
How To Use Growling In A Sentence

  • The bears are growling loudly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although he had not howled once, his snarling and growling, combined with his thirst, had hoarsened his throat and dried the mucous membranes of his mouth so that he was incapable, except under the sheerest provocation, of further sound. CHAPTER XVI
  • The girls attained dark expressions and each of them started growling slightly.
  • Who knows, after a few steins you may even be able to understand what he's growling about.
  • But the Lion explained that the animals were holding a meeting, and he judged by their snarling and growling that they were in great trouble. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
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  • I was aware of the odd skirmish with dogs growling at each other and even a very occasional bark.
  • Growling and sweating the ursine fellow untied the knot, picking at it with clumsy claws, then reeled her down fast. A TIME OF WAR
  • Had to set parameters when I found him growling, tied to the table leg with a skipping rope round his neck. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • The animal keeps barking and growling, snarling at my unfamiliar scent.
  • Presently a sheepdog in the valley below gave a surly, growling bark. THE LEGEND OF CAPTAIN SPACE
  • I think I made a small growling sound. Times, Sunday Times
  • The werewolf bared its fangs in a mirthless grin and made a low growling sound that sounded chillingly like laughter.
  • Her boiler now makes loud growling noises that wake the household up at night. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deep in the night, he came awake to the sound of growling, like animals fighting. A Plague of Angels
  • But the Lion explained that the animals were holding a meeting, and he judged by their snarling and growling that they were in great trouble. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  • Dylan's vocals are quite muscular; he attacks the lyrics like a boxer, shouting, growling and bending words in effort to wring new meanings from them.
  • The two asura trundled along behind this advancing wedge, trailed by a watchful Caithe and a growling Garm. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • When I say "growling," by the way, I mean literally growling, his years as a bona fide seadog -- Norwegian trawler? Neurosurgical Intervention For Beginners
  • And there is no reason for the perpetration of these crimes, except in the pitiable case of the mendicant journals, at the sanctum door of 'which the wolf of bankruptcy is always growling. EDITORIAL CRIMES – A PROTEST
  • There was no need for me to look up to find every single pair of hungry wolf eyes glaring at me, fangs bared and growling.
  • She is chased by a growling dog. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unhappy and unnerved she hears the scratching, growling and barking of battle going on outside.
  • The cat fell into a tangle of leaves and vegetation growling in pain and anger.
  • But growling is sometimes a duty; and the traveler might well be suspected of being a "dead head," or a sneak, who did not find frequent occasion for its performance, among the notoriously careless, make-shift, impersistent people of the South. A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States; With Remarks on Their Economy
  • He looked like he was about to deliver a cutting reply, but he was interrupted by a loud growling noise.
  • In return he feigned anger, bristling and growling ferociously, and clipping his teeth together in snaps that had all the seeming of deadly intention. The Call of Kind
  • Even the fierce "huskies" had become tame, and liked to be upset and tousled about and dragged on their backs growling fierce but mock protest. The Silent Places
  • His face crumpled in disgust, and he made a low growling noise in the back of his throat. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am growling inwardly, and I keep finding non-existent excuses to disappear for coffee.
  • The gravely, growling voice is shot to bits, the performances are hokey, the ad-libs too frequent, and the constant crowd noises irritating.
  • Oliver could feel a slight rumble now, growling louder.
  • Kids of all colors flocked to see Reggie Hammond (Murphy), the cool black dude with his Armani threads and Porsche wheels, outslick Jack Cates (Nick Nolte), the slob honky cop with his gangrened convertible and epithetgrowling mouth. The Boys Are Back In Town
  • They will keep out the growling, rasping or fluty snoring sounds from the ears of bedfellows and allow them to sleep peacefully.
  • Growling softly to myself I leant down to pick up my stuff, my papers scattered everywhere.
  • Growling, she grabbed her juice box and squirted the nearest girl with it.
  • “It is a shame,” I heard Johnson growling in painfully slow and correct English. Chapter 6
  • And then I carefully sipped champagne as I mingled but my stomach kept growling so I went back to put a schmear of cheese torte on a water cracker.
