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How To Use Grumbling In A Sentence

  • If this was the UK, I would expect to be ushered to a table (probably grumbling inwardly about the empty tables I passed on the way), then, once seated, make a curt nod and "hullo" to my table mates before either engaging in quiet conversation with my companion or looking pensively out of the window, trying hard to look like I'm thinking of Very Important Things. Amtrak adventures
  • As physical stress increases the body's needs for many vitamins and minerals, intercurrent infections also induce a relative nutrient deficiency, especially in chronic (long-term) grumbling types of infection e.g. acute cystitis, vaginal bacterial imbalance. Miscarriage
  • As if that wasn't enough Clyburn again stepped out in the media a month or so later right here on CNN, warning about his fellow representatives were grumbling to him they were worried and warned the voters in the upcoming state to think twice before they went to the polls yet Clyburn would not say what they were saying or who was stating their concerns. Public option may be dropped from final health care bill
  • This canteen (with a funnel on its top, like a cavalier cap slouched over the eyes) was set on edge upon the puncheon, with the hole toward myself; and through this hole, which seemed puckered up like the mouth of a very precise old maid, the creature was emitting certain rumbling and grumbling noises which he evidently intended for intelligible talk. Archive 2008-12-01
  • There were rumblings and grumblings at special meetings called by the church council in a vain bid to restore peace.
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  • She fidgeted on her spot, shifting from one foot to another as an uncomfortable silence filled the air, but she was saved when her stomach started grumbling loudly.
  • His stomach is grumbling, but he doesn't want to leave his desk.
  • Beneath this undercurrent of grumbling is the philistine assumption that it is elitist or irrelevant to consider art which does not excite the mass market.
  • Grumbling to himself, he washed and dressed, tying back his long hair with a leather thong.
  • The bipartisan grumbling varied: Some Democrats griped that the Jewish New Year took up otherwise prolific fundraising days in September, and one Republican operative complained that Hurricane Irene slowed down fundraising in August. HUFFPOST HILL - Tricorne Hat-less Grassroots Movement Growing On Wall Street
  • Despite the grumblings of everyone's stomachs, several minutes were then spent in effusive praise for the number of dishes.
  • We chunter through each day, grumbling, griping and groaning.
  • Veggies, vegans and grumbling carnivores can all sit down together at this cosmopolitan cornucopia of fusion cooking, finds Joanna Blythman
  • In the north, the Gauls are threatening, the Greeks are grumbling to the east, and Rome's biggest threat, the Carthaginians, are growing tetchy to the south.
  • When luck is something you inherit or buy, grumbling at the complaints of the less fortunate is graceless, to say the least.
  • They worked without grumbling and often upon finishing other chores they would bring some stone to be hewn and set. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • She spent the evening grumbling to me about her job.
  • The grumbling set in, and people spoke of “churching” elsewhere. Tattoos on the Heart
  • The wood that had been drawn for the fire was green, and it ignited too slowly to satisfy the shivering impatience of women and children; I vented mine in audibly grumbling over the wretched fire, at which I in vain endeavoured to thaw frozen bread, and to dress crying children. Roughing It in the Bush
  • KURTZ: I remember in 1993, when Bill Clinton was grumbling about what he called the knee-jerk liberal press not being fair to him, a Democrat. CNN Transcript Jan 18, 2009
  • Even the grumbling from the grandstands seemed strangely unanimated. Times, Sunday Times
  • She spent the evening grumbling to me about her job.
  • Stomach grumbling, I looked up at the clock - It was about noon - grimaced, and grabbed a banana off the counter, padding upstairs.
  • My stomach was grumbling on the inside really hard.
  • The money was immediately deposited; Miss Williams gratified the two evidences with one half, and putting the other in her pocket drove borne with me, leaving the catchpole grumbling over his loss, yet pleased in the main, for having so cheaply got clear of a business that might have cost him ten times the sum, and his place to boot. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • The dogs made a noise, a rough, grumbling sound.
  • Now am I relapsed into all the dissatisfied repinement of a true English grumbling voluptuary. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1
  • And despite regular grumbling from consumers about slippage in quality, more and more people are flying all the time.
