism. Mark Twain
  • Most of the time, she was cranky and grumpy, experiencing this nonstop craving and hunger for ice cream.
  • Which left them feeling grumpy and bashful. The Sun
  • Maybe it's the onset of the Grumpy Old Man syndrome, but Ottawa's new Green Bin program is giving me the pip. Archive 2010-01-01
  • And then I'm slightly more grumpy, and grumpier still, because someone has liquidized my brain and is pouring it down my nose.
  • I gather Olgrumpyfy may be "affiliated" to other local and web voces populi such as Privett and paddington. Do the Tories only say what they really think when they think nobody can hear them ?
  • If I'm not working I get very grumpy.
  • But then I started noticing that I was just plain grumpy most of the time and I didn't want to get out of bed in the morning. Feeling Depressed?
  • I've been feeling a bit weird - sore tum, grumpy and tired.
  • Statler and Waldorf's grumpy balcony tweets, the Pig With The Froggy Tattoo trailer, The Green Album – is there any way the new Muppet film is going to live up to their drip-feed of Kermit hype? Populist: Items of interest this week
  • He has walked around with a grumpy face in recent months and that transmits to the players. The Sun
  • Although Rowan and Stephen joined in with the jollity of the occasion, grumpy Phil didn't really socialise.
  • More Britons than ever are 'turning to the bottle' to relieve stress - and half the nation isn't sleeping or is grumpy due to stress.
  • She's very grumpy when her tooth aches.
  • There are creeks which are worth exploring for their flora and fauna and grumpy fishermen living in huts with big dogs that threaten to leap into the water and take a chunk out of your paddles.
  • I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling a bit grumpy.
  • To anybody that could read no deeper than the physical, he was just as grumpy and cantankerous as always.
  • After painting his self-portrait of a grumpy old geezer, he suddenly became friendly.
  • He calls himself a grumpy old man in the book, maybe to discourage reviewers from using the expression against him.
  • I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling a bit grumpy.
  • The day-time guard at the entrance to our village is the most grumpy and surly man.
  • Anya noticed that the dog heads were wearing collars: a pink one with a dangling rhinestone tag that said Princess; a camouflage collar stenciled with the name Grumpy; a black leather collar that had the word Bashful lettered on it in silver charms. Sparks
  • A camp young man and a grumpy mountain type who were the first on the island hated each other's guts.
  • I got through the first day of the month, then, not too grumpy, or ungrateful, or ill-tempered.
  • Other athletes might turn up to the track for training with an attitude or they might well be grumpy or feeling down. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's youngish, about thirty, but rumpled hair and baggy eyes make her look older and a bit grumpy.
  • Le monde appartient aux grincheux /Feeling grumpy ... Archive 2008-04-01
  • They are pushy, and the normal stressy, grumpy Nathreee would hate them. Tenerife day 3
  • You can't be grumpy, because grumpy elves make miserable toys. Times, Sunday Times
  • Someday some hypermanic kid will produce a moronically maxed-out adventure odyssey that will spark the overdue rebellion among all the over-pressured SAT grinds, and us grumpy midlife critics will get to witness a new Kerouac, and the greatest pent-up young-life crisis in the history of the world. 10-3-07 The Found Generation
  • The cold and bleak winter weather all add up to us feeling grumpy and miserable.
  • Feeling grumpy, beleaguered and at the end of your tether? Times, Sunday Times
  • It used to be that whenever I called such places, I would be greeted by people who sounded like monosyllabic, grumpy teenagers.
  • Increasingly grumpy and queasy-looking, you wonder how long he can carry on.
  • To me, it seems a wee bit more likely that it was y'all grumpy-pusses.
  • Tired, grumpy, she waved her hand as a signal for me to come in.
  • Like all of us, he could be grumpy and cantankerous, but he was never mean-spirited in deed or thought.
