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How To Use Grow up In A Sentence

  • When your mama a biach, you gonna be a bicah - when you grow up hearing men tell your mama "Bring me my blunts, BIACH!" you won't have a very high opinion of women, ergo, yourself. Undefined
  • 't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man.
  • We do not wish her to grow up dumb like the average doll.
  • For one, kids today grow up with a different type of parent - one who is more pressed for time.
  • We had many family quarrels about it, and they began in time to grow up to a dangerous height; for as I was quite estranged form my husband (as he was called) in affection, so I took no heed to my words, but sometimes gave him language that was provoking; and, in short, strove all I could to bring him to a parting with me, which was what above all things in the world I desired most. Moll Flanders
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  • In its natural habitat, the hibiscus will grow up to 25ft.
  • 't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man.
  • It was a hothouse artistic environment to grow up in. Times, Sunday Times
  • I like seeing all the small children and they grow up and go to big school then another lot comes along.
  • The main stems of a plant show negative geotropism as they grow upwards.
  • Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We alwaysthink that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing inthe world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize thatit's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but infact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up withthe time.
  • As they grow up amid the emerging wave of nationalist fervor, their friendship becomes strained as they find themselves on opposite sides.
  • Mothers should train their daughters from a young age to protect themselves so that they grow up to be assertive.
  • I want to help her grow up with a positive self-image which isn't anything to do with the size she is or the way she looks.
  • These are heated by bark and horse manure and grow up to 300 exotic vegetables and fruit.
  • Even for those who did not grow up with it, there is something therapeutic about the activity involved - the alluring aromas wafting from the oven, and the comforting taste of freshly baked cakes or buns.
  • Young people grow up in tightly structured childhoods, Wuthnow observes, but then graduate into a world characterized by uncertainty, diversity, searching and tinkering.
  • Pickerelweed is a perennial plant that can grow up to 3 1/2 feet tall.
  • When I refused to eat my soup, she chided me, asking if I wanted to grow up to be as small as eight-year-olds tend to be.
  • We do not wish her to grow up dumb like the average doll.
  • We grow up with a strong sense of the physical boundary that contains us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thresher sharks can grow up to 20 ft and are strong swimmers who can completely vault out of water.
  • From then on, your grandpa never came back, because he was afraid to disturb you grow up healthy, just do not regularly send some money to my family family allowance.
  • Re: and where dramatically fewer children grow up in poverty, is somehow obviously a dystopian nightmare. Matthew Yglesias » McConnell Warns of American Dystopia — More Equality, Less Poverty, Longer Life Expectancy
  • The cedar was all cut down (so now other species, many of them weeds, grow up) and shipped to Britain as the ballast in ships.
  • Support and reassurance that growing pains will pass as children grow up can help them relax.
  • It was a fantastic house to grow up in because, to the side of our garden, there was a working windmill. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is his God, his Christ, his worship; that he preaches, that he discourseth of, that he labours to propagate, until, by the righteous judgment of God, it comes to pass that such men in all other things wither and die away, all the sap and vigour of their spirits feeding that one monstrous excrescency, which they grow up daily into. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • He shall find nothing remaining but those sorrows which grow up after our fast-springing youth, overtake it when it is at a stand, and overtop it utterly when it begins to wither; insomuch as, looking back from the very instant time, and from our now being, the poor, diseased, and captive creature hath as little sense of all his former miseries and pains as he that is most blest, in common opinion, hath of his forepast pleasures and delights. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose. Volume III (of X) - Great Britain and Ireland I
  • As for all of you Hillary supporters who threaten to stay home or vote for McCain, again immature and mindless because your anger will hurt all of us – grow up! Poll: Obama has edge over McCain
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?
  • Some of the little folks we watch grow up to be young women, and occasionally one of them gets nervous, what we call hysterical, and then that girl will begin to play all sorts of pranks, -- to lie and cheat, perhaps, in the most unaccountable way, so that she might seem to a minister a good example of total depravity. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 37, November, 1860
  • It is a bit ironic how all little girls want to do is grow up and all adults want to do is be young again.