  • By 11.30 pm, my stomach was growling and I was lying horizontal on the sofa yawning, as she made mention yet again of leaving.
  • But the fight lasted so long that he had time to cry himself out and to experience a second burst of courage; and the end of the battle found him again clinging to a hind-leg and furiously growling between his teeth. The Law of Meat
  • His face crumpled in disgust, and he made a low growling noise in the back of his throat. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think I made a small growling sound. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was wailing in grief then growling in rage. The Sun
  • There shall be no growling about the kaikai, which will be above allowance. The Ebb-Tide
  • I was sitting on the bench and I suppose I was growling a little bit.
  • The result is not exactly St Vincent: Unplugged - there is a bonkers clavinet solo on Northern Lights and growling electronics on Chloe in the Afternoon. Evening Standard - Home
  • Well that's the first song done then; Tom Waits grumbling and growling like only he can, beatboxing now too, just for kicks, while his son breaks a turntable.
  • When we do have a meal, its just solely to fill up the growling tums.
  • She began hissing and growling this horrible low grumble like something from a Stephen King novel.
  • Her boiler now makes loud growling noises that wake the household up at night. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a promptitude that was absolutely terrifying the two lines of red shirts began to draw together, voices growling bodingly, fists clinching, eyes narrowing with the reviving hatred of old contests. The Skipper and the Skipped Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul
  • The sight and sound of predominately young males parading around the county with stereos thumping and large exhausts growling is a growing nuisance.
  • Picking up the cup of milk with bound hands I kicked the food back at the stringy, oily servant, growling and muttering a warning.
  • He emits a low, growling chuckle when I point this out. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was after this that Joe pitched in his two penn'orth; I may have dozed, for I was suddenly aware that he was nearby, whispering angrily, and J.B. was snapping back at him: indeed, the first words I heard were J.B. growling to him to keep his place and mind who he was talking to. THE NUMBERS
  • In print, on his radio show and in private, the growling newshound frequently castigates reporters for not breaking bigger and better stories.
  • Although he had not howled once, his snarling and growling, combined with his thirst, had hoarsened his throat and dried the mucous membranes of his mouth so that he was incapable, except under the sheerest provocation, of further sound. CHAPTER XVI
  • Seconds later, the squad and two larger rigs were gone in a flurry of sirens, growling engines and diesel exhaust.
  • She lay with her chin on her forearms, deliciously amused at the sight of Wolf plunging through the shallows, growling like an amphibious tiger.
  • My friend Jeff Z. Klein at the New York Times put together a classic post, showing clips of fan reactions to the win all over the country - and the chants of "U.S.A." to my ear, at least here in Germany, sounded happy and joyous, of course, but also with a kind of growling heavy-handedness. Steve Kettmann: Donovan's Amazing Feat: Making U.S. One With the Rest of the World
  • I never noticed the passing of time, until the light coming in the window disappeared, and my stomach started growling.
  • I was snarling and growling like a tigress defending her territory.
  • Their spine-decalcifying caterwauls - a sequence of whuffings, snarlings and growlings - have evoked satanic visions since the first European settlers arrived on the island of Tasmania more than a century ago. International Herald Tribune - World News, Analysis, and Global Opinions
  • There's a dog growling, a cat hissing, a fox snarling, a wolf with flattened ears, and a winged creature extending its claws.
  • The monks' chanting is heard as a deep growling sound, which is the result of producing three octaves simultaneously (not unlike a female yak, we are led to believe).
  • Her ears were filled with the whirr of insect wings, the growling of lions, the hiss and rattle of hot stones baking in the relentless Sun, the crunch of sand and parched Earth under her foot.
  • After some most extraordinary bargaining and after tempting him with solid, visible gold, we each secured a scjambok and a knobkerry at exorbitant prices, and left him even then grumbling and growling. In the Ranks of the C.I.V.
  • As well as snarling, growling and showing teeth and gums, a dog that is showing a lot of white in the eye should be avoided. Times, Sunday Times
  • Martin, growling savagely at the yobs, daring them to interfere.
