How To Use Grouping In A Sentence
Here location at the two extremities of the peninsula has involved a striking difference in ethnic infusions in the two districts, different historical careers owing to different vicinal grouping, and dissimilar geographic conditions.
Influences of Geographic Environment On the Basis of Ratzel's System of Anthropo-Geography
This lack of varietal distinction or population grouping is often associated with high levels of variation within and among populations of a species.
Unable to hold the city, he managed the evacuation adroitly, regrouping his forces at White Plains.
Whether these are in widely different subjects, or whether they just stay within the confines of a traditional subject grouping, is yet to be resolved.
Each episode features an ever-changing grouping of the main characters in pairs or threes.

The metropolitan grouping reflects urban areas and a fully functioning tiered health care system with ready access to tertiary care.
Previous taxonomic groupings were based largely on single characters.
The most common way of grouping was to sort the children by ability.
It has long been thought that the grouping of telomeres is important for chromosome pairing and subsequent synapsis.
We might say that the percept is the mind's immediate image of a thing or quality, and the concept is the result of the storing up and grouping and recombining of percepts.
Applied Psychology for Nurses
Lastly, this is the simplest transition yet disclosed from the succinyl to furfural grouping, being effected by a regulated proportion of oxygen, and under conditions of reaction which may be described as of the mildest.
Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
Cooperative learning techniques, including heterogeneous grouping, are a central component of this approach to developing literacy skills.
The second and third groupings were obviously longitude and latitude coordinates.
By the end of July, the forces of the three fronts outflanked the Orel force grouping of the enemy in the north, east and south.
The process of naming plants and classifying them into those groupings is called nomenclature; the study of trees themselves is called dendrology.
By using complementary sequences of DNA molecules that were attached to different nanocrystals, small groupings of gold nanocrystals could be formed.
Grouping pictures in symmetrical or asymmetrical groupings will always give a stylish look.
There are pygmies all around the world and the only thing they have in common in less than average height (which is why anthropologists don't use the term pygmy any more, it implies they're a distinct subset of humanity when in fact they're a completely artificial grouping crudely defined by a single characteristic).
Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
He is an intellectual multilinguist and an experienced negotiator between diverse ethnic groupings. cedric j wrote:
The Economist: Correspondent's diary
Both musicians relished the dancing hemiola figures in the third movement, shifts of the downbeat between duple and triple groupings, and played with impressive bravura and accuracy.
Music review: Zuill Bailey and Orion Weiss at the Kennedy Center
Mwapela would not comment directly on the Barotse Agreement except to describe the Barotseland Freedom Movement BFM, a youth-driven pro-secession grouping, as comprising a few troublemakers.
Western Zambian Province Said Calm after Secessionist Clashes
With their sculptural groupings of precisely calibrated arabesques, these dances distilled Ashton's personal classicism to pure essence.
This grouping is complicated, especially in the United States, where geographic ancestry may be associated with clustering of genetic characteristics but is also coupled with differences in societal advantage, living environments, physician-patient interactions, accumulation of wealth, and access to quality health services.
Vit D Policy Requires Review : Law is Cool
Above all, he must be seen by all political groupings to be unaligned and impartial.
Captain Ellis began an investigation into the grouping of the various strains of "meningococci" -- the organism causing cerebro-spinal meningitis, with the ultimate object of obtaining a more efficient anti-serum for the treatment of this disease.
On the Fringe of the Great Fight
Yet we have a variety of Krishna scenes—here he tackles a demon serpent, there he fights a demon crane, and in a grouping demarcated by darker walls he romances milkmaids, multiplying himself to dance with each individually.
From Stillness, Cosmic Action
Academic dress for masters is a plain black stuff master's gown, a black trencher cap with a black silk tassel and a hood of black silk lined with the colour of the faculty, school or professional grouping and academic dress for juris doctor will be the same except that the tassel on the trencher cap is white silk rather than black silk.
As a result, pianists are required to negotiate unusual combinations of note groupings and clusters that go beyond the fingerings used in traditional scales, arpeggios and chords.
For years almost all the research on ability grouping and tracking has demonstrated that it does not deliver the goods as promised.
In reality the only political grouping which could have any effective and meaningful voice against a European superstate is the Commonwealth of Nations.