  • There is the land of course, with its leisurely rhythm and the cottages that seem to grow up out of the earth; the old alehouse, the Helyar Arms which, I discovered, and contrary to popular stories about English cooking, can give you a wonderful lunch. Roger Housden: T.S. Eliot's Village Bares Its Teeth
  • Conifers tend to grow up straight, while broadleaves are more inclined to fork or produce multiple leaders stems.
  • I will enjoy watching the prince grow up in to our future King. The Sun
  • Someone who worshipped him, wishing she could grow up like her older brother. I.O.U. - SOMEONE HAS TO PAY
  • If she's denied friendship, she may grow up introverted and shy. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is an odd moment for parents when their children's answers to that hoary old question ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’
  • How much more in keeping with Christian manners that the son of the household should share in the burden of keeping the domestic machinery running smoothly, rather than misemploy his time, and grow up unacquainted with the practical duties of life! Stories Worth Rereading
  • Kids grow up so quickly these days.
  • They grow upward from the basal branehes and only become decumbent after they have grown a few centimeters.
  • Plus, as your plants are trained to grow upwards, they will get more light and air.
  • I hope, though, that the new generation – including my sons – grow up less hewed from the same stone as we were. Not all coloureds speak like dis « Digital immigrant
  • Older stems can be cut down low as new ones grow up. The Sun
  • These changes will help to rebuild a fragmented community and create an environment suitable for children to grow up in.
  • Sometimes I wish they could stay kids forever and at others I'm impatient for them to grow up and venture out into the world so I can see what they make of their lives.
  • I would not see you grow up as ignorant of your magics as I did. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • In every generation young people grow up surrounded by images of wealth and success.
  • Through that prolific output, we've watched and heard her grow up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus the simple but overall goal is that children should grow up properly equipped for adult life.
  • Kids grow up so fast nowadays, don't they?
  • All plants like to grow up toward the sunlight.
  • The battle started when Sindy began to grow up rather too quickly for the liking of Mattel, Barbie's maker.
  • It's what you dream of doing when you grow up: returning triumphant. THE LAST PARTY: Britpop, Blair and the demise of English rock
  • It take courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.
  • The water-slopes of river-dikes are protected by plantations of willows or strong semi-aquatic shrubs or grasses, but as these will not grow upon banks exposed to salt-water, sea-dikes must be faced with stone, fascines, or some other revetement [14]. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 04 (historical)
  • The courts have fined them, given them a tongue-lashing in the hope that they will grow up, learn from their foolish behaviour and desist from anarchical acts.
  • Grow up and stop cringe making! Times, Sunday Times
  • It is in one sense anthropomorphic to believe that fish love their mummies and daddies and go to school under the river and grow up to be good little fish.
  • For years he's been saying that boys are sick of being bossed about by liberated mothers, and of being brainwashed into becoming touchy-feely drips who grow up to wear earrings, go shopping and get their chest hair waxed.
  • It was a hothouse artistic environment to grow up in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kim thought for a moment and then remembered what Rosie had said about wanting her baby to grow up in a loving family and not on some rough London estate.
  • Love makes man grow up or sink down.
  • Jodi was forced to grow up quickly and became a huge source of comfort to her mother, often buying her sunflowers to cheer her up.
  • Presumably, they learn chemistry, yet only a very few will be chemists when they grow up.
  • Shame on us for being so social with the rest of the world, but not social enough to offer your bother, your sister, your friend you grow up nextdoor to a bandage. Public option not likely to pass in the Senate, Hatch says
  • For years he's been saying that boys are sick of being bossed about by liberated mothers, and of being brainwashed into becoming touchy-feely drips who grow up to wear earrings, go shopping and get their chest hair waxed.
  • If you want your children to grow up unwarped by Hollywood, will it help to write a book keeps taking swipes at their grandmother? 2009 October 13 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • This is a little Holstein heifer--Holstein is a breed of milk cow and a heifer is a female--she will grow up to be the sweet little bovine with the brown eyes and the cud chewing and the patient waiting for milking..... Archive 2008-12-01
  • Do we really want to pat these people on the head and ask them to grow up? Times, Sunday Times
  • As children we are bombarded with the question, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’
  • For the slow, Robert Capa is the war photographer that baby war photographers want to be when they grow up. Archive 2008-01-01
  • I think that kids that grow up in cities miss out on the fun of activities like cowtipping and bullrush fights. Tipping : Bev Vincent
  • “Would you have your fair greyhound, dear lady, grow up a tall and true Cotswold dog, that can pull down a stag of ten, or one of those smooth-skinned poppets which the Florence ladies lead about with a ring of bells round its neck, and a flannel farthingale over its loins?” Westward Ho!