  • After wanderings and criticisms and grumblings and little disloyalties of the tongue all Englishmen come back to an England immovable and eternal. St. George and Merrie England
  • The gang was grumbling and accusing Bill of being "bluffed" and all that, but they didn't make any effort to attack the man. Pluck on the Long Trail Boy Scouts in the Rockies
  • It met twice a year to discuss and vote the departmental budget, which it did, often after ritualistic grumbling and symbolic resistance. The Government and Politics of France
  • There is often much grumbling, amid at least some of the privileged participants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every summer, the clan -- four families complete with grumbling nannies -- gathered at Cultoquhey, the grandparents 'huge stone-built pile in Perthshire. Mrs. Miniver
  • He pulled on a pair of dark jeans, and trudged down the stairs, grumbling about it being so early.
  • There have also been grumblings about charges and tithes collected by churches - indulgences being one case.
  • Either way, many students are sucked into the workforce at entry-level posts, grumbling that they're overqualified and underpaid.
  • Grumbling in annoyance, she deleted all the junk mails in her mailbox.
  • The crooning stopped, replaced by the sound of the engine grumbling steadily and the road moving beneath us smoothly.
  • The grumblings, however, may be less an indication of an impending military revolt than the last feeble lashing out of those weaned on the old ways.
  • She was slighted by her father and the servants, and bullied by her brother; and was only just enabled, by humble, unpresuming disposition, to carry on her tedious life from year to year without grumbling. The Kellys and the O'Kellys
  • They worked without grumbling and often upon finishing other chores they would bring some stone to be hewn and set. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • They worked without grumbling and often upon finishing other chores they would bring some stone to be hewn and set. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Some of this, no doubt, is just the usual grumbling about change. Times, Sunday Times
  • The low grumbling of thunder sounded joyfully in our ears. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • If this is true now, failure to win a third successive title could see the grumblings of Celtic fans over his apparent unwillingness to commit to a job turning into outright hostility.
  • Grumbling, and her boot squishing with water, Eleanor walked home.
  • Grumbling, Broker unloaded the bag: Vita-C, cider, vinegar, oranges, limes, lemons, echinacea, goldenseal, and Siberian ginseng. ABSOLUTE ZERO
  • Well that's the first song done then; Tom Waits grumbling and growling like only he can, beatboxing now too, just for kicks, while his son breaks a turntable.
  • I just want to shake them all - hard - and tell them to look up from their miserable grumblings and see how lucky they are.
  • Grumbling, I went to soothe my body in a nice warm shower.
  • He reproaches the narrator, Miles Coverdale, for grumbling about the weather.
  • The signing will also help appease grumbling Gunners fans. The Sun
  • My duty as shepherd is to point out the harm grumbling may inflict upon individuals and upon the church. Christianity Today
  • It was then that I began to hear the grumbling. LIVING ON THE FAULT LINE, REVISED EDITION
  • Grumbling, Wen waited while Lianne went to work on the combination that allowed the big, fireproof steel door to swing open. JADE ISLAND
  • The day dawned cool, bright & clear with glorious morning sunshine as some 35 or so of us gathered in the avenue just opposite the small British Palace on Main Street. 10:30 a.m. was the scheduled departure time, and not wanting to disappoint our proud or dishonorable as some of you might be grumbling record of tardiness and cunctation, the Hash left at 11:05. Archive 2007-04-01
  • “The country not immediately the seat of either party is richer than when the war began,” he complained, “but the long disuse of taxes, and their natural unpalatableness, have embarrassed the business exceedingly, and Tories, grumbling Whigs, and party, have all thrown in their aid to increase the discontent.” Robert Morris
  • Following the route of the current day Country Road 42, this was a macadamized road for the use of which the grumbling traveller had to pay a toll during much of its early history.
  • Indeed, could we not hear her joining in as we talked, and good naturedly grumbling that if we couldn't have that kind of fogs, why then we ought to get close in shore among the crabs and the sand-fiddlers, where the big boats could not come; or else go into a quiet little creek with a sleepy little houseboat. Virginia: the Old Dominion
  • When it appears to the untutored eye that any movement of the trailer would cause the whole slippery cargo to overbalance, it is re-hitched to the tractor which, grumbling and snorting, makes its laborious way back up the slope from the beach. Country diary: South Uist
  • There is often much grumbling, amid at least some of the privileged participants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Designs for elected mayors and elected police chiefs pootle along, but where there's money, there's grumbling. The problem with Mayor-mania
  • Had it not been for the impatience of the precentor and the grumbling of the mourners outside, there is no saying when the remains would have been lifted through the "bole," or little window. Auld Licht Idyls
  • The stinginess of the portion left me grumbling and griping.