People often count change by grouping pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters, a tendency indicating that, without practice, working memory can deal with only one item at a time.
Debug into why the radio button grouping (callback) is not fired when the radio button is toggled from the code.
Planet go-oo
Grouping four or five boxwood in one area and using different sized pots make an eyecatching bright green display to brighten up an otherwise drab spot.
Grouping: Macronaria/Titanosauria/basal titanosaur ?
Life's Time Capsule: MORE Sauropods in Art!
Though the arrangement seems at first to be a chronological one, dating from the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, the grouping is actually methodological.
He was an adapt in the irony of incongruously grouping.
* Groupings of large distributors (specialists and general line) looking to cut national contracts with multiplant companies.
Purchasing - Top Stories
Aside from the dismal academic record of ability grouping, it has a divisive social consequence as well.
By grouping the long - term campers administrator keeps them from tying up the short - term camping facilities.
They did quarrel finally, about a lead in a doubled hand of no-trumps, but that of course is a thing that no account of judicious guest-grouping could prevent.
The Toys of Peace, and other papers
In peacetime, the navy's warships are deployed in groups of the same class ship at one base or patrol area, which is called administrative grouping.
The grouping operation is about as costly performance-wise as sorting the data by the grouping column.
Just now the skies are busy with birds; rooks and crows grouping and re-grouping in ragged formation, starlings showing off their flock skills, and swifts silver-arrowing round and round.
Often, we may have to rehang a whole grouping to maintain the strength of that artist's work, or to keep the flow from one artist to another.
With that in mind I plan a grouping of azaleas and rhododendrons in the corner formed by the house and wall.
If charged by a powerful enemy they can turn and flee away, hopefully regrouping for a later return.
The principles and methods of weft backed weave CAD with and warp grouping are introduced.
Like humans, apes and monkeys have to live in complex social groupings in which guile is needed to get ahead or simply to survive.
"The Frontier is a relatively loose political grouping compared to other prominent parties, " Lo said.
Identification of most caterpillars was problematic so ecological groupings were used to create five subgroups: a bract-associated morphospecies, foliage-associated taxa, geometrids, and a lichen-associated morphospecies.
The two others, thymine and cytosine, showed a simpler composition; experiments of breakdown and synthesis led to the result that in thymine there must be a grouping of the carbon and nitrogen atoms corresponding to the following scheme:
Albrecht Kossel - Nobel Lecture
In the meantime, what are the natural levels of social grouping for other animal species?
Two more nations hope to join the grouping in 2007.
Chronology had to take precedence over the groupings, but the titles in these are given in the contents lists at the back of the book.
And they are very far from any thought that their licentious groupings would provide an avenue for the emergence of a patriarch with a retinue of teen-wives.
Furthermore, speech has its own structure, independent of discourse structure and sentence structure - think about the phrase-sized groupings you can hear in skilled doubletalk.
There they go beyond traditional union boundaries to functional groupings.
Geckos may also benefit from grouping by reducing their effective surface-area-to-volume ratio, thus reducing evaporative water loss.
They were also the focal point of the community, bringing people together to form new social groupings.
Educators try to put pupils of similar abilities into classes because they believe that this homogeneous grouping is advisable.
Eventually, regional facilities arrive on the outer edge to serve groupings of neighborhoods.
Against a ground of yellow-orange edged in blue, the early small-scale gouache White Cracklings features thick black lines angled over groupings of mostly diagonal white marks.
There are four common bases for such groupings.
Personnel Management: A New Approach
And it turns out that this grouping is exactly what is expected if they diverged from common ancestors.
A New Book
Maybe it's because that grouping of people is so out of context these days… or that they look so gentrified almost, so adult, so grown up, so not rock starish.
The varied groupings of pairs, trios, and sixes massing together and flying apart proved timeless, however.
The sharp-tongued and nomenclature-obsessed Mr. O'Neill is well-known for coming up with the acronym BRICs, a grouping of fast-growing and large emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India and China.
I also will be visiting my mother this trip... a kind of regrouping time, which is much needed after such an emotional visit at my dad's.
Home Again
Virtual concatenation is an inverse multiplexing technique that allows the grouping of any number of SONET STS-n channels to create a VCG (virtual concatenation group) to transport data streams.