  • No word on if the next incarnation of Care Bears will likewise be 'grittier' we find out Grumpy Bear's wife is cheating on him, hence why he's so grumpy, and Funshine Bear is now on crack cocaine. THUNDERCATS to return
  • Some news stories make me feel like a grumpy old man but I think I'm justified here.
  • Well, I think I'm considerably less grumpy and irritable today than yesterday.
  • You will be astonished to learn that this made him a bit grumpy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am of grumpy because my ankle is still munted—aching, swollen, and looking suspiciously like it might have been installed backwards.
  • And I met the man playing Baron Von Trapp, the gruff and grumpy Naval officer widower whose heart she melts.
  • She took control of all of us miserable, grumpy lot at the same time, too. The Sun
  • When someone seems so dissatisfied with life and just perpetually grumpy, this type of physical ailment is no surprise. Cheney undergoes back surgery
  • Then I re-read the book as the draft of a play about a grumpy, logorrheic stranger stranded in a strange, laconic land, an exercise that turned the joke back on Mr. Theroux. Stranger In a Strange Land
  • I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling a bit grumpy.
  • He also wryly acknowledges that he risks sounding like a grumpy old man pining for an overly-romanticised past.
  • More research in America has now suggested it could also affect mental health, leaving dieters feeling grumpy, tired, apathetic and restless.
  • He was, as predicted, both grumpy and enormously rotund - so fat, in fact, that the cameraman had to give serious thought as to how to shoot him.
  • YOU might know that Cancer is sensitive and artistic - but what about grumpy and devious? The Sun
  • I think he just has a bit of a cold, as his eyes are a bit watery, he is definitely lacking energy and vim and he is decidedly grumpy.
  • For those of you searching for a safe reason to lambaste Twilight: New Moon without sounding like a grumpy old fogy, Asylum. com has the answer: New Moon‘s werewolves simply aren’t werewolves. Do 'New Moon's' werewolves belong on Daytona Beach? |
  • Cue one of you spending an hour after dinner composing a grumpy email to the restaurant, while the other takes the bin out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Best of all, I will cease to sound like a grumpy old lady decades before my time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Read a selection of past interviews and you're left with a picture of a truculent, grumpy old curmudgeon.
  • He probably thought she looked sweet: confused, tousled, half-awake, like a grumpy little kid. A cool Radio 4? What a turn-off | Victoria Coren
  • Papa has always been a crotchety, grouchy, grumpy yet extremely lovable old coot.
  • He doesn't have the grumpy gravitas of William Hartnell, but I detect some homage to his portrayal in the approach taken by Silvester McCoy. Gibbon Chapter XVI
  • If your answer is no and you wake up feeling grumpy and grouchy instead, then you may want to reconsider napping.
  • Here, she's stuck in Westmount, hovering over a nasty, grumpy old husband, making her less of a life partner and more of a nursemaid.
  • I am sure they thought me curmudgeonly and grumpy for my silence. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Been tiresomely tearful lately about the vegan Lothario & jolly grumpy about Keran always being around. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • I don't care enough about furniture, fast moving consumer goods, spiralling debt, bad public transport, grumpy angry faces.
  • Grumpy, middle-aged restaurant reviewers spending Sunday Times dosh with bad grace, used-up sloaney jet trash, PR moppets on expense accounts and the truly stinking rich, that's who.
  • I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling a bit grumpy.
  • I had also heard that musical theatre stars only come alive when on stage so I tried to be as dead and grumpy as I could in the wings as I waited to go.
  • In truth, I think I was set to do a good grumpy and moanful act, complaining and whingeing about the invasion.
  • A parley with a grumpy gateman, the presentation of his letter and he was admitted to the presence of the manager, a man exhausted with the strenuosity of night and day work. The Voice on the Wire
  • You get so many grumpy people on checkouts and in shops these days and you feel as though you're a burden to them.
  • UKOK - Cathy Of Alexandria calls it "prickly" - but yes, I think I'm getting grumpy too. The roar of the crowd...
