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How To Use Grub In A Sentence

  • The major problem is punters here expect a diet of top-class football along with decent grub. The Sun
  • Over the winter months we've been doing a great deal of clearing up on our part-neglected croft garden, grubbing out and shredding dead shrubs and cutting back those that have either grown too large or are crowding others.
  • The witchetty grub, for the aboriginal people that depended on them, was a very important thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • You're a con man and a money-grubbing sellout.
  • Once you've collected a hundred or so caddises then you've got enough to go fishing with - and you can often get ten caddis grubs off a single stone.
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  • Use them to help scrub down grubby bathroom tiles and really get to the gritty bits. The Sun
  • Perhaps as a society we believe the grubby hands of business should be kept off our organs, especially in death.
  • One chose witchetty grubs diligently for their flavour depended on the host tree, lemon aspen being especially tasty.
  • She could just have been saving herself for some British grub. The Sun
  • Beneath a surface grubbiness inside, the seats, carpets and trim were in excellent condition.
  • Food shops line the outer edges (selling, for a Brit, remarkably reassuring grub like sausage rolls, meat pies and fish and chips).
  • Harriet slouched until she was almost hunchbacked, wearing boy's clothes, unironed and grubby.
  • He walked to the chair and looked through the grubby net curtain.
  • S'pose some time me _mamook_ sick, me feel all same oleman -- no more grub stop, no more smokin 'stop -- mebbyso all rancher _potlatch_ grub, _potlatch_ smokin', send doctin ', send med'cin'? Desert Conquest or, Precious Waters
  • I've "grubbed" at a threepenny hash-house, I've been at a counter-lunch, The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • This fish obviously earns its living grubbing about the bottom and scavenging.
  • Besides, the paramount question of grub negatived such a procedure. The Passing of Marcus O'Brien
  • What I'm saying - that it is minuscule compared to what Ken Lay did, compared to what Jack Grubman and the other analysts on Wall Street did that had a real impact on people's lives.
  • Time and again opponents are caught flat-footed by the grubber kick. Times, Sunday Times
  • Visitors also have a chance to taste tambelo, a grub that lives inside the bark of mangroves.
  • We left the meeting exhausted, exhilarated, and dreaming of when we'd get our grubby, grabby mitts on some final code.
  • Briffa added data from another Schweingruber site to a different composite, from the Taimyr Peninsula. GREENIE WATCH
  • He should have consented to know but the grand personal adventure on the grand personal basis: nothing short of this, no poor cognisance of confusable, pettifogging things, the sphere of earth-grubbing questions and two-penny issues, would begin to be, on any side, Olympian enough. The Finer Grain
  • Some parts of the framework of the raft they call "grubs;" much depends upon these grubs. The Writings of John Burroughs — Volume 05: Pepacton
  • They were expensive for pub grub at £7.50 each, but sounded succulent.
  • This seems tailor-made to whip up the very grade grubbiness Abeles condemns. Linda Flanagan: Race to Nowhere?
  • In many cases, he grubstakes those who don't have the cash to pay up front.
  • The first is grubby old politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Notes on the Supreme Mandala of Glorious Kalachakra, Source of All Good Qualities (dPal dus-kyi ‘khor-lo’i dkyil-chog yon-tan kun-’byung-gi zin-bris), Buton (Bu-ston Rin-chen grub) explains that the four maras in Kalachakra have the following significance: The Four Maras (The Four Demonic Forces)
  • He plays up his breeding and rank at every opportunity, and in doing so reveals himself to be an even grubbier character than we first imagined.
  • He oscillates between being a grade grubber and not really caring much at all.
  • Ranking schools numerically is silly (is MIT four ranking spots better than CalTech, or five?) but placing schools in quality tiers would do a large amount of good without too much of the ankle-biting and ratings-grubbing that comes with the numerical ranking system. Matthew Yglesias » Demand-Side Solutions
  • I plant carrots late, just so I have lots of them for winter; if I've protected them with a mulch of hay, I can keep grubbing them out through the season.