Stores are geared to particular teen styles and niches, or tighter age groupings.
‘Setting’, the grouping of children of like ability together to follow a particular study or to master a particular skill is little different from traditional streaming.
The twelve signs are further divided into four elemental groupings, which are also sometimes called ‘triplicities’ because there are three birth signs in each.
Vivian Rising
Use a single clump of deergrass in the landscape as a specimen, or plant three or five together to create an accent grouping.
The diversity and fragmentation within ethnic groupings and the balance of tensions between those groups during the twentieth century prevented interethnic civil conflict.
But for the most part our endless classifying, grouping, and arranging is nothing but high-grade hokum, mixed with a lot of bunkum.
At first sight, the emergence of the EU as a regional grouping seems to be in contradiction with the direction and thrust of globalization.
Grouping them all in the genus Homo could be very confusing, Wood said.
Although she did not join any particular party grouping, she generally supported the most right-wing elements within the conservatives.
Walking down the hall, I see people grouping together, each with their own visible and audible definition of individualism.
It was rather a grouping in the sense of Charles Fourier's socialist cells or groupuscules, based, as Breton insisted, on the idea that all passions are good.
Ethnic minority groupings, squatters and welfare rights workers, for example, usually fare badly in comparison with statusquo middle-class groups.
The grouping of the Pink-headed duck as the sister-taxon of the Red-crested pochard Netta rufina (both species down at the base of Aythyini within the stem pochard clade) led Livezey to argue that the two should be regarded as congeneric.
Archive 2006-11-01
Planted in a massed grouping, sparkleberry will add brilliant color to the winter landscape.
New crop of hybrid plants demonstrate beauty of ingenuity
Likewise, further groupings such as percentage of coarse sand or of very fine sand may also be calculated.
The company recently has been regrouping after it failed to meet a deadline to provide service early this year.
In fact, the agent of self-deception might itself be a social grouping, such as a happy-clappy religious cult.
The classification is based on grouping the metabolites into primary and secondary.
The grouping of the five became visible by the unaided eye around April 20.
Additionally, as the "impressions" which strike the chords are themselves conceived as both "external and internal" to the lyre, to recall the earlier grouping, the locus of adjustment is itself displaced into an indeterminate rhythmic activity.
Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
Note the difference between (a) descriptions and examples of dipodic metre as a particular kind of metre – one that goes with, or can also be scanned as, long and rapid iambics – and (b) claims that English or English-language verse or metre is always “really” dipodic (rather than being always “really” iambic, as Frost thought, or always “really” nothing in particular, with metrical bases that may vary completely among possible groupings of poems).
Dipodic Verse : A.E. Stallings : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
Each engine had seven improved and interchangeable magnetos, each feeding a grouping of four cylinders.
It has long been thought that the grouping of telomeres is important for chromosome pairing and subsequent synapsis.
Some people collect santons indiscriminately, others form groupings based on size or vocation.
The separation of skills into these groupings is simply an organisational device.
'Better Than Therapy', a fascinating 52-minute documentary on the Police reunion, is included with the concert and it dramatically illustrates the group dynamics and hard-won concessions that came into play before the regrouping was a go.
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That there are factional groupings within the Liberals comes as no surprise.
These small nations constitute an important grouping within the EU.
Maybe there needs to be a grouping level for alternative tracks and additional tracks – similar to what I did with the second itext proposal, or similar to the and elements of SMIL.
Ginger's thoughts » 2009 » November
In one grouping, each original image appears to be repeated in a three-frame series still bordered by the telltale edging of the 8mm filmstrip.
Educators try to put pupils of similar abilities into classes because they believe that this homogeneous grouping is advisable.
THE HUMAN BRAIN The suborder including all the remaining primates is Anthro-poidea (an'throh-poi'dee-uh; "manlike" G), and within this grouping are the monkeys, apes, and man himself.
The Human Brain
Molecular data sets indicate that lophophorate phyla are trochozoans but generally do not support grouping bryozoans with the phoronids and brachiopods.
When asked that many commentators view this grouping as a 'US-bashing forum', the Indian Foreign Secretary rejected such kind of categorisation, saying it's not against anyone. News Feed
Understanding Evolution: A clade is a grouping that includes a common ancestor and all the descendents (living and extinct) of that ancestor … Clades are nested within one another — they form a nested hierarchy.