  • For example,' said Isabel, `that he should grow up motherless ? THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • It could even be educational: give it to a child and watch him grow up to be the next John Bonham.
  • I feel they'll grow up lacking respect and basic housekeeping skills. The Sun
  • In families where favorite children grow up playing by the same rules as everyone else, it is less likely that unfavored siblings feel animosity towards the favorite. Dr. Ellen Libby: Mom and Dad: How to Solve the Favoritism Problem Once and For All
  • She was younger than me and dumb in that dumb little sister way, which means that she’ll probably grow up to be a neurochemist and invent the cure for spongiform encephalopathy. Zombies vs. Unicorns
  • Rather, it creates an institutional framework in which, to get ahead in their economic engagements, even people who grow up entirely self-seeking and anti-social must attend to the general social good and the well-being of others.
  • Another difficulty with such judgments is that each up-and-coming “generation” reacts to the societal environment in which they grow up. Not Everyone Can… « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Landscapes are peaceful and unscarred, animals roam free, children never grow up and work is virtually non-existent.
  • Just as some women grow up unconsciously drawn to men who remind them of their father, some men fetishize feet because of a former classmate who constantly played footsie under the table.
  • Math is tasty and delicious and will help you grow up to be big and strong and very crowlike. Freaked Out
  • Let him grow up poor in a wretched, arid land. Christianity Today
  • Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin. Aesop 
  • In pure forestry practice, one sees no value in such species as dogwood, ironwood, juneberry, sumac and sassafras, and will therefore never allow those to grow up in abundance and crowd out other trees of a higher market value. Studies of Trees
  • Children who are overweight tend to grow up into adults who are overweight.
  • When the feathery shoots appear, they will grow up around the carrot top to make a pretty hanging basket.
  • With no one to listen to them, they get trapped in their problems and grow up diffident and unsure of their abilities.
  • At some point, a complex wooden network began to grow up the walls of the entrance area.
  • His youngest daughter attended the Russian gymnasia “according to a well-known program and will grow up in the big city among decent people who speak a clear language.” Haskalah Attitudes Toward Women.
  • They have a much higher chance of dying in or being disabled by an accident, yet mothers let their children grow up and drive cars.
  • Working together Alabama nurses can strive for the goal that all children have the right to grow up in a smoke-free and healthy environment.
  • We went mud buggin in my friends van. (yes I did say she couldn't take passengers that weren't family, but we weren't going to do it in my sisters tiny cadilac) We got lots of munchies, and we showed my sisters new husbund what it's going to be like when my sisters girls from her first marage grow up and have slumber parties. Naylamoors Diary Entry
  • You will grow up to be quite a reprobate, my scandalous pup—a favourite with the ladies … and the gentlemen, he predicted in a sibylline voice. Exit the Actress
  • It take courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.
  • They can grow up to one metre in length. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their son would grow up on this craggy outcrop they called home and become an experienced fowler, cragsman and crofter.
  • I watered them with liquid fertilizer, repotted them into individual pots and let them grow up a little more before I planted them out in the garden.
  • She's now 34, an orthodox Jew and married with two children - who, she says, she wants to grow up normally.
  • 't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man.
  • My daughter is in such a hurry to grow up.
  • Two tiger cubs grow up to lead very different lives after their father is shot by a hunter. The Sun
  • ‘You're so privileged to grow up in this area with all the walking trails, coastal heathlands and rainforests - while you're at school I challenge you to get to know all of your national parks,’ he said to the assembly.
  • Hi tanna, it's great to see them grow up and start making there own choices and be wise enough to know the difference in things. At My Table
  • What I am seeing, from a variety of different perspectives, is how crucial empathy is in the healthy development of human beings -- and that when we don't experience some healthy form of mirroring or even more importantly, a sense of twinship with another human being as children, we often grow up with a fist-sized hole in our hearts. On Being a Non-Linear Reader
  • Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We alwaysthink that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing inthe world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize thatit's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but infact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up withthe time.
