
How To Use Grower In A Sentence

  • The hot-cross buns are still iced by hand in the bakery, and the produce comes primarily from local growers in season.
  • The industry is highly vertically integrated, with poultry production companies (known as integrators) contracting with farmers (referred to as growers) to raise the birds prior to slaughter Number of broilers and other meat-type chickens sold in the United States, 2007 (Source: USDA Census of Agriculture, 2007). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • An agency will be set up by the municipality to buy the flowers from the growers and market it for them.
  • How to go local• Support local farmers by shopping at a farmers market, or buy a share in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) group, a community of individuals who pledge to support a farm operation so growers and consumers share the risks and benefits of food production. With summer here, consider eating more locally grown foods
  • Agricultural pesticides may be applied by farmworkers or growers to reduce infestations of insects or rodents.
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  • The Alsace growers ferment their wines to complete dryness.
  • Many growers are heavily mortgaged and have reduced equity in their farms, which makes them less attractive to lenders.
  • Will the grower lose all expenses and other tax deductions relating to his or her small business or farming enterprise?
  • In the Pacific Northwest, for example, apple growers adorn their trees with dispensers that saturate the air with the chemical sex attractant, or pheromone, of female codling moths.
  • It also states, as I mentioned at the start of my speech: ‘In a referendum held in April-May 2002, 96.9% of wool grower respondents voted in favour of winding up the Wool Board.’
  • In others, village growers simply find it more remunerative to sell coca to drug dealers than to market pineapples at the local mercado.
  • Growers depend on farmer's market sales, and buyers still need to be educated that the better looking apricot isn't necessarily the best tasting.
  • The chorus is a real grower, complete with excellent guitar flourishes.
  • Woad robs the soil of nutrients, forcing medieval woad growers in Europe to move frequently in search of uncultivated land.
  • Beginner bonsai growers will be able to enjoy demonstrations on styling and repotting trees, and there will also be specialist tools available for sale.
  • But the grower is still working out some kinks before she claims a brand name. Matthew Yglesias » Marijuana Legalization as a Revenue Enhancer
  • Lots of music was growers, the kind you had to play over and over until it clicked.
  • These people have proven themselves to be a valuable asset to growers in this district.
  • The new varieties of wheat are good growers even in poor soil.
  • The first major auction of this year 's crop was held last week after a poor year for growers. The Sun
  • In fact, corn farmers probably have as big a stake in sugar quotas as do sugar growers!
  • Another slow grower identified as M. xenopi also matched with the identification based on biochemical tests.
  • Pat Gibbons, specialist acer grower, from Hippopottering Nursery at East Lound, Haxey, Doncaster, was hoping to catch the public's eye in the Great Pavilion with a new pink variety, Acer Palmatium Taylor.
  • In the 1920s, they were leaders in a series of bloody strikes that crippled Hawaiian sugar cane growers.
  • You could plant some tall growers, such as Cleome hasslerana, which is a favorite of hummingbirds, and at their feet cluster a few dwarf dahlias and some alyssum, which are easily grown in planters.
  • Almost every grower had little option but to trap bullfinches (using cage-traps complete with a live decoy) during the winter and spring.
  • Citrus growers, dairymen, the grain-milling industry, pickle producers - almost anyone could and did make extravagant claims.
  • The shrimp growers are reacting violently.
  • There are very few frustrations as a grain grower -- other than the fact that the market hasn't been there this past year -- but we were very blessed by the Lord to have our crops sold when many others had to sit on their crops. Maria Rodale: Message From Montana
  • What a vigorous grower, for instance, is the Ribston pippin, an English apple. Birds and Bees, Sharp Eyes and Other Papers
  • Nymphaea William Falconer, a medium grower, would be a better choice for the average pond.
  • In 1997, Oregon seed growers produced nearly 640 million pounds of grass seed on 439,000 acres of cropland.
  • Alex Robson's bleak view of the sugar industry is challenged by the Queensland Canegrowers Organisation.
  • Growers began to hybridize these native species with other varieties imported to Hawaii, which produced the huge kaleidoscope of colors and sizes available today.
  • Since there is a potential mycotoxin threat with scab, growers should determine if scab is present in their fields.
  • He is now preparing information for distribution to commercial rose growers and to retail nurseries to give advice on controlling the pests.
  • He makes 35 cents for every pail he empties onto his grower's truck, which means he must fill and dump at least 20 pails an hour if he wants to earn more than his base wage of $6.98.