  • A Berber in scarlet livery brought in a yearling bear on a chain, dragging its paws on the floor and growling.
  • Instead, there will be more growling at hedge fund speculators and a bit more regulation of derivatives and the eurozone will stumble to the next crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the Lion explained that the animals were holding a meeting, and he judged by their snarling and growling that they were in great trouble. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  • She is chased by a growling dog. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ken let out a loud sigh, which almost sounded like a dog growling.
  • Her boiler now makes loud growling noises that wake the household up at night. Times, Sunday Times
  • I started running away from the ugly monster but it started chasing me and growling.
  • Many times I would answer the phone and be informed by an angry, growling voice that my father should be killed for his opinions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whole house filled with sweet smells and the sound of growling bellies echoed through the walls.
  • She was wailing in grief then growling in rage. The Sun
  • Trunnion no sooner heard him mention the cause of her disorder, than his morosity recurring, he burst out into a violent fit of cursing, and forthwith betook himself again to his hammock, where he lay, uttering, in a low growling tone of voice, a repetition of oaths and imprecations, for the space of four-and-twenty hours, without ceasing. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • It churns out the snarling vocals and growling guitar riffs required with a competence that is entirely unexpected. Times, Sunday Times
  • link The growling was a bit closer, but that's all we got. Gillpolack: A thunderstorm is coming, so I shall be
  • The bears are growling loudly. Times, Sunday Times
  • His tongue-in-cheek lyrics and sex-drenched growling vocals, gave a huge smackdown to the critics and music industry tools blatant ignorance of indie bands.
  • Her growling stomach gave her feet wings as Vareena chuckled softly and walked through the nearest door on her right.
  • Many times I would answer the phone and be informed by an angry, growling voice that my father should be killed for his opinions. Times, Sunday Times
  • We heard thunder growling in the distance.
  • Just beyond their embrace, their handlers pawed the ground, growling and barking on their hands and knees, held at bay by double semicircles etched in the dirt that demarcated their sides.
  • Aboriginal songs include many kinds of vocalizations ranging from growling, grunting, and shrieking to bitonal syllabic chanting.
  • I groan piteously, my stomach growling, echoing in the silence like a gunshot.
  • He sings it and throws it away as a party piece, with Wynton growling away on a rather intrusive muted trumpet.
  • It was after this that Joe pitched in his two penn'orth; I may have dozed, for I was suddenly aware that he was nearby, whispering angrily, and J.B. was snapping back at him: indeed, the first words I heard were J.B. growling to him to keep his place and mind who he was talking to. THE NUMBERS
  • Log in to Reply the gnarling teeth and growling wasn't enough.... Is the NRSC Maneuvering to Push Tom Ridge? - Erick’s blog - RedState
  • Those two were unplattied and smecking fit to crack in no time at all, and they thought it the bolshiest fun to viddy old Uncle Alex standing there all nagoy and pan-handled, squirting the hypo - dermic like some bare doctor, then giving myself the old jab of growling jungle-cat secretion in the rooker. Where's the show?
  • The four young pigs who had protested when Napoleon abolished the Meetings raised their voices timidly, but they were promptly silenced by a tremendous growling from the dogs. Animal Farm
  • The engine let out a growling rumble, the main thruster roaring in response, and they shot forward.
  • Think early prodigy fuzzed sub bass mixed with a growling Stranglers sound.
  • Down-stairs came Emily, dragging after her the unwilling Keeper, his hind legs set in a heavy attitude of resistance, held by the "scuft of his neck," but growling low and savagely all the time. Life of Charlotte Brontë — Volume 1
  • His face crumpled in disgust, and he made a low growling noise in the back of his throat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Maggot was growling to himself, relishing the confrontation.
  • He emits a low, growling chuckle when I point this out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who Will Save Your Soul" features Jewel folkily crooning, growling like a blueswoman (albeit a white blueswoman from Alaska), and cooing like a six-year-old, all within the 12 seconds or so of the insufferable chorus. Tony Sachs and Sal Nunziato: If Music Be The Food Of Love, These Songs Are Fried Pork Rinds
  • Fang spat at the ground by Talon's hindquarters, growling.