  • More than an hour or two about a movie makes me kind of antsy and grumpy! Cutting the Cable - And She Knits Too!
  • The old man is a grumpy elder.
  • ‘Maybe he knows,’ Michael said, nodding toward a grumpy person standing at the foot of the bottom steps.
  • She understands why I get tired and grumpy.
  • The Irishman Connor and the Belgian Pierre were the guides, and they didnt instil much confidence to start with as Connor was grumpy from giving up smoking and Pierre didnt speak English and was new so kept taking wrong turns and being yelled at by ´grumpy Connor. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Anyway, harumph, I'm grumpy, so it's the perfect time to start the fashion throwdown. Una LaMarche: Project Runway Episode 12 Recap: Let's Getty It Over With
  • But tomorrow brings another election, where the stakes are high, the personalities are bigger than the issues, and the electorate is grumpy.
  • While I was hormonal and grumpy I hated him.
  • Jessica Watson admits to sailing 'grumps' Jessica Watson felt "grumpy" at times before her round the world voyage, fearing she hadn't built up enough experience for such a momentous challenge. | Top Stories
  • May 16, 2004 at 01: 12 AM good to see you lot have got over the gastro, cherie. whilst i doubt i'd cope well with either, i'm sure grumpy-maxi is better to be around than gastro-maxi. by the way, if yr marketing those socially-responsible-maintenance skills, we've got a garden over here that needs some serious work ... Rostered on
  • Far from from frumpy and grumpy, it seems many older men care about their appearance and have a positive outlook on life.
  • The group has bought the Excelsior, takes over the Grumpy Mole in December, owns the Loaded Hog, Shooters and is setting up a club in the old Money Club Building next door.
  • They bend backwards to please guests some of whom are very grumpy, moody and complain about anything.
  • Best of all, I will cease to sound like a grumpy old lady decades before my time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lot of them are now pillaging the Professor's cellar and grumbling about the grumpy bastard who shares their lives.
  • Perhaps in their younger days the grumpy old men had a talent for fast-paced interviewage, but surely not the knack for tag-team existentialism, and Matthau was never told off by a strict proprietress for climbing on a café counter.
  • But where the Magician was grumpy, these were evil; there was incredible malignance in their misshapen faces. Falcon Street
  • Wearing a jumpsuit was a politicised act, not to mention a grumpy one. Times, Sunday Times
  • She gets grumpy at me when I wake her or move her when she's sleeping, and she meows at me, but because she's a kitten, her meow is far from impressive, and she sounds like she's been smoking.
  • I have just invented a portmanteau word - Crumpety - Crotchety and Grumpy.
  • Now I'm not a whole man, will my betrothed still want to tie the knot and join the grumpy clan?
  • In spite of a couple of insanely grumpy reviews, this film is an utter charmer.
  • Love that pic, though; he so looks the way he looks; that is, he looks grumpy which is why I consider him the grumpiest great I have the pleasure of reading and rereading a grinchillion times. Robin Robertson on the second rate, what to read, disharmony, and Art
  • Not in gray and grumpy nimbostratus, nor fine feathered cirrus, but in a fair weather cumulus blanket and the sun beams like knitting needles that pierced it, the ends of which, I was sure, illuminated some somber earthly occasion - corporeal cessation. On A Trans-Atlantic Flight
  • I won't deal with his being grumpy and snappy about them; they're my friends, and while I don't go overboard with them, they do sleep on the bed if they choose.
  • I’m still grumpy from the tintinnabulation of the alarm clock bell …. the bell bell bell bell bell bell bell! Snow, and other things.
  • She gets grumpy at me when I wake her or move her when she's sleeping, and she meows at me, but because she's a kitten, her meow is far from impressive, and she sounds like she's been smoking.
  • The best thing would be for the grumpy loser to go now. The Sun
  • Sorry to sound all grumpy and unamusing, but it's early in the morning - and I'm so, so sick of explaining myself on this particular subject over and over again! What A Girl Wants

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