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You can re-energise tired sections of the garden simply by installing a lovely pot, or grouping of pots, in them.
I think an administrator would be hard pressed to describe a scenario where the groupings that would be achieved via the blank fields do not represent an inherent sectionalizing of the data.
Salesforce IdeaExchange
An * ikungugo was an even more extended kin grouping than the clans (* - kolo) recognized by proto-Ruvu speakers and their earlier ancestors.
Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
The evidence for that shows that some ethnic groupings are very intolerant to certain groups of food.
There are four common bases for such groupings.
Personnel Management: A New Approach
Fossil groupings of up to 1000 trilobites suggest they were social creatures, at least while molting.
Social Trilobites
During this period the family unit becomes the natural social grouping.
Afrikaans, Dutch, English, Flemish, and German are the more important languages within the West germanic grouping.
He may join some left centrist grouping or lend himself to being used by the right as an independent populist.
Traditionally the score is kept on paper using tally marks for tens, grouping them into fifties.
Other fields in the line table facilitate grouping of the line records by corporate history or geographic relationships.
Many of Indonesia's ethnic groups have strong kinship groupings based upon patrilineal, matrilineal, or bilateral descent.
But you could make it work for twos, fours, fives, even higher groupings depending on how you defined the rules.
It might seem sorta whatevs nowadays, but in an era when the whole point of American underground rock was to define oneself against the eyeliner-effete English, it took either much focus-grouping and/or mad naiveté to dream up a whole new rock identity.
Seen in this light natural law appears as a group of principles that tran - scend the law of different epochs and regrouping a set of norms endowed with a certain continuity by opposi - tion to the law of a given epoch, which is transitory and changing; for the law of any epoch is the inter - preter of the preceding one, whereas natural law is the law which outlives the times.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Many of Indonesia's ethnic groups have strong kinship groupings based upon patrilineal, matrilineal, or bilateral descent.
They are found in the great intergalactic voids - vast spaces between groupings of normal galaxies.
The question of a woman's right to choose is going to be a basic issue of the upcoming election with the recent position of the Bush administration grouping birth control with abortion and McCain's VP selection of Sarah Palin who belongs to a group called Feminists for Life, their idea of feminism being outlawing both abortion and what they call abortifacient birth control which pretty much includes everything except rhythm and prayer they even object to condoms because they feel that form of male birth control usually becomes the woman's responsibility.
Republican Birth Control: Health Insurance Rules Force Family Planning and Leave Pregnant Mothers in a Financial Bind
Educators try to put pupils of similar abilities into classes because they believe that this homogeneous grouping is advisable.
Custom software compares the grains' shapes and chemical compositions, analyzes them against 1,000 minerals that are intergrown with diamonds, and compares them against 10 fields of mineral groupings.
How a Rogue Geologist Discovered a Diamond Trove in the Canadian Arctic
Ethnic minority groupings, squatters and welfare rights workers, for example, usually fare badly in comparison with statusquo middle-class groups.
Almost all his films involve his penetration of a family unit or cohesive social grouping.
Times, Sunday Times
Among the draconian penal laws is Law 71 which states that anyone ‘who calls for the establishment of any grouping, organisation or association proscribed by law’ can be executed.
This grouping of books comprises Stacy Doris's second book of poems and two debut collections - those of Jennifer Clarvoe and Joanna Klink.
All target connections within the grouping of If, Else if, and Else refinements must target sibling elements on the target data structure.
ScriptWriter 3 supports dynamic external and inline inclusion, runtime minification using the YUI and JSMin libraries, runtime file merging for HTTP request reduction, and flexible grouping and output control for easy implementation of page load performance best practices.
Travellers, a minority grouping within West Belfast were cited as a group who experience discrimination and racism.
This method is that of grouping parts around centres, and several of such groups around larger centres, upward and onward indefinitely; while in living beings, according to their complexity, each individual part, and each individual group of parts with its centre, _is left free to move within its own sphere, yet at the same time is harmonized with the movements of its neighbors through the medium of the common centre_.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. III, No. V, May, 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
Grouping all options in a group box gives the user a logical visual cue.