  • Deep in the night, he came awake to the sound of growling, like animals fighting. A Plague of Angels
  • Mr. Freeman growling at the use of a Greek word, and he exclaimed, "Why can't you speak English and say Home Rule, instead of using Greek, which you don't know! Philip Gilbert Hamerton An Autobiography, 1834-1858, and a Memoir by His Wife, 1858-1894
  • He emits a low, growling chuckle when I point this out. Times, Sunday Times
  • A growling voice comes from deep behind the mask, the steely blue eyes fixing on me. Times, Sunday Times
  • The constant shrilling chatter from the parrots and the growling sounds of the other animals would drive even me insane.
  • The brown-haired boy mussed his hair in exasperation, growling in his frustration.
  • I turned to pick up a cookie and that dumb dog was growling again.
  • I found the soldiers growling at the idea of lugging all the boards and timbers down to the river. Field and Forest The Fortunes of a Farmer
  • Growling softly at the guard, pretending to be my usual, ornery self and blaming him for the shortness of chain.
  • He felt his stomach growling, and decided the time was ripe for some food.
  • Or other effects such as purring, growling or meowing, and even leaping about. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • In response, there was a high-pitched growling noise from behind the clothes-press, but no Christabel emerged. Daring Deception
  • Taken together, its blunderbuss approach to law enforcement has watchdog groups growling.
  • Standing high on my pedals and growling threateningly, I launch into a tirade of woofs, barks, snarls and bow wow wows, praying that the Bulgarian dogs understand my Australian accent.
  • The fighters are grappling on the floor, tearing at each other, screaming abuse and growling like animals.
  • Sporting a scarlet shirt under his dark jacket, he was in growling good humour.
  • The dog was biting, growling and wagging its tail.
  • Just as one leather-jacketed, slouching renegade by name of Jim Steel took me under his musical wing, to open my ears to the glories of The Stooges, The Ramones, Radio Birdman and suchlike, it was one surgical-gowned, growling reprobate by name of Fergus Bannon who opened up my eyes, searing his scribblings on the inside of my skull -- right at the back, by the medulla oblongata, the snake-brain. Archive 2009-12-01
  • He was disorientated at the sudden time change and growling darkly at the thought of the jet lag he was going to have for the next few weeks.
  • The dogs were leaping and growling at the full stretch of their chains.
  • He was angrily growling in his throat as he padded through a pair of trees.
  • Best answer: "The 'growling' is your intestines scraping each other. ... Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
  • His face crumpled in disgust, and he made a low growling noise in the back of his throat. Times, Sunday Times
  • They've got this one organ sound that mimics a growling, overdriven axe with startling fidelity, and which, along with the deep waves of the low end, ballasts the mutant barrelhouse boogie.
  • His face crumpled in disgust, and he made a low growling noise in the back of his throat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The title compares those advocating the protection of the Amazon's resources to a barnyard dog growling over food that it does not eat but will not let others have. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • The rest of the house was completely dark with the exclusion of bright flashes of lightning every other minute or so, followed by a quiet growling thunder.
  • As they were all about to lie their heads down and succumb to the sandman, they heard a low growling in the shrubs nearby that got increasingly louder by the minute.
  • A little while later, he could hear the sounds of something sizzling, and a rich, meaty smell began to dissipate through the air, setting his stomach to growling and reminding him of his hunger.
  • There may less growling this time round, but Old Souls & Wolf Tickets still retains the previous record's good-time stew of jazz, blues and rock and roll.
  • Miles away a thunderhead had begun its afternoon romp and was growling lazily.
  • His growling voice, verging on the world-weary, hints at the ancient blues roots of his songs.
  • She is chased by a growling dog. Times, Sunday Times
  • An athletic boy with dark hair and muddy gray eyes like fish scales stood growling at him.