  • Think what ranting about a grubby bathroom could get you. Times, Sunday Times
  • We transport them from their grubby little lives to Elysian fields. PAINT THE WIND
  • I grabbed some grub and found a seat, settling in for a three-hour seminar on fundraising.
  • If a fence be an old bad one, grub it up and raise a new one.
  • That's why he's willing to use them as an election-year football in order to grub votes from rednecks.
  • A hike must be "hiked" to be real, the "grub" must be munched by the side of a stream, and the wild things venturing out for crumbs must be "seen to be appreciated," as the "ad" says; so that it would seem unreal to attempt to put into words the glories of a day in the woods with the Wellingtons. Jane Allen, Junior
  • He was stunned to learn more money is spent on prison grub than food for the sick. The Sun
  • And some decent grub always helps matters hugely. Times, Sunday Times
  • The phrase "British cinema documentary" came to mean a black and white collage of steam locomotives, slag heaps, women in grubby kitchens and men in flat caps, searchlights and bomb damage. A British fleet with no aircraft carrier. Unthinkable!
  • You spent four years in Africa, in England, in France, grubbing around in the insides of airplane engines and then they shipped you to an air base on a godforsaken island.
  • Once they get grubby or ratty on the bottom, turn the hem under and rehem. Berks county news
  • That had to be more than sixty years ago now, but in her dream, her bluetick hound had been alive once more, bringing the grubby sand-covered tennis ball back to her time and again so she could throw it. TRIAL BY FIRE
  • Cyclists helped save many roads from being grubbed up. 19th century cyclists paved the way for modern motorists' roads | Carlton Reid
  • Grubs -- or flyblow, description and treatment, 481 under the skin, description and treatment, 481 Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Although their diet includes some acorns and beechnuts in the fall, pileated woodpeckers eat mostly ants, flying insects, grubs, and some seeds and fruits.
  • Nor are they as offensive as their contemporary fashion analog: the Birkenstock sandal, which is worn almost exclusively by grubby millionaires (Silicon Valley residents, Olsen twins): Colleen Werthmann: Hillary Clinton Pen-Pal Reveals Letters: "A Portrait of the Grown-Up Dork as a Young Dork"
  • More traditional grub, such as a cheese and onion pasty or Scotch egg, follows in the evening.
  • They dubbed the cavalrymen “Grub scout,” “Kitchen ranger,” “Bomb Proof,” “Buttermilk spies,” and “Loonies.” Cavalryman of the Lost Cause
  • I had heard from friends that over the past eight years the restaurant had gradually shed its pub grub stylings, dropping tuna toasties in favour of keta caviar - and had recently won plaudits under the guidance of new chef Craig Millar.
  • The macronucleus is a long-beaded structure, or it may be in several parts connected by strands (Gruber). Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • See Republican critic after Republican critic blast these money-grubbing, greedy, lazy, freeloading moneybags who are offensively overpaid, get off work at a leisurely 2:30 in the afternoon, have three months of vacation, and can live off their fat pensions in high-life luxury retirement, jetting to Paris and Biarritz and drinking champagne cocktails while sucking the life out of the Real America. Robert J. Elisberg: Revealed: Who Actually Caused America's Financial Collapse
  • The mite is just visible to the naked eye and feeds on honey bees and their grubs by sucking their body fluids.
  • He held his pale, grubby hand out towards Janet with two twinkling things in it. CHARMED LIFE
  • Don't just read a recipe book, read as many books as you can get your grubby paws on.
  • It seems impossible to avoid the conclusion that the active, armoured campodeiform grub differing less from its parent than an eruciform larva differs from its parent, is as a larval type more primitive than the caterpillar or maggot. The Life-Story of Insects
  • In fact, after their quarrel, Rodney believes that Tom has merely been grubstaking his work.
  • When, for instance, people protested against the rudeness, grubbiness and incompetence of train and bus conductors (a popular subject), the route, the date and time, and details of offensive behaviour were always given.