  • Overpriced in my opinion, but at least on the brink of bearability, even with my curmudgeonly grumbling.
  • After some most extraordinary bargaining and after tempting him with solid, visible gold, we each secured a scjambok and a knobkerry at exorbitant prices, and left him even then grumbling and growling. In the Ranks of the C.I.V.
  • I heard my papapa grumbling and trampling and then ittying off to the dyeworks where he rabbited, and then my mum called in in a very respectful goloss as she did now I was growing up big and strong: Where's the show?
  • With hushed mutterings and grumblings they all trooped down to the stables.
  • This year, as the two crews pulled their way through the south - west London streets and passed a variety of now-familiar landmarks, there were grumblings even among the faithful.
  • Some people pooh-pooh the idea, grumbling that Hollywood has run out of original ideas.
  • Soon, however, my stomach begins grumbling, and I leave the textiles to follow the tempting aroma of grilled fish.
  • There Leo was still frowning at the computer, twitching the mouse around, grumbling. BEHINDLINGS
  • Most passengers spoken to by the newspaper, even those trudging up to 10 km to work yesterday, have been grumbling at the company rather than the drivers for what they see as miserly wages.
  • Despite the grumbling, there were no reports of clashes in Tehran or other major cities such as Tabriz, Kermanshah, Bandar Abbas, Kerman and Ahvaz. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • To be fair, amid all the grumbling he finds plenty to admire, not least the lovely medieval jumble of Old Town in Estonia's capital, Tallinn; the music of Arvo Pärt; the Grimm flair of Estonian names Tarmo, Gerli, Epp; and, with characteristic contrariness, Vana Tallinn, a revolting liqueur of unidentifiable sickliness and bogus antiquity. Stranger In a Strange Land
  • And I could find nothing here in London, either, except for some general grumblings that he was a strict taskmaster. MURDER IN E MINOR
  • She's always grumbling to me about how badly she's treated at work.
  • I believe in grumbling; it is the politest form of fighting known. Edgar Watson Howe 
  • Despite the grumblings of some, they are unlikely to depart with their manager who yesterday seemed heavily laboured by his current predicament.
  • They worked without grumbling and often upon finishing other chores they would bring some stone to be hewn and set. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Either way, many students are sucked into the workforce at entry-level posts, grumbling that they're overqualified and underpaid.
  • He also knows what every good friend knows: if you expect perfection from people, your whole life will be a series of disappointments, grumblings, and complaints.
  • It met twice a year to discuss and vote the departmental budget, which it did, often after ritualistic grumbling and symbolic resistance. The Government and Politics of France
  • Though it's true that editors are always grumbling about the state of things, the grumbles were now louder and more widespread.
  • With the big radial engines grumbling, the Mallard eased past a starboard handmarker labelled `Bald Head". CORMORANT
  • Off he went grumbling away to his press officer as he exited. The Sun
  • It was the smell of the food that had my stomach grumbling and my mouth filling with saliva faster than I could swallow.
  • The low grumbling of thunder sounded joyfully in our ears. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • My duty as shepherd is to point out the harm grumbling may inflict upon individuals and upon the church. Christianity Today
  • But because I'd heard lots of grumblings from people fretting about what a mess check-out would be, I decided I'd get up extra early and catch an earlier shuttle if I could.
  • The smell of cooking drifted up the stairs and we descended with stomachs grumbling to the traditionally decorated restaurant.
  • It was then that I began to hear the grumbling. LIVING ON THE FAULT LINE, REVISED EDITION
  • He plays Andy Millman, a wannabe actor condemned to play walk-on roles or merge into crowd scenes, all the while grumbling about the stars.
  • Grumbling, the old woman retreated back upstairs, mumbling continually about the problems with today's youth.
  • The heavens began rumbling and grumbling, and without warning, great bolts of lightning flashed out and struck several larger demons down.