  • The Disneyland Haunted Mansion has added a kind of growling chuckling to the ride's end, after the "Hurry baaa-ck, hurry baaa-ck" sequence. Boing Boing: March 17, 2002 - March 23, 2002 Archives
  • His familiar growling voice was notably weaker, barely audible at times. Times, Sunday Times
  • This set Mr. Freeman growling at the use of a Greek word, and he exclaimed, “Why can't you speak English and say Home Rule, instead of using Greek, which you don't know!” Philip Gilbert Hamerton
  • Down-stairs came Emily, dragging after her the unwilling Keeper, his hind legs set in a heavy attitude of resistance, held by the “scuft of his neck,” but growling low and savagely all the time. The Life of Charlotte Bronte
  • Deep in the night, he came awake to the sound of growling, like animals fighting. A Plague of Angels
  • She was wailing in grief then growling in rage. The Sun
  • Growling in from left is Warren Miller, the puckish godfather of extreme-ski cinema and our nation's original ski bum.
  • Other details: Have the mouse talk in a squeaky mouse voice and the lion in a deep growling voice.
  • The vicious inhuman growling made her shake and soon she could feel it's hot breath against her cheeks.
  • But today, as I set to the grass and weeds there was a mighty judder, and instead of purring like a tiger as it should it began growling like a wounded hyena.
  • The gravely, growling voice is shot to bits, the performances are hokey, the ad-libs too frequent, and the constant crowd noises irritating.
  • I was squealing with delight at the tricks his middle finger was playing when suddenly Captain leapt on us growling.
  • Such a mix is not exactly a ready-made means for triumph, but Mr. Hegarty wields it with disquieting power and grace, whether whispering through spells of ethereality or growling with an energy that is at once pent-up and unencumbered. Brazen Beats and Metal Mayhem
  • We could hear them growling to each other in German, punctuated by an occasional English oath, as they stumbled forward in the dark. My Lady of Doubt
  • The massive white tiger that had been laying on the ground nearby, asleep, was awake now, and lopped towards them, growling softly.
  • He'd got himself the Light Cavalry Brigade, which had sent a great groan through every hussar and lancer regiment in the army, and was even fuller of bounce than usual - his ridiculous lisp and growling "haw-haw" seemed to sound everywhere you went, and he was full of brag about how he and his beloved Cherrypickers would be the elite advanced force of the army. The Sky Writer
  • As well as snarling, growling and showing teeth and gums, a dog that is showing a lot of white in the eye should be avoided. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then growling deeply, he brings his face a little closer and lets out a deep roar.
  • I think I made a small growling sound. Times, Sunday Times
  • Driving of them, and they won't go," thought the watcher; and the speaker, a stunted-looking Malay with a short, iron-spiked implement, somewhat like the iron of a boat-hook, in his hand, came into sight between the huge pachyderms and the door, shouting and growling at his charge as he waved the hook and progged the nearest beast as if trying to drive them away. Trapped by Malays A Tale of Bayonet and Kris
  • As well as snarling, growling and showing teeth and gums, a dog that is showing a lot of white in the eye should be avoided. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you listen closely you'll hear the lambs gamboling and the wolf growling away in the low brass.
  • The sight and sound of predominately young males parading around the county with stereos thumping and large exhausts growling is a growing nuisance.
  • She began hissing and growling this horrible low grumble like something from a Stephen King novel.
  • Growling deep in his throat, he disentangled himself from her hair and rose to his feet quickly.
  • I don't know; tomorrow I may back to my frustrated growling, howling, ululating madly as a Mad Hatter at that big-eyed, roley-poley, FULL-ASS moon. Freedom on the March
  • It was a real Chicago-sounding track, especially when Peter overdubbed a growling harmonica part, a la Little Walter. ɘloЯ
  • I was alone at home working on a project when I heard Austin barking and growling in a fierce "Danger's Here, Get Out Here Now, Boss" voice. When Good Dogs Die
  • Indeed they looked like trapped tigers growling deep in their throats.
  • Picking up the cup of milk with bound hands I kicked the food back at the stringy, oily servant, growling and muttering a warning.