  • Firstly, a platter of worms and live grubs. The Sun
  • This here pub opens at noon on parade day to serve up Irish stew and other good grub, with live, lively Irish music.
  • BWith that, Kevin darts to the salad bar and dips his grubby fingers into the crouton jar.
  • The acclaimed barbecue provides more than your average grub, including griddled lobster and rotisserie poussin.
  • His companion chuckled, `I'm not here about the pension, silly...' His fastidious tone made Arthur feel grubby. BEHINDLINGS
  • In the dark of the night, the rat-size slow-moving animals sniff with their long tubular snouts for ants, insects, grubs, and small reptiles that venture forth.
  • I step inside a shop whose grubby windows are filled with LP covers. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • I heard it first crinkling through the bottom of the pine tree when I was looking at the sky; I looked down to see it probably 30 feet away waddling towards me, nose down in search for grub. The "only real option"!
  • These boys, contrary to early claims made by grubby politicians, were not guilty of misbehaviour of any kind.
  • they were soullessly grubbing for profit
  • I have installed winxp and ubuntu 10.4 dual boot, now i need to remove win xp from menu selection at booting time so that users cannot logon to xp just want to hide xp partition and force them to use ubuntu, previous version of Ubuntu was 1st. menu but now grub2 seems different, is't possible to edit grub2 file and remove windows from appearing, any idea will be much appreciated Ubuntu Forums
  • The bedroom had large bay windows covered with grubby nets.
  • ‘Thanks for the grub, bub,’ he finally said, and opened his eyes.
  • They make me grub for lily-roots and climb trees for honey.
  • I did the same, making no further advances to him, though, as I recalled how I hammered his body and head, and how he must have been pricked by falling into the gooseberry bush, I felt sorry, and if he had offered to shake hands I should have forgotten how grubby his always were, and held out mine at once. Brownsmith's Boy A Romance in a Garden
  • One has to merely grub in the back garden to unearth treasures '. The Times Literary Supplement
  • She advises choosing low density foods - grub that contains few calories but still fills you up. The Sun
  • Moles have small, sharp incisors and canine teeth that are used for catching and eating grubs and earthworms.
  • Salacious in a grubby way; even in his peculations there was no magnificence.
  • So you have the original and you bought the re-mastered version last year - why should you keep shelling out the bucks to these money-grubbers?
  • They learn how to cook witchetty grubs, concoct bush medicines and make boomerangs and axes.
  • It all got rather grubby. The Sun
  • Besides offering run-of-the mill pub grub such as fish and chips, the updated menus promised to tantalise taste buds with some more exotic-sounding fare such as black olive bruschetta and charred cod, burnt lemon and Chardonnay risotto.
  • When it comes to finding such Australian sweetmeats as witchetty grubs and honey pot ants, Aboriginal women are masters at divining underground hideouts.
  • There were tales of unsold wines, people losing their wineries, and vines in the central valley left unpicked or being grubbed up for other crops.
  • And everyone - aristocrats, bohemians, and philosophers alike - denounced the bourgeoisie as selfish money-grubbers.
  • And it never ceases to amaze me when I see a fit woman grubbing French fries and pizza.
  • On the contrary, they are all self-centred, money-grubbing social climbers.
  • Who knows, I might even wash the car, which is looking decidedly grubby.
  • He explained how life on the march was pretty grubby and smelly.
  • The egg, if injected, would hatch into a wasp grub that would consume the caterpillar from the inside.
  • I think the dude with the earphones is the MacGruber director. MacGruber Viral Video? Or An Unfunny Wannabe SNL Short? «
  • Today, he's a greedy, money-grubbing official.
  • "There's some decent grub at the mess hall, " Catherine said.
  • But then, this isn't really any change - he's already shown that he's willing to inflame racial tensions with lies in order to grub votes.
  • They found people post more about junk food and less about healthy grub if they live by lots of takeaway places. The Sun
  • He compliments her food but surely anything would taste good after prison grub.
  • Let us pay them accordingly and send moneygrubbers packing. Times, Sunday Times
  • As grubby and alcoholic as a homunculus can be, he is also a kind, sensitive soul and a musician of some talent.
  • The conventional wisdom is that the country's intelligentsia today are apolitical and money-grubbing, more interested in jobs than democracy.
  • Meanwhile, literary hacks and Grub Street writers produced popular pot boilers for the masses.
  • You turn up a bit grubby, with a dusty old backpack, and they look rather alarmed.
  • Too much yeast in his gut means starchy and sugary grub is fermented into alcohol. The Sun
  • She is a doll made of grubby green satin, with satin stumps for hands and feet, features inked onto a round of calico for her face, and her pointed head of grubby green satin also.
  • With a proper vehicle and a grubstake of running money, Quentin might even be able to make it into the interior of Mexico. KISS OF THE BEES
  • Intermittently gripping thriller illuminating one of our planet's grubbier secrets: the ongoing slave trade, in the form of domestic help forcibly recruited from Africa's more troubled regions and bundled into Britain by human traffickers (the closing credits suggest that 5,000 slaves may be held in London alone). Tonight's TV highlights
  • He would sit in the centre of the grass, gaping and gawping, while the parent birds rushed back and forth to find nourishing grubs and suitable insects to stuff down his throat.
  • Not every prospector was grubstaked by a large company or criminal consortium. Flinx In Flux
  • He never missed a chance of securing a hatful of grubs, which, together with the chrysalides and the full-grown beetle (brown and glossy) were devoured after being warmed through on the ashes. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • What ever happened to all those tweed-jacket-and-blue-jean-garbed professors who liked nothing more than to thumb their noses at the money-grubbing business set?
  • The grubs migrate through the tissue to the loin area where they encyst, cut a breathing hole in the skin of the animal on the back-line and complete their larval development.
  • Grubman knew Ebbers, and even advised him on the hostile takeover of MCI.
  • Predictable, vacuous and with a tongue in as many cheeks as possible, Desperate Scousewives is a show that leaves you feeling just that bit grubbier for having guiltily enjoyed it. TV review: Desperate Scousewives; The British Woman on Death Row
  • But the eggs are not deposited in the cells simultaneously; on the contrary, in some cells are creatures big enough to fly, in others are nymphae, and in others are mere grubs. The History of Animals
  • Once you've collected a hundred or so caddises then you've got enough to go fishing with - and you can often get ten caddis grubs off a single stone.
  • He did general farm work fencing and grubbing bathhurst burr.
  • I won't know it until a few hours from now when I look it up on the internet, but the vocalizations they make as they peck in the grass is actually called purring, and it's turkey for, “This is good grub.” To Have and Have Not
  • Let him indeed shine a light on the grubby dealings between lobbyists and politicians. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unless you count the gourmet horse burgers sold from the quaintly grubby vans dotted near the stadium. The Sun
  • HOSPITAL patients deserve some decent grub. The Sun
  • Yet there should also be no need for MPs to feel so badly underpaid that they grub around for funds in grubby places. Times, Sunday Times
  • On hatching of eggs, the grubs feed on soft tissues inside the trunk.
  • It is plain as a pikestaff that if exposed to the incredulous view of the Taxpayer, who, by now, has a pretty clear view of some of the potential abuses, the floor of the House of Commons cellars would soon be awash with the blood of MPs caught with their grubby hands in the till. 'Shred & Bury': The New Westminster Watchword
  • I think maybe he's spent so long grubbing around down there that he finds it hard to see the good in people.
  • If despite this waiting, you'd like either a starter-kit or a personalized, signed bookplate (s), just email me at Gretchen Rubin: Balanced Life -- No More Complaining, 'I Feel So Tired'
  • The money-grubbing cronies somehow didn't get around to restoring trade relations until two weeks ago.
  • He was grubbing about in the public library for material.
  • Perhaps it's best not to think of the sea of grubs, flies and beetles there must be underfoot.
  • She was wearing a rather grubby and patched brown dress and was barefoot.
  • Every day was full of challenges, some gruelling, others just plain grubby.
  • A strip of white or red pork rind is traditionally added to bucktails for extra action, but white twister-tail soft-plastic grubs in 3 - and 4-inch sizes do the same thing more easily. Stars and Stripers
  • One has to merely grub in the back garden to unearth treasures '. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The great crimes of the twentieth century were committed not by money-grubbing capitalists but by dedicated idealists.
  • Even better, you can feed him plastic "grubs," which he'll then spit back out. Gearlog
  • What prolonged boiling and the aid of bicarbonate of soda leave almost intact the fly's grubs quickly turn into fluid, even as the flesh worms fluidify hard-boiled white of egg. The Life of the fly; with which are interspersed some chapters of autobiography
  • Babbling brats would congregate near my truck, waving their miscounted sticky change in little grubby fists.
  • Kalahari Moon of St Nicholas market will be supplying traditional South African treats such as chakalaka and Boerewors, where as Afro Delight and Glens (two well loved St Paul's eateries) will be supplying Jamaican grub Indymedia Ireland
  • His white shirt was grubby. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was " rather a grubby business '. THE GUARDSMEN
  • You lift a rotting log with one hand and pry out juicy grubs with your other forefinger.
  • Four in ten of those polled said grub like stir fries and curries are easier to cook. The Sun
  • Make sure you wear clothes that you don't mind getting a bit grubby. The Sun
  • Squash any grub and, if the plant is worth saving, wash the roots and pot up into new compost.
  • The star's appearance these days is grubby white. The Sun
  • More best of British grub came in the form of a porky charred Cumberland sausage served on smooth, fresh mash.
  • Our enthusiastic waitron, Shano, had not been briefed about the Sterling Light Lager Pub With Grub competition so we filled him in then ordered drinks.
  • That you are banned from the shops because you are a grubby, low-life thief.
  • Yet a populist ethic scorning them as money grubbers who mystified the law while profiting from the miseries of others has persisted.
  • Agitated adrenaline is the perfect tool for combatting stupid co-workers, coffee grubbers and work that you have no desire to do.
  • Yes they are a bit grubby at times but that was my only concern.
  • Let's hope she likes witchetty grubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Set in various dusty and grubby locales across the world, it's essentially a photorealistic scramble in various juicy cars. The Sun
  • All the while, a gang of greedy grubbers was taking 11 million dollars worth of that money.
  • Use them to help scrub down grubby bathroom tiles and really get to the gritty bits. The Sun
  • He was clothed in a soiled tunic and long trousers that barely hid his bronzed feet and grubby toenails.
  • BWith that, Kevin darts to the salad bar and dips his grubby fingers into the crouton jar.
  • Think what ranting about a grubby bathroom could get you. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is at odds with the grubbiness of what he does to the point of getting obsessed with the cleanness of his immediate surroundings: when his medication accidentally disappears down a drain, he cleans his apartment with a toothbrush.
  • Rising food costs have also caused people to shun fresh veg for cheaper, less healthy grub. The Sun
  • Jeff Tomberlin, a Texas A&M entomologist, is looking into the possibility that black soldier fly larvae -- "grubs" to the uninitiated -- could be used to turn livestock manure into high-protein feed. Laws and Science
  • _Hazaret Aallum-pennah, Salamet: fooker Darceish, ce jehaun-gesht hastam; ke mia emadam az wellageti door, yanne as muik Ingliz-stan, ke kessanion pesheen mushacar cardand, _ _ke wellageti mazcoor der akeri magrub bood, ke mader hamma jezzaereti dunia ast, &c. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • Compared to Watkins, Atlantis is a bit grubby and poorly lit and the place is stacked with arcane junk.
  • `I saw his picture in the Grub," he explained in his precise, punctilious voice. POLITICAL SUICIDE
  • We have rigged up a sun shelter and have just dined, our "scoff" (Kaffir for "grub") being bread and bully beef. A Yeoman's Letters Third Edition
  • Removing the larvae by hand by slitting the stem and digging out the grubs with a knife is labor-intensive, but effective.
  • Small birds are having trouble feeding, as the insects and grubs are not there yet. Times, Sunday Times
  • We skipped this because we didn't want our shiny white trainers to get grubby. Times, Sunday Times
  • The story goes that he was working in a café one night when a pop star popped in for some grub.
  • Jacob Welse was there now, and his grub-stores; so they wintered in the frost and groped in the frozen muck for gold. CHAPTER 5
  • She drew a candle from the grub-box and lighted it. A DAY'S LODGING
  • The group had been told to dress "grubby," bring tools, and, now, to "buddy up. Books: “Nothing Right”
  • Of course no one should need to rely on free grub. The Sun
  • Grubby politicians kiss babies; but these two cynical opportunists have chosen to exploit emaciated infants with distended bellies as the visual soundbite for 2005.
  • Nigel Collinson writes from Sutton-on-the-Forest wanting to know if the eggs and grubs of vine weevils will survive in the frozen compost of containers.
  • The star's appearance these days is grubby white. The Sun
  • Rolling over to find sweet relief from his side, he stared blankly at the ceiling, a grubby grotto of sepia walls.
  • The 'Closer' beauty thinks she has only been so successful because of her looks, but has admitted she and her actress friends are "grubbier" than most women and often look "ugly" when they wake up wearing last night's hairstyle and make-up. disgusting after showbiz parties. - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • Otherwise you're just another crude mesomorph leaning up against the singles bar of evolution, his big grubby paw in the pretzels. My Brain is a Pre-Historic Babe Magnet
  • The grubs feed mainly on decayed vegetation at first.
  • The baby was clutching his dummy tightly in his grubby fist.
  • We were all admiring her British stiff upper lip as she gobbled down a witchetty grub as if it were a bar of chocolate.
  • Kellogg had termed his grubstake, before he knew it. The Fortune Hunter
  • The inevitable happened: it split, disgorging various grubby items onto the road that should have remained a secret between me and the service wash woman at the laundrette.
  • Too much yeast in his gut means starchy and sugary grub is fermented into alcohol. The Sun
  • The grubs that you see in the lawn are the larvae of Japanese beetles, June beetles, and chafers.
  • But the grub that eats the plant is the witchetty grub.
  • They sure took on class when they got meat to get outside of; but it goes against the grain feedin 'dog-critters on grub that's worth two and THE STAMPEDE TO SQUAW CREEK
  • Frankly, with the new roof there to offer contrast, the slates looked pretty grubby.
  • As for grub, you have your choice of a traditional snack bar, ice cream treats, hot dogs, pizza or a trip to the coffee bar.
  • I can not bear this obscene, grubbing curiosity about the affairs of others, it has never failed to repel me.
  • She sprinkled pepper on my grub, watching me nosh.
  • About 50 years ago they got so unroyally grubby that abbey authorities would not permit even antiquarians to see them.
  • He did not introduce these practices himself, for he received them from teachers such as Ta bu Pe-ma Baz-ra and Dak-po Kel-zang Kay-drub (dwag po bskal bzang mkhas grub). The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part I)
  • Many birds of prey were hopping around on the ground, eating grubs and worms, unable to fly because of the lack of thermals.
  • Martyn then gave the home side clear breathing space as he raced through to meet Long's grubber kick and kicked forward and gathered to cross after lucky deflection off the posts.
  • Is this romantic or just a bit grubby? The Sun
  • 'There's a differency between a grub and a butterfly; yet your butterfly was a grub.' The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • If the early stand loss is a result of seedcorn maggot, wireworm, grubs, or early cutworm infestation, timely response with rescue treatments may not be feasible.
  • In Rugby, you can pull a dummy, kick the ball up and under, or a grubber kick, or a long sideline punt.
  • About 13,500 festival-goers feasted from more than 80 stalls on over 10,000 whitebait patties, "westcargots" - snails in garlic butter - duck giblets, mountain oysters, exotic sausages, huhu grubs, pickled and raw punga and wasp-larvae icecream. - Stuff

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