  • One bad harvest could wipe out all of a grower's profits for the previous two years.
  • He added that this is undermining the confidence consumers have in the quality and tractability of Irish potatoes with potentially very damaging consequences for growers.
  • Vegetable grower in central Florida are selling big crops of lettuce at prices that have been pushed abnormally high by the Winter, spring rains that made California lettuce scarce and unappetizing.
  • This is because correct land selection is the most important aspect every grower should consider before tilling their land.
  • Remarkably, U.S. government subsidies [to American cotton growers] ... (approximately, $4 billion in 2000) exceed ... the entire USAID [foreign aid] for the continent of Arica. Jonathan Lewis: The Shirt off Your Back (VIDEO)
  • A Some growers dip rose stems in paraffin wax to stop them drying out after being dug up for dispatch. The Sun
  • JASON IRWIN, MEDICAL MARIJUANA ENTREPRENEUR: The growers deal with a lot of the poundage, which is where the dollars are. CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2009
  • Some suppliers have large quantity minimums and it may be worthwhile to go in with other area growers for an order.
  • It worked, and since then we have raised much material, both from further offsets, as well as from seed, and distributed material to other growers.
  • Fruit growers are gathering in a bumper crop .
  • These songs are not growers, and if you aren't careful, they can coagulate into mush rather quickly.
  • Whereas in the U.S, though only three species of wild balsam occur, the balsam growers' revenue exceeds $250,000,00 a year.
  • For fruit and nut crops, pollination can be a grower's only real chance to increase yield.
  • The farmer and grower is faced at present with an almost impossible situation. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • Chavez and his United Farm Workers union battled California grape growers by nonviolent protests.
  • The vintner is, in fact, descended from a long line of fruit growers and winemakers.
  • This third type, called controlled drainage, allows the grower to set the drainage outlet at any level between the ground surface and the drainpipe.
  • The discoveries may help thousands of wheat and barley growers envisioning a repeat of the original aphid's damage.
  • Nymphaea William Falconer, a medium grower, would be a better choice for the average pond.
  • Chardonnay from one of the most orthodox of all organic growers. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • Attracting females directly would allow growers to eliminate the females and their unlaid eggs and to monitor mating cycles more precisely.
  • Just remember when you see that sign in a store it is the farmer or grower paying for it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The universal use of systemic fungicides would eliminate smut and bunt diseases as problems to wheat growers.
  • All counties in Florida with commercial citrus growers have got it. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are a vigorous grower spreading by underground root and tolerate many types of soil.
  • He was an expert grower of alpines, rhododendrons and azaleas, and spent his last afternoon working in his garden.
  • This is not to say that organic growers do entirely without pesticides. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • Many growers produced few or none of the pale green olives. Times, Sunday Times
  • All counties in Florida with commercial citrus growers have got it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flower growers cut chrysanthemum blooms soon after the green colour disappeared from the centre of the flowers and harvested pompons when fully developed, but they gathered orchids only when the blooms were fully open.
  • Take the three-cornered drug market that links cocaine growers in Latin America, traffickers in West Africa, and users in Europe.
  • If a grower is considering a nitrogen application but the nitrate quick test shows enough nitrogen is already present, perhaps a side-dress can be skipped," Smith said. Western Farm Press RSS Feed
  • By next year, the self-taught coffee grower hopes to have 200,000 plants producing first-class arabica - the gourmet's choice, already grown in Madagascar for the domestic market - from his estate in the mountains.
  • They're not the biggest fruit grower in the world, but they do have a good grip on the market.
  • The single most destructive insect pest for Eastern growers - the infamous plum curculio - is unknown in the West.
  • There is no chemical cure and all growers can do is let the crop mature and hope the blackleg tubers will rot out.
  • In the meantime, tobacco growers grew discontented because of the low purchasing price of tobacco.
  • Today nearly all, more than 90% of poultry growers, survive on the terms dictated in unfair production contracts crafted by the likes of Tyson, Perdue and Pilgrim's Pride. Dave Murphy: Farmers Look for Justice in the Poultry Industry
  • The agreement was initially hailed as providing a boost for tomato and avocado growers, among others.
  • Make sure, though, that you have room to grow them: Wisterias are vigorous, even rampant growers.
  • To maintain the natural acid in wine grapes, growers plant in moderately warm regions, rather than hot, with cool nights that allow the vines to rest.