  • Was he an outspoken child who led the others in their games, or was he a quiet brooder who sat and daydreamed about what he'd grow up to be?
  • This is no low-growing wallflower but rather a full-sized shrub that can grow up to 15 feet tall under the best of conditions.
  • Whatever happens, he will have discovered one thing above all else: that the wonderful thing about America is that in truth any backwoods child can grow up to be President.
  • This results in a personality which is cunning and devious, and refuses to grow up and take responsibility for itself.
  • 't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man.
  • That illusion was quickly dispelled, and Bella had retreated into her own bower, leaving Elanor to grow up along separate lines.
  • Now this surprised me not a jot because, like most non-social workers, I am a firm believer that kids who are allowed to do as they please grow up to be monsters.
  • Lebanese children grow up with deep respect for their parents.
  • Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. Pablo Picasso 
  • It take courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.
  • It ran its ‘When I Grow Up’ Super Bowl television commercial, poking fun at the unpleasantries of corporate culture.
  • I once visited a juku school in Kobe, a cram school where kids go to get the leg up on the competition, and asked a classroom full of eight-year-old girls, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” Kickboxing Geishas
  • Cargill returned to his native country alone, indulging upon the road in a melancholy abstraction of mind, which he had suffered to grow upon him since the mental shock which he had sustained, and which in time became the most characteristical feature of his demeanour. Saint Ronan's Well
  • He must be permitted to grow up in an atmosphere that facilitates a positive, enduring bond with each parent.
  • Still, it strikes me as odd that conservatives seem so convinced that a set of countries whose populations are healthier and longer-lived, and where dramatically fewer children grow up in poverty, is somehow obviously a dystopian nightmare. Matthew Yglesias » McConnell Warns of American Dystopia — More Equality, Less Poverty, Longer Life Expectancy
  • The Reunified Christian Church is deeply concerned about the implications of bitek and affinity, for with a person able to call upon the immediate support of thousands of other human minds to any crisis or problem, they grow up better-adjusted and in less need of psychological reassurance. Archive 2009-08-01
  • The veteran playwright and children's entertainer (I remember him doing All Star Record Breakers when I was a tot, followed a few years later by Tricky Business in the late 1980s) knows a thing or two about creating the type of theatre that every child will remember and enjoy, making them fans of the stage today and hoping that the theatregoing habit will continue as they grow up. Getreading - Reading Post - RSS feed
  • It is often said that the intangible benefit of a university education is to grow up and broaden the mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like its cultivated successors, the wild vine is a climbing plant which needs to grow up some support.
  • They grow up dreaming of hitting home runs in the Tokyo Dome and their own stadiums.
  • Bottle feeding the calves that grow up to provide the meat for her beef jerky diet snacks? Times, Sunday Times
  • As we watch them grow up it becomes a hugely touching tale about family life and the pain of separation. The Sun
  • Perhaps this isn't surprising: theirs was the first generation to grow up with ultrasound images taped to the fridge. Times, Sunday Times
  • They grow up in confusion and bewilderment as children, then often pass into denial as young adults and sometimes remain frightened even into old age.
  • The non-native P. australis can grow up to 5 meters tall, has a rough, entirely green stalk, dark blue-green foliage, a dense flower panicle and often grows in dense monocultures. Phragmites australis - cryptic invasion of the Common Reed in North America
  • I really believe that it is better for couples to separate as amicably as possible and give their children a chance to grow up without daily misery and acrimony.
  • Our evolutionary heritage is not completely fossilized; it can in some respects alter itself in response to the conditions in which we grow up.
  • He hoped to spoil the youngsters and watch them grow up to become adults he could be proud of.
  • Like its cultivated successors, the wild vine is a climbing plant which needs to grow up some support.
  • At 18, he's still rather frivolous and needs to grow up.
  • Nkoya kukûla "to become mature (of male)"; Nyanja, kula, ku - v.i. "grow, grow up, mature"; Zigua kukula "to grow, to scrape (as when shaving). Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • I dunno how, but de harder I wuk de porer I got, till finally I jes started off afoot an 'alone ter go ter Kansas; an' h'yer I is, ready ter grow up wid de kentry, Marse Hesden, jest ez soon ez I gits ter Sally an 'de chillen. Bricks without Straw A Novel
  • In some of the more remote hollows, children still grow up hearing songs of Elizabethan times.