  • When major league baseball began divisional play in 1969, there was, after some initial grumbling, little complaint.
  • Although there was some grumbling among the marketmen, the provision stores were soon put through such a course of scrubbing and whitening as to make the old-fashioned "spring house-cleaning," which has been the bugbear of _pater familias_ and one of the chief assets of the paragrapher for so many years, a process of incomparably mild flavor. A Woman for Mayor A Novel of To-day
  • She spent the evening grumbling to me about her job.
  • In addition to having absolutely beautiful photos and easy-to-follow directions, a lot of the recipes in here betoken memories of my mother and I in the kitchen, rolling lumpia, cursing (okay, not really cursing, but grumbling in frustration at least) at siapao dough not rising, steaming puto, etc. Filipina at heart « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • My personal disillusion was echoed back in grey London where I read numerous grumblings about the Riviera.
  • Stop grumbling! You've got nothing to complain about.
  • Grumbling, Wen waited while Lianne went to work on the combination that allowed the big, fireproof steel door to swing open. JADE ISLAND
  • She had planned to give a grumbling apology for being late when he sniped at her incompetence, but she really did feel bad now.
  • Grumbling, I washed from the basin and pulled on my chiton.
  • But there was enough esprit de corps among our group to overcome this discomfort with a minimum amount of grumbling.
  • Evers was grumbling sourly under his breath at the sink, the cigar wigwagging from his mouth. The Best Way to Lose
  • Stop grumbling about food not'talking to you '. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Zemu continued an impetuous muddy torrent, whose hoarse voice, mingled with the deep grumbling noise* [The dull rumbling noise thus produced is one of the most singular phenomena in these mountains, and cannot fail to strike the observer. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • He hopes his wife will quit grumbling.
  • It met twice a year to discuss and vote the departmental budget, which it did, often after ritualistic grumbling and symbolic resistance. The Government and Politics of France
  • My duty as shepherd is to point out the harm grumbling may inflict upon individuals and upon the church. Christianity Today
  • K. is bosh; I have no use for him; but we must do what we can with the fellow meanwhile; he is good-humoured and honest, but inefficient, idle himself, the cause of idleness in others, grumbling, a self-excuser — all the faults in a bundle. Vailima Letters
  • The grumblings stopped, and soon, the city was abuzz with excitement.
  • After considerable grumbling and frustration, Roosevelt devised a different strategy for influencing the court.
  • Of course, there have been growing grumblings of discontent but they have largely been saved for the final whistle.
  • Yet those who have achieved far less have been honoured, so it's with some legitimacy that Stewart has been grumbling that he hasn't received so much as an OBE for his work, saying querulously: ‘I don't know why I haven't got any honour.
  • Stop grumbling about food not'talking to you '. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the grumblings since share prices tumbled to a record low earlier this year have been hard to ignore and a series of special offers is now in the pipeline.
  • The King sent to the Lords more peremptoryly, and they, with much grumbling, agreed to the rasure. Andrew Marvell
  • It was then that I began to hear the grumbling. LIVING ON THE FAULT LINE, REVISED EDITION
  • No ragged band of men grumbling around their night fires, voicing their fears, their second thoughts. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • But that in itself is not the problem, although it may have the more purist fans of the novel grumbling.
  • It is true that we owned no king or overlord, but if the Scots king asked for scatt we paid it, grumbling, for the sake of peace. A Sea Queen's Sailing
  • Off he went grumbling away to his press officer as he exited. The Sun
  • There was a loud champing sound outside, and occasionally growls or grumbling.
  • But the pock - marked fellow kept mumbling and grumbling till Commissioner Pu was very embarrassed.
  • Grumblings are being heard here and there that the price hike amounts to a cash grab by the lottery, and regular players - my friend KP out in Podunk, for example - greet the change with a certain degree of angst.
  • I can take lip, attitude or grumbling, but ignorance is too much for me.