  • Farmers and growers are in rural locations where few people actually live. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, the influence of fertilizer application on insect abundance and plant damage should be considered in pest management strategies, particularly in improved/introduced high-yielding cultivars which are being tested in multilocational trials prior to their release to growers. 1. Designing integrated pest management for sustainable and productive futures.
  • The grower must use every precaution to avoid the possibility of the reintroduction of viruses once the new plantings are established.
  • In place of pesticides, organic growers employ biological controls such as predatory and parasitic insects and bacteria, all of which effectively control pests in growing flowers.
  • The farmer and grower is faced at present with an almost impossible situation. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • Terroir is the term grape growers use for the distinctive combination of where the grapes are grown, including the soil, the sun, and the wind. A Year of Wine
  • While Peter Pan may not flit around offering free peanut butter, low-cost foreign peanut growers do offer us their crops.
  • Now further hikes are expected after growers and distributors were hit. The Sun
  • Sugar growers use huge amounts of phosphorus-based fertilizer, most of which runs off into the Everglades and promotes the growth of exotic cattails in place of the native sawgrass.
  • Growers were asked to estimate the percentages of their sales that went through different market outlets.
  • Growers aren't sure why the cotton is difficult to get off this year, even though quality is unaffected.
  • Instead of peat, some growers are starting to use coir (fibers from coconut) as a potting mix component.
  • Superintendent Oates said once the growers had harvested their crops, they passed the dagga on to dealers who used various methods to transport it to the major cities.
  • This year's sunny weather has resulted in a bumper crop for British growers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The show has one of the finest displays of orchids from growers, orchid societies and botanical gardens around Europe. The Sun
  • That's for mechanical harvesting - the grape growers 'way of beating the unions.
  • Under the terms of the draft agreement, the growers commit themselves to installing scales to more accurately determine the cutters' share.
  • Other growers claim that the optimum is a short fast spurt. Food Watch
  • What is the price received by apple growers? Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Such plantings may be doomed to failure, regardless of the amount of pesticide a grower uses.
  • These fruits have been marketed by the farmers of California through their own marketing agency and are sold directly to your storekeeper from the farmers 'co-operative exchange belonging to and operated by the fruit growers of California. The Non-Partisan Movement
  • Sales from our only grower are up a third and bosses say that has been helped by a renewed interest in Britishness, both at home and abroad. The Sun
  • They are fast growers and tend to bloom over a much longer period than perennial climbers such as clematis and honeysuckle.
  • If left unchecked, botrytis will kill grapes and can be a big problem to vine growers.
  • Ergot-infested grain should never be fed to pregnant animals and should be used sparingly in grower / finisher pig diets.
  • Ministers have grown used to preening themselves over Britain's unaccustomed role last year as the fastest grower among the Group of Seven leading world economies.
  • The upshot is that grape-growers do not have to spend vast amounts of cash on pesticides.
  • Best bets are often at Farmer's Markets, where the growers take primo care of what they're selling and often they encourage sampling before you buy.
  • The purple varieties can be quite beautiful, but they are far less vigorous growers and there has been a noticeable falloff in the purpleness of both the above varieties since their introduction.
  • To spread compost in the vineyard, Roth recommends a wet-lime spreader, which many growers already have.
  • Instead of selling their product to middlemen before it makes its way onto the world commodity markets, the growers have a direct, long-term relationship with the people buying their crop.
  • In 1804 a special grant of Congress enabled a group of French Swiss winegrowers to settle on the Ohio and establish the town of Vevay, Indiana.
  • A Some growers dip rose stems in paraffin wax to stop them drying out after being dug up for dispatch. The Sun
  • But some local growers are concerned about the excessive use of chemical pesticides. The Sun
  • Wheat growers are expecting their worst crop ever.
  • IF you are the proud grower of a very tall sunflower, you could be on to a winner. The Sun
  • A soldier stands over an altar in a camp used by marijuana growers during a marijuana destruction operation in the Sierra de Juarez in Ensenada, Mexico on Thursday Sept. 30, 2010.
  • However, more skilful growers and more determined winery owners have pushed several recent examples to heights heretofore not achieved, often with a stiffening soupçon of Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • The grower-vintner is losing money on the low end and hoping to make it back in other price sectors. Why so few tasty American wines under $12? Wine importer Bobby Kacher | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • The farmers, who supply Watsonia about 130 baconers a week from their farm at Tenindewa, have won the Watsonia Contract Grower of the Year Award in the category of more than 4000 pigs supplied per annum.