  • It is often said that the intangible benefit of a university education is to grow up and broaden the mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will grow up without access to decent education or medicine or housing. Christianity Today
  • I did grow up in a neighborhood with many earmarks of suburbia.
  • And if they grow up to hate camping, they can always go and stay with their grandparents in a gite in a remote corner of France, while I take my tent up a Welsh mountain. Archive 2009-05-01
  • I agree, back then, even when I was a kid, it was seen as the norm to discipline children with a smack or a belt with a stick, but yet they didn't grow up to be muggers or binge drinking fighters.
  • He wants his children to grow up in his adopted homeland.
  • Also discouraging is knowing that all our kids will grow up in a country where people who say these things repeatedly get into positions of influence in media and government. Scripting News for 4/11/2007 « Scripting News Annex
  • My daughter was not quite three years old when she announced, ‘Mummy, when I grow up I want to have boobies and smoke cigarettes!’
  • Last night I had dinner with an English Canadian doctor who said that more recent studies indicate that children who grow up bilingual use more parts of their brain and are more creative than those who are monolingual, which is why she was sending her three daughters to a school that featured French immersion. Blake Fleetwood: I Am Hispanic and Am Not Offended
  • The newborn measure eight inches in length and they are known to grow up to 20 feet in the wild, say the Croc Bank authorities.
  • But you did not have to be a socialist to intuit the complex structures of class discrimination of Irish life; you just had to grow up in a provincial Irish town in the mid-20th century.
  • This brilliant boy is fated to grow up and eventually work in a secret “Area 51” military laboratory on a remote Eniwetok-like island. Archive 2008-04-01
  • It was a fantastic house to grow up in because, to the side of our garden, there was a working windmill. Times, Sunday Times
  • I mean, I think that's pretty expected and natural and not the kind of guardedness we usually see with children that grow up in the public spotlight, who seem very trained or cautious around the media. CNN Transcript Apr 30, 2009
  • He doesn't want them to grow up as spoilt brats. The Sun
  • this happened in saadat abad, which is north east of tehran, I grow up in that neighberhood! Iran Election Live-Blogging (Tuesday June 16)
  • He would feel and cry out to her, 'Let me tell you alone, if I must tell it, and _in the dark, in the dark_!' when he could not see the heart-breaking shame grow upon her face, nor see his own guilty face reflected in her eyes. Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911: The Moth and the Flame
  • Could it be that when you grow up knowing that you are a disadvantaged minority in a society, you also "lessen" your dreams?
  • In poorer areas, we are miseducating large numbers of children, and we are allowing them to grow up in impoverished and violent environments.
  • Thus the simple but overall goal is that children should grow up properly equipped for adult life.
  • I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least. And then be a simple man.
  • May 6th, 2008 1: 08 pm ET to mike hillary has facts,, lol, but what are they?? fraud and lies,, grow up and really hear whats bein said,, or isit that u are predujuce?? ummmm John and Elizabeth Edwards speak out
  • Farm-raised trout put on muscle as they swim against the gentle, steady current that runs through the tanks, ponds, or channel-like raceways they grow up in.
  • let her children grow up uncorrected
  • As we grow up, we realize it becomes less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.
  • So sit back and watch the gang as they grow up, but not apart, ten years in the future.
  • Let him grow up poor in a wretched, arid land. Christianity Today
  • It is also affected by the subculture and culture in which they grow up. The Developing Child (7th edn.)
  • Read your bible, notice the rapture is a bunch of made-up bullshit with no mention of it in the scripture, grow up and renounce fundamentalism. Think Progress » Frank Gaffney Posits That Missile Defense Logo Is Evidence of Obama’s ‘Submission To Shariah’
  • The problem, of course, is that when those kids don't learn those things, they grow up to wield power and miseducate their own children.
  • I wondered what it was like to grow up as a beautiful person and to know it, from a very young age.
  • As we grow up, we realize it becomes less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.
  • When I grow up , I think I will travel TO England, and bring something that Chana doesn't have to my homeland, then I will sale them, and then I will get a lot of money!
  • So your kids might grow up a little cautious but, hey, is that so bad?
  • I agree, back then, even when I was a kid, it was seen as the norm to discipline children with a smack or a belt with a stick, but yet they didn't grow up to be muggers or binge drinking fighters.
  • August 10, 2009 at 12:40 am i lyke all dem hot seereeals kreen-o-weet, maltomeel nommy not lyek choko frosted shoogar bombs or pop uppee fings *when did I grow up? Video: Kitteh Goes for the String - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • My daughter is in such a hurry to grow up.
  • Those at that income level must ask themselves how much is it worth to make sure our children grow up in a community that values them and ensures that they are not excluded from a healthy future because they were born with a congenital, but reparable heart defect, or type 1 diabetes. Robert Ross: Putting Our Health First
  • We thought about it and came up with the idea that it was about time that I should de-provincialize myself -- grow up, reach out and try to write about the world. The Creators
  • How on earth will you become a doctor to help your mumma and poppa when you grow up and get out of this house?
  • And he gave it for his opinion, "that whoever could make two ears of corn, or two blades of grass, to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, would deserve better of mankind, and do more essential service to his country, than the whole race of politicians put together. Jonathan Swift 
  • Our attitude towards the religious beliefs of others should, therefore, not be that of iconoclasts, breaking down ruthlessly whatever from _our_ point of view we see to be merely traditionary idols (in Bacon's sense of the word), but rather the opposite method of fixing upon that in another's creed which we find to be positive and affirmative, and gradually leading him to perceive in what its affirmativeness consists; and then, when once he has got the clue to the element of strength which exists in his accustomed form of belief, the perception of the contrast between that and the non-essential accretions will grow up in his mind spontaneously, thus gradually bringing him out into a wider and freer atmosphere. The Hidden Power And Other Papers upon Mental Science
  • Through capital management, they fleetly grow up, and occupy vast market.
  • They injected newly hatched but sterile Asian masu salmon with sperm-growing cells from rainbow trout — and watched the salmon grow up to produce trout. Surprise, Salmon! Your Baby’s a Trout | Impact Lab
  • The subject of the male and female generative organs came later; the greatest pains and care was taken to make it clear, the little boy was taught that the _sexual organs_ were made for a high and holy purpose, that their office at present is only to carry off impurities from the system in the fluid form called urine, and that he must never handle his _sexual organs_ nor touch them in any way except to keep them clean, and if he does this, he will grow up a bright, happy and healthy boy. Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners A Complete Sexual Science and a Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood, Advice To Maiden, Wife, And Mother, Love, Courtship, And Marriage
  • Our children will grow up to embrace the “natural” life styles of vegetarianism, veganism and nudism not to mention “free love” and a type of cultural hedonism that would embarrass Hugh Hefner. Think Progress » GOP Senate candidate compares embryonic stem cell research to ‘what the Nazis did to the Jews.’
  • Grow up and stop cringe making! Times, Sunday Times
  • Geotropism occurs in two forms: positive geotropism to which the root responds by growing downward; and a negative geotropism, which causes the stem to grow upward.
  • When you grow up in that alcoholic environment you become very tolerant to abuse. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least. And then be a simple man.
  • It's what you dream of doing when you grow up: returning triumphant. THE LAST PARTY: Britpop, Blair and the demise of English rock
  • Shoots grow up and over this wire and fall under their own weight to form a bell-shaped canopy.
  • They can grow up to one metre in length. Times, Sunday Times
  • I want children to grow up under the influence of the wisdom of the ancient sages.
  • For those that didn't grow up in 80s arcades, Dig Dug is another classic Namco game where you work your way through the underground playing exterminator: rubbery monsters Pooka and Fygar wander around the caverns seeking you out, and to take them out you'll need to plug an airhose into their keester and pump them up to bursting. IGN Wireless
  • Besides, when I grow up I'll be mixing with well-bred young men. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • The pattern is that of Heinlein's famous "juveniles" of the 1950s, such as "Citizen of the Galaxy," but also of Kipling's "Kim": A young boy, homeless and on the run, is adopted and sheltered by a mentor, who helps him grow up to be an omnicompetent foil for the fools and stooges around him. By Gaslight, Hunting The Undead
  • As a parent you try to create a stable home environment for your children to grow up in.

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