  • The flash came down with a growling roar, dazzled my eyes and deafened my ears.
  • The buffet-fiend inside her was growling as she got carried away like always and had numerous helpings of the aromatic biryani, spicy qorma and syrupy firni. Bloggers.Pakistan
  • Barnabas dashed down the stairs and crouched by the mail slot, growling.
  • Fang was growling responsively, the crooning note of the growl more pronounced than ever. The Love-Master
  • It churns out the snarling vocals and growling guitar riffs required with a competence that is entirely unexpected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aboriginal songs include many kinds of vocalizations ranging from growling, grunting, and shrieking to bitonal syllabic chanting.
  • Many times I would answer the phone and be informed by an angry, growling voice that my father should be killed for his opinions. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lion paced up and down the cage, growling.
  • She looked back, and saw that the catawampus was growling on the brink, unable to catch her here. Roc and a Hard Place
  • Late in the afternoon, thunder growling , that same old green pickup rolled in and he saw Jack get out of the truck, beat-up Resistol tilted back.
  • We congregated in the shade beneath the granary floor, my dogs growling at their new companions. Fire The Sky
  • The fighters are grappling on the floor, tearing at each other, screaming abuse and growling like animals.
  • It is a shame," I heard Johnson growling in painfully slow and correct English. Chapter 6
  • I retreated a single small step and suddenly the claws were at my neck again, a low growling in my ear.
  • I feel like growling, packing a bag and heading for a remote desert island where only the wind bothers to whisper.
  • Growling , in addition, such phrase as " Ah! Yes! You're religious, too.
  • I could imitate many sounds, such as mewing of a cat, the barking, howling and growling of a dog, &c. A Thrilling Sketch of the Life of the Distinguished Chief Okah Tubbee Alias, Wm. Chubbee, Son of the Head Chief, Mosholeh Tubbee, of the Choctaw Nation of Indians
  • He went into the apartment block and I turned around and saw wolves growling at me.
  • Growling irritably to himself, he quickly scanned through a few pages of the history tomes and documents but they proved to be dry streams.
  • Some animals, particularly four young porkers, seem upset by this, but the dogs start growling and put an end to all discussion.
  • His face crumpled in disgust, and he made a low growling noise in the back of his throat. Times, Sunday Times
  • I cough, my stomach growling and gurgling, my whole body shaking, which disturbs the creature and makes it shift more.
  • I am growling inwardly, and I keep finding non-existent excuses to disappear for coffee.
  • The bungalow is large but rambling, and my room was one built out at the end, with six windows with solid shutters, of which Mr. Ferney closed all but two, and half closed those, because of a tiger which is infesting the immediate neighborhood of the house, and whose growling, they say, is most annoying. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • Every sound of life in the Everglades comes to life, with cicadas whining, birds chirping, gators growling - this is one of the most immersive audio environments I've heard on such a low-rent flick.
  • It churns out the snarling vocals and growling guitar riffs required with a competence that is entirely unexpected. Times, Sunday Times
  • He crouched in a cold sweat as the black Lab scratched at the door; growling.
  • Arthur grinned as he envisaged a leonine Uncle Louis growling at Alicia's suitor, then pouncing on him and chasing him out of the house.
  • The first one brings out the congas and growling bass line to underscore Kanamori's string of curses, both at regular speed and drastically slowed down for added queasiness.
  • The young malamute can pass through an adolescent stage where it attempts to assert itself by growling.
  • The lines formed into elephants chewing sugarcane, tigers prowling and lions growling and then colour was filled to bring alive the green surroundings of the zoo.
  • Right there with you on all counts, though you didn't mention my favorite actor in the movie, Tom Waits as the bowler-hatted, junkyard-growling Mr. Nick ..... The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
  • Michael, in Steward's arms, was snarling and growling intimidatingly, not merely at the cow whale but at all the hostile and menacing universe that had thrown panic into the two-legged gods of his floating world. CHAPTER XV
  • The bears are growling loudly. Times, Sunday Times

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