  • He was proud of her beauty and what he called her 'lurning,' and, more or less grumblingly, petted her a good deal, and would have spoiled her had she been of spoilable material. Julia And Her Romeo: A Chronicle Of Castle Barfield From "Schwartz" by David Christie Murray
  • He ne'er did a gude darg that gaed grumbling about it. The Proverbs of Scotland
  • On a blustery recent morning, some of the local peasantry dismissed the antimonarchist grumbling and said they will be watching the wedding on TV. No Titles, No Subjects, No Problem: Germans Join Royal Wedding Craze
  • But set a clear new direction, with new themes and a new script, and not only the ministers but the rest of the grumbling party will follow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Carlyle, I remember, was bitterly reproached for grumbling in his "Chartism," and other works, as if a man had no moral right to complain of hunger until he had grasped a piece of bread. The Potiphar Papers
  • He didn't understand half of what the man had just said, but his stomach started grumbling at the mention of food.
  • A few are in London, but there are grumblings about buying houses and relocating to places like Costa Rica or Bulgaria.
  • Grumbling, she went to the kitchen and began to wash the breakfast dishes.
  • Despite our protestations and grumblings, most Jakartans despair in silence without ever making their grievances heard.
  • At length, however, she departed, grumbling between her teeth, that she wad rather lock up a haill ward than be fiking about thae niff-naffy gentles that gae sae muckle fash wi’ their fancies. Chapter XLIV
  • After a while, a low grumbling in our stomachs indicated it was time to hit the curry house.
  • The food looked great, and my stomach was grumbling.
  • Off he went grumbling away to his press officer as he exited. The Sun
  • Widespread grumbling filled the Celtic Park bowl yesterday when the fourth official held up a board revealing four minutes of time to be added on.
  • They worked without grumbling and often upon finishing other chores they would bring some stone to be hewn and set. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • I groaned softly, my stomach grumbling even more fiercely.
  • The silence, heavy and scented, was broken only by the far-away wheepling of a wakeful whaup and the grumbling of the burn near by, which bickered and hurried to be out in the open again on its way to the river. The Underworld The Story of Robert Sinclair, Miner
  • Cue a lot of hilarious grumbling as well as some awe-inspiring scenery. The Sun
  • Grumbling, I got into the shower and quickly rinsed out my hair.
  • He obviously wanted tough but achieved the titanically silly -- like your doddy old grandpa grumbling about political pet peeves. Leonce Gaiter: McCain Was Presidential, Yes -- Nixonian
  • The lady, like other comforters of the cabins of the poor, proceeded to rebuke the grumbling old woman for want of order and cleanliness — censured the food which was provided for the patient, and enquired particularly after the wine which she had left to make caudle with. Saint Ronan's Well
  • For once, I was glad she did as my stomach was grumbling very loudly and very audibly.
  • When major league baseball began divisional play in 1969, there was, after some initial grumbling, little complaint.
  • But for the occasional grumbling, the Deitelhoff children sang songs, danced and cavorted around the barn while milking cows one November evening.
  • They went back to their places mumbling and grumbling, but always taking quick glances our way.
  • When major league baseball began divisional play in 1969, there was, after some initial grumbling, little complaint.
  • My duty as shepherd is to point out the harm grumbling may inflict upon individuals and upon the church. Christianity Today
  • The Canadian pianist was a law unto himself, singing as he played in a grumbling basso.
  • Her stomach was grumbling loudly, and she realized she had forgotten to eat last night in her anxious state.
  • There is often much grumbling, amid at least some of the privileged participants. Times, Sunday Times
  • There have been grumblings about the party leader.
  • Grumbling, Lacey finally emerged from the undergrowth with a few choice words for Alaindar.
  • Often it feels as if their constant, innocuous grumblings are just a set-up for a legitimate complaint that never comes.
  • But set a clear new direction, with new themes and a new script, and not only the ministers but the rest of the grumbling party will follow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her stomach was grumbling and the emptiness inside seemed to have filled her with nothing but air.
  • Sounds like Splice may have fallen prey to some silk-suited trog grumbling "We need an action sequence to finish this baby out! " watch you shake and shout it out..."
  • I believe in grumbling; it is the politest form of fighting known. Edgar Watson Howe 
  • We chunter through each day, grumbling, griping and groaning.
  • Annie's stomach was grumbling louder with each second that passed by.
  • Some of this, no doubt, is just the usual grumbling about change. Times, Sunday Times
  • When major league baseball began divisional play in 1969, there was, after some initial grumbling, little complaint.