Focusing on the assumption that boomers will tend to "de-risk" their savings by selling equities for bonds as they approach retirement, the paper looks at the ratio of middle-aged Americans aged 40-49 building equity to the older grouping aged 60-69 shifting toward safer fixed-income bonds.
Analysis: Baby boomer fears cast another pall over markets
Less deliberately structured groupings can exhibit similar patterns of socialisation, too.
But the idea now being looked at involves different organisations in the centre grouping together to pay for a guard to patrol the walkways of the centre.
A category is a division or class in a complete system or grouping.
That two groups should necessarily live up to the same standards when the grouping is the basis for the standards.
Think Progress » National Review ‘symposium’ on black unemployment has no black participants.
And she's just encountered the old blood groupings, the four humours: sanguine, choler, phlegm, melancholy.
Such areas may be sub-national regions, countries, or groupings of countries.
It can lead to extremists and it can lead to humans bonding together in extreme groupings and it can also lead to mistrust on a grand scale.
The demand for UN approval is favoured by sections of the European ruling class and various antiwar groupings.
With that in mind I plan a grouping of azaleas and rhododendrons in the corner formed by the house and wall.
A "shire" was a grouping of hundreds, with a similar gathering of its principal men for judicial, military, and fiscal purposes.
An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
Sociological data is usually analysed by grouping together common attributes such as social class, educational background, etc.
Heal's many drawings show his devotion to this process, devising groupings to allow specific contrasts or emotional dynamics between works to emerge.
Its success also contributed to bitter divisions between the high church or catholic grouping and the low church or evangelicals.
The agglomerative, or grouping, schedule provided by Ward's method indicated a notable flattening of the curve of squared Euclidean distances after the five-cluster solution.
In a sense the tricolour had been colonised by a small grouping bringing murder and mayhem in their wake and such was the antipathy of the general population to the Provos and all their pomps that the national flag was almost sidelined.
However, because in this case transferred genes as a group must provide an immediate benefit to the host, selfish operon model would require grouping and cotransfer of multiple genes involved in flagellar assembly and would therefore not explain emergence of selective pairing between chemotaxis genes.
PLoS Biology: New Articles
The four groupings are: seed-hair fibers, leaf fibers, bast fibers, and miscellaneous fibers.
They also amalgamate our nations into greater groupings, each with its Rothschild controlled 'Central Bank', for their easier management - by them, of course, rather than by the rightful inhabitants of the various subservient countries, and raise - 'harmonize' - all our price levels.
Permit you to do WHAT? - Absolutely not!
Precolonial multiple dwelling homesteads, which still exist in rural areas, tended to group lineage clusters or extended families in a semicircular grouping of round or oval one-room dwellings.
Each tree was documented in a grouping of inkjet prints, scanned from charcoal rubbings of the stumps then mounted on platforms placed on the floor.
He pulled it open, revealing a grouping of dark, beadlike bits of metal.
Some would suggest that such a defensive-oriented grouping is long overdue.
Defense re-established in 2008 football Hall class
The collection and the thoughtful subject grouping of the maps is a valuable resource. at
Archive 2007-04-01
The term cerebral palsy is used to describe a grouping of conditions that arise during the initial few years of a child?
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Indeed, social groupings of around 150 seem to crop up throughout human history.
The end of the Cold War has since left it drifting without a purpose but Malaysia, which will take over as the grouping's chair for the next three years, is determined to make this triennial summit a platform for peace.
Geologists are now investigating whether these groupings correspond to another new source of evidence of cyclic patterns in Earth's recent history.
The major political groupings themselves had different attitudes towards moral regulation in the later part of the century.
The Council of the African Synod is a grouping of bishops from 16 African nations.
They are all poets with distinct voices and the mix of such a grouping is always wonderful to hear.
Calabash, The Third Day : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
Their principal product groupings include amplification and signal transmission products.
Zangwill - who knew well that, unless the Arabs were driven from Palestine, creating a Jewish state in this country implied domination of an Arab majority by a Jewish minority - militated in favour of 'territorialism', the project of regrouping Jews on a territory better suited to the purpose than Palestine, wherever it might be - preferably in the United States.
It is vital for the transatlantic relationship; the only grouping that is able to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
This food grouping includes corn, beans, and squash, but is also enriched by the addition of chilies, cactus, maguey, and amaranth.
In this way, infants' ability to detect rhythm, grouping, melodies, and other changes over time are explored.
Gooden, Thomas, and Taylor are among an elite grouping of enterprising and innovative corporate professionals called intrapreneurs.
I'm using the term "song cycle" for Scaling because I'm really grouping these songs together.
Daniel J. Kushner: Vital Vox: "A & Q" With Gelsey Bell
The search parameters let you create your own unique groupings and sort them in various ways.
The established middle class is the largest grouping, comprising one quarter of our population.
Times, Sunday Times
Dr. Vaughan, in eulogistic language, says "The 'Summa Theologica' may be likened to one of the great cathedrals of the Middle Ages, infinite in detail but massive in the grouping of pillars and arches, forming a complete unity that must have taxed the brain of the architect to its greatest extent.
Beacon Lights of History
Already the emerging or actual political groupings are being identified and studied.
Times, Sunday Times
The two men would almost certainly be regrouping on the trawler for a last, determined stand.
Who plays when will be determined by the personnel groupings and the type of plays called.
The middle grouping make up the majority readership of these scandal sheets, but they are also much less likely to read the qualities.
Rational strengths of force groupings for the employment in the zone of active combat operations can be substantiated by two methods.
Political control of the FSA is a key question for the main opposition grouping, the Syrian National Council SNC, which is based in Turkey and referred to dismissively by the regime as the "Istanbul council".
Syria: attack on Homs continues as Assad talks of dialogue - Tuesday 7 February
Well, it's the largest grouping of magmatic features on Earth: huge geysers (Old Faithful can reach 190 feet), hot springs, steaming fumaroles, and mud pots - the sad remains of geysers that have lost their oomph.
A silence fell over the pair as they watched the humans scurry about like worker ants near an anthill, each with their own individual tasks to carry out- and occasionally grouping together for a team effort.
One of the biggest barriers to grouping people is that it's just plain hard to get people to add anything new to their schedules.
Christianity Today
In order to explicitly represent the vowelized word forms, each non-vowelized word entry is considered as a word class regrouping all of its associated vowelized forms.
There exist two clearly defined political groupings in the country - the establishment and the dissidents.
All the groupings and distinctions of modern feminism were present then.
In the elaborate ballets and revels in the "Grove of Daphne" the use of Greek scales, Greek progressions (such as descending parallel fourths long forbidden by the doctors of our era), a trimetrical grouping of measures (instead of our customary fourfold basis), and a suggestion of Hellenic instruments, -- all this lore has not robbed the scene in any sense of an irresistible brilliance and spontaneity.
Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
And which international political grouping they belong to?
Times, Sunday Times
They feared being stuck in geographical groupings where they would share little in common except neighborhood.
Christianity Today
The euro row for the mainstream media and politicians is a bitter feud between rival multimillionaires and the groupings that back them.
Surprisingly, rather than grouping the South Island Brown Teal with the North Island Brown Teal or one of the subantarctic teals, the South Island Brown Teal grouped with the Mallard and Grey Duck.
Ovular characters determine the grouping in the Dicotyledons, van Tieghem supporting the view that the integument, the outer if there be two, is the lamina of a leaf of which the funicle is the petiole, whilst the nucellus is an outgrowth of this leaf, and the inner integument, if present, an indusium.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
DD is in the primary program (age grouping 3 – 6yrs) and DS is in the toddler program (age grouping 18mo – 3yrs).
» (Lack of) Educational Philosophy
The edu component is referred to as the top-level domain TPL, as it is the highest level of grouping to which this name space belongs.
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The third factor or grouping accounted for seven percent of the variance is best described as traditional outreach skills.
Plant groupings along the way, screening and exposing views until you finally see the house and the entrance gardens, which could consist of boxwood, perennials or sweet alyssum edged with perennials and walkways between them.
Fewer and fewer plants are truly deer-resistent
And it is a tight social grouping rather than being drawn from all backgrounds.
Times, Sunday Times
In practice, the experimental semivariogram is calculated by grouping pairs of locations in distance classes.
Forces were already grouping several hundred thousand kilometers away.
This food grouping includes corn, beans, and squash, but is also enriched by the addition of chilies, cactus, maguey, and amaranth.