  • The single most destructive insect pest for Eastern growers - the infamous plum curculio - is unknown in the West.
  • Whenever soil is highly contaminated with sclerotia, growers must rotate to a crop like wheat, which is prone to scab, instead of to other Sclerotinia-susceptible broadleaf crops, such as soybeans, dry beans, or canola.
  • On a cluster of six or seven bananas, growers are allowed only the equivalent of one shirt button-sized blemish and no more than two blemished bunches per 15 kg box.
  • This is the world's leading horticultural show, where growers uncover new plants and buyers find innovative products for garden centres. The Sun
  • There's talk among growers, particularly in South Australia, which has had two bad springs; that they're not going to grow as much durum as they have.
  • Middle-class growers often make a big show about how their activities bypass the criminal underworld. Times, Sunday Times
  • One heather grower now brands his ericas and callunas ‘The Honey Plant’ in order to make them more attractive to customers.
  • While it is interesting to know there are probably 300 different species of glads with new hybrids appearing every year, most casual growers purchase bulbs based on colour and size.
  • Rose growers exhibited sumptuous displays within the floral pavilion, as usual, but the large show gardens barely featured them at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even gloomy January is a good time to visit the region - at the end of the month, every village celebrates the feast of Saint Vincent, the patron saint of winegrowers.
  • The fertiliser will be particularly beneficial for the organic noni growers.
  • Specialist growers have experimented with garlic from all over Europe and breed the best strains suited to our climate.
  • Marloborough is up in arms over some wine company daring to compromise the quality aspirations of the region's winegrowers by shipping bag-in-box Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc to a UK supermarket chain.
  • The walnuts are an experiment but still make him this country's largest grower. Times, Sunday Times
  • West Country apple growers are warning of a cider drought after floods damaged or destroyed thousands of trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he notes that medical cannabis growers around the state continue to be prosecuted by local, state, and federal authorities.
  • Plus, playing it cool ... the dark secrets of an orchid grower And, who said Robins could sing?
  • So growers fused English walnut grafts onto the black walnut rootstock when trees reached a certain age.
  • The coalition now includes the steel and textile industries, the sugar industry, citrus growers, cattlemen and cotton producers. Globe and Mail
  • Many growers may feel overwhelmed as they struggle to keep abreast of potentially helpful developments.
  • Grain growers planting winter wheat will need a level of price guarantee for the harvest.
  • It is currently working with a small Newquay grower to source greengrocery, going as far as to work out specific varieties of produce to be grown throughout the year especially for its menu.
  • A small number of farmers have been delisted as Fair Trade growers as a result of the monitoring activities of their peers and the Certification Officer, usually because of herbicide use.
  • Meanwhile, Puffin Produce growers will be producing 500 acres of earlies on contract for retail giant, Asda.
  • I will not dwell on that, but I think it needs to be emphasised that the availability of information to winegrowers and exporters - the people who want to get out there and do the job of selling our product to the world - is very, very important.
  • Five of the 14 orders deal with levies that were voted upon themselves by growers of commodities such as passion fruit, wheat grain, milk solids, satsuma mandarins, and herbage seeds.
  • A few fruit grower associations and progressive orchardists have already started importing virus-free nursery rootstocks.
  • To stay competitive growers must introduce new hybrids to their acreage on a regular basis.
  • We have been evaluating different mirid sampling techniques to identify accurate mirid numbers to help growers decide which technique to use and when to control mirids.
  • The 38-year-old rice-grower plans to convert his 2,000 square metres of rice paddy into fruit orchards.
  • The only option growers had for aerial scouting that provided immediate information was to learn to fly themselves.
  • Laid crops and unsettled weather put the brakes on harvest for many growers this week.
  • If the root is ground to a powder, as some growers do, it is then boiled to extract the liquorice essence.
  • In the aisles between the vines as well as in fallow fields, growers plant different crops to crowd out weeds, repel bugs, and provide soil nutrients.
  • Some growers will blanch shanks by gradually mounding soil around the base of the plants as they grow, similar to what is done with leeks.
  • The association will hold public meetings in Armidale, Bathurst and Yass to find out what wool growers want - to guide further marketing strategies.
  • _first “e” in “aerometer” illegible_ the Champenois winegrowers Facts About Champagne and Other Sparkling Wines
  • This is the most fundamental expression of the growers' advantage in using braceros: a bracero knew he could not complain.
  • There's not a single organic cotton grower in Australia.
  • A few fruit grower associations and progressive orchardists have already started importing virus-free nursery rootstocks.
  • According to Lebanese law, every tobacco grower is allowed to hold only four dunams of tobacco-producing land to make his living.
  • Growers of stone fruit, bananas and lychees suffer most.
  • The farmer and grower is faced at present with an almost impossible situation. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • A specialty crop of the Dutch, alliums are grown by nearly 50 flower bulb growers in Holland.
  • You can grow them singly, pair a couple of compatible growers, or plant a medley of three or more comeback kids whose colors and textures complement one another.
  • To raise the best crop, growers have to find that delicate balance between the two extremes.
  • The Old Kit Bag is a grower, with some songs taking time to emerge from the shadows.
  • Growers must be willing to sacrifice independence for interdependence.
  • The growers who are crying wolf today about the lack of water will post their annual profits in a few months.
  • Eastern growers must also contend with humidity-loving black rot, botrytis, downy mildew, and phomopsis.
  • This would exclude land of scientific or ecological value and identify large areas where commercial growers could plant forests.
  • But a hobby grower such as Cervantes knows that the highest quality and most potent marijuana is made primarily from the unpollinated female flower buds, of choice strains. Boutique buds: What underground mom-and-pop growers did while we debated legalization
  • In reality, it could not have turned out much worse for British farmers and growers.
  • Key to the deal is a compromise on arbitration to resolve disputes between growers and millers.
  • The advice given partly on research and partly theand the experiences of many pawpaw growers.
  • Citrus growers were cautioned to protect the fruit from frost.
  • The charge proved to be a hoax, but growers lost a fortune as their produce rotted on the dock.
  • The jackfruit is a fairly rapid grower, reaching 58 ft (17.5 m) in height and 28 in (70 cm) around the trunk in 20 years in Ceylon. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • The company is buffered by long-term contracts with growers.
  • Preventive drug treatment for coccidiosis costs the industry over $600 million annually in addition to the disease related losses incurred by commercial growers.
  • Rose growers exhibited sumptuous displays within the floral pavilion, as usual, but the large show gardens barely featured them at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Australian Milling Council says growers and millers will have to consider their future sustainability at a regional level, including potential mill closures.
  • A lot of fruit grower and the governor that have experience very notice fructification defend water.
  • The farmer and grower is faced at present with an almost impossible situation. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • The quest for a flawless fir or perfect pine has also led some growers to spray trees with chemical colorants, or even experiment with cloning.
  • Worried over the continuous slump in the coconut kernel price, coconut growers in this region have urged the State Government to resume the procurement of copra immediately.
  • Commercial growers use special grades of polythene on tunnels to reduce pest and disease attack as well as give weather protection. The Sun
  • Growers plant the vines on low pergolas pergola bassa that keep the vines from getting too damaged in all that wind. Archive 2009-01-01
  • It is probable that plums actually seedless as well as stoneless will prove favorites with some fruit growers.
  • A top aide to Gbagbo said late on Saturday he would never step down from a post he has held for a decade, and accused Western powers of attempting a "recolonisation" of Ivory Coast, the world's top cocoa grower, by installing their "puppet. Reuters: Top News
  • A former coca-growers union leader, Morales is Bolivia's first indigenous president and is seeking to "refound" the country on behalf of its long-suppressed native majority. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • But if the restrictions were removed, loud would be the angry cries of the U.S. growers of citrous fruits, of U.S. labor, U.S. bootleggers.
  • To ensure high yields and average quality the majority of growers are heavily dependent on chemicals. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • It is at this time that our farmers, growers, herdsmen and stockmen are really suffering the pressure of economic damage due to foot-and-mouth disease and other market factors.
  • Their action comes in the middle of the cherry picking season and has forced growers into the orchards to harvest their own crop.
  • The 2000 vintage has been so kind to grape growers around the world that most of them have produced excellent wines.
  • Of these, 200 families were identified for commercial cropping, 100 as seed cocoon growers and 25 for setting up of scientific grainage. India Together - The news in proportion.
  • A lot of the water could have gone to municipalities in the North Bay and to grape growers.
  • Instead of sending them to prison, we have set them to work helping the lemon growers.
  • A very vigorous grower with fast repeat, it may be grown in all zones.
  • Chavez later said he could never have organized the United Farm Workers until growers could no longer hire braceros during strikes.
  • Any advance, big tomato growers?

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