  • It was a little while after the boy's granddam and grandsire had resigned, and Greni had returned with more grumbling, but looking considerably lighter of mood, that Naoise had noted the boy's inquisitive stares.
  • Grumbling, Broker unloaded the bag: Vita-C, cider, vinegar, oranges, limes, lemons, echinacea, goldenseal, and Siberian ginseng. ABSOLUTE ZERO
  • This intention has caused some doubts and grumblings.
  • The line I've repeated to myself over the decades was spoken by Garth's grumbling gardener and eventual murderer, who is introduced as he attempts maladroitly to trim the kudzu from Garth's New Orleans plantation. Zomdingo
  • This caused much grumbling and many heads were knocked together just to remind everybody who was boss.
  • There were rumblings and grumblings at special meetings called by the church council in a vain bid to restore peace.
  • His stomach was grumbling from not having eaten lunch.
  • Suddenly, as we reflected quietly, there was a great grinding and grumbling then, nosing round a corner, came a famous big red London bus.
  • Farmers are always grumbling about the weather.
  • My duty as shepherd is to point out the harm grumbling may inflict upon individuals and upon the church. Christianity Today
  • Extra taxes on banks and the new apprenticeship levy has also been embraced without much grumbling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sharon Small as the indomitable Maggie, Robert Cavanah as her ineffectual husband, Morven Christie as their hard-hearted daughter-in-law, and Anne Downie as the grumbling old woman inhabit this cluttered world as if it is their natural terrain. Men Should Weep - review
  • Starved of ale there were grumblings of mutiny from the crew but we had to make do with a few beers and some boxed wine before collapsing into our bunks.
  • And on Thursday, Shanghai authorities appeared to take preventive action to address how rising operating costs have discomforted a traditional source of public grumbling: taxi drivers. Truckers Idle Rigs in Shanghai
  • And the noise that it sent out was strange and slow, and it did seem to gruntle gently unto itself in that lonesome hollow, as that it had made a long and quiet grumbling there, through Eternity. The Night Land
  • The signing will also help appease grumbling Gunners fans. The Sun
  • This canteen (with a funnel on its top, like a cavalier cap slouched over the eyes) was set on edge upon the puncheon, with the hole toward myself; and through this hole, which seemed puckered up like the mouth of a very precise old maid, the creature was emitting certain rumbling and grumbling noises which he evidently intended for intelligible talk. Archive 2008-12-01
  • I just wanna say. .quick, because the gremlin is starting to wake up … oops, she’s grumbling. 10 Things To Do Before You Become A Parent | Her Bad Mother
  • His voice was a low bass, rumbling and grumbling in his throat, and it came out slow and steady like molasses.
  • Either side would be grumbling today about illegitimacy had the other won.
  • There's been quite a lot of grumbling and grousing in corporate America.
  • Stop grumbling about food not'talking to you '. Times, Sunday Times
  • In my opinion, little honour is due to such as are mere lookers-on, liberal of their eyes, and of their crowns, and hide their silver; scratching their head with one finger like grumbling puppies, gaping at the flies like tithe calves; clapping down their ears like Arcadian asses at the melody of musicians, who with their very countenances in the depth of silence express their consent to the prosopopoeia. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Nearby, the Huka Falls are gushing forth, the sulphurous earth steams eerily and sludgy geysers are grumbling and occasionally completely losing their cool.
  • But Eliot himself remarked, ‘To me it was only the relief of a personal and insignificant grouse against life; it is just a piece of rhythmical grumbling.’
  • Nearby, the Huka Falls are gushing forth, the sulphurous earth steams eerily and sludgy geysers are grumbling and occasionally completely losing their cool.
  • He sits on a folded towel grumbling and mumbling away and, in spite of it all, still looks neat and dapper most of the time.
  • We thought the crab timbale, though delicious, a little on the pricey side for such a dainty entrée but you won't hear me grumbling about the scallops.
  • He heard her grumbling something unintelligible, a sure sign that she was frustrated.
  • The object of incessant carping from the Workington ironmasters, it was not spared the grumbling of the shipping companies that carried ore into the Senhouse Dock.
  • Chelsea has won the English league for the first time in 50 years, and many in England have been grumbling about the